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Posts posted by G.Kaur

  1. National Geographic had some very informative, interesting, eye-opening articles about the Indian caste system back in 2003. I read them in the non-English versions of the magazine, it's a shame all of them aren't online but I found these:




  2. Hang on a minute!!

    Earlier you said you'd been a nurse for about 1.5 years! What the XXXX? Do they let 14 year olds do jobs like that Scandapendua???

    That's called child labour elsewhere!

    Yeah, can you believe it?

    I'm getting married when I'm 18 and then my life's gonna be so good, so I've been told :) Duhh!

    Hahah 16 I wish! I'm 26.

  3. Suryadev, the day you get hanged... I mean married :D you will understand that men aren't capable of understanding women, just like this quote says:

    “To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.”

  4. Well I guess you haven't seen the few Ravidassia who have been on Facebook for the past few years promoting their Ravidassia quam and being separate from sikhs and being a different quam etc. There are proud chamars, there's even a putt chamara deh song video on youtube bigging themselves up.

    Individuals should also believe in their own qualities and strengths, and not rely on the culture and background.

    Now should they worry about themselves, or worry about others calling themselves jatts? What effect does it have for me to have this label called jatt, does it instill lack of confidence and paranoia in other people? Are labels that threatening? If I am jatt and they're not, so what? Are they not human beings? Are they not individuals just like us? Are they not proud of being human beings? What kinda khalsa gets upset over people calling themselves jatts, what kinda soldier would such a khalsa make? How can one with such feelings fight in khalsa fauj? How can one with such feelings be showing gyan from bani?

    Why do you think Chamars and other people from low-caste backgrounds want to be separate from other Sikhs and have their own kaum? How do they get treated in India and outside India?

    People look down on them, treat them like they are some shit on the streets, they get beaten up for sharing the same water tap with high-caste people, if they date high caste people they will throw acid on their faces and body, they get raped, killed, no one wants to eat in the same room with them, no other castes want to marry them... The list goes on. So don't you understand why they want to be a separate kaum?

    Have you seen these video's on the caste system in India?


    'Untouchable' woman dies after Indian medics refuse treatment


    Talking about Giaan, aren't we as Sikhs supposed to follow and practice Sikhism and the words of our Gurus who constantly said no man should be proud of his caste? There are several Shabads about caste, and I don't think I need to post them.

  5. Now how does a thread about cousin marriages become a jatt bashing thread eh? Don't disrupt threads, make a thread about jatts like "Why do you have to call youself jatt, please stop!"

    Were you or me sikhs in our past lives, you tell me that?!

    My jattness? Look now just because I call myself a jatt doesn't mean I hate everyone else? That would be like saying that because I call myself sikh I have to hate hindus and muslims!!!

    You do know most of these jatt posts on most of these threads are about people hating jatts than jatts hating other people right?

    How often do you see people preaching against being Chura or Chamar or Chandaal or Brahmin or Chinese? lol no its always jatts being preached, it makes jatts feel special that they always have to be mentioned in parchar. It is like being in school, why are you telling me off all the time? But does the kid change his behaviour ever? lol

    I have yet to meet a chura, chamar, chir who is proudly saying "I'm a chamar, I'm so proud of my caste, my culture, my background, I belong to a different race than you..." but I've seen several jatts with that attitude.

  6. Mega LOL

    What have you been cooking today? Hallucegenic mushroom pakoras??

    Oye you!

    I'm not addicted to any other poison than Coca-Cola, I can't help it! :(

    And why is it funny? Punjabis are addicted to chah, I really hate that so I have Coca-Cola instead, it's my chah :)

  7. Errr Dal thanks for dedicating a topic to me but did I miss something? My birthday is in September and I'm not a buddhi yet, I'm still sweet 16 :-) - Speak for yourself, lol - I Can't wait till I get my drivers licence in 2 years, yaaayyyyy

    P.s I listened to the song for 1½ minutes and then I had to turn off the sound! Couldn't you have found a better song, lol

  8. I wasnt intentionally rude and none of it was personal.

    So you don't call this rude and personal?

    Another clueless comment.

    Maybe you should go back to that Ravidassi thread were I had to hammer this into you.

    Didnt you watch the video? It is clear your grasp of history is basic. Do you know alot about industrialisation in early 19th century Europe? Obviously not. Do you know anything about 19th century warfare? Obviously not.

    You dont know what your on about so it's wonder why you bother posting.

    And argue with non-sikhs who are just as moronic as you are?

    You utter moron:

    It's good to see you know you've been proved wrong.

    HSD2, perhaps it's you who should work with your ego and stop acting like one of those blokes from the UK who think they're God's gift to mankind!

  9. Why not just legalise prostitution ,when these days all kind of relations are being accepted then Why to punish a man or woman for just using his body to earn money

    Because more than 95% of all prostitutes (men and women) are forced into prostitution, it's a modern day form of slavery. They don't have a choice, either they are victims of human trafficking or they are in debt and forced to sell their bodies.

  10. It happened sort of suddenly. I'm still fitting into the role.

    "Hear ye, hear ye all. Behold my words for I am the great guru Dal. What I sayeth shall be writ for so is it proclaimed by the great flying spagetti monster in the sky! Beware ye, beware! The horned one lurketh amongst thou even as I speakth."

    "Repent thine arrogant behaviour for the man who unjustly striketh down another with his word is the beast of men and shall suffer eternal damnation and buggery in the depths of the fire pit of the horned one! Repent thine ways!"



  11. When people are discussing and one part doesn't want to discuss anymore it's not necessarily because he/she has given up. Have you ever thought about you can get a headache when discussing with people?

    I can't be bothered to go through all the posts in this topic, but saying things like "my dad's house is bigger than yours na na na" is what we did when we were kids and teenagers, can't we try to act like adults and discuss in a nice and respectful manner? This goes out to me as well.

    Btw when did Dal become a Guru? Did I miss something?

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