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Posts posted by c_gill

  1. Dear Sangat,

    When we are doing the Bhog of Sehaj Paath, I was reading that after RaagMalaa , Jagjee Sahib should be done as well:

    How does this work?

    Read Ragmalaa

    Say Fateh (or is it said after reading Japjee Sahib?)

    Read Japjee Sahib from Saroop or from memory/Gutka Sahib or does it matter?

    What about Aartee Aartaa, I gues this is sung right after the Japjee Sahib is done?

    What do we do with the Nareeal (coconut) after the bhog. I heard somewhere that if it has gone bad on the inside that the Paat has been succesfull? What happens if it is still good. Is it used as parshaad?? Pls provide guidance....

  2. Dear Friends,

    I have also though the same thing many times. My dad has a super old copy of Sharda Pooran Granth, printed by Boota Singh and Sons I think, really old copy it has about 200 shabads. It has the story by Bh. Mani Singh listed above.

    I also have a copy of sankat Mochan it is by Sant Balvinder Singh (anyone know who this is?).

    Sankat Mochan seems to be basically 40 day jaaps of a certain shabad (ussually 108 times a day) and Sharda Pooran seems to much longer jaaps and you have to have jot and dhoof and water kumbh etc, etc.

    Similar things also come up in Bh.Santokh Singh writings about the Mahatam of Japjee Sahib.

    One point though, there are no garauntee's. Even if you do bhagtee there is no garauntee God will accept you. The gifts are only received when he casts his glance upon us and gives it to us. Sometimes he gives without having to do jaaps, sometimes he gives after jaaps done, sometimes he doesn't give you what you want at all or after alot of tests which ususally take you to the a breaking point in life. In which nothing works and you feel broken on the inside...........but sometimes he doesn't do this at all. It' really hard to say.

    Lots of people do jaaps for things but never get them...............it's hard sometimes to understand why or why not.

    Somebody with higher knowledge pls enlighten us with more understanding and insight........I think Karaj Siddhi is the lower levels of bhagtee, gradually one see'e that it is a never ending circle of desires and one shoud move on towards being content.

    When we do jaaps what is the idea behind the tests or imtihans????

    Also which is the proper version of the Bh.Mani Singh sharda pooran granth?

  3. """It is an astonishing fact that 20% of women in America shave because they get daarhi on their face. Even in Sikh world, Maskeen Ji says, those who imitate men and dress like men, end up having beards. If God has made your (female) physical form different from males, then the dressing code is also meant to be different. """"

    Does this mean women who wear keski's and Bana will grow beards? Seeing as they look like men? What about Kakaars are there women and men one's? I always thought that Guru gave the Bana to the sikhs regardless of whether they are women or men....as equals, but maybe not...........What about western clothes they are pretty similar for both men and women. Does this mean men will become women and vice versa? Or he saying a load of crap.........

  4. Dear Sangat,


    I have been recently thinking about the 1984/85 events that happened to our people. I used to be able to read and see the pictures of the event but find I cannot even look at them or read the stories of what has happened anymore - do any of you feel this way? I feel such a deep pain and despair that leaves me depressed and shattered for many days......sometimes I can't function, thinking over and over about the human condition and what has happened to those people? I can't read our history anymore. I am not sure why...................

    The question comes to me time and time again: why has all this has happened and why does it repeat itself so much in our history? Why are so many people always against us?

    I think of the for example women who were raped and survived - do we really think that they will have faith in God after going through such a difficult time? Will they not ask themselves where was God when I was being raped and I cried out for his help? They have become permanently damaged and scared. On top of that our people have not helped them and basically ignored what they went through. How can these people heal and trust in a country or society on the whole? I don't know how they pass there days after going through such a thing........there is no life left to live and I doubt very much they have turned to Sikhi after such a thing.

    Or is the problem us as a Sikh Nation? Have we gone astray from our path and we needed a wake up call? The thing is did we really wake up - from the looks of it I would say no. Rather more people turned away from Sikhi then embraced it after this.

    How could the mobsters loose there mind and do such a thing to innocent people? It makes you think that people are just waiting for a chance to lash out at anybody if given the chance. What has happened to peoples thinking? Who were the actual people who did these acts? Were they poor and frustrated, how did the gov't motivate people to act in such a way on such short notice? How could they bring themselves to do such things?

    Was this whole act a play of karma? Was everybody affected going to receive it anyway?

    When I travel to India though, I always get the feeling the larger population doesn't like Sikhs......for those who have lived there is this the case?

    Pls provide some help/solace to my aching heart....................

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    I was discussing with a friend of mine my fianacial/family problems. He was Gursikh and suggested to me to visit an astrologer to get a remedy of the problem.

    I was quick to say that we only ask Guru for help and what can an astrologer do for me?

    He raised the point that like when we are sick we go to the dr or when the car is broken to a mechanic or when we need cloths we go to a store, the same way is an astrologer. Just a person who can find a remedy to a your problem. He further explained that astrology is not based on any religion, rather scientific alignment of the planets. It applies to everybody regardless of there faith. Rather it doesn't go against our Guru teachings. It the same as going to the dr, does that go against the Guru's teachings? He also says that most people don' t really know anything about astrology - they assume it is Hindu pooja mumbo jumbo. But it is science just like medicine, engineering and others. He also notes it was during the Singh Sabha movment that Sikhs started to think this way............but only the hardcore ones mainstream he says still go to astrologers.

    He also says that Gurbanee is the way to your soul and it doesn't have anything to do with material things (dhandaa - wordly affairs), it's all about reaching the soul and God. We use Banee ot get out material things, but we have twisted the meaning the shabads. For Ex:

    "Thir Gar Basoe Harjan Piarai, Satgur Tumrai Kaaj Savarai"

    The "Kaaj" or work referenced here is not wordly but spiritual progress (i.e bhagtee)

    But Sikhs have twisted the meaning and started to apply them to wordly gains. Therefore our Panth has become commercial not spiritual hence our problems.........

    Basically he is saying that go to the right person for the right thing........if you are sick you don't solely pray you go to the dr etc, etc. In the begining and end a prayer is made to God for blessings.

    Now me being in the distraught/damaged/hopeless state that I am got me thinking. Is what he is saying correct. Pls let me know.............

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