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Posts posted by Koi

  1. 9 hours ago, kdsingh80 said:

    Totally false, in India and in many countries cows are not raised for beef, they are raised for milk.Since people love double and triple standards they just want to blind eye toward cruelities of milk industry

    1) Since much of India now uses tractors can anybody tell me what will a nation do with male calves?

    2) If you allow male calves to grow and live naturally it requires thousands and thousands of crore, from where this money will come

    3) The nations which are harming its cows are now most developed nations

    4) A desi cow gives milk upto 12 years and lives upto 22 years. who will take care of her next 10 years. again it require thousands and thousands of crores to take care of unproductive cows

    5) Since India started buffalo meat export Indian farmers abandoned cows and do buffalo farming Haryana has 79% of Buffaloes while Punjab has 75% of buffaloes out of total milk animals as non productive cows have minus value

    For the record Bro, kharku84 said that, not me

  2. Sorry to hear what you had to go through Bro. Unfortunately, this is not that uncommon, I've seen things like this before. The only thing I can suggest is to not let this put you off marriage. There are plenty of good girls out there. Keep trying, don't give up. 

  3. 3 hours ago, BhagatSingh said:

    It actually really simple.

    Back then certain names were exclusive to certain castes. This is still true nowadays to a some extent

    For example, we know Mangal Pandey is from a Brahmin clan, we know this because the surname - Pandey - that is unique to Brahmin community. Now Pandey is easy to see - it means Pandit. I give this example specifically because it is easy to see how such a name would not be used by non-pandit clans.

    So point is different clans kept different names to make themselves distinct.

    The original surnames of our Panj Pyarey - Das, Ram, Chand - indicate that they belonged to Kshatriya clans but were involved with different professions at the time.

    And that is your sole basis for your assumption? What about oral history, the Khalsa Mool Mantar , and other historical Granths  (Suraj prakash etc?

  4. 2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    I spoke to a few brothers from the US on SS about this topic. They told me that the vast majority of Panjabi parents are too pussy to let their children do this. Even the ones (maybe especially the ones) who grow up in whitebred towns where the majority of goray keep these astaars and practice their use. 

    This is the unfortunate truth, even in the UK. You got this white washed mentality, where you train only to look good.

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