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Posts posted by Koi

  1. Not all women are good at child rearing  (or even want to ) and it's a burden not a privilege.  You speak as if all women love having babies when many view it as a serious burden not a privilege. 

    And yes a father can raise a child just as well as a Mother can.  Seva as Panj Pyaras does not require lifting 250 lbs but just so you know in the Canadian military we have only ONE physical standard which both males and females are required to meet. There is no double standard! 

    so ,child  rearing is a burden  ?

  2. Singh123456777 ,  relax. This is not a competition, regardless of our differing views.

    Satkiran, simply put, if you belive that females can be in the 5, then OK. Because, firstly, at least you know enough to have a view on this. And secondly, don't back down now. Take amrit, from 5 males/females. And progress from there. Just pray that they are spiritually strong. Because I firmly believe that if we make a small mistake on this path, the Guru will set us right. IF it is wrong to have 5 females, the Guru will set you right. If you are right , then all good. 

    It is more important that they are chardi kala gursikhs.

    Take amrit, you're so close....

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