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Posts posted by sikh_fauge

  1. The fact that these so called warrior saints need a criminal organisation to be their henchmen, is kind of ironic if you ask me.

    I hope the sanatan sikh world ignores this nonsense and continues creating awareness for the sikh masses..myself, and many others, have been deeply inspired by the likes of shastarvidiya.org and chardi kala gursikhs like nidar singh.

    For me, the sanatan perspective on spirituality and sikhi, is what has really opened up an avenue of learning for me..its made me challenge everything (nice name singh)..beleif is about understanding..how can you beleive in something you dont understand..feel..neigh, experience?

    Before i start going off on one, the point to this message is spread the word!! (i know you nihangs aint scared of boss,etc but im trying to show my support lol)


  2. Orchids i dont know where to start

    a) theres nothing "wrong" with a gurl who smokes and drinks..you wanted to commit suicide, maybe thats their way of dealing with what life throws at them..dont assume why people do what they do..life isnt black and white

    B) i think you misunderstood me when i said study..anyone can take up a course in anything..what im saying is, be a complete student..try and absorb yourself in your work so you dont have time to think about a woman..the lordy knows i dont have time!! and at 19 theres loads of things you can take up! (its not too late!)

    c) jatts rule lol joke..i know where your coming from, alot of jatts do give it the big 'un..but its ego at the end of the day..and ignorance really..just ignore them..i get alot of akjs (most of the ones i know are "thakan" who abuse jatts all the time..but it doesnt bug me..because its insecurities on their side)

    d) my names fauge..sikh fauge (not guy)

    e) your 19 years not 19 months..stop feeling sorry for yourself..if your so hell bent on being paka in your rehit, then focus on your bhagti and become learned in gurmat sangeet; shastar vidiya; become learned in our three scriptures, etc etc. Theres loads to do..get cracking init!!

  3. No offence, but at 19 you should be focusing on studying hard.

    Women come and go, put your head down and get to where you want in life..a woman wont make you complete if you havent acheived your goals. Get that out the way and gyal dem will come in time.

    P.S dont kill yourself. Then you wont be able to talk to anyone singh!! Theres alot to live for mate. Life aint that bad. Beleive me. Your problems are mi-nute compared to some people; remember that!

  4. Yes yes neo!!

    All about the uk guys, the smelly wirgins, the bullshite bobs, the nihangs (o jeeessssssss) and last but not least, the poo loving ways of bari. :D

    Not forgetting the murshids and wahabis..and remember, a man is a man, a voman a voman

    Gold advice man! lol

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