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Posts posted by Dharma

  1. About two weeks, its good! I thought the door frame would come down but its really robust and the bar itself does not move around while using it.

    I've seen these before. They work by directing the force of your bodyweight horizontally into the door frame instead of it pulling down vertically. This way the frame can withstand a lot of force because it gets squeezed.

  2. Thanks for the links bhooliya. There are some good resources on musis on that site. Koenraad Elst is good for that. I was reading a book by Sita Ram Goel recently which is interesting. I will share the link:

    Muslim Separatism

    Causes and Consequences

    Sita Ram Goel

    Voice of India, New Delhi


  3. And you know the Red Indians actually rolled out the red carpet for the anglos when they first arrived and saved them from starving to death. In return they got genocided.

    Here are some extracts from a book written by a Native American about the British genocide there. He uses anglo sources to show what they did.

    In July 1763, General Jeffery Amherst, the Commander-in-Chief of British forces in North America, sent a memo to Colonel Henry Bouquet, a Huguenot in the service of England, asking:

    “Could it not be contrived to send the Smallpox among the disaffected Tribes of Indians?”

    Bouquet replied: “I will try to inoculate the Indians with some blankets that may fall into their hands, and take care not to get the disease myself.”

    Amherst answered: “You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians by means of blankets.”

    Amherst’s contempt for the Indians is amply reflected in his journals and correspondence, though it may perhaps be doubted whether he was more bigoted than the average official of his Time!1

    An “execrable race”2 was the General Amherst’s favourite description for the Amerindians; Colonel Bouquet’s favourite was “the vilest of brutes.”3 This racist language clearly reveals that White supremacist beliefs were prime factors in their desire to commit genocide. Lawrence Shaw Mayo states in his biography of Amherst:

    As he sped on his way to the relief of Fort Pitt, the Colonel exchanged interesting suggestions with the General as to the most efficient manner of getting rid of the redskins. His first orders to Bouquet were that he wished “to hear of no prisoners should any of the villains be met with arms.” Besides using smallpox the two gentlemen contemplated another method: “As it is a pity to expose good men against them, I wish we could make use of the Spanish method, to hunt them with English dogs.” Amherst lamented that “the remoteness of merry England made the canine aid impracticable.”4


    These inhumanities were carried out and condoned by a White supremacist population under the guise of helping the Christian Church spread its version of enlightenment. To disavow that most of the European population were involved rings hollow, because the evil was known by everyone and largely unopposed—a fact verified by the historical record.


  4. Another thing I remembered.

    In the bit where the caretaker Delbert Grady is telling Jack to kill his family they are in the bathroom and the decor is blood red. This symbolises murder. Decor is important. The rest of the hotel, which represents America, is decked out in Native American wall hangings, carpets and architectural designs.


  5. Most of them are, a few individuals here and there (most likely triabl leaders who had access to grants and mineral rights) is hardly representative of the millions... the article starts of with the sad state of the Sioux.

    Yes. I was just a bit puzzled as to why so many Americans believe they are living in the lap of luxury.

    Never knew that about the Shining.. have the 'under lying' themes been admitted by the writer of the story..?

    I'm not certain shaheediyan. The original novel was written by Stephen King. I haven't read it but I don't think it is about Native American genocide. The article linked above mentions that the bit of dialogue about fending off Red Indian attacks when the hotel was being built is not in the book. I don't think Kubrick (the director) ever said his film was about it.

  6. People think we are living high off the hog on welfare and casinos

    Strange, I've never thought that. I had the Native Americans pegged as dirt poor. I wonder how these myths originate and why they gain such widespread acceptance.

    Have you seen the movie The Shining? It is about the Native American genocide. It's an allegory of it, filled with hidden meaning.

    Read this. There are many interesting details:


    There are a couple of other things not mentioned in the article, like when the bartender Lloyd and caretaker Jack Torrance are talking, Jack refers to drinking his drinks as "White Man's Burden" which happens to be the title of a Rudyard Kipling poem and was the British equivalent of "Manifest Destiny". And the bit where Jack embraces a naked woman but then finds that she is hideously diseased. This symbolises the diseases Anglo Saxons deliberately gave to the natives. As described in the article, the interplay between the characters in the hotel represents American history. The ghostly caretaker Grady who encourages Jack to kill his family represents the experienced British colonialist killers, aggressive and murderous Jack represents white American colonists, and his pacific and frightened wife and son represent the natives.

  7. There you go with your apologist vibe. Like these people never rinsed the hell out of the Sikh country and caused its destruction. Contrary to what you like to espouse, we aren't under any obligation to be eternally grateful to be here. Most of us pay our own way, so you can stop going on about these 'benefits'. Your deference is unhealthy and only a hair breadth from sycophancy. Be careful or you might get publically wheeled out as a pro west token one day. But maybe this is the position you are working for? I'm glad there are still some non arse licking Sikhs about.

    Funny thing is, as someone who usually shows so much love for modern day akali nihungs, you'd probably hate the original true ones as they were especially known for being rude to Europeons, read white men.

    Before you make comments about this in future just consider it as some of us keeping up an old maryada ourselves. lol

    I think only Indians (specifically Hindus & Sikhs) say this kind of thing about living on the white man's benefits or "go back home" if you complain about anything. I don't think any blacks or Chinese would do that. These same Indians wouldn't dream of telling a white man in USA/Canada/Aus/New Zealand to go back to his ethnic homeland (which is precisely what some Chinese said to Free Tibet protesters at the time of the 2008 Beijing Olympics). The reason for this is that whites are the dominant tribe. The stereotype of the servile Indian isn't without substance.

    You will find this an interesting read. The author writes about how Indians fawn over whites while whites tend to regard them as irritants at best. Notice that he worked in the UK for more than two decades so he's probably knows what he's talking about.


  8. You have to keep an eye on trends Tony. Just like many Muslims were not like they are now a few decades ago, and the community transformed, the same thing is happening with goray. I have a feeling these things go around in cycles.

    I somewhat disagree with your suggestion that goray have become more tolerant though. Progress has been made but it is a fairly fragile one. I think legislation has made the racist ones more surreptitious in their hate. Fear of law has restrained the impulse to physically attack "asians". Once the mood swings here (which could happen the way things are going), they will be less restrained. Time will tell. I am not trying to apologise for sullay. I lived in East London which has more of them than many places. I know about the staunch anti Sikh types. But there are plenty of white towns in the Uk, where brown people do not go. If they did they are highly likely to be abused, verbaly and physically. They wouldn't care a monkeys if you was Sikh or Muslim. Most of our people are smart enough not to go to these places. That is why such people are off the radar for us. But don't forget these hitherto silent lumpen section of racists.

    BTW, I have worked with both sides like you. Are you discounting the institutionlised racism that is part and parcel of the corporate world here?

    Sorry I've decided to edit this post because it was so messy. Don't worry the points are basically the same.

    dalsingh is right, the progress on race relations is fragile. Whites could easily become more rightwing just as Muslims have in recent years. A lot of racism these days is done slyly in a passive-aggressive way and victims usually tolerate it because they cannot prove it. Race laws and political correctness have pushed it underground. Inquiries usually find that non-whites are given a harder time than whites in various UK institutions. This is why I am wary about contributing to this anti-sullah thing.

    Goray aren't always as nice and moral as they seem to be. I remember reading a post by a guy a while back by a guy who worked at a UK university. He wrote about how there was a really nasty white female student there who with her friends continually baited an Asian Muslim student (whom he did not describe negatively, so he was most likely harmless). She took it so far that the guy eventually flipped and she ended up locked in a room with him and a butcher's knife. The Police ended up involved. He was arrested and removed (understandably) while she got sympathy from everyone. And she is still carrying on in the same manner with other victims. It's just something I have noticed more than once. Goray can be very admiring of nasty bullying people.

    There seems to be more negative feeling towards Asians in the UK than other groups. I've noticed some white people not say bad things about blacks being receptive to negative stereotypes about Asians that depict us as greedy, evil, dirty, dishonest and scheming, etc. Remember how Shilpa was treated on Big Brother. They were OK with Jermaine Jackson. The Secret Policeman documentary also revealed a fixation with Asians, and it wasn't just the bigmouths who were like that. The training instructor and the rest of the trainees showed the same attitude, only they had the sense to not flaunt it at every opportunity, but it was clear when it was announced that the Asian trainee was backtracked. What led to the Oldham riots showed the same. It wasn't just the BNP, there was collusion by police and the local press. Local chavs boasted on TV about how the area is a no-go area for non-whites and promised a race war specifically mentioning Asians.

  9. Also as I said above

    birth rate of muslims is quite high so other religions will always feel threatened with them and their communal feelings will arise

    Maybe so, but you must bear in mind that the Muslim birth rate thing is used by white racial groups like the BNP/EDL to stir people up. And a few large Muslim families isn't really a major thing when you consider that white people have totally dominated the land of the native Red Indian without any regard for them.

    Also, "Muslim" effectively means brown people. You won't hear about a white guy with a beard & skullcap or a white woman in hijab being seriously attacked. It's brown people and Sikhs who get it worst.

  10. Multiculturalism only works if you exlude Muslims from it.

    Strictly speaking the statement is false.

    I can think of the names of several secular Muslims, past and present. Mohammad Rafi, A.R. Rahman, Bismallah Khan, APJ Abdul Kalam, Mishal Husain, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. There are instances of Muslim women marrying non-Muslims. It's rare but it does happen. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown being one example, and also A.R. Rahman's mum was a Muslim and his dad a Hindu. Some Muslims in India participate in non-Muslim religious ceremonies and are patriotic. Some are only ethnically Muslim and don't really practice, like Shabana Azmi.

    Some UK Muslims do try to integrate and get on with local white people but can be shunned or victimised. I saw a Panorama documentary which examined the notion that immigrants are unwilling to integrate. It showed secret footage of a Muslim man who with his family moved into a white area. He immediately visited his neighbours home and gave them chocolates and introduced himself. Thereafter however, he was totally ignored. Obviously that is his neighbour's prerogative, but you can see that he was willing to integrate into the society.

  11. Sorry dalsingh. That article does not contain excerpts from the documentary, just Howe's comments in an interview.

    Anyway, I watched part 2. Yes the whites shown in Oldham were extremely racist and wicked. One has to see the documentary to see how bad the situation is.

    Here is a post about the topic I found on the Internet some time ago:

    Unfortunately Oldham has a history of heavy racism in the local police and media, before Asians started fighting back (which they shouldn't do and certainly shouldn't need to do) the police would take much longer to respond to calls from asian victims, and rarely treat any attacks as racially motivated.

    In 1999, the police nationally had to record racial attacks, but by then, many asians had gotten fed up with police who refused to protect them, and wrongly took matters into their own hands. Consiquently, the police started recording asian attacks on whites as racial, but white attacks on asians as just muggings etc. (also in Luton, Liberian mate of mine had his car keyed after recieving racial abuse, police said there was nothing they would, I mean could do)

    The police went to the media saying that their figures showed the problem was caused by asians.

    Walter Chamberlain was mugged by asians, he and his family did not consider it a racist attack, but that didn't stop the police reporting it as such to the media, who in turn escalated the issue.

    As I mentioned, on the same day as Walter's attack, an asian taxi driver was lured to his death by a gang of whites, but that was never reported in the local media.

    The BNP increased their anti-asian rehtoric, along with other racist thugs, planning attacks etc from pubs.

    Then it all kicked off.

    The police were seen by many white residents as kicking the doors in of asian families and dragging them out for a beating.

    Many elderly residents said they were more terrified of the police than the rioters.

    If the police had been doing their job properly, and tackled the racists on either side, rather than supporting the white ones, the riots probably would not have happened.

    Incidently, in 95/96, £53 million was given to Hathershaw and Fitton Hill (white areas), while only £16 million was given to Westwood and Glodwick (asian areas), which are of the most deprived areas.

    So much for the idea that the goverment are bending over backwards to serve the non-indigenous caucasians at the expens of indigenous caucasians.

    I'm afraid I don't have a link for that.

    I've seen a few other interesting things on TV which might reveal some dark and ominous undercurrents of society.

    I remember a documentary, I think it might have been part of the BBC White Season series. It featured a father and son who lived in the vicinity of an Asian area, perhaps in Yorkshire. The son was a skinhead, lots of tattoos. A C18 type. Like those people in White Tribe he predicted a race war in the coming years. Disliking Asians seemed to be the norm for the whites.

    Another documentary I saw, perhaps it was on ITV, featured a Bangladeshi Muslim family somewhere like Oldham or Burnley. There was a mother and her son and daughter, both aged around twenty. It presented a contrasting scene. The son was dating a local white girl from an estate. The daughter however was rather hysterical and declared that whites are not to be allowed into the house. It was apparent that the girl was a very traumatized person. I think her mental state was the result of prolonged victimisation at the hands of white racists.

    And there was also the play about the Bradford riots a few years back on Channel 4. It showed what led up to the riots. There was a bit where a gang of whites had surrounded a single Asian kid and were giving him a really good kicking, and the police stood nearby and not only did nothing to stop it, but stopped other Asians from helping the victim.

  12. I didn't see the Oldham bit. I was googling and found this quotation from the programme:

    "There are also lots of young Pakistanis, and most of them are making money, wheeling and dealing, wearing the suits - and the hatred from the whites, the real, bitter, twisted hatred. I'd never come across that before. It was a violent hatred. They wanted the Pakistanis physically eliminated."


  13. Vitamin D deficiency been linked theoretically to Multiple Sclerosis because the disease is more common in places with less sunlight. The highest per capita incidence in the world is in Scotland. And I recently read that South Asians born in the UK are more susceptable to MS than those who migrated here as adults. Diet and sunlight in the formative years might be important factors here.

    Personally I do take cod liver oil for the Vitamin D but I don't bother with any other nutritional supplement.

  14. Really hilarious standup.

    It's true blacks do get called "Mondays". I've heard of Asians being referred to as "Reebok Trackies" too in the UK in case you are not familiar with that one.

    And his commentary shows that racist whites do not really making a distinction between South Asians and Arabs (and Central Asians too). All get grouped together as brown people. Here is an interesting post I found on the web which draws the same conclusion.

    Bubby69 Says:

    April 18th, 2009 at 7:23 am

    I a British and in my opinion, alot of it is racism..

    We have turned into a country of armchair racists..

    Very few white English people have got any time for muslims,arabs or asians…..


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