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Posts posted by fordcapri

  1. Was listening to two radio stations who were organizing events under the Visakhi banner.

    One was a dinner and dance which is hosted by a Punjabi station, who does give allot coverage to the Sikh faith i.e. reciting of prayer, kirtian, dhadi etc.

    I know uni students organize gigs under the visakhi banner which is still wrong but radio station like this to be organising Visakhi dinner and dance is wrong, didnt expect this from them.

  2. Over the past 15 years in the u.k especially in Birmingham, the chip trade has been trade has been taken over.

    We now have 99p deals everywhere.

    Not everyone wants to use them but they are every where.

    This our opportunity to list Legal chip shops to use.

    High st chip shop Smethwick high st

    Chip stop Birmingham Rd west brom

    Brookvale Chippy Erdington

    Bromford Chippy Erdington

    Flower pot chippy –west brom

    Dyas – Hampstead

    Hampstead chippy - Hampstead

    Brooklyin Chippy - Great Barr

    Marcos Chippy - Great Barr wasall rd hard to tell with them.

    Hawthorn Chippy Kingstanding.

    Rookery Road - Handsworth.

    Uplands Chippy Handsworth

    ivans - cradley heath

    hooked on fish - cradley heath

    pannys place?? - netherton

    blue submarine - russels hall estate,dudley

    priory fryer - priory rd, dudley

    our plaice - halesowen

    balds lane fish bar - lye

    add yours

  3. I tell you straight. I have no problems with mixed marriages as long as the kids are brought up Sikh. I think the genetic mixture could actually be good. You are nuts Ford Cortina! Only a few days ago you were cussing the Grewal family fotr being inbred, now you are promoting inbreeding! You seem confused. Thing with modern Sikhs is that they have really poor experience with integrating others into the panth. We have to learn this soon or stand and watch others assimilate us into their societies in droves. I have a nephew who is half Jewish by descent. But he is Sikh by faith. He has adopted the identity off his own back. So it can be done. You just have to make sure the kids feel maan of being a part of the panth, that's all. But if you're acting like a scared giddarh, how will they do this? Most of how they behave is learned from observing you - remember that! In my view Sikhi is strongest as an belief system, not a racial category.

    This is about belief - not DNA! Besides who promotes inter-racial relationships more than Anglos anyway. Open your eyes!

    Gene pool can be spread enough with out marrying outsiders.

    That lot across the border are a prime example of getting it all wrong.!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. BTW how's that Spy-On-Your-Daughter private detective agency going on?

    What started of as a company looking in to fraud, bogus sickness claims, general surveillance, turned in to people wanting to no what there daughters husband/wives get up to.

    It’s not my company by the way.

    ..........”south Asians” are the biggest customers at times especially with daughters..............

  5. Do you agree with this statement?

    Fordcapri is absolutely terrified of Muslims and is a white man's ass licker as a result. He needs to go to the gym and train in martial arts instead of idolising white supremacist/neo-nazi groups as potential saviours from sulleh. A better alternative would be for him to quietly join the British army and go to Pak/Afghan and actually fight the sulleh he hates so much. But he probably doesn't have the tuttay to do this.

    What d'you think?

    First of all I didnt come up with statement I read it somewhere and just wondered what people thought of it.

    Secondly you're forming personal opinions of me when you dont know me, I do go gym and trained in martial arts for a few years.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp43tn8r4Vs

    I welcome the exposure of Bogus Babar/Saints via video recording.

    I feel the next stage is the use of body cameras which could be placed on someone shoulders or chest (a small camera which no one can see)

    Then engage in conversation with these Pankdis, about what so called vammi powers they have and also how much these bogus types want for their services.

    Sikhi will take your mind away a bogus barbar / Sant will just take your money away

  7. I think our dear friend is on about the Grewals from the channel 4 show 'The Family'. Look fc, if your island monkey mates in your local pub dont like watching a programme about lower-middle class asians with jobs, tell them to go and do something to themselves. You dont need to imitate their retarding thinking.

    Your accusation is no near the truth and whats with sympathy for Embarrassing Punjabi Bollywood types. ?

  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/beds/bucks/herts/8387110.stm

    Been said to be the most powerful muslim women in the uk, i also no she drives an expensive car paid bt the tax payer.

    what do make of the news?

  9. Heres a snap shot of messages that possible Bnp Sikh voters have been receiving they show messages from both sides.

    So you decide who are the real racists?

    Pro BNP People

    you vote for who you want to mate. Your Forefathers fought for this country so you can have a vote in a democratic country and not to be told who to or not to vote for and be patronized. It is interesting to note that The NAZIs also had Muslim troops but Sikhs were and have remained Loyal to Britain. Vote BNPif you so wish. We welcome you with open arms!

    The Sikhs welcomed the 4 mercian regiment back to wolverhampton after there tour in Afgainistan.

    Thats what interegration looks like ! not abuseing our troops in Luton

    big respect. i am a bnp voter and we will stand strong alongside people who are sikh and hindu and black people of any religion. DONT believe what the media says, we dont hate people, just politicians who have flooded Britain with Third World immigrants who have no intention of assimilating or even working! Sikhs are brilliant, really loyal, hard working etc

    Muslims/Extreme left Wing liberals

    #### the smelly sikhs and the indians up the smelly ###. <banned word filter activated> off back to india. u smelly sikh ####.

    u r mother ##### smelly sikh. the hindu's give u good hiding in 1984. how did u escape little smelly sikh. mother #####r the hindus should finishes u off. u r not even wanted india never mind england. because u r not loyal to any1. thats the problem...

  10. But it's okay to have something to do with the BNP who have links with the Klu Klux Klan, Combat 18 and the NF.

    Ford, seriously look at what you are saying. It is majorly retarded. Do you have learning difficulties?

    To say is someone is retarded just cos someone as different view point too yourself is low, if you want a constructive debate we can carry, childish insults and it stops here.

  11. Fordcapri, you cant post tidbits of conversations as that would give a skewed version of events. At least be honest about this so we can see what the machinations are inside UAF. Good evidence on their views would be useful but like dalsingh said no one looks after the sikh nation apart from us sikhs so we cant expect a lot from these people.

    Best thing to do HSD is for you to contact the UAF yourselve, and you will see their attitude.

  12. Fordcapri/robisnotdeadyet, can you put up what you sent to the UAF and then put up what their response was? The part you put in bold, if true, is a seriously bad reflection on UAF.

    I will try to find what i still have left in my messages, heres one i have.

    PaulMcCoch:Where were you at the many 'Nil by Mouth' anti-sectarian meetings rallies and marches?.

    The majority of British Sikhs have no opinion on your sectarian Kahlistan. And the majority of British Sikhs get along with the British Muslim community. It seems you are a sectarian aye?.

  13. Take your time and answer all the questions if you will. The BNP questions are valid Fordcapri, it's no secret you toy with voting for them, you have said as much many many times on SS.

    I think you need some advice and support from your Sikh brothers and not neo nazis that internally hate you and rather you wasn't here, despite whatever they say.

    Hopefully we can share opinions and experiences and grow from it.

    I CONSIDER voteing for them.

  14. That is rich coming from you Fordcapri. You, who openly flirts with the BNP. Don't you know that a few years ago the same people attacked and even murdered Sikhs under the NF banner.

    Be honest, do you feel scared of Muslims? Is that what is driving you into the arms of neo nazis?

    Do you have any faith in Sikhs being able to defend themselves in any strife that may manifest itself? Is it your lack of courage and faith that drives you support BNP notions?

    Plus are you from up north?

    I have to say, I like this forum because it doesn't generally have nazi apologists on it. I hope you are not going to change this?

    Are you on some campaign to persuade Sikhs that the BNP are somehow good for us?

    If Sikhs have problems with any sulleh should they not go to their friends and family for help, not the BNP?

    Please take the time and answer.


    Alot of questions there which i will need to sit down and answer, but for now can i ask you why you have brought BNP in to this its not a BNP thread, you are making in to one.

    Il answer one of your questions for now. I am not a miserable northerner who eats gravey and chips and goes to Blackpool for their Holidays !!!

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