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Mr §ingh

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Posts posted by Mr §ingh

  1. I dont rally have a lot of time right now

    but there are plenty of cases where kids remember their previous life.

    theres this drama on BBC1 playing right NOW about it...

    I'll send u a link later...

    and there have been plenty of documentaries about it


    Reincarnation is being proved with near death experiences and hypnosis

    plenty of more evidence can be found:


    I'll get back to you later :)

    bhull chukk maaf

  2. According to Shi'a sources Aisha was much older, in her late teens when she married the Prophet (SAS) whereas the Sunnis state that she was 9.

    The Shia version is in my eyes more authentic because Shia sources have proper lineage whereas Sunni sources have gone through changes

    I asked my friend..who's a SHIA..and said thta Aisha infact WAS NINE years old :)

    and I asked some other muslims, who all said thta

    the Bukhjari IS reliable :)

    bhull chukk maaf

  3. THis is the one I sent:

    Dearest Sir,

    This letter is a reaction to the statement made whilst giving a speech in Oklaholma. It has been very upsetting to hear the comment, comparing Sikhs to the IRA, and Basque Separatists, whilst talking about terrorist.

    It would appreciated to know, what Mr Kerry based his information on. One mans terrorist, is another's freedom fighter. IF the Sikhs are terrorists, then would George Washington not also be interpreted as one?

    Looking forward to your reply


    Virpal Singh (Sweden)


    I was inspired by another person, who wrote a letter to him, on Sikhnet :)

    bhull chukk maaf :)

  4. The Sikhs, just 7,000 and counting in France, are the smallest minority affected by the proposed ban, but their Europe-wide campaign has been the loudest.

    Sikh soldiers of the 15th regiment in Marseilles who fought in France during WW I.. more then 10.000 sikhs lost their lives after the british rulers pulled them out of india to defend the europeans against germany.

    big time RESPECT to my brothers in France :D

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