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Mr §ingh

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Posts posted by Mr §ingh

  1. Have a read through following:


    the link is a direct translation fo the Hadith Sahih Bukhari, which is regarded as RELIABLE from the Muslims, I've asked

    here's what BUkhari says:

    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

    Narrated 'Aisha:

    that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).


    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65:

    Narrated 'Aisha:

    that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)'


    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 66:

    Narrated Sahl bin Sad:

    A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I present myself (to you) (for marriage). She stayed for a long while, then a man said, "If you are not in need of her then marry her to me." The Prophet said, "Have you got anything m order to pay her Mahr?" He said, "I have nothing with me except my Izar (waist sheet)." The Prophet said, "If you give her your Izar, you will have no Izar to wear, (so go) and search for something. He said, "I could not find anything." The Prophet said, "Try (to find something), even if it were an iron ring But he was not able to find (even that) The Prophet said (to him). "Do you memorize something of the Qur'an?" "Yes. ' he said, "such Sura and such Sura," naming those Suras The Prophet said, "We have married her to you for what you know of the Quran (by heart)."


    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 67:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    The Prophet said, "A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission)."


    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 68:

    Narrated 'Aisha:

    I said, "O Allah's Apostle! A virgin feels shy." He said, "Her consent is (expressed by) her silence."

    Personal view on this:

    I said, "O Allah's Apostle! A virgin feels shy." He said, "Her consent is (expressed by) her silence."

    I think her silence rather depends on her such tender age, and the fact that 9 yr old Girls USUALLY don't know about such stuff :roll:

    Bhull chukk maaf :)

  2. MR Singh

    Ummm, Its actually HARDER to find the time to do naam simran, seva, and paat when you have to be married and live a family life.

    So thats kinda wierd idea.

    If a person doesnt get married and lives by themselves, don't they have tonnes more time than married couples to do the simran etc?

    HUman being is stuck in WORDLY affairs


    'Gobind Millan ki eho teri Bariya'

    Gur Fateh!

    I have found it hard to understand why this view has developed within the Panth...for it is one derived from Vaishnav Hindoo movements such as the Hare Krishnas (and now strangely adopted by Sikh Organisations and Groups who proudly tend claim to be following Tat Gurmat Maryada)...nature produces far more Libido than that required for reproduction alone...

    I was basing my post on My Opinion, not what some Hindu movement says :)

    ...if you equate Sex totally with Lust, then I suggest you please reconsider your understanding of Sex and also have a read of Charitropakyan for the Guru's instruction on Sex within marriage...



    I shall, thers jsut one Problem.

    I got to begin Understanding and followign Jaapji Sahib, and begin Following DHAN DHAN SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI,

    only then can I arrive to Dasam Granth :)

    also For some reason, thers a missunderstanding whether above is GURBANI OR NOT..

    I'm nether pro of COns, as I havn't read it but jsut felt it could be good to bring up

    Bhull chukk maaf ;)

  3. WEll Amrik, take it this way, In my opinion, Sex is for REPRODUCTION, for pleasure in my opinion is LUST

    now AnandKarj is when two body's become one soul ...or is it opposte :?

    and I TIHNK Maharaj says, that with Anand Karj, you've got your parenter, which amkes it easier when its two fo you to do Naam Jaapna , and achive salvation :)

    hoep that explains it :?

    bhull chukk maaf

  4. I( don't know PHP myself

    but if your talking about boards like forum like this one

    then try invisionboard.com

    its the EASIEST ONE, you just need to havephp, and nysql on your server.

    I don't know ANYTHING ABOut php or mysql, but I earlier on managed to instal on of those invisionboards

    really easy if you folow the instructions

    this board is a phpbb board

    when I tried to instal that, I got stuck on the 3 or 4th stp :LOL::P

    I personally don't know PHP, but want to leanr myself :)

    hope that helps :P

    bhull chukk mafa :)

  5. This is a post by a brother of mine who wanted to reply being anonymous :):

    Lalleshvari on the sabat soorat post wrote -;

    Wise words and one would wish he would follow his own advice and write not such posts when it suits his purpose but forget about them when it doesn't. Such advice is also relevant with other writings such as Rehatnamas and other old texts. On a side note, I have found the views of 'young born again Singhs' and 'Retired Engineers' to be much more reliable than the views of Lalleshvari, mainly because these young Sikhs and Engineers don't try to bend Gurbani to suit their own agenda, something that sadly cannot be said about Lalleshvari. Lalleshvari also has some chip on his shoulder against people such as young born again Singhs and retired engineers who try to research Gurbani and Sikh history. Apparently such things should only be left to 'professional scholars' like Lalleshvari or as he claimed to be on a Shia site I am considered an Alim ( scholar ) in my community Lol, yeah right !. I have come across people in Punjab who have no university education but would put a 'professional scholar' like Lalleshvari to shame !.

    As always Lalleshvari doesn’t reveal the whole truth. Why allow the facts to get in the way of a story that seems to support his personal beliefs in the shia imams.

    Now the facts

    1. The ‘support’ that lalleshvari claims that Guru Nanak gives to the Shia view of the successors of Mohammed doesn’t really exist in the Janamsakhi. Abu Bakr isn’t even mentioned !.

    2. The Bhai Mani Singh Janamsakhi is not Gurbani, many scholars believe that the name of Bhai Mani Singh was attached to this Janamsakhi so that the writer could claim some authority for his work. It seems that the author used Bhai Gurdas’s 1st Vaar as the basis of some of his sakhis but he has added other material mainly from his fertile imagination. The writer also uses material from 'Makke Medine di goshti', a apocryphal work which has never been accepted as the work of Guru Nanak.

    3. The sakhi that Lalleshvari seems to be using to link the Guru to his personal beliefs in the Shia imams in ‘Mashad Jaanaa’. The relevant portion of this sakhi is that a group of Shia Muslims ask Guru Nanak,

    Sunni Jo Hain So Mohammed Noon Manhdai Hain Atay Asin Jo Ha So Ali Noon Manhdai Ha, So Tusin Kaho Ki Duhan Vichon Vishekh Kavan Hoiya. Ta Baba Kahiya Ki Jauaanmardi Karkai Ar Shastaran Karkai Ali Vadheek Hoiya Hai, Atay Ilam Karkay Mohmmed Vadeek Hoaiya, Ar Samajh Karkai Donno Ikko Jahey Hai.

    The sunnis believe in mohammed and we ( shias ) believe in Ali. Tell us which of these two is special ( better ). Baba said because of tradition of chivalry ( spiritual ) and use of weapons Ali is better. But due to knowledge ( revelation ) Mohammed is better but understand that both are the same.

    As can be seen from this quote, Lalleshvari seems to have added 2 and 2 and as usual come up with 5 !. True to form he doesn’t let the facts get in the way of his promoting his shia views even whilst claiming to be a Sikh. In fact he even went on a shia site to calls Singh Sabha and AKJ Sikhs as b*stards ! as well as claiming that the Gurus supported Ali over Abu Bakr !. Thereby dragging our beloved Gurus names into a needless controversary just because it propped up his shia inclinations. Perhaps someone should tell him that when you become a Sikh you leave all your previous inclinations towards other beliefs at the door.

    Lalleshvari appears to treat this janamsakhi especially this obscure and unreliable sakhi as if it were Gurbani even going on to say-;

    The above quote from Lalleshvari begs the question, who made him an authority on Sikhi and what gives him the right to claim to speak for all Sikhs simply to further his personal beliefs in the shia imams.

    Without doubt Lalleshvari would want us to accept this sakhi as authentic but there are a few difficulties in this sakhi. If we were for one moment to believe that Bhai Mani Singh one of the greatest scholars of Sikhism wrote this sakhi then are we to believe that he was not even aware of the basic schism between Sunni and Shia ?. The salhi has Shias saying that Sunnis believe (manhdai ) in Mohammed and Shias believe in Ali. Even a shia wannabe like Lalleshvari would know that this is not the case. BOTH believe in Mohammed but shias believe Ali is the successor of Mohammed and Sunnis believe it was Abu Bakr. So the Sakhi is incorrect. What does it say about Bhai Mani Singh, could he have made such a basic mistake ? The answer has to be no, so it must have been written by someone else and that someone did not have much knowledge of sunni-shia schism but a very fertile imagination.

    It might be news to Lalleshvari but the Gurus were not the least bit concerned whether some Abu Dabbu or some Ali Malli was the true successor of Mohammed. They didn’t even consider it fit to mention mohammed by name in their Bani whereas they have mentioned and lauded ‘lesser’ bhagats ( in Islamic terms ) such as Kabirji and Namdevji !.

    Please note that I'm not taking part fo this discussion :)

    Bhull chukk maaf

  6. 1. To Mr SIngh: Sufis are Muslims and it's just the Wahabis (the site you indicated is wahabi) who don't accept them.


    My Shia AND SUNNI FRIENDS say that they're something WIERD and NOT real muslims :roll:

    btw you never replied t rest of my queries:

    Lallesh I wan to know what you mean by

    'IF you want to become a eral Muslims, then read Gurbani'

    I had a GOOD laugh when reading that

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