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Mr §ingh

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Posts posted by Mr §ingh

  1. LOVE YOU MAN...:D You'r ALWAYS to the resque :D

    I was discussing with a Hindu how Panjab wasn't with India prior 47 ..she was like yes, yes it was..

    I had that Map on my site.,.- she took it as an'unreliable src' and said I might have fabricated it :LOL:

    thanks a LOT man..really kind of you ;):D

    GurFateh :D

  2. If they were guroo da sikhs they wouldnt have created section fallacies against islam. There was no need for that.

    Its GOod to know if your discussing with a Muslim, and he tries to push down SIkhism - Yes you should go down to their level however, whilst in discussion if they question you , you can question their faith, and not just stand there completly silent thinking Islam is perfect ... Hence SO many Sikhs getting converted :roll:

    Agree with Akali Sirtor Singh's 3 & 4th point COMPLETLY!

    3) no sikh commits female infanticide, punjabis do.. anybody who does will go to hell and is not a sikh.

    4) im not even going to answer this. this is the stupidest thing I have ever been asked. literally.

    Minute they saw fallacies in islam its just puts them off not only from the site but also from soo called "amrit-dhari" sikhs.

    Might be cause MOST Desi board consist mainly of Muslims :LOL:

    let me post that On bhangra-sounds..lets see their feedback ;)

    Bhull chukk maaf :)


  3. My uncle is married to a Muslim.. and they go to the gurdwara together...their kids go to the gurdwara

    I see nothing wrong with Sikh and non-Sikh marriages. And I'm most certain that Guru Nanak ji, a man who taught people that there should be no discrimination amongst themselves, would not forbid a Sikh marrying a non-Sikh.

    Politics and society has changed Sikhism into another 'us vs them' religion.

    AS long as theres no problems for the kids, and they follow SIKHI to the fullest....then again we gotta regard Guru Gobind SIngh ji's HUkam..Guru Nanak in 10th form :)

    Bhull chukk maaf

  4. But if Guru Granth Sahib is supposed to be all we are to follow.. then why does the Akal Takhat get to add to it?

    Why? well, as the qoute above Guru ji SAid.

    'Khalsa mero Roop hai Khas'

    Khalsa is my identity true

    Khalse me ho Karo NIvas

    'In Khalsa do I reside

    It is said that Guru GObind Singh ji's JOT is in Guru GRanth Sahib ji, and Body in the Khalsa..

    Guru GObind Singh ji ractically proved what he said

    i.e. in the battle of Chamkaur, he was ORDERED by Panj Pyaare to go away, so he did take it as a Hukam - Go away from Anandpur Sahib fort - he once agian did..

    He listened to Khalsas EVERY HUKAM, as it was a Part of him

    hence the Shabad by BHai Gurdas duja -

    Waho Waho Gobind Singh Ape Gur Chela

    Hail Hail Guru Gobind Singh ji, who himself is the Guru, himself the follower

    Bhull chukk maaf :)

  5. Kalyug Mai Kirtan Pardhana!

    Listen to Kirtan whenever you have freetime,

    'Hat Pao see Kaam kar, Chit Niranjan Naam'

    Try to remember God whenever possible, wether thats at uni, or at home.

    Kirtan creates SOO mcuh love within you :)

    hope that helps.

    Bhull chukk maaf :)


  6. :LOL:

    FINALLY i get a chance to get my Mcing out..

    Singh Mc coming all da way..so step out da way..Singh Mc aint stopinng in da way :LOL: :lol: :lol

    Bigup ma Mod crew biggup, Amrik, Bigup Ideal Bigup EVERYBODY :LOL:

    yes I just made thta up the few last seconds :lol :P


    id like to thank lalleshvari for the gay advise
  7. If rehats cant be written anymore...than where did the rehats about wearing hats or dancing to bhangra and such come from? Thats what confused me.

    Most rehits were written before, Although a few have been added by Khalwas Panth as

    'Khalsa Mero Roop hai Khas, Khalse me ho karo Nivas'

    But then again, thats USUALLY made by Akal Takhat Sahib

    Bhull chukk maaf


  8. proper Khalsa woman but fact is she had to ask for explicit permission from Guru Gobind Singh to do so because a woman dressed as a man in South Asia is considered a 3rd gender person.

    Care to provide reference that she had to ask for PERMISSION and wasn't TOLD to do so, and wasn't tied HERSELF BY GURU MAHARAj

    care to prove :)?

    It is a renowned fact that all the major rulers in India had amazon bodyguards i.e. female body guards dressed as men.

    You get dressed as a Man cvause you have a Turban would be like Saying yoiu wear clothes like a man cause men usually have gym shoes or something :LOL:

  9. AS stated before its ENCOURAGED :)

    All the Gurus were married :)

    Is this confirmed by the Guru Granth Sahib, meaning can you please quote any scripture which backs your suggestion ?

    please read the 'Lava':


    begins at the bottom fo the page, where text is in RED

    Dont get me wrong or I hope I dont make you feel angry or anything, but even the Bible (as an example) confirms that the Original Sin is caused by the Woman tempting Man to eat the forbidden fruit, which leads them to into an existence of knowing the Knowledge of Good & Bad, but not TRUTH !

    Whats your point ? Women are dirty`?...Men should stay away from their wife?..or should they not marry at all?

    Secondly, does GOD HIMSELF have a WIFE ? If anyone can prove that HE has then, I bow down to their Divinity....!

    http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.g...lish=t&id=21284 :)

    The Granth Sahib (correct me if I'm wrong) encourages you to mentally abandon all Worldy attachment and take up the TRUTH WITHIN, to gain Everlasting Life. Why then are you suggesting or assuming because the Guru's (except One) were all married that we as Sikhs MUST ALSO MARRY ?

    what do you suggest? :)

    To the contrary, as Sikhs were assimalated from Hindus, Muslims, Gujarati's, Bengali and other factions within India at the Time, that practice was continued by the converted Sikhs, even till today.

    have you read the lava?

    If WE ALL AS SIKHS were to trace our ancestry back to the inception of Sikhism, how many of us could stand up and say that we were confirmed SIKHS at the Time of the Guru's? Hardly, Id say..........!

    So, in all honesty, Sikhi DOES NOT ENCOURAGE IT, but people being , do it !

    Look, the Gurus did it..right I tihnk thats nuff dont u :Dpeople

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