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Mr §ingh

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Posts posted by Mr §ingh

  1. Jesus didn't marry, neither did the Bhudda nor all of our Guru's ! So, those who feel they need marriage should quite rightly step into it with whoever they like as their groom or bride, but there are some who have abandoned the Worldly Way and cannot marry.

    Quite wrong..Sikhi encourages graisti Jeevan, hence ALL the Gurus where married, except Guru har Krishan jee who merged with WAheguru at the age of 8 :)

    Graisti jeevan is VITAL

    Bhull chukk maaf :)

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I beleive Mr Singh response on this topic was a harsh one.. so what if they are monay... cmon man stop being soo stone-hearted... Siri guroo granth sahib maharaj teaching belongs to the whole man kind...

    Bhaji..I'm sorry if I have offended you..but 'Mone' was just an example..I tihnk the same goes for daas..as I have yet NOT been blessed with Amrit :cry:

    Mr singh now gurbani is tellin us this. Please next time leave the words like "I beleif" because we as dummies dont have any mat....the whole ball game is to get rid of "I" or "my" = ego" and follow guroo maharaj words...which is stating the above.

    Daas ..nu khima bakshni :)

    First of all, Noor Ji. I appolize behalf of mr singh attitude towards money. As you know we are at different level of understanding things... i m sure he didnt mean in harsh way to hurt feeling or anything. Its just internet is good/bad at times. Good is because we have siri guroo maharaj is online in gurmukhi, and we can learn languages share ideas, learn from one and other... and bad is because people can get easily manipulative by others in this case leading to fanaticism.

    as previously meantion..it was NOT an intention to offend..if what previously said was offended..then please forgive me, as I'm very ignorant :).....And no.,..thers no attitude again 'MOney' as most of them are more SPIRITUAL then me...

    Also i agree with noor on that another post she put that we need to focus more on our siri guroo granth sahib than rehat maryadas/rehat namas.

    REhit bina nai Sikh kahavai..hence I do not 'qualify as a SIkh' :)

    Because most important thing which is love(biraag) towards vaheguroo... you can only get it from guroo maharaji's bani which is dhoor ki bani aie then there would no question of following rehat maryada or not then. Everything will be straight forward and we can easily follow rehat maryada... and off course that state of mind will come in time!!!!!!!!!!!

    Akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal hiii akaaaaaaaal

    anand hiii anand

    Agreed to mots..bu t following rehit is REALLY important..and something I yet can NOt do :cry: '

    btw. your comparison of following the rehiot or not..doesn't amke ANy sense at all ..as a caste is something you CAN NOT change...

    whilst you CAN begin want to following the rehit ;)

    have a read throught the article on the SA article pg ;)


    Bhull chukk maaf

  3. Fateh Jio

    Waheguru Bless You all

    Possible alternatives? There are many...

    Im sure we can all figure them out, at the end of the day it doesnt really matter. Its what makes you happy, and makes sense to you.

    hence ..most Amritdhari see it making sense that thgats the best alernative to not do bedbi as one of the kurehits is 'dishonoring the hair'

    Me personally, I dont want to get caught up too much in these "smaller" things and loose sight of the big picture, and thats Waheguru.


    Also to be honest with you guys, when I do throw my hair out I get a weird, sort of uneasy guilt feeling. Smallish tho. I respect the hair Waheguru has given me, and thats the hair alive on my head. I absolutely love it. So blessed to have it, I cherish it. That may relate to a bit of sadness when it falls out from combing, naturally, etc.

    try yor best to take care, if ur trying not to ..then its just BHanna :D

    I understand now how some do, and some dont and that much better off. THanks to you all


    in the end of the daY - its your decition :D

    Bhull chukk maaf :)

  4. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Jio

    First, I love this forum, sangat here are amazing, Waheguru Bless you all.

    Im a bit suprised that amrithdaris burn their hair, feels like its ritualistic and there no real reason for it. Im not sure on this and would like to inquire and tap into ur great minds for more info.

    My arguement, or concern relevant to the nails vs hair discussion is that hair being brushed out is conceivably dead, and so are nails being cut. Therefore is it not an inconsistency if nails are not being burned as well?


    Well, its Not really ritualistic..

    we've learnt to respect our Kesh..THrowing in the bin isn't really much respsect....why dont you suggest an alternative :)?

  5. You don't know this simple difference. Then who would perceive you a Sikh?

    Baani you do not understand after Satguru Nanak Clarified all the misconceptions.

    Beard and turban does not make you a Sikh.

    I now..I'm not a Sikh of the Guru YET... as a human is nt a Sikh without the rehit ..but not knowing the differences makes me a non-Sikh :? :roll:

  6. Quote:

    My Sikh, who enjoys the sexual relations with a Muslim woman, is not my Sikh. If someone repents after having sexual relations with other's woman, he can be forgiven; but he, who has sexual relation with a Muslim woman, will never be forgiven".

    The Sikhs said, "The Muslims copulate with Hindu women. If Sikhs get revenge, it is good".

    Guru Jee said, "Sikh-brothers! We have to take this 'Panth' to the high position, not to lower position. We have not to imitate the wicked.

    Do not have any quote by DAHN DAHN Sri guru Granth SAhib ji mahraj

    but thtie above quote was provided by 'Amrit Singh ji'

    in another post :)

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