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Posts posted by Sherni-E-Punjab

  1. Hor kiii banniiii janda sangatoooo??? Mein bas teeakkk ek jug lasssiii da paaaieee leya hun ohka hoiii janna mein

    (Whats cooking sangat? I m alright just drank whole one jug of lassi now its bothering my stomach..


    lol horrr kii banni janda sangaatooo - is not whats cooking sangat..- more like...horr ki banni janda is -- whats happening/whats goin on


    and truth paji it aint " Neo pange ghat kariya kar" ...didn't u mean to say panga ghat leya kar..

    lol neo wanted to take panga..so ajja neo hun ! lol


  2. :LOL::LOL::LOL: chal aja , neo ....mukabala on punjabi..darpok jeha darri na !! :LOL:

    lol neo u make me do more work den wot i have to ..lol lets see how it goes wid translation

    Translation : Come on, Neo. Competition on Punjabi. Whats darpok in english?? lol hmmm..Scared one, don't get scared.

    So here it is : Come on, Neo. Competition on Punjabi. Scared one, don't get scared.

  3. Oh yeah!..Sorry to say , both Steel Bangle paji and Neo paji were wrong when it came to the literal meaning of Singh and Kaur.

    For your ..general knowledge ..(IF I AM NOT WRONG) ..I thought the literal meaning of the word 'Kaur' is Prince (not Princess). It is a derivative of the Sanskrit word 'Kanwar' meaning Prince, whereas, 'Singh' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Simha' meaning lion

    Anyone agree or disagree?? :wink:

  4. So if you don't mind stop playing Khalsa Police force controling waht I or other people would like to wear! If you want to do that then go to Iran! There they have women patrolling controling the way other women dress!



    No way was I trying to control anyone's life or how they dress and so forth ...Just expressing my opinion as rest of the sangat on this board is/does. :roll:

    So, I personally didn't like what you had to say to me. You telling me to go to "Iran"..and to patrol people..Wasn't you trying to control me too?? Anyways,I didn't take it personally. You express your opinions on this board, and I do too. So, there is no reason to even take it as far as Iran..-BIT TOO CHILDISH!

    Anyways, to the clothes issue. You be my guest to wear belly shirts and perhaps..And if you want that...Why even wear those?? ....Why show little bit, show it all!

    By wearing belly shirts and stuff of that nature, you tell me what is your objective/ outcome by wearing those?

    You know what's provocative and what's not. It is also a matter of intent. If you are clear, noble and self-contained, you do not radiate a sexual vibration to others. Your clothes express your state of mind. Let your clothing be simple, clean and modest. It is not a matter of rules - it is a matter of consciousness. When people try to be sexy, it's pretty obvious.

    I am sure, you wouldn't wear such clothing to the gurudwara, why wear it in the public too?? ..Isn't waheguru everywhere??

    Anyways, I am not concerened with what you wear or I am not the one to judge you ..But, Let me know what you think!..


    By Harjit Singh Lakhan

    'Nanak says, the ghosts are the ones who are devoid of God's love

    and service and have forgotten the Lord. '

    (Guru V, Jaitsri Raag : Guru Granth Sahib Jee)

    What's goin' on? What's goin' on?

    You were gonna be something

    But now something's wrong.

    You weren't born to have

    Fights like an alley cat,

    Chin full of greasy fat,

    Less love than a sewer rat.

    You weren't born to be

    Evil and bitter

    Don't you know these days were

    Meant to be better?

    Get your act together

    Be a saint-soldier

    Guru Nanak Loves You

    This Love will make you stronger.

    Don't get depressed,

    no just don't do it

    Love the Life God's given you,

    come on get with it

    Go Go to it -

    to the Gurdwara do it

    Try to understand -

    you wont regret it.

    Dream a dream - the world's a dream

    Take control and set your scene

    Close your eyes everything is dark

    One day you will see the light, if you do your paat.

    Don't be dopey - no just don't dig it

    High on life - no lie get with it

    Go Go to it - to the Gurdwara do it

    And understand - you wont regret it.

    Dream a dream - the world's a dream

    Take control and set your scene

    Ignite the light - spark the dark

    By the Guru's grace - make your mark!

    What's going on? What's going on?

    Get Your act together

    And sing the Waheguru song.

    Waheguru, Waheguru Waheguru jee

    Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru jee.

    BTW, Harjit Singh Lakhan is very good poet, don't you guys think so?

  6. Very well said Gursj :D

    Since the stock market didn't exist when Guru Gobind Singh taught us the dangers of gambling. I do not think it is gambling for Sikhs to have retirement plans that include stocks in the portfolio. Retirement plans are, in effect, a reality and requirement in today's world. In addition, for most people, the stock market is not one's SOLE source of income, it is used to enhance income. It is a wise and observant Sikh who invests in the stock market only as an ADJUNCT to regular work/regular pay, and who doesn't invest ALL his or her assets and earnings in the dice-throw that is the stock market

    Guru did not want his Sikhs to avoid work or to fritter money needed for supporting a family on gambling houses, many of which are havens for various types of crimes. He wanted his Sikhs to be examples of honest work. A Sikh who works honestly and has investments on the side is not breaking his or her rehit.

    Hope this clears it up!

  7. Another factor is ...Peer Pressure. :oops::oops::oops:

    Especially when you'll be the only one there. Growing up in totally a 'gora' society is bit hard..and on the same hand trying to practice your relgion. :cry: :cry: I know its possible, but again you know peer pressure.

    I know we shouldn't worry about what others have to say, but some how its like automatically..Especially where the whole crowd knows nothing about Sikhism or that it even exists. Makes it a lot easier when you got least some sangat....and especially where I live, No gurudwara or anything. Probably the nearest gurudwara is ..like a 4 hr plane ride.

    Anyways, no offence to anyone...But you know as they say...keep on trying...and me is.

  8. Lalleshvari tell me one thing...Why would you want to wear something that shows half your stomach??

    Just get with that fact that one should dress their self in a simple and modest way; gaudy clothes and revealing dress bring no credit.

    Although, I do not know of a reference from the rehat Maryada, but Sri Guru Granth Sahib has the Gurus bani on our food habits and dress sense

    Sri Guru Granth Sahib has stated very clearly that we should not wear any clothes which cause pain to the body and anguish to the mind: This is set out very clearly in Guru Nanak's shabad in Sri Raag on Part 16 (12) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

    Siree Raag, First Mehl:

    sabh ras mithay mani-ai suni-ai saalonay.

    Believing, all tastes are sweet. Hearing, the salty flavors are tasted;

    khat tursee mukh bolnaa maaran naad kee-ay.

    chanting with one's mouth, the spicy flavors are savored. All these spices have been made from the Sound-current of the Naad.

    chhateeh amrit bhaa-o ayk jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. ||1||

    The thirty-six flavors of ambrosial nectar are in the Love of the One Lord; they are tasted only by one who is blessed by His Glance of Grace. ||1||

    baabaa hor khaanaa khusee khu-aar.

    O Baba, the pleasures of other FOODS are FALSE.

    jit khaaDhai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    Eating them (WHICH ?), the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause||

    rataa painan man rataa supaydee sat daan.

    My mind is imbued with the Lord's Love; it is dyed a deep crimson. Truth and charity are my white clothes.

    neelee si-aahee kadaa karnee pahiran pair Dhi-aan.

    The blackness of sin is erased by my wearing of blue clothes, and meditation on the Lord's Lotus Feet is my robe of honor.

    karam-band santokh kaa Dhan joban tayraa naam. ||2||

    Contentment is my cummerbund, Your Name is my wealth and youth. ||2||

    baabaa hor painan khusee khu-aar.

    O Baba, the pleasures of other CLOTHES are false.

    jit paiDhai tan peerhee-ai man meh chaleh vikaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    Wearing them (WHICH ?), the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause||

  9. :oops::oops: Amar Paji ...You making my head spin more.. :oops::oops:

    desikuddi02 wrote:

    Out of all those posts, one line didn't make sense to me

    which Line?

    It means, I didn't come across one single line that made sense to me


    Anyways, Its all good..

    Yeah, that jealousy moment only last about 30 seconds :P

    Chalo look forward to hearing more of your geekish talk :twisted: :twisted:

  10. Well, actually I am not sure about any of the things you asked above.

    But this is something to look at as well.

    I have seen numerous examples in reality/

    Say, you are the only one ...in your home who is amrithdhari/gursikh, rest of your family eats meat/drink ....and so forth..

    If you keep the SGGS in your home, its like you've set a mini gurudwara in your house, yeah?

    So its like not really proper, when the whole "janta" ( a better word sangat in your home) isn't devoted.

    Some people may argue that if Guru is in Sukhasan, and in a separate room, with the door closed, then what you do in your kitchen is up to you and your personal conscience. But, what about those "gaps" and so forth in the doors and all that..?? :roll: :roll:

    Anyone else out there get what I am trying come across...

    Hopefully :LOL: 8)

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