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Posts posted by Sherni-E-Punjab

  1. How more can you get it "morally justified" - What would you have done if you were in Bush's shoes?

    LOL How's it Bush's terror - when on June 30th- Iraqis will be getting their own sovereignty

    Afghanistan is needed for an oil pipeline to the sea so the americans don't have to rely on the russians for pumping out oil from the ex-soviet sattelite countries.

    Don't be assuming things ...and if you are - please provide sufficient enough evidence.

    iraq obviously has its massive economic advantages to bush.

    LOL, so you are telling me Bush will be taking advantage of them massive pluses of Iraq while he is sittin and relaxin about at his Crawford Ranch?LOL- Bush don't need anything -that guy could live a easy life without ever moving his leg again..

  2. Wow..LOL..

    First of all, its important to establish the fact - in a democracy - president administrations are always changing about- and therefore each president stepping in the office -has his or "her" agenda - and no president in the history of America, has had the EXACT same policies as another president. Like any other country, America, the country (and American- the people) has had both good commanders-in-chief and as well as those who didn't fulfill the duties. Second of all, at the end of the day no government is perfect- there will always be those that are happy with what the government is

    doing - and not doing - but its the majority that rules in a democracy. Third of all, there are some millions of people living in America, and not everyone of them is full of bad intentions... So, when you say "America is a terrorist" - you are wrong, because America is just a piece of land - where Americans live, and if you say Americans are terrorist, you are putting all eggs in one basket. (Which is not true)...

    So, please clarify who you are stating as being the terrorist..

    "serious evil throughout the years"

    and which country's government has never done something that split the opinion of its country?

    Also, here are some - definitions to ponder upon: [www.dictionary.com]

    ter·ror·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)


    The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

    ter·ror·ist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trr-st)


    One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.


    Of or relating to terrorism.

    I'm an American. living in America - yet I have never threatened or used force( or for that matter of a fact - violence) against other people or property, while having the intention of intimidating or coercing socities or governments.

    I don't understand how am I a terrorist?

    According to the literal definition, America it self cannot be a terrorist as its not a person or an organized group.

    A·mer·i·ca ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-mr-k)

    The United States.

    also the A·mer·i·cas (-kz). The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.

    Definition of United States : http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=United%20States

  3. It seems pretty logical if Bhai Randhir Singh founded the movement - that the 'jatha' might take afterwards his name.

    Also, I was able to find few more sources where AKJ is reffered to of Bhai Randhir Singh...and as I was taught in grammar school, if you can cross-check the information on multiple sites, it is probably true.

  4. I don't mean to sound really stupid, but what the heck is - world tribune..A trusted name in news??

    After all this is the world-wide-web, and I can type an article saying..9/11 never took place..LOL

    Second of All,

    Correct me if I am wrong- The US government (using various intelligences) accused Saddam Hussein of harboring the September 11 attacks, however he was never convicted and was initially as a whole bombarded because of his ownership of Weapons of Mass Destruction. [Whether that was true or not]

    Also, President Bush on behalf of the American government, provided enough time for Saddam Hussein to "hand over" or "leave the country." Back then, he was being a mama's bad boy going "Who the hell are you to tell me to leave my country?" - But, then when he came face to face with the US - Maa Da Putt ..went and hid in lil bunkers underground -What the heck happened to the so called "Soorma" then...LOL!

  5. LOL...Nationalism/ Patriotism ...It exists, can't complain much about that....

    Who said Bush never does anything wrong?

    "How did u guys manage to elect such an idiotic and uneducated person as a president, my dog has a better grasp of english than he has. I think doggie should stand as the next republican party candidate for president. "

    Damn - your dog must be popular the fact he can communicate at the level of humans..LOL..Perhaps I am sure he'll be the best candidate against Kerry..no problem would win easily out of the fifty states :P

    "In fact Bush is such a terrorist that if he was Muslim he would be heading Al Qaeda instead of Ozzy B. "

    Who said assumptions were always true?

    Blah, blah, blah.....

    An American :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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