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Posts posted by SinghMunda

  1. I said what I said because there seems to be some major distinguishing being made between muslim women and all other women. Also I apologise for not reading the bit about Sikhs wanting to take revenge properly. And yes, I agree I think maybe the translation makes things sound in a different tone/inaccurate. Are the sau sakhi available anywhere on the internet?

  2. Has anyone else played hide n seek in india? I used to do a lot with my cousins, and it was always like you had to see the ppl if you're seeking, and say 'express' followed by their name. And they had to touch you before you could say their name etc. Anyone know what I mean?

  3. Well, I don't know if this has been posted before, but this is a question regarding jhoot. How do we know exactly if something is jhoota? Basically my example is, is air jhoota, because we all breathe and share it? Can dy foods not be jhoota? I just want a link maybe, or clearly defined set of rules, because I do not want to be following something just ritualistically.

  4. I was talking to one of my cousins the other day, and he said something about there being a conspiracy by the indian govt. to not allow Amritsar, the most holiest of Sikh cities, to have special Holy City status. Cann anyone add to this? Any replies will be appreciated.

  5. I sent this reply:

    Why can't you accept that Guru Nanak spread the message of God-yes GOD. Not of religion, although he did start a new religion that was DEFINITELY not muslim or hindu. It doesn't matter what religion you are, as long as it is the meditation of God's name, which is paramount to the sikh religion. why would sikhs want to convert? if you die and call yourself a muslim, you won't get the rewards for just calling yourslef muslim, but for all the deeds and time spent meditating God's name in your life. So sikhs don't want muslims getting in their face! we could make muslims feel insecure about their religion for an eternity!

  6. Goray are so stupid of they think we are 'bin ladens' etc. After all, we don't group all of those who don't wear turbans to be the same. We could call them all hitlers, etc, but they are not all the same.

    Moderator Note: The term Gora/y can be used as an adjective to describe something or someone as white or fair -this is NOT what you have alluded in your post, where it is clearly a racial term and your comments following it are a gross generalisation and insulting, which are NOT acceptable.

    You have a valid point to make, but in the process as falling foul of the very thing you are protesting against. We have not edited your comments for purposes of transparency and example, in future ALL please take due note.

    Thank You.

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