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Everything posted by JOYce

  1. Singh Paaji I want to learn punjabi typing can u help me to have some EPUNJABI SKIN OR something like that u know or somebody else. :?:
  2. What we need is a happiness bridge where two hearts that are strangers can make an exchange of their gifts…. Antoine-Roger Bolamba “Esanzo
  3. " Become a good role model. Set a good example by your behavior. " " Wise people learn from their mistakes but wiser people learn from others mistakes." " Making a mistake is not the end of the world but repeating it certainly can be." " Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, thats why we call it the present." " People don't care how much you know, they want to know how much you care." " It's never too late to show kindness." " Laugh with people not at them." " Money becomes a blessing or a curse by the way we use or abuse it." " Don't gossip. People who gossip with you also gossip about you." " It is better to be alone than in bad company." " Jealous people: Their own problems don't bother them as much as other people's successes bother them." " Give sincere appreciation to others. Don't flatter. Appreciation comes from the heart, flattering comes from the mouth." " Make your parents proud and give a great heritage of values to your children." " Pick your mentors and role models carefully as they can lead or mislead you." " Never look for a job. Always look for a career." " Don't try to buy friendship. Stay away from the people who do that." " Take initiative. Don't wait for things to happen. Make them happen." " Personalities without principles make life miserable." " Judge a persons character not only by how they make a living but also how they spend it." " Choose your advisors based on values and not on convenience." " Learn to be nice to people. It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice." " Learn to express your opinions but don't talk back to others. Learn the art of disagreeing without being disagreeable." " Become labeled as trustworthy and a person of integrity, because our credibility affects our profitability not only in money but also in goodwill." " Choose your friends carefully. We reveal our character not only by the company we keep but also by the company we avoid." " Return what you borrow on time as it builds credibility." " Don't cheat as it becomes a habit and habits form character." " Be well groomed because you never get a second chance to create a first impression." " Never take anything without asking permission because borrowing without permission is stealing." " Be polite, courteous and sensitive to others feelings. It shows compassion." " Remember you have freedom of choice but not freedom of consequences so make your choices carefully." " Accept constructive criticism in a positive manner. It only shows that the giver cares." " Honour is more important than Honours." " Do the right thing for the right reason." " Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get." " Do not disclose anything told in confidence." " Be a good listener. Listening shows caring and makes the other person feel important." " Practice courtesy. Don't complete the other persons sentence." " Don't whisper in the company of the others. It's bad manners." " Our actions and inactions can be hurtful to ourselves and others." " There is no accomplishment without activity. However, all activity does not result in accomplishment."
  4. Write a Personal Mission Statement Create for yourself an evolving document that outlines your purpose in life. Who a re you? What are your values? What do you intend to do with your time to make your one life meaningful? Excepting acts of God, it is you who determines your f u t u re. You don’t have to listen to those who say you are too old, too young, too p o o r, too unattractive, too uneducated or the wrong color, gender or nationality. They are not speaking of someone following the Action Principles. When you read inspirational passages in other books, magazines or newspapers, write them down or clip them out. Put everything together in a folder or box. This will serve as your motivational reserve and will help you create a personal mission statement. Your mission statement only has to be a few sentences or paragraphs. Refer to your mission statement periodically and don’t be afraid to change it as you grow. A mission statement will help you to establish a foundation upon which you can build your dre a m s and goals and from which will flow your objectives and daily to-do list..
  5. Success vs Money In 1923, a group of the world's most successful financiers met at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. These tycoons were extremely rich & altogether they controlled more wealth than there was in the US Treasury. Their success stories were published everywhere inspiring many to follow their fine examples. Just look at who they were: 1. Arthur Cutten - The greatest wheat speculator. 2. Albert Fall - The Secretary of Interior in President Harding's cabinet. 3. Leon Fraser - The president of the Bank of International Settlements. 4. Howard Hopson - The president of the largest gas company. 5. Ivar Kreuger - Head of the world's greatest monopoly. 6. Jesse Livermore - The greatest bear in Wall Street. 7. Charles Schwan - The president of the largest independent steel company. 8. Richard Whitney - The president of the New York Stock Exchange. But 27 years later in 1948, this was what happened to them: 1. Arthur Cutten died abroad insolvent. 2. The penniless Albert Fall was pardoned from prison so that he could die at home. 3. Leon Fraser commited suicide. 4. Howard Hopson was insane. 5. Ivar Kreuger commited suicide. 6. Jesse Livermore commited suicide. 7. Charles Schwan was bankrupt & had to live on borrowed money the last 5 years of his life before his death. 8. Richard Whitney was recently released from Sing Sing Prison. 2 B continue............................
  6. Find reasons to do the important things, instead of reasons not to do them. Risk, experiment, and don’t forget to have some fun while you are at it. Ernie J. Zelinski Consultant
  7. Love is like the sea, it’s a moving thing; but still it takes its shape from the shore it meets and it’s different with every shore. Zora Neale Hurston (1903-1960) Writer
  8. Good Thought Here U my dear friend needs to change UR attitude toward life, I ask u to be positive
  9. 21 FUNDAz TO LIVE BY ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. FOUR. When you say, "I love you", mean it. FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight. EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much. NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling. ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives. TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?" FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. TWENTY ONE. Spend some time alone.
  10. 5 Ways to Develop Friendships That Really Count Friend is such a powerful word that holds so many different meanings: confidant, collaborator, instigator, and the person who helps carry you through difficult experiences and celebrates and enriches the good ones. As said by Emily Dickinson, “My friends are my estate.” How then do we develop friendships that nurture our spirit and enrich our lives? By following these 5 guidelines you can begin developing friendships that will uplift and inspire you. 1) Be Open Minded One of the keys to developing a close friendship with someone is to be accepting of the other person by making an effort to understand where they are coming from. Since we each have a different set of beliefs and values and live life in our own unique way, we can always learn something of value from our friends. Being open minded requires that we drop our judgements in favor of understanding. Although you may not agree with someone or their point of view, you can always make an effort to understand them. 2) Be a Good Listener This is a skill few people have developed well. One thing we all need to remember is that we have two ears that were meant for listening. Too often we are too busy talking or thinking up our response, that we don’t truly listen to what someone else is really saying. When we actively listen to someone else, we make that person feel important and special – two ingredients to maintaining a healthy friendship. 3) Be Trustworthy Trust is a key ingredient to any strong and healthy relationship. When we keep confidences, are impeccable with our word and walk our talk, we send others the message that we are reliable, dependable and ultimately trustworthy. Speak with integrity and only say what you mean. Avoid gossip or talking about others and always do what you say. Taking these actions will speak loudly to others that you are a trustworthy and responsible friend. 4) Be Yourself One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others is you – the authentic YOU. There is only one of you in this world, complete with your own gifts, talents and treasures. Your uniqueness is what makes you special and what others will seek out. When you are honest with yourself, you can be honest with others. By being authentic, you will show your friends that you are not afraid to be who you are and in part will give them permission to be fully who they are. 5) Set Limits As with anything in life, it is important to set limits as to what you will and will not accept in your life. This may mean ending a negative conversation with a friend or saying ‘no.’ Ultimately, setting limits is an act of self-respect. When you set limits with friends, you are sending a loud message that you will not tolerate things that are not aligned with your life or your spirit. By openly respecting yourself, others will gain a deeper respect for you.
  11. The future belongs to those who fuse intelligence with faith, and who with courage and determination grope their way forward from chance to choice, from blind adaptation to creative evolution. Charles E. Merriam (1874-1953) Civic reformer and politician
  12. Every soul is a melody which needs renewing. R U ready to take the initiative. Stephane Mallorme (1842-1898) French poet
  13. Amritsar, O I C Tahion main kahan bai Kuddi da subah tan thik thak aa. Par galan kiho jaiyan kardi aa. Hunn samaj aai. AMRITSAR :wink:
  14. nanke si Faridkot, dadke rahge Moge Aaj Kal Yaar Yar honni Chandigarh, Te bus rahge chuh(whisky) joge. I M kidding. Basically belongs to MALWA. Family now a days at Ludhiana 'n' me at sometime Chadigarh and sometime New Delhi for my studies
  15. Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open. Elmer G. Leterman Business executive
  16. Submit to a Higher Power Look at the big picture. You build your life upon your faith. You cherish your faith. You aren’t afraid to tell others of your beliefs. You stand for positive val-ues. You are ethical in your dealings. You pray and meditate to have the courage to face your fears. You pray and meditate to have the strength to accept, endure and triumph over the hardships and small daily annoyances that the path to suc-cess will present. You celebrate the good that you find in the world. With humility, submit. You are but one fragile, fallible human. Every re l i g i o n has prayers. A prayer is your conversation with God. Your success and happi-ness is God’s answer. Your selfless good works in helping others are your prayers put into action..
  17. Something that I had written a few weeks back. You might find it interesting. The core thought is that since women perform more tasks than a man, then why did society even evolve as being male dominated? It should have been a female dominated society because men are needed only for reproductive purposes - the woman is alone capable of doing everything to ensure her survival, as well as the survival of the child. Why a patriarchal society? The thought triggered when I was wondering about the reason for having a male gender in a species after all. Males are clearly needed only for reproductive purposes during copulation, because otherwise the female is alone capable of nurturing the child, and helping it reach adulthood when the child can independently look after itself. The female is clearly the more needed entity of a species as compared to a male, the male only consuming resources without serving any other substantial purposes for the benefit of the species. I got one possible answer to it, that evolution and elimination of genetic defects becomes possible only in bisexual reproduction, as compared to reproduction in hermaphrodites. This is because in asexual reproduction, the same genes of a parent are identically passed down to the offspring, and therefore genetic changes are more difficult to come about. Contrastingly, in reproduction between two genders, the genes get mixed up with crossovers and other movements, and the eventual genes in the child are borrowed from both the mother as well as the father. There is an excellent text on this – The Selfish Gene – by Richard Dawkins, which is very readable by just about everybody, and addresses questions like how only the best and fittest genes get passed down across generations. However, pertaining only to humans, on thinking more on the unimportance of males, why did society evolve in this way of being male dominated? Logically speaking, it should have been a matriarchal society from the very beginning because the woman performed more functions than a man that were essential for the survival of a species. Many arguments have been put up for this that men are genetically made to be physically stronger than women, and are capable of performing more strenuous tasks, and a lot more things, which eventually led to a patriarchal society. My argument here is that I am sure that during nomadic times, there must have been no functional difference between a man and a woman. Both must have been equally strong physically, and both must have been performing the same tasks to ensure their individual survival, instead of entertaining mutually cooperative survival instincts. It must have been only when civilizations began to evolve, that the division of labor based on gender came up, and it was an after effect of this societal change that male began to dominate and the female became the weaker sex. This must have been followed with something like a spiraling effect, wherein the men became increasingly stronger and dominating, and the women grew weaker and subdued. To find out more, I read a couple of chapters from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir. She writes that as social groups began to form during prehistoric times, men began to get focused on doing the more physically demanding works like hunting, while women took to looking after the babies instead. The same thing extrapolated to when agriculture started, and the gender based labor differentials became more and more mentally hardwired in the human brains. However, there are arguments against this, one of which says that even during nomadic times, humans did not take to much of hunting by men, but relied on women gathering the food in bits and pieces. Therefore, things should have evolved in the other way because the female was always more important. There is another theory on the evolution of patriarchy, which states that male domination came along with the growth of agriculture. Women were considered enigmatic and analogous to nature, because of their mysterious capabilities concerned with creation of life. Men could not understand nature, and therefore they worshipped it out of fear of the unknown. Similarly, men could not understand the capabilities of women either, and grew on to dominate them instead. This even suited them out of simple reasoning that men were now able to own the mothers of their children, the children of course being required for supplementing to the personal labor force for agriculture and ensuring other amenities for the family. Whatever be the correct reason, We have yet to find it. The question is indeed very subtle, that why did society evolve in this way of being male dominated, when all throughout, it was the female who was more important. In fact, there is no historical evidence anywhere that there was ever a matriarchal civilization anywhere in the world at all. Furthermore, this instinct of male domination has become so built into the psyche of men that it has led to exorbitant instances of rape and many more hideous crimes. That is of course another huge topic, and maybe I'll go into this some other time. However, things are changing now because of more independence being to women and the growth of feminist organizations all across the world. Women are no longer the suppressed ones, and are coming out in millions to claim what was denied to them for so many years in most parts of the world. All said and done, thoughts do not stop just here. Statistics speak out that the sperm count of men has been dropping significantly over the years. Also, with the technological successes of in-vitro fertilization, sperm banks, cloning, and others, the time does not seem very far that men might not be required even for reproductive purposes - the only apparent function that they serve in the world. Then, how far is it, of the male becoming an endangered entity in the future?
  18. Hello All, Few months back I read this story in Tribune and was very upset to see what some of these NRI people will do !!!!!!!!! I suggest that we start a discussion on forum to track these Guys and make them pay for their sins by asking for Alimony and child support and bring these issues to resolution. Any takers who can help. We can ask these girls to come forward and list their stories on our web site and also post the pictures of these NRI guys so that they can not hurt any one else. I hope U will be there for all such needy Gals... VKK VKF
  19. F o l l o w T h r o u g h Follow through to make sure that you’ve done the job right. Follow thro u g h to say thank you and offer new ideas. Follow through to ask for more business. You earn respect by saying what you’re pre p a red to do and then doing exactly that. Follow through shows that you are a person of your word and someone who cares. It shows that you are accessible and that you want to keep the lines of communication open. You may make mistakes and follow t h rough gives you the opportunity to correct and to learn f rom those mistakes. Personalize your follow-up with handwritten notes and phone calls. Small gifts, tickets and lunches may also be appro p r i a t e follow-up incentives. Check up on yourself and reap the rewards. Follow through ampli-fies your eff e c t i v e n e s s ..
  20. God Picked up a Flower and Dipped it in Dew, He Lovingly Kissed it which turned into U
  21. hum kabhi apno se khfa ho nai sakte, dosti ke riste bewafa ho ni sakte, aap bhale hume bhulake so jaiyee par hum app ko yaad kiye bina so nahi sakte..
  22. The best time to make friends is before you need them. Ethel Barrymore (1879-1959) Actor
  23. Take yourself less seriously. Odette Pollar Writer
  24. Great thoughts come from the heart. Luc de Clapiers (1715-1747) Soldier and writer
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