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Posts posted by JOYce

  1. Definition of a Friend

    "A Friend" The first person who comes in when the

    whole world has gone out.

    A bank or credit on which we can draw supplies of

    confidence, counsel, sympathy, help and love.

    One who combines for you alike the pleasures and

    benifitsof society and solitude.

    A jewel whose lustre the strong acids of poverty and

    misfortune cannot dim.

    One who multiplies joys, divides griefs, and whose

    honesty is inviolable.

    One who loves the truth and you, and will tell the

    truth inspite of you.

    The triple alliance of the three great powers, Love,

    Symathy, and Help.

    A watch which beats true for all time, and never "runs


    A permanent fortification when one's affairs are in a

    state of siege.

    One who to himself is true, and therefore must be so

    to you.

    A balancing pole to him who walks across the tight

    rope of life.

    The link in life's long chain that bears the greatest


    A harbor of refuge from the stormy waves of adversity.

    One who considers my need before my deserving.

    The jewel that shines brightest in the darkness.

    A stimulant to the nobler side of our nature.

    A star of hope in the clouds of adversity.

    A diamond in the ring of aquaintance.

    A volume of sympathy bond in cloth.

    Friendship-one soul in two bodies.

    An insurance against misanthropy.

    One truer to me than I am myself.

    One who understands our silence.

    A link of gold in the chain of life.

    The essence of pure devotion.

    The sunshine of calamity.

    A second right hand.


    1. If your life is a mess, it is your responsibility to take the necessary actions to clean it up.

    2. The greatest gifts a person can have are love of God, family, and friends. Nothing else compares!

    3. True friends see your faults and imperfections, but still develop the friendship!

    4. You are not responsible for how other people treat you. You are only responsible for your reaction!

    5. Think for yourself, or people will try to push their thoughts into your head. You never want that to happen. What a dull place the world would be if everyone thought the same.

    6. You may be right and you may be wrong, but make The Decision!

    7. Do what you love, be skilled at it and money will follow! This is SO TRUE!

    8. Life is meant to be exciting; so have fun!

    9. Self-Mastery is difficult, but well worth the effort!

    10. Give what you have to others freely, without seeking a reward and good things will happen to you.

    BONUS: All men fall at some point, but GREAT Men get back up again!

  3. Maintain A P o s i t i ve Mental Attitude

    A positive mental attitude results from a life dedicated to self-impro v e m e n t

    and service. With a personal commitment to doing your best today, you don’t

    have to be overly concerned about tomorrow. You can be confident that good

    things will happen and be equally confident that if trouble comes you will have

    the strength and skills to cope, take control and then conquer. You are tough.

    You stay at it. You don’t allow your doubts to destroy your dreams. Hope does

    spring etern a l .

    You are thankful to have the curiosity to keep learning. You are grateful to

    see opportunity knock so often. You are thankful to have the personality to keep

    making new friends. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time so make

    that one thought positive. Count your blessings. The way is clear. The world is

    a better place because you are in it..

  4. A love story

    Repeated One

    Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.

    Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

    Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat." Vanity answered.

    Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh....Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

    Happiness passed by Love too, but he was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!

    Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come Love, I will take you." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.

    Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

  5. Express URself

    There are times when we are timid and shy about expressing the love we feel. For fear of embarrassing the other person, or ourselves, we hesitate to say the actual words "I love you."

    So we try to communicate the idea in other words.

    We say 'take care' or 'don't drive too fast' or 'be good.' But really,these are just other ways of saying 'I love you, 'you are important to me,' 'I care what happens to you,' 'I don't want you to get hurt.' We are sometimes very strange people. The only thing we want to say,and the one thing that we should say, is the one thing we don't say.

    And yet, because the feeling is so real, and the need to say it is so strong, we are driven to use other words and signs to say what we really mean. And many times the meaning never gets communicated at all and the other person is left feeling unloved and unwanted.

    Therefore, we have to LISTEN FOR LOVE in the words that people are saying to us. Sometimes the explicit words are necessary, but more often, the manner of saying things is even more important.

    A joyous insult carries more affection and love within the timents which are expressed insincerely. An impulsive hug says I LOVE U even though the words might be saying very different.

    Any expression of a person's concern for another says I love you. Sometimes the expression is clumsy, sometimes even cruel.Sometimes we must look and listen very intently for the love that contains.But it is often there, beneath the surface.

    A mother may nag her son constantly about his grades or cleaning his room. The son may hear only the nagging, but if he listens carefully,he will hear the love underneath the nagging. His mother wants him to do well, to be successful. Her concern and love for her son unfortunately emerge in her nagging. But it is love all the same.

    A daughter comes home late, way past her curfew, and her father confronts her with angry words. The daughter may hear only the anger,but if she listens carefully, she will hear the love under the anger. "I was worried about you," the father is saying. 'Because I care about you and I love you.

    You are important to me. We say I love you in many ways-with birthday gifts, and little notes, with smiles and sometimes with tears. Sometimes we show our love by just keeping quiet and not saying a word, at other times by speaking out, even brusquely. We show our love sometimes by impulsiveness.

    Many times we have to show our love by forgiving someone who has not listened to the love we have tried to express. The problem is listening for love is that we don't always understand the language oflove which the other person is using. A girl may use tears or emotions to say what she wants to say,and her boyfriend may not understand her because he expects her to be talking his language. Thus, we have to force ourselves to really listen for love.

    The problem with our world is that people rarely listen to each other.They hear the words, but they don't listen to the actions that accompany the words or the expression on the face. Or people listen only for rejection or misunderstanding. They do not see the love that is there just beneath the surface, even if the words are angry. We have to listen for love in those around us. If we listen intently we will discover that we are a lot more loved than we realize. Listen for love and we will find that the world is a very loving place after all.

    LOVE is a happy thing. It makes us laugh. It makes us sing. It makes us sad. It makes us cry. It makes us seek the reason why.

    It makes us take. It makes us give.

    Above all else it makes us LIVE.

    It is not the presence or absence of people that makes the difference because a person need not be lonely even if he is alone.Sometimes it is good to be alone. But that does not make us lonely. It is not a matter of being present WITH someone. It is a matter of being present TO someone. So remember...

    If you love someone, tell them. Remember always to say what you mean.Never be afraid to express yourself. Take this opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you. Seize the day and have no regrets. Most importantly, stay close to your friends and family,for they have helped make you the person that you are today and are what it's all about anyway. Pass this along to your friends. Let it make a difference in your day and theirs. The difference between expressing love and having regrets is that the regrets may stay around.

  6. To a Friend Friendship

    You're my friend,

    My companion,

    Through good times and bad,

    My friend,

    My buddy,

    Through happy and sad,

    Beside me you stand,

    Beside me you walk,

    You're there to listen,

    You're there to talk,

    With happiness,

    With smiles,

    With pain and tears,

    I know you'll be there troughout the years

    A friend is someone we turn to

    when our spirits need a lift,

    A friend is someone we treasure

    for our friendship is a gift.

    A friend is someone who fills our lives

    with beauty, joy, and grace

    And makes the whole world we live in

    a better and happier place.

    Standing by,All the way.

    Here to help you through your day.

    Holding you up,When you are weak,

    Helping you find what it is you seek.

    Catching your tears,When you cry.

    Pulling you through when the tide is high.

    Absorbing your voice when you talk.

    Standing by when you learn to walk.

    Just being there,through thick and thin,

    All just to say, you are my friend.

    Friends will come and friends will go,

    The seasons change and it will show,

    I will age and so will you,

    But our friendship stays, strong and true

  7. I got this mail last week here it is for all u

    My Thirteen Reasons for Sikhism

    by Jaswinder Singh

    In the paper "Why Sikhism"? I discussed my personal

    experiences in how I had dealt with issues in my life.

    I focused on myself as a child and as an adult, and

    the primary conflicts that Sikhs face during these

    periods of their life. Acceptance as a child and as an

    adult, but love playing a greater role in our lives as

    adults. My focus was to highlight how Sikhs living in

    a western society have to deal with problematic

    issues, where certain western values don't blend with

    Sikh religious principles. I also brought up the point

    that I was "lucky" to know of the Sikh religion, which

    helped guide my decisions, but unfortunately many of

    today's young grow up ignorant to what Sikhism is.

    Below I have listed 13 points why I think Sikhism is

    the best religion in the world, and what it has to

    offer to Sikhs and to the World, and why Sikhs should

    not abandon their faith, but strive harder to

    understand it, learn about it, and they will realize

    once they do, that it is worth keeping, holding on

    > to, prizing in our hearts


    >and souls.


    >1. Sikhism does not look down upon people who follow

    other religions as "inferior, non-believer, etc". That

    is one reason why you don't see Sikh Missionaries

    actively pursuing conversions.


    >2. Sikhism is a religion of Equality. Equality

    between Men and Women and also stressing "universal

    equality" amongst all human beings. Which all other

    religions do not have.


    >3. Sikhism is a modern way of life, it doesn't

    subject people to valueless rituals. A few examples

    being the caste system, bathing in holy rivers, facing

    a certain direction for a prayer, slaughtering animals

    in the name of God, circumcision. (NOTE: I'm talking

    of Sikhism, not cultural practices.. which at times

    are not up to date with the teachings of the religion,

    as can be seen in all religions))


    >4. Sikhism, is a religion of worship of One God. A

    God that has no 'chosen people', a God compassionate

    to all, God not bonded to a "single religion", God to

    be found and realized by all, God that is not pleased

    with ritualistic behavior, a God that is only pleased

    by "ANYONE" who with true devotion LOVES HIM, yes a

    God for all the UNIVERSE.. not of Jews, Sikh, Hindus,

    Muslims,etc. God himself spoke to Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    the founder of Sikhism on the "Day of Revelation",

    when Guru Nanak Dev Ji was called to God' home and

    given his directives to preach to this world. God

    spoke the following verse on this most blessed day to

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the entire world. Known as the

    Mul Mantra. The very first verse written in the Guru

    Granth Sahib Ji (the Sikh scripture) and found at many

    other places before other hymns in the Guru Granth

    Sahib Ji. Ik Onkar (God is One) Sat Nam ( His name is

    True) Kartaa Purakh (He is the Creator) Nirbhau (He is

    without fear) Nirvair (He is inimical to none)

    > Akal-murat (He never di


    >es) Ajooni (He is beyond births and deaths) Saibhang

    ( He is self illuminated) Gurprasaad (He is realized

    by the kindness of the True Guru) Jap (Repeat His

    Name) And in God's court Guru Nanak spoke the

    following, which God accepted and condoned, and comes

    write after "Jap". Aad sach (He is True in the

    beginning, (before the anything (universe) existed)

    Jugaad sach (He was True when the ages commenced and

    has ever been True) Hai bhi sach (He is also True now)

    Nanak hosi bhi sach. ((Satguru) Nanak (says that) he

    will be certainly True in the future.)


    >5. Sikhism believes in reincarnation. As the worldly

    science is improving and people are starting to

    realize this phenomenon is true (through hypnosis and

    near-death experiences) they will understand the

    "Greater Glory" in the Sikh scriptures to have

    realized this concept while others don't believe in it

    at all. (Note: Only Hinduism and Bhudism share these

    values of reincarnation, and many Christians are

    starting to believe it, and though Muslims rejects

    this notion, I believe many believe of it as well.)


    >6. Sikhism stresses that God judges all people as to

    their actions in this world. It does not matter what

    religion he practices, or was born to. Hence the

    theory of Karma is also a part of Sikh religion. The

    ultimate reward in Sikhism is to be freed from the

    PAINS of 'births and deaths' that Humans undergo.

    Reflect for a few minutes, and think of how much do we

    as people suffer in life? We suffer a tremendous

    amount! The older you are the more you will know of

    it. Unlike other religions, which offer a heavenly

    paradise, where one is rewarded with Virgins (only for

    the males as one scripture has it) and rivers of wine

    (which ironically is not sanctioned for one to drink

    here on this earth). Sikhism rewards people with the

    concept of becoming "one with God". Where the soul is

    emersed back into the Godly soul, like a raindrop is

    emersed into the ocean and hence find ever lasting

    bliss. (Never to be reborn again)! This is for both

    MALE and FEMALE. No sexism is in the scripture. I

    > challenge all to have a look for themselves, and

    they will be happily surprised that a religion born

    500 years ago, has accepted the equality of sexes as

    well as people, which not even today's western society

    has, nor any other religion has. This is just one

    reason why I adore the Sikh religion. Men and Women

    are Equal in all respect.


    >7. In Sikhism, Men and Women are able to carry out

    prayer rights. There is no priest class, unlike other

    religions, which is controlled by men. Hence again

    women are equal partners in Sikhism. Sikhism is a very

    egalitarian religion.


    >8. "Sikhism is an intellectual way of life"! Sikhs

    are told very strongly, explicitly, to seek knowledge

    within the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Knowledge is the

    "key" to enlightenment. One must understand the Guru's

    written words in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, in order

    to help themselves transcend this worldly ocean and

    reach the higher spiritual goals given to Humankind by

    God. The challenge of being a Sikh is truly a hard

    one, the majority of the world of today have not the

    courage in them, nor the will power, nor are the

    willingness to spend time to pursue this

    "intellectual" and "spiritual" journey and achieve

    that ultimate state of ETERNAL BLISS. People not

    wanting to face this challenge, since it is a

    difficult one, a long one, is why people are unaware

    of the greatness of their Sikh religion. They continue

    to play in this world (metaphorically speaking) in the

    pursuit of trying to find happiness, yet never achieve

    it. Happiness is only temporary. It is eternal bliss

    (Anand) that we

    > want, which the Guru guides us on how to achieve,

    in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Happiness (Bliss) can not

    be bought with riches, etc. Happiness is a state of

    mind. Bliss is the state of being one with our mind,

    soul, and heart. One can only find it by being able to

    control (cleansing) the mind, which Sikhism stresses

    one to do, with God' Naam (Name. Then only will one

    achieve true lasting happiness (bliss) within

    ourselves. I challenge the readers to spend some time,

    to read up on the lives of Sikh Gurus, read the Sikh

    scripture, along with the other religions open

    mindedly, and Sikhism will pass as the most objective,

    logical, equal, humanitarian religion. A good place to

    start is Sandeep Singh's WWW home page.The Sikhism

    Home Page: http://www.sikhs.org/


    >9. Sikhism is a religion which builds character. It

    tells its followers to be "hard workers" to earn their

    daily bread. To share this with others, as well as to

    remember the Lord in their heart. Hence within

    Sikhism, there is a compassion towards all of

    humanity, a fact of social reform.


    >10. Sikhism is the only religion that allows all

    people, of any caste, colour, creed, religion to come

    to "ANY"! of their holy places, without restriction,

    and be given equal respect in all matters. They are

    served in the Gurdwara (Sikhs holy temple), in the

    kitchen with the same dignity as if they were Sikhs.

    They are allowed to participate in Singing Hymns on

    stage even if they are not Sikhs. They are allowed to

    read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (if they know how to

    read Gurmukhi Script) even if they are not Sikhs. They

    are allowed to discuss Sikhism in these places of

    worship even if they are not Sikhs. "A very good

    example comes to mind is Bhai Chaman Lal even though

    he is a Hindu. He sings Gurbani hymns all over in

    Gurdwaras and tells wonderful stories of the Gurus.

    Sikhs respect and give him equal dignity, even though

    he is not a Sikh." I personally love his singing and

    his stories. He's more of a Sikh than I am. Hence one

    does not have to even change religion, to follow Sikh

    > practices and sing the Glories of God using Sikh

    scripture and that truly is the greatness of Sikhism.


    >11. Sikhism allows one to follow the path to

    enlightenment, at their own speed. This enlightenment

    comes with their own understanding and awareness of

    the message in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and how much

    effort they have given to incorporate it in their

    lives. Sikhism allows people to interpret the Guru

    Granth Sahib for themselves (unlike other religions)

    and with increasing awareness and understanding, the

    person will gain greater (deeper) understanding of the

    "divine" words of the Gurus, who were in direct

    communication with God and wrote what God told them in

    the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.


    >12. Sikhism is the only religion where the Scripture

    is written by the Prophet of the religion who was in

    divine communication with God, out of all the other

    worldly religions whose scriptures were written later

    by people.


    >13. Sikhism is the only religion that has in its

    Scripture, Hymns of Divine saints who had attained

    that state of perfection and communion with God in

    life. Be them Muslim or Hindu (from every caste).

    Hence Sikhism is truly a religion that has broken down

    barriers between religions, to show the world that,

    "anyone" can reach God by immersing themselves in His

    love. That is why Hindu and Muslim saints divine hymns

    from God are also recorded in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    Sikh Gurus are not only honoring the achievement of

    these Saints throughout time, but are sending a

    message to the world. Sikhism is not the property of

    those who are born in Punjab or to Sikh families. It

    is a religion for all of humanity, men and women, be

    them of any caste, creed or colour and be them born to

    any religion in the world. Sikhism is for all of

    humanity, let us not forget the entire universe.

  8. Oh Yeah Paji It was on the wrong way anyway forget it....I have a old story of true love

    Old story of true love

    A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding

    through the night. They

    loved each other a lot..

    Girl: "slow down a little.. I'm scared.."

    Boy: "No, it's so fun.."

    Girl: "please..it's so scary.."

    Boy: "Then say that you love me.."

    Girl: "Fine..I love you..can you slow down now?"

    Boy: "Give me a big hug.."

    The girl gave him a big hug.

    Girl: "Now can you slow down?"

    Boy: "Can you take off my helmet and put it on?

    It's uncomfortable and it's bothering me while i drive."

    The next day, there was a story in the newspaper.

    A motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were broken.

    There were two people on the motorcycle, of which one died, and the other



    The guy knew that the brakes were broken. He

    didn't want to let the girl know, because he knew that the girl would have

    gotten scared.Instead, he was told the last time that she loved

    him, got a hug from her,put his helmet on her so that she can live, and

    die himself...

    Once in a while, Right in the middle of an

    ordinary life, Love gives us a

    fairy tale...

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