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Posts posted by KJ

  1. So for women and men to sit on opposite sides, that's just a tradition? its not in gurbani...so it was the 'people' who changed it right? ..if so, then why do we follow it, why cant we just sit wherever we want, and i agree with, Mugermach Singh. so..if we sit on opposite sides..isnt that being sexist? by havin women on this side and men on the other side?...if people changed it, for there own reason...isnt that wrong? shouldnt we have families sitting together? im sure thats how it was in guru jis times...aightt well thats my 2 cents...and N30 S!NGH..i think its right to question tradition..because i have my friends coming up to me, who arent sikhs..asking...why do the guys sit on one side and the grls sit on the other side...and then they ask, well i thought the guru granth shaib ji, talked about equality n stuff.....so yeah know, like i said im jus puttin in my 2 cents. personally i think its wrong to sit like that.

    - Ok, well, ciao! :)

  2. Hey! I just wanted to know, if u dont take amrit does that mean u go to hell? even if someone does there paat and not eat meat and not drink..so the only thing that they do is cut there hair and thats why they dont want to take amrit..then do they go to hell or not? cause i mean, if u are amritari i guess it would mean u have a place in sach khand doesnt it?.hummm...i duno, what do you think?

  3. Hey, I was just wondering, say if a sikh wanted to marry a non sikh, does it say anywhere in Gurbani that its wrong? Because its not like ur changin ur faith and what not, and say if the other person whose not a sikh, and he or she respects ur religion and evreything in it, then personally i dont see why it would be wrong. well ok, then again, its the whole "cultural" indian minds where its like..oh thats wrong, what will people say and think etc. Anyways, i'm pretty sure that it says in the Guru Granth Shaib Ji, that there should be no discrimination and racism etc. So by following that..and being with a person who respects u'r views and religion ..then is it wrong to marry a non sikh?...( i hope im making sense, i tend to jus through allll my idea's in and end up not making anny sense).

    So if someone can help me and tell me if it says anything in the G.G.S.J, that would be safe.

    - Alright, ciao :)

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