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Khalistani Singh

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Posts posted by Khalistani Singh

  1. Theres many reasons for keeping your hair. That in can protect us from ultraviolet rays, etc and the turban helps keep energy flowing throughout brain as I've read on sikhnet. Also the turban can also help from getting shot in the head...lol...but the main reason we keep our hair is because out of love. We appreciate what the martyrs have done for us, and appreciate the beauty of Sikhi. We keep it, cause the Kesh is the Sikh's Nishani. Althought we must not forget to keep the other 4 K's as well. There is just more than to just keeping your hair, some say it brings them closer to waheguru. Some ask, why dont we grow out our nails also? haha that's quite foolish. The hair was the symbol of Sikhs, and still is. It's easy to identify a Sikh from 1,000 other people cause he/she keeps there hair and turban.

    Here is an interseting article- IT IS QUITE LONG BUT MAKES SENSE.

    http://khalsapride.com/ChickenSoup/8.htm :sikhigrin:

  2. The matter of fact is, the hardcore radical muslims in the UK are targeting Sikh and Hindu Girls. All the muslims care about is CONVERTING, just like how they wanted to convert us in the 1500's. There have been many cases in England where the girl has been seduced into marrying a muslim. Then once the man has full advtange of them he takes her as a prostitute in Pakistan or even in England. This is a repeated story because I've heard stories from more than one family. It even happened in where I live, New Jersey. Muslim men are given cell phones, cars, money, etc and are given great respect on the number of girls they lure and convert into Islam. There main goal is to sleep with the girl, and thus they have accomplished there jobs. They are even changing there names to similar last names of Sikhs such as Hayer and other familar last names. Here is some proof: http://hinduunity.org/bewaregirls.htm

    and http://groups.msn.com/SikhandHindugirls/si...hindugirls.msnw, also I found an islamic website based in the UK encouraging fellow islam brothers to hunt down Sikh and Hindu women. Ive also read on Sikhnet from a first hand experience of a girl who was fooled by such men. There is good and bad in every faith-I think these particular muslims have misinterperted the teachings of Islam as well as others in the Middle East. But I still don't see how Sikh women tend to get inspired my Muslim men, where it is clearly written in the Quaran that a Muslim man can have up to 12 wives, and also if one becomes a martyr, he'll go to "paradise" and have infinite amount of lovers.

    What can we say all about this? Blame it on the parents? Blame it on the girl? Or Blame it on the Sikh Brothers who don't do anything?

    I've seen in cases, where parents try to do their best and don't have double standards. And I've also seen Sikh Brothers educating their sisters about these facts in England, when I went there winter. They are sending emails to their fellow Sikh sisters. The only problem in this case is the girl who gets simply persuaded by these Muslim men. This is all LUST, one of the main principles against SIKHI.

    Just to leave off with a funny fact from UK MUSLIMS-

    Muslim fundamentalist groups, which say, "They aim to make France an Islamic Republic by the year 2015,and Britain year 2025 through conversions, immigration and high Muslim birth rates." :sikhigrin:

  3. Isn't it amazing how Baba Deep Singh fought, and that pitcher story I forgot about...but I think it belonged to Guru Gobind Singh Ji and it had holes, but the milk didnt spill...and how Guru Nanak stopped the rock with his hand? It's amazing how these things occured. The Guru Nanak story can be proved true cause the rock still lies with the very same imprints in Lahore I believe. But if someone can follow up with more infomration on these occurings, I'll greatly appreicate it. Thanks


  4. Got some few more questions...may sound dumb...so if we kill a fly, is the Sikh destined to hell? And aren't we like responsible for some of our deaths, like speeding...and then what happens after death? Read the links quite interesting...but it's 1:54 am in the morning and i'm sure as hell not listening to that Suleman ghost story this late lol...during day sure! But not now! haha...

  5. I was just wonderin' what Sikhi says about afterlife and if there are any references to Ghosts? This all just came into mind after watchin' the video "Gothika"...lol...Is there a heaven and hell? And I've heard that we get reincarnated if we keep living in the world of "maya." Yep so just wonderin' what the SGGS says all about this. Thanks.

    Gurjote Singh Dhaliwal

    (a new member-started keeping my kesh over the summer-the events of 1984 brought me deeper into Sikhi. Raj Karega Khalsa! If anyone would just like to talk email me at KhalistaniSingh@hotmail.com, AIM SN = Khalistani Singh). 1

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