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Singh Soorma

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Posts posted by Singh Soorma

  1. Whats the quick and most effective learning flash. I downloaded flash mx 2004.. yestrday, wanted to learn. I finally learned how to use php.. Developing a hotel registration system today :) for a client...

    But flash what can I do to conquer this beast.

  2. One questoin I have on God, is if God is all loving and kind, why do we have to go through these birth and deaths, over and over.

    Sometimes it doesnt' make sense. Like okay, if our karma decides our fates, does it mean taht all rich people are better than low income people.

    If were born into a family that has no money, no house, lives day by day and then we have people who have all the comforts in the world, how is this equal.

    If we are not born equal, then how can we all be judged equal?



  3. Ok its for a class assignmetn..

    Wasn't sure of how to do it..

    So you have a form has 10-15 elemetns, firstname,lastname,city address

    and then you want to sumbit that form and it would create an xml document based on that data.

    jsp form -- > xml

    how would i do it ?

  4. It takes a lot of guts to say what you have said. However, I disagree with these comments.

    "In my observation, Sikhism will not survive unless the Sikhs snap out of the shell they are in. And believe me, im not joking, Sikhism is real danger of being eaten from the inside out. The enemies Sikhs so freely make will make this an even swifter demise. You all have alot of sould searching to do and i am not going to enlighten you to what is so dangerously wrong, i think you need to find out yourselves"

    I think that isn't even remotely near the truth, I have seen some chardi kala singhs in my life, people who are good Sikhs. Perhaps you didnt' meet the right kind, however it is easier to take the islamic root right now.

    I noticed surprisingly they have good media that protray them in a good light, rarely looking at the bad things. It's quite funny, how non-muslims are wearing their type of caps, and just in general having those type of beards. Muslims may be the most vocal of their religion, but I dont' see anything for them at the end of the tunnel.

    Islam is had 1400 years to do preaching, Sikhism only 305 years starting from Khalsa Panth. If we look at Islam, we see them fighthing with each other, you seem to have a good knowledge of Pakistan; so you perhaps know of the Shia-Shitte problems. I say to you, whatever makes you happy do it. The only thing is to you I think you took the coward way out, Sikhism in pracitce is probably the hardest religion to follow [mentally, physically], but talking with gora singhs, it is the most rewarding.

  5. I was wondering if any Singhs could tutor me.

    I needed to learn how to develop a site, where you can basically register in and then create a profile. And allow people to see a profile of yourself.

    All done by using php.

    Anyays leave a pm, and i'll give you my email address.


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