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Hi all,


 I am a long time spiritual seeker who has become somewhat familiar with the Sikh path through a local Gurudwara.   I am also a vegetarian of 15 years who has been somewhat lost spiritually and looking for a path.  I feel a deep sense of peace at the Gurudwara and want to learn more about this path.  I suppose part of the reason I have become lost is that there are many different groups out there and I am not sure which one is right for me.  I would like to hear what others have to say about their experiences growing in the Sikh religion.  I have seen some Sikh leave to join splinter groups and am curious if there is a deep spiritual tradition still alive or if it has become more of an institution.     Does the Sikh religion want to expand outside of the Indian community to attract other non-Indians?

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I grew up a Catholic but later on began a long spiritual search to address to address questions such as Is there soul?; Do we reincarnate?; What is the purpose of the Samsara? .  I explored Buddhism, Hare Krishnas and Eckankar more recently.  It was through Eckankar that I grew interested in exploring the source teachings of Sikhism.  I have adopted some beliefs such as being a vegetarian for the past 12 years and practicing daily meditation but want to continue to make progress through fellowship with others.  I can't say right now where my path will lead but appreciate any things I can learn from others and am grateful for the presence of this community here.  As for your question about people to chill with, yes I do think social activity is a part of human existence but I channel it through association of like minded people from whom I can learn.  So while friendship is a part of it, I am focused at this stage on spiritual progress as well.  Thank you for your reply,



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Friendship is important also, as well as associating with like-minded people, for the flowering of your soul/consciousness.

42 minutes ago, WillEast said:

I grew up a Catholic but later on began a long spiritual search to address to address questions such as Is there soul?; Do we reincarnate?; What is the purpose of the Samsara? .  I explored Buddhism, Hare Krishnas and Eckankar more recently.  It was through Eckankar that I grew interested in exploring the source teachings of Sikhism.

Ultimately these paths are just tools that you can use to carve your own path in the world.

What really matters is your daily practice and I am glad to hear you are doing something regularly. Practicing consistently on a daily basis and as much as possible, in all activities, is the most important.

What has been your daily practice so far? And tell us more about what you are doing and your experience of doing it.

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Yes, your comment on carving out our own path resonates with me.  People often ask me what I have learned from studying all of these different groups.  There may be many different answers but one clear thing is that whatever path we have is unique irrespective of the particular religion we belong to.  Still, I do identify with some paths more than others; maybe from past lives, maybe from current life influences. 

  For now, I actually do study a few different paths and sometimes combine elements to suit my individual needs. I will explain.  I tend to have shorter attention span and chanting out loud for about 20 minutes allows my mind to focus more.   I will then usually start Simran for another 20 minutes repeating one mantra.  I learned some suggestions from a book Bandginama by Sardar Raghbir Bir that I picked up from a local gurudwara.  I find this usually works well.  I also study from other  texts such as the Bhagavad Gita that address previously mentioned questions that I have asked.  Sometimes during the day I will incorporate prayer.    I may say a prayer for the safety of animals I see near a busy road or for personal situations.  

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WillEast you are a truly beautiful soul. You are already blessed - see your own light and how it radiates out to the universe. You are not seeking Sikhism Bro, Sikhism is seeking you. A prayer for the safety of animals near a busy road? That prayer alone will light your path a million moons bright. Your higher self will Guide you. Believe in You- Magic only happens when you do. Just say "waheguru" or whatever other term of endearment you wish. Waheguru will come get ya :) 

God Bless man. 

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