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Amarjeet Singh_1737

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Posts posted by Amarjeet Singh_1737

  1. Thing is, you bring up the subject you'll get a knee-jerk 'anti-bahman' response from the majority, especially those of Singh Sabha backgrounds.

    Plus truth be told, if havans took place in the past they were very rare.

    Are you like at war with yourself or something? You just contradicted your first statement with the second one veer ji.

  2. Now of course some members on this forum will blast us as 'Sikh fundamentalists' (we know one guy in particular) but Sian's attitude is reflective of the Islamic authorities. Those who watched that BBC documentary will know what I am talking about, when the question of 'religious justification for anti-social elements' was put to a muslim leader he countered the entire thing by blaming ethnicity rather than ideology. Seems like Sian's got the same thing going for her. City Sikhs, British Sikh Association, bla bla bla are all really a bunch of neo-liberal hypocrites pushing a revamped singular, almost corporate, version of Sikhi in their kleptocratic markets.

  3. Let me share with you the story of my friend who never lost hope and always inspired hope in me when I was down.

    This young Singh came from a tragic background in Delhi, when he was 6 years old his mother was forced to separate him from his grandmother and brought him to New-Zealand. Here the Singh grew up without any family support, the family robbed his parent dry of any money. Tragically they lost all they had in India. In New-Zealand a con man robbed his immediate family of their finances by offering them a fake job offer. The authorities refused to listen to them. Whenever they applied for residency things hit the fan quite hard. Ultimately betrayed by friends and family Singh prepared himself for suicide. Yet after reading about Shaheed Singhs Singhnis (our historic ancesotrs who fought for righteousness, equality, love, life and above all to keep our nation intact) he refused to give in and slogged on with life. Ultimately he became amritdhari (an initiated Sikh, the elite Khalsa) and was inches away from gaining residency this year. Yet betrayal happened again. He was advised to do a certain course to achieve his dreams yet the laws changed. Now he has six months left in NZ. When his grandmother died he was not allowed to attend her funeral. Why did she die? Because of him, of what he was living through the hell he faced. Today he is torn between going back to stark poverty or staying and doing study and seva in NZ. So a new strategy has manifested itself. He must marry someone in this nation. But brothers and sisters how is this possible and what should he do? None of the Sikh communities here has helped him. In fact they have told him to go back and die in a few words as possible, and even banned him form a gurghar. What should he do now? And how can he obtain Waheguru's grace and gain peace. It seems everytime he packs his bag a new strategy comes his way. This marriage one is 100% certain to work. None of our sisters has agreed to the proposal plus he is studying construction, has university potential (officially proven) is a Sardar and has no addictions. I know him quite well and love him like a brother and want to help him. So what strategy can I chalk out?

  4. Let me share with you the story of my friend who never lost hope and always inspired hope in me when I was down.

    This young Singh came from a tragic background in Delhi, when he was 6 years old his mother was forced to separate him from his grandmother and brought him to New-Zealand. Here the Singh grew up without any family support, the family robbed his parent dry of any money. Tragically they lost all they had in India. In New-Zealand a con man robbed his immediate family of their finances by offering them a fake job offer. The authorities refused to listen to them. Whenever they applied for residency things hit the fan quite hard. Ultimately betrayed by friends and family Singh prepared himself for suicide. Yet after reading about Shaheed Singhs Singhnis (our ancestors and parents who died for righteousness, love, life and to keep our flags high and inspire equality in this miserable planet) he refused to give in and slogged on with life. Ultimately he became amritdhari and was inches away from gaining residency this year. Yet betrayal happened again. He was advised to do a certain course to achieve his dreams yet the laws changed. Now he has six months left in NZ. When his grandmother died he was not allowed to attend her funeral. Why did she die? Because of him, of what he was living through the hell he faced. Today he is torn between going back to stark poverty or staying and doing study and seva in NZ. So a new strategy has manifested itself. He must marry someone in this nation. But brothers and sisters how is this possible and what should he do? None of the Sikh communities here has helped him. In fact they have told him to go back and die in a few words as possible, and even banned him form a gurghar. What should he do now? And how can he obtain Mahakaal's grace and gain peace. It seems everytime he packs his bag a new strategy comes his way. This marriage one is 100% certain to work. None of our sisters has agreed to the proposal plus he is studying construction, has university potential (officially proven) is a Sardar and has no addictions. I know him quite well and love him like a brother and want to help him. So what strategy can I chalk out?

  5. As a diehard Khalistani I have to say the idea of a Sikhi inspired state fills me with dread.

    It is so weird how Sikhs think all their problems will evaporate overnight with independence and that all we will have to worry about is solving world hunger or making the world Sikh lol. What about food security, law and order, defence, economic planning? So many Sikhs are in cloud cuckoo land that I'm glad there are so many level headed Punjabi nationalists in the movement to keep it in the real world.

    If we do get our own state it will be a predominantly Punjabi state. That means only those of Punjabi ancestry or parentage/grandparentage will be allowed in. Maybe some others, but it wont be an open door policy. Anything else will lead to annihilation. As you can see by the present immigration level in East Punjab. Does that make us racist? No. Does that make us hypocrites? No. Does that go against our Gurus' teachings? No. Will foreign people/coconuts/lefties/sulleh lovers guilt trip us into getting their way and doing what they want? You bet your ass on it. If you want a multicultural SIkh state why dont you start somewhere else in the world? Punjabis have nowhere else to go and you fundos all say you will rule the whole world one day, so why not start in Southall or Arizona instead.

    Which brings me onto another thing. If East Punjab was an independant country, what would it be like? Sikhs are so lost from reality that they think a good thing is a bad thing and vice versa. If any American/African/Asian/European country had the same levels of emigration as EP they would be considered failed states. Yet Sikhs act like leaving EP is great and that it furthers their own future - by laying bricks and shagging poor foreigners. Oh dear oh dear. You want to build a country out of wannabe builders and prostitutes? Go for it.

    The irony is that if the Sikh religous and political institutions created an environment where Sikh family life was the norm, something to strive for and economically sustainable then these people wouldn't have had to leave. If they had got married and had 5 kids (with support from the government and community) within one generation our number would have increased to 50 million. If this had carried on for another generation we would have had a 100 million Punjabi Sikhs by 2048. Obviously some would have to emigrate but which country in their right mind would turn away hard working SIkhs?

    But no. No we couldnt do it. We guilt tripped the people back home about our supposedly great lives here. They filled their own heads with bizarre fantasies about what their kids would achieve abroad. None of this was tempered by Sikh religous leaders. They sent their kids off and now an entire generation is lost to the construction sites and brothels of the rest of the world. Round of applause! Even the Africans in EP say as much to the Sikhs there lol. Who in their right mind lets people into their country to create 'colonies'? The word is so loaded, but as usual Sikhs decide to just imagine their own reality so devoid of reason it would be funny if it wasnt so damaging.

    If you cant even save your own people how can you claim to save the world?

    I cant even imagine day to day things being achievable in Khalistan with the number of religous nutters we have. Could you imagine being in something like a nuclear submarine full of Sikhs? Alarms going off, flooding, radioactive leaks and some of the the sailors would be like 'It is all his Hukam, dont worry Guruji will protect me from radiation and drowning!' whilst sitting on their hands and endagering everyone around them. Might sound a bit far fetched but there are enough Sikhs like this that we cant put them in certain situations.

    Going back to social problems Khalistan would face, look at the treatment of women. Singhs are indifferent to female infanticide, grooming and women trafficking...... until they have to get married. Then when they cant find a girl for themselves it becomes a massive issue over Sikh women not liking men with beards and turbans. Trust me, women couldnt care less how you look as long as your clean/fit. But if you're ugly on the inside and a selfish idiot who is obsessed with nothing but quasi-holiness and self-gratification then no normal Sikh woman will want to build a future with you. And no amount of prostituting Sikhi abroad will bring in enough goriya for all of you lol.

    Add to all this how Sikhs in EP now put statues of Buddha, Jesus, Koranic writings etc next to pictures of our Gurus in their homes. You even see picture of Jesus and Guru Gobind Singh in freshies' cars in the UK. Why? Because 'all paths lead to God'. Oh dear, oh dear, who let that happen? Might sound like a lovely sound bite when trying to ingratiate yourself with your hosts and idols but it's misinterpretation is ruining the very faith you proclaim to love and spread. Go home Khalsa, you're drunk.

    If we were to have a Khalistan, it would be a real country in the real world. The question is would Sikhs and Punjabis be willing to work to make it a great place, or does the fantasy of a Sikh country provide some kind of a 'hit' for the addled minds of the average Sikh?

    Good point, thats what 'Indians' thought as well. And now look where we all are.


  6. With all due respect don't you think its unfortunate that many Sikhs know the history of individuals who belong to both Nirmala and Udasi sampradas, but are ignorant about the history of Nihung saints? Other than Baba Deep Singh Ji, Baba Gurbax Singh Ji, Baba Santa Singh Ji and a few other jathedars of Nihung-Singh Dals how many other Nihungs are we aware of who have contributed to the panth?

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