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Posts posted by harsharan000



    Just Cross it and Move on


    When I started using pen in my primary school, and I made a mistake,

    I would try hard to erase it before submitting to my teacher.

    Sometimes, I use chalk to clean my mistake but it later re-appeared.
    So I began to use saliva, it worked, but only to leave holes in my books.

    My teachers then used to beat me for being outrageously dirty.

    But all I tried to do was to cover my error.
    One day, a kind hearted teacher who loved me so much called me aside and he said,

    " Anytime you make a mistake, just cross it and move on" .

    He said further " Trying to erase your mistakes would only damage your book to nothing.
    I told him in protest that I don't want people to see my mistake.

    My loving teacher laughed and said

    " Trying to erase your mistake will make more people know about your mess and the stigma is for life".
    Have you made some mistakes in life?

    Cross it over and move on.

    Don't expose yourself as a result of trying to cover your mistakes.

    Better things are ahead of you.




    We all know what is snow.

    Snow can fall at any place, at any time,

    provided the climatological conditions are present in the atmosphere.

    Not just by wanting snow or talking about it,

    the snow is going to fall

    Nobody from any corner of the world can ever say,

    my snow is better than the one falling on the other side.

    It would be a foolish and senseless argument.

    In a similar way, that Supreme Being, namely Wahiguru,

    does manifest Himself in any wadbhagee´s heart,

    if only, it gathers the required conditions for it,

    like unconditional love and devotion, as per means of Nam Simran.

    And this manifesting Him in our heart, has to be done by each one of us.

    Nature has provided us with the necessary aids for that purpose.

    It is not possible to say, come take this snow from me ....

    maybe at a physical level, this can be done,

    but on a spiritual level, this is not possible,

    each jeeva, each soul,

    has  to conscioussly  create  those climatologicaly devotional  conditions within them,

    so that,

    that Supreme Being

    Satnam, Wahiguru Akal Purukh,

    manifests Himself in that particular blessed heart,

    just as a snowfall.

    Sat Sree Akal


    What is the difference between "http" and "https"? 



     Time to know this, with 32 lakh Debit Cards compromised in India! 

     Some of you may be aware of this difference, but it is worth sharing for many those who are not. 

     The main difference between "http://" and "https://" is all about keeping you secure. 

     "http" stands  for "Hyper Text Transfer  Protocol". 
     The "s" (big  surprise) stands for "Secure". If you visit a Website or Web Page, and look at the address in the Web Browser, it is likely to begin with the following: "http://" 
    This means that the Website is talking to  your Browser using the regular unsecured language. In other words, it is possible for someone to  "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with  the Website.

    If you fill out a form on the Website, someone might see the information you send to that site. 
     This is why you never ever enter your Credit Card Number in an "http://" Website! But if the Web Address begins with "https://", that means your Computer is talking to the Website in a Secure Code that no one can eavesdrop on. 

     Now, hope you understood why this is so important. 

     If a Website ever asks you to enter your Credit/Debit Card Information, you should automatically look to see if the Web Address begins with  "https://" 

     If  it doesn't, you should NEVER enter any Sensitive Information such as a Credit/Debit Card Number etc. 
    While checking the name of any Website, first look for the domain extension (Eg: ".com"  or ".org", ".co.in", ".net"  etc).

    The name just before this is the domain name of the Website. Eg: in the above case, "http://amazon.diwali -festivals.com", the word before ".com" is "diwali-festivals" (and NOT "amazon").

    So, this Webpage does not belong to "amazon.com" but belongs to "diwali-festivals.com", which  we all haven't heard of before.You can similarly check for bank frauds.

     Before your e-banking logins, make sure that the name just before ".com" is the name of your bank. Eg: "something. icicibank.com" belongs to icici; but, "icicibank. some1else.com" belongs to "some1else."


    "You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you."

    - Eckhart Tolle


    Note:  The True everlasting goodness within all is the same, which is the  Jot of Waheguru Akal Purukh.

    Unless we merge in Him, we are incomplete, howsoever we may appear to be, for we are not that Truly good.


    dalsingh 101:

    It's like they say in Panjabi: Billi sau choohay khaa kay haj chal gayee. 


    Nice saying bro,

    but at least the billis have the excuse of saying that mother nature has created them so, this equates that these so called "paks" are less than the billi category, for inspite of having been given common sense and sense of discrimination between right and wrong, yet they do not use it, thus do all the dirty things for which they are known, like grooming, raping, killings, bullying....

  6. With due respect to all sants, gods,trinities, with 108, 1000 and more names , etc, etc, etc...

    This diversity/variety, is what takes us outside, and keeps us entangled in Maya.

    Why not pay atention to what Guru Jee tells us in the Bani, when they say : Jap mun Satnam, sadhaa Satnam.

    Aren´t Guru  Sahiban, the Highest of the Highest, above all in perefction, in wisdom?

    We may see what others say or do, but we should be careful to not get distracted with all these things,  for as sikhs, if there is anything which we should give importance, that undoubtedly should be, that thing, which takes us out from diversity, and leads us towards the only One, Satnam.

    For as the Bani says right from the very begining:  Ik Oankar, Satnam. There is only one Creator Lord, and that is Satnam, all else is paraphernalia, perishable temporary illusion.

    When Guru Sahiban, tell us that there is only One, Satnam, why to debate or discuss or be curious even after mere pebbles, when we have the eternal Fountain of everlasting Truth,  namely Satnam.


    I am not trying to stop anyone from anything, but just trying to say that, having Waheguru alone with us, nothing more is needed, in the sense that, that one name of Satnam, is all and everything for us as sikhs.

    Stay blessed.


  7. Pakistan is formed from the word 'Pak' or pious in Islam. The dirty habits of Sikhs will not be allowed here," Islamist scholar Khadim Hussain Rizvi was heard in the video talking about facilities availed by Sikh pilgrims visiting the Kartarpur Gurdwara.

    Khadim Rizvi is the founder of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, a religious-political organisation founded in 2015 known for its protests against any change to Pakistan's blasphemy law. Some of their protests have been on a large scale.

    "Only Mecca and the Prophet are considered to be holy in our land. The Sikhs can visit Amritsar for pilgrimage if they want, but they should not come here," the cleric added.

    Experts at a talk show on Canadian Tag TV emphasised that the video is another confirmation that PM Imran Khan had attempted to buy the Sikh sentiment to use it against the BJP-led government in India and also fuel the separatist movement of Khalistan.

    The much-awaited Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, a 4.7-kilometre-long passage that connects Dera Baba Nanak Sahib in India's Gurdaspur and Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan's Kartarpur was formally opened for pilgrims on Saturday three days ahead of 550th anniversary of the founder of Sikhism Guru Nanak Dev on November 12.


    One thing I do not understand, if according to Islam, Allah is the only true supreme god, why did he create other people of other religions?

    That means, he is not the sole creator, there are more gods...according to their belief.

    The dirty things done, are done by them by killing others.

    Is allah such an handicapped entity that he has to use ordinary people to do the dirty job of taking thousands of innocent lives.

    Personally i do not believe it is so low, rather that even Allah has been mentioned as a creative power with good attributes in SGGS.

    Allah, just as Waheguru, god, lord, are words to describe that Original creative power, which is present everywhere and in everyone, as a ray of light of that Supreme Conciousness.

    Then if light has no religion, no color, no size, no gender, no race, but only love and wisdom, then why so much killings, hatred?

    This sick behaviour, only shows that someone  mentally unbalanced has succeeded inducing dirt in their minds.

    For no matter howsoever some  mentally  sick want to portray the wrong picture of Allah, that is nothing a great beadbee and injustice towards Allah. That is not fair.

    It is the same power permeating in all, if anything that diffentiates us from our original divine nature, it is  the amount of dirt,  such as hatred, jealousy, lies, discrimination, kaam, lobh, moh...krodh, ego, falsehood, chuglee....

    It is as stupid and absurd, as like if water has different names in different languages, so to say if it is called panee, is correct, while saying water, aqua, eau, wadah, is as good as poison.

    If that was the case, people of other countries would have died...

    Stupidity has no limits.

    Had even a single person had the personal experience of the blessed vision of Allah, I am sure they would just speak as we sikhs talk of God as a Universal creative power.

    I have put my 2 cents, Allah is not to be blamed, it is the absurdity of those in name of Allah who commit atrocities on mankind.

    Hey people of the world come back into senses, and be a bit human beings, by respecting all as Nature created them. Nobody chose before hand anything for where, when and how to be born.


  8. On 9/19/2005 at 12:32 PM, DHANBABANANAK said:

    u said must meditate on waheguru, but what about mool mantar?


    what difference does it make?

    Is not Waheguru the highest everlasting Truth?

    Moreover, does not the Bani say, Jin Har japeeya, se Har hoeeya?

    Plus Harbhajan Jee, by himself is not telling anybody to meditate on Waheguru, he is just underlying what the Bani says as seen  in his quote above:

    gur satgur kaa jo sikh akhaa-ay so bhalkay uth har naam Dhi-aavai.

    He, who calls himself a Sikh of the Great True Guru, should rise early and meditate on God's Name.

    As simple as that.

    Let us not be so petty minded, let us see fully what the other person is trying to say by pondering on it a bit,  we are not to get ablazed, for that reaction clouds our minds, thus we get more confused.

    Stay blessed.




    Six thought provoking sentences....


    1. In a 2000 Sq feet house you live in 200 Sq feet; in the remaining 1800 Sq feet lives your ego.

    2.The difference between "Time" and "Wealth". You are always aware at all times how much wealth you have but you are never aware at any time how much time you have.....!!!

    3. An anklet costs thousands but is worn on the feet but a bindi costs ₹ 2 and is worn on the forehead....Therefore it is not the cost that matters but the place.

    4. In a book store lie all 3.. the Holy Gita..the Bible and the Koran. They never quarrel with each other. The ones who fight in their name are those who have never read them....!!!

    5. A true friend is one who tells you the truth which may hurt like salt on a wound; those who speak sweetly are only sycophants. It is a known fact that salt never spoils but sweets spoil very easily.

    6. Science claims that when hurt is inflicted on the tongue it heals very fast . Wisdom says that when hurt is inflicted by the tongue it never heals....!!!

    Hope its worth a share.

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