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Posts posted by harsharan000


    ਦੇਵਾ ਪਾਹਨ ਤਾਰੀਅਲੇ

    Dhaevaa Paahan Thaareealae ||

    God makes even stones float.


    ਰਾਮ ਕਹਤ ਜਨ ਕਸ ਨ ਤਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ

    Raam Kehath Jan Kas N Tharae ||1|| Rehaao ||

    So how come one not  float across,  by chanting Your Name, O Lord?


    In these 2 verses above, Guru Jee clearly tells us that, if ever even remotely, we  want to cross the mahabhavsagar and reach our true Nijh Ghar in Sach Khand, no other practice is of our avail, except that one of repeating His holy name. 

    And sadly  to say, it is this very Bhakti which most of us relegate as a last option in our daily practices,  that too,  when Guru Jee has clearly stressed upon, in each Ang, in each verse, upon what type of Bhakti to perform,   the one in which,  solely His holy Name is meditated upon, yet we shamelessly and ignorantly avoid it, then too, we say we love and firmly believe in Guru Jee.  

    What a contradiction. 

    By other outer practices, we remain devoid of that divine Truth, which is nowhere outside, but right within us, and it is only by His chintan, His meditation, that we are transported from outer  9 gates and portals,  towards within ourselves, the Tenth gate, there where He has kept Himself fully for us, but alas, nobody does any such thing to reach there. For nobody is even slightly interested in performing that unique bhakti, which Guru Jee constantly reminds us throught out the Bani.

    Stay blessed.



    Question 10: Sachay Patshah, why do  You throughout the Bani emphasize  only on Nam Bhakti as per means of true devotion?

    Guru Jee:   ਕਹਤੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਨਵੈ ਘਰ ਮੂਸੇ ਦਸਵੈਂ ਤਤੁ ਸਮਾਈ ॥੩॥੨੨॥੭੩॥

    Kehath Kabeer Navai Ghar Moosae Dhasavain Thath Samaaee ||3||22||73||

    Says Kabeer, the nine openings of the body are being plundered; rise up to the Tenth Gate, and discover the True essence. 


    Here,  what Guru Jee is trying to tell us, is that, the object of whatever efforts of ours as per means of bhakti, is to take us nearer to the True essence, or essence of Spirituality.

    And as seen in His words, He says that, that essence of Truth lies in the Tenth Gate, means above the other nine gates or portals, such as : 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth and 2 lower apertures, through which our attention is scattered in the mayavee creation.

    So as long our attention does not approach towards  that essence of Truth, which lies above the eyes  at the center of our head, we are much far away from our objective, thus, no matter how many days or hours continously  we remain engaged in those practices, we have not get nearer towards it, not even a fraction of an inch.

    For it is only by Nam bhakti that we collect our attention or soul consciousness within and upwards  towards the Tenth Gate, there where lies the True subtle essence of Truth.....

    And the more we do that nishkam bhakti with love, the more His blessings upon us, which is nothing but His apaar kirpa,  by which we are cleansed throughly, and become fit to merge and become one with Him.

    Manumukhs try all sorts of practices accordingly to please their minds thus they feel they are doing something worthy; but it is only by following Gurmat, which only stresses upon Nam bhakti, for it is only by treading  this path of Nam Bhakti laid by Guru Jee Himself as per means of  true Bhakti, to get closer and become one with Him.

    See by yourselves, that by all other practices except Nam bhakti,  we remain scattered in the 9 apertures or gates , thus far away from our goal of Truth,  so, we are not to copy what the world does, and please the world, it is to Him who we have to please, namely Waheguru Akal Purukh, by focussing ourselves on the ever  regular practice of Nam bhakti.

    Nam bhakti is called true bhakti, becuase it gets us closer and closer to that Highest Universal unchangeable Truth of Satnam/Wahegru.

    Stay blessed.

    Sat Sree Akal.

  3. On 9/2/2004 at 12:29 AM, newAgeSikh said:

    Consider the example:

    raam naam ur mai gahi-o jaa kai sam nahee ko-ay

    jih simrat sankat mitai daras tuhaaro ho-ay.

    This verse seems very characteristics of a Bhagat who has enshrined the 'Ram' Naam and infering it to be a generic 'Lord' doesn't make sense.

    With Ram Nam, what Guru Jee wants to tell us, is, that the word Ram is used to describe the Creator, who is rameeya (permeated,omnipresent)  hua in all and everywhere, that is why He is called Ram,  thus obviously it does not refer to Sree Ram, the son of Dashrat and an incarnation of sree Vishnu Jee. 

    And as Nam is all pervading, thus Nam is the Ram or the Creator Lord.

    So to conclude, Nam is Ram(the all pervading), or if preferred, Ram the creator is Nam(for those who can not  grasp the idea of  what Nam is in reality).

    Nam a creative power, a highest state of Consciousness.

    To this Nam, we call it Shabad also, Sachee Bani, Amrit Bani, Dhur kee Bani, Waheguru, Akal Purukh, Satnam, Aad Sach...

    Stay blessed.




    Thinking That We are Perfect,
    Others Need to Be Corrected,
    Is Just Like
    Cleaning the Mirror,
    Instead Of Cleaning Our Face.!



    Look at yourself like a colour you may not be favourite of everyone

    but one day someone will need you to complete their picture.



    People don't insult us.

    They give their opinion based on their Sanskars not OURS.

    We take their words and make them our identity

    and then

    use that identity to create hurt.


    🌻🙏🏼 Good Morning 🙏🏼🌻
    💐🌷 Have a nice day🌹😊





    A Rich Gujju Had An Accident in his New BMW.

    The cops came in and gujju says sadly, "Officer Maari Brand New Car "
    Cop: U all Gujju's materialistic nature makes me sick.

    You are so Blinded by Money

    that you Don't Even Realise your Left Arm has Gone in d Accident.
    Gujju looks at his Left Arm and Shouts... 

    "O Siiiit .... Maari Rolex...!!!



    "I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand,

    as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind, 

    and sometimes against it,

    but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."
    — Oliver Wendell Holmes —

  7. 21 hours ago, Sukh_preet said:

    Lol... such a humble reply! But sadly that's.. No use bro! Haters are meant for ninda. They are created for the purpose. There were many at the time of Guruji and there are many rather more today. So no point telling them the truth they don't have 'those' ears to hear .. comprehending Gurbani is a boon these kinds are not meant for ! 

    Pen Jee, 

    Truth of Gurbani should be shared whenever, wherever needed.

    Just as the Sun gives it sunlight equally to all creatures, so if the bats prefer the darkness.... It is their problem, for the light is there for all.

    Similarly Gurmat/Gurbani is open there for the benefit of all, but, what can the poor jeeva do if accordingly to the laws of Nature, Waheguru has kept some particular jeevas stuck in the mayavee creation.

    I myself never condem anybody, if they are unaware of the Supreme Truth of Waheguru Akal Purukh.

    It is in nobody's hands to believe or not believe in Waheguru...He Himself is the one pulling the strings in one direction or in the other.

    Having said that, I would also add that, whosoever is on the path of Sikhee, is a sign of utter grace from His side, for which we should be deeply thankful with each breath.

    That's it.

    Stay blessed.



  8. On 5/17/2019 at 9:51 PM, Sukhpreet Kaur said:

    I have a query. Can anyone share their personal experiences of taking hukamnama from Guru Granth Sahib ji and experienced that guru ji is saying exactly what's on their mind? This will strengthen the faith of many.

    SSA Pen Jee, 

    Gurbani is Amrit, whenever I take a Hukumnama, I intend to sip each bachan from it, and try to understand what Guru Jee is trying to say in it.

    I prefer to tune my mind with the Bani rather than to find answers for myself, for Guru Jee knows what I need in that moment.

    If ever we need anything to ask Guru Jee, we should ask blessings in order to strengthen our faith and love for Waheguru's Lotus Feet, rest all is karmic account.

    Stay blessed.


  9. 35 minutes ago, Jageera said:

    I will let other more qualified members here answer your question.

    Just curious how long have you been married?

    Were you amritdhari and she non amritdhari when you got married?

    If yes ,why did you marry a non amritdhari woman if you wanted someone that was amritdhari?

    That was the package you opted for so why try to change someone now? 

    Whatever you do,don't force her or use violence/guilt on her as it will backfire on you and make her hate you.You don't want that.

    The best thing you can do is live and act in such a way that makes her look up to you and respect you.Be an example to her and it will surely have an effect in bringing her closer to Sikhi.


    Indeed a very good and complete answer by Jageera veer jee above.

    To this only that much I would add that let us be good human beings with our fellow beings, and keep Waheguru in our minds as goal.

    Each and every person has a chalked destiny by the wise Nature due to their own karmas which nobody can alter.

    So as Jageera says, be an example, without any pressure or force on her, that by itself will slowly and slowly impact her in a gentle and subtle way, that much only is in one's hands.


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