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Posts posted by harsharan000



    Just Drop💧

    Once a Crow, holding on to a piece of meat was flying to find a place to sit & eat. 

    However, an Eagle started chasing it.

    The crow was anxious and was flying higher and higher, yet the eagle was after the poor crow. 

    Just then "Garuda" saw the plight and  pain in the eyes of the crow. 

    Garuda being the bird of wisdom spoke "Oh my friend!! That eagle is not after you to kill you!!

    It is after that piece of meat that you are holding in your beak.

    Just drop it and see what will happen”.

    The crow followed the advice of Garuda and dropped the piece of meat,

    and there you go, the eagle flew towards the falling meat.

    Garuda smiled and said "The Pain is only till you hold on to it. Just Drop it”.

    The crow bowed and said "I dropped this piece of meat, now, I can fly even higher”.

    Do you carry  the huge burden called "Ego,"

    which creates a false identity about us,

    saying "I need love, I need to be invited, I am so and so.. etc..." ???
    -Just Drop.💧

    Do you get irritated fast by "others’ actions"

    it may be a friend, parents, children, a colleague, life partner...

    and get the fumes of "anger "? - Just Drop.💧

    Do you compare yourself with others..

    in beauty, wealth, life style, marks, talent and appraisals and feel disturbed with such comparisons and negative emotions ?
     - Just Drop💧

    Just drop the burden  💧💧💧
    And evolve & fly Higher.....


    The Leaking Bucket


    ~ You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Path/Yoga but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with it without being mindful of it. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You're very kind to outsiders/people in general and speak with them gently but with your own family you're always harsh/rude. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,  insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You frequently advice/preach others on religious matters but practice none yourself. 
    (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket)

    ~ You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge about religion based on external appearances (A leaking bucket) 

    We struggle to fill our "lives"(the bucket) with "earnings" of religious knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.

    An excellent reminder for all, including myself, to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of spiritual life.


    Found these utmost beautiful Sat Bachans in the Bani, thought of sharing it with the sangat here....

    ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ਸੋ ਬੂਝੈ ਸੋ ਜਨੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਏ

    Naanak Nadhar Karae So Boojhai So Jan Naam Dhhiaaeae ||

    O Nanak, that mortal who is blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace, he alone understands Him;                                                                                               and that alone humble servant, meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

    Raag Suhi Guru Ram Das



  4. On 5/18/2005 at 5:13 PM, BAZ said:

    a)Anyway, as I entered the hall I stood at the doorway facing the holy book and joined my hands and bowed my head to show my respect and sat down to listen to Bhai Avtar Singh.

    b)He started, and it brought tears to my eyes.

    c)I thought “God is closer to me than my jugular vein yet I feel so far from Himâ€. I missed Him and missed that feeling of closeness. I felt like my inner being could remember a time when we were together and I longed for that.

    Congrats Baz.

    in reference to your 3 points above, following are my personal views/opinions in the same order.

    a) This is an act of respect and common sense, great.

    b) Such is the power of Gurbani, with His kirpa even stone hearted  can melt with its purity and sweetness.

    The more you listen to it , the more you get impacted with its  simple Truthfulness,  then what to say about if one acts as instructed in it.... one merges into that Infinite Ocean of Love and mercy, namely Waheguru Akal Purukh.

    c) True, Gurbani brings you closer to that univerasl Ultimate and Supreme Truth, commonly known as God, for it helps us to remove all our negativity, thus made fit to become one with that infinite Ocean of mercy, love and goodness.

    Stay blessed.

    Sat Sree Akal.

  5. With due respect to all gyanis and mahapurukhs to whatever they have said, yet that much this das will add, it is that, this our present birth is the best of all ages, for we are born as human beings, thus have the chance to engage ourselves in His bhakti and become one with Him.

    That is it.

    To what profit is for us any yuga, if we are not humans in it, and be in any other joonee ... 

    So let us not get deluded by anyone.

    The best is today and now what we have, for He has blessed us with human birth, to make the most of Bhakti and merge in Him.

    Sat Sree Akal.


    Gurbani tells us: Ik gharee na miltay ta Kalyug hota.

    Those moments, those hours, those days, in which our Beloved Waheguru is not in our thougts, is all as good as Kaliyug, maya, mirtyu ... on the other hand, even in the darkest yuga, if He, the embodiment of Truth, of Sat, of Sach,  is in our chit, then those moments, those hours, those days are accounted as Satyuga for us.

    The question is, whether we have Him with us,  or have maya, means to have everything, but not Him.

    The choice is ours.


    Sometimes You Have To Suffer A Lot In Life,

    Not Because You Were Bad...

    But Because You Didn't Realise

    Where To Stop Being Good...



    Every positive thing in your life represents a single unique blessing.

    Every negative thing in your life has the opportunity to become double blessing  

    when you turn a negative  into positive,

    then negative situation goes


    you  are strengthened by  positive force





    Once upon a time,  in a faraway land, there lived a Chinese wise man and his disciple. One day during their travels, they saw a hut in the distance. As they approached it, they realized that it was occupied, in spite of its extremely poor appearance.

    In that desolate place where there were no crops and no trees, a man lived with his wife, three young children and a thin, tired cow. Since they were hungry and thirsty, the wise man and his disciple stopped for a few hours and were well received.  At one point, the wise man asked:

    “This is a very poor place, far away from anything. How do you survive?”

    “You see that cow? That’s what keeps us going,” said the head of the family. “She gives us milk, some of it we drink and some we turn into cheese. When there is extra, we go into the city and exchange the milk and cheese for other types of food. That’s how we survive.”

    The wise man thanked them for their hospitality and left. When he reached the first bend in the road, he said to his disciple:

    “Go back, get the cow, take her to the cliff in front of us, and push her off.” The disciple could not believe what he was hearing.

    “I cannot do that, master! How can you be so ungrateful? The cow is all they have. If I throw it off the cliff, they will have no way of surviving. Without the cow, they will all die!”

    The wise man, an elderly Chinese man, took a deep breath and repeated the order:“Go ahead. Push the cow off the cliff.”

    Though outraged at what he was being asked to do, the disciple had to obey his master. He returned to the hut and quietly led the animal to the edge of the cliff and pushed. The cow fell down the cliff and died.

    As the years passed by, remorse for what he had done never left the disciple. One spring day, the guilt became too much to bear and he left the wise man and returned to that little shack. He wanted to find out what had happened to that family, to help them out, apologize, or somehow make amends. Upon rounding a turn in the road, he could not believe what his eyes were showing him. In place of the poor shack, there was a beautiful house with trees all around, a swimming pool, several cars in the garage, a satellite dish, and more. Three good-looking teenagers and their parents were celebrating their first million dollars.

    The heart of the disciple froze. What could have happened to the family? Without a doubt, they must have been starving to death and forced to sell their land and leave. At that moment, the disciple thought they must all be begging on the street corners of some city. He approached the house and asked a man that was passing by, about the whereabouts of the family that had lived there several years before.

    “You are looking at it,” said the man, pointing to the people gathered around the barbecue. Unable to believe what he was hearing, the disciple walked through the gate and took a few steps closer to the pool where he recognized the man from several years before, only now he was strong and confident, the woman was happy, and the children were now good looking teenagers. He was dumbfounded, and went over to the man and asked:

    “What happened? I was here with my teacher a few years ago and this was a miserable place. There was nothing. What did you do to improve your lives in such a short time?”

    The man looked at the disciple, and replied with a smile:

    “We had a cow that kept us alive. She was all we had. But one day she fell down the cliff and died. To survive, we had to start doing other things, develop skills we didn’t even know we had. And so, because we were forced to come up with new ways of doing things, we are now much better off than before.”

    'WHO OR WHAT IS THAT ‘COW’ IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU NEED TO PUSH OFF THE CLIFF?' Many a time, we have let our dependence on certain people, things or situation, create a comfort zone and limit us from achieving greater things. Personally, I am very ‘cautious’ in nature and it takes me a lot to let go and climb to another level. You may feel terrible at first, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

    From the conversation in the end, the man says that they had to develop skills and do other things when their only ‘source of survival was dead’. At times we need to lose that job to realize that we can actually do well in business. Sometimes that business needs to fail, to realize that we can do well in other things. Sometimes a situation in our lives may have to fail for us to realize that we deserve and can get better.

    Is there a cow in your life that is keeping you miserable? If so, push that cow down the cliff and please do not be tempted to go after it!

    Have I talked to someone? Have you learned something?

    What's that cow that's holding you?

    Will you push that cow down the cliff?


    naanak sabh kichh naavai kai vas hai poorai bhaag ko paa-ee.
    O Nanak, everything is under the influence of the Naam; by perfect good destiny, a few obtain it.


    gurmatee ghat chaannaa naam ant sakhaa-ee.
    Through the Guru's Teachings, the heart is illuminated, and in the end, only the Naam shall be your companion


    bin naavai ko-ay na mannee-ai manmukh pat gavaa-ee.
    Without the Naam, no one is accepted(means, witout Nam one can not approach Wahiguru Akal Purukh, such is His will)

    jam pur baaDhay maaree-ah birthaa janam gavaa-ee.
    and In the City of Death, they are tied down and beaten, and they lose their lives in vain.

  9. On 8/25/2014 at 2:24 PM, Sahib said:

    not only radhaswamis,udasis,osho,yogis but now many cults are in this belief that naam in shri guru granth sahib is the soundless sound or the anahad naad .onkar is said to be the name of this sound..what are your thoughts guys?

    SSA Sahib Jee,

    Regarding your question which is the beautiful topic of this present thread, only that much can be said that there is some confusion amongst many  of our sikh brothers and sisters, for they literally take Nam as name. 

    The names that come under the format of writing, reading or spoken, such as Waheguru, Satnam, Parbrahm Parmeshwar, Parmatma in our case as sikhs; refer to that Supreme and changeless eternal Truth, which is also a Supraconcious Energy ,  Creative Power, which is in constant reverberation, and is subtle and formless.

    This constant reverberation,produces in a way to say, infinite waves, containing full energy in terms of sounds and lights.  This is known as Anhad Naad, Shabad, Amrit Bani. But again, these words are descriptive qualities of that Primal and Conscious creative power or energy.

    To this creative Power which is nameless or wordless, there is a mention to it, in Aartee or Anand Sahib, as well as in other angs of SGGS.

    Thus this concept of Conscious Energy of Waheguru is acceptable and logical.

    Had Nam or Shabad been somehing limited to reading, writing, or spoken, as we all know, it could have never ever created any creations.

    Just let us think a little bit, when He  was all alone by Himself since Aad Jugaad, there was nothing such as a paper or pencil to write Him down, neither was anybody to call Him.... Then too, in which language and with which mouth?

    All the verbal and written names, are just a handful of His infnite descriptive attributes, shared with us limited beings, by our beloved Guru Sahiban and Bhagat Jan.

    He is ajoonee, akal, saibhang... He is Shabad, Anhad Naad.

    Just as musical notes, represent particular sounds, in a similar way, His written or spoken  names, are means through a specific jugtee of Nam simran, to cleanse us, and awaken our  faculties of seeing the Jot  and the divine melodies of the Shabad Guru or call it  Anhad Nad.

    Bhul chuk maaf.

    Stay blessed.



    Reason is powerless  in the expression of love


    If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished ?


    Remember God so much that you are forgotten

    let the caller and called dissapear

    be lost in the call (bhakti).


    They are chosen ones

    who have surrendered.

    *Note : this means, only the wadhbagee surrender themselves to Him, by living in His bhaana.


    Jalaludheen Rumi

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