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Posts posted by harsharan000


    Love can never be exclusive.

    The sun does not choose to shine on some flowers in the garden and not others.

    Love is inclusive and has many faces - caring, listening, sharing from the heart, just accepting someone for what they are right now, are all acts of love, as long as you seek nothing in return.

    It all starts with acceptance of yourself - you're just fine as you are right now, warts and all. It's not that you will stay that way for ever - but you might, if you don't accept.

    The secret key to the greatest door called love is acceptance.

    First your self, then others (especially the ones you currently resist) and eventually ...all.


    Do You Believe This???

    A girl went to her friends house and she
    ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone.

    She wasn't afraid because it was a small COMMUNITY and she lived
    only a few blocks away.

    As she walked along under the bike trail
    Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.

    When she
    reached the alley, which was a shortcut to her house, she decided to take it.

    However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man
    standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.

    She became
    uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection.

    Instantly a
    comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her,
    she felt as though someone was walking with her.

    When she reached
    the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely.

    The following day, she read in the newspaper
    that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty
    minutes after she had been there.

    Feeling overwhelmed by this
    tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to

    Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young
    woman, she decided to go to the police station.

    She felt she could
    recognize the man, so she told them her story.

    The police asked
    her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could
    identify him.

    She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she
    had seen in the alley the night before.

    When the man was told he
    had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed.

    officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was
    anything they could do for her.

    She asked if they would ask the man
    one question.

    Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her.

    When the policeman asked him, he answered, 'Because she wasn't

    She had two tall men walking on either side of her.

    Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're not alone.
    People will not stand up for God..

    PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what



    MY FRIENDS....

    When we are in heaven -

    Our money is still in the bank.

    When we are alive - We don't have enough money to spend.

    When we are gone - There is still a lot of money not spent.

    One tycoon in China passed away. His widow, with $1.9 billion in the bank, remarried his chauffeur.

    His chauffeur said, "All the while I thought I was working for my boss.

    Now I realize that my boss was all the time working for me ! "

    The cruel reality is:

    It is more important to be strong and healthy than to have more wealth.

    So we must strive to have a strong and healthy body-- it doesn't matter who is working for whom.

    A high-end mobile phone --

    70% of the functions are useless

    An expensive car - 70% of the speed is not needed

    A luxurious villa - 70% of the space is not occupied

    A whole wardrobe of clothes -

    70% of it is not worn

    A whole life of earning -

    70% is for other people to use. So we must protect and make full use of our 30%.

    Go for medical exams even if you are not sick

    Drink more water even if you are not thirsty

    Must let go even when you are faced with grave problems

    Must give in even if you are in the right.

    Must be humble even though you are very powerful.

    Must be content

    even if you are not rich.

    Must exercise even when you are very busy.




  4. Some questions and answers about life and death, between a questioner and a sevak

    I'd like to ask some questions, if you can answer it, please?

    I will try my best.

    1). The soul lives on and we have 8.4 billion lives that is recycled (if that's the right word) into another living thing, such as an animal, another human being, etc.

    Does this mean our souls are immortal?

    There is no doubt, that the soul is immortal, as being a drop of that Infinite Ocean Satnam.

    What happens to our bodies?

    Our bodies desintegrate into the five elements of which the whole creation is made, and each element merges into its origin...like water into water, earth into earth, air into air and so forth

    Does this mean that the Earth will live for eternity?

    No, the earth is perisahble, just as the rest of the creation, made out from the 5 elements.

    If God created our bodies, with such precision from the way our heart beats and pumps blood around our body, to the way our brain functions, and I mean the brain is the most complicated organ, and the way we think and feel things (emotions) etc, we are such complicated species, so doesn't our bodies matter?

    Who said, God is doing all this?

    It can be, that an Emperor in His empire, has given the authorization to an architect to design and build a city; but not necessarily that He himself does that job of constructing.

    In His empire, there are doctors, judges, police, lawyers, etc....each one playing his own role in its own assigned place He set the creation into motion out of His will, then designated and architect, who was willing to design and construct; but that also does not mean, that the architect is the owner of the city created by him, he was just authorized and carried out the orders from a higher point of view.

    That archtect, has no powers of his own, In the end, it is all His hukum channelized through several vias.



    1 1 1 1 1

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    And so forth, but in the begining was One, now is also One, and shall always remain One.

    Our Bani starts with :Ikonkar.

    No duplicity, no trinity, no multiplicity, but only One.

    Whatsoever multiplicty we see, it is nothing, but His will, His Mauj, His Hukum. But inspite of all that He is always One.

    If God spent so long to creating our complicated bodies with such such detailed precision, is that not counted for? By saying that our souls live on and we have 8.4 billion lives, does this mean that God is creating more bodies as we speak, and does this mean that God is working on improving his creation?

    These questions somehow are also answered above

    What if we never get rid of the five thieves and our 8.4 billion lives are finished?

    If we do not get rid of the 5 thieves and remain in the cycle of births and deaths, it is only our fault, nobody is to blame for it.

    Then whenver, Parlay or Mahaparlay take place, means He decides to stop the play, naturally all souls shall merge in Him, there is no other way. From Him they emerged, and in Him they shall merge.

    But why to delay our stay here? We are moorakhs, manmukhs. The Bani is clearly open for us, but even then, we pay attention only to what we want to see and hear, the rest though very true, we are afraid to listen and think about, and if anybody comes and reminds us, we tell them, you are frauds, and abuse them verbally or physically; when their only intentions are, to tell us the real meaning and value of the teachings left by our Guru Sahibans in the Bani ...

    We are all blind, and all trying to guide each other...naturally in that state, the end is pitfall.

    All this is not being said to scare anyone, but to remind, that we sholud read and understand each and every ang, anmol Bachans of the Bani .

    Sikhee is much more than a set of rules and regulations, if followed properly, it is the key to liberate us, and unite us with our Father Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    What happens to our soul?

    Well, our soul stays for some time in some astral plane depending on our karmas, but then definetely comes back to this earth, to reap the fruit of the seeds of karmas planted here.

    And this goes on and on, as everytime we incurr in new karmas; the creation has been designed by the architect in such a way.

    This means that we have been on this planet for approx. 4.54 billion years (that's how old Earth is), so we have 3.86 lives left?

    Saints tell us, many many parlays(dissolutions) and mahaparlays(grandissolutions) have taken place. It is not necessary to go through all lives in a particular order, it all depends on our karmas. If they are very bad, we shall fall in the bottom of the well...so it totally depneds on us.

    But why to think like that, why not take the best of this our human birth, and get out of this dark and profound well of the perishable creation? We have everything in our favour.

    Please read the Shabad of Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev in Raag Aasaa: Bhaee paraapat manukh dey hureeya.

    3). Basically, death is a form of transition, which we move from one body to another.

    Yes, that is correct

    Does this mean that God is making new creations (human beings) for us?

    No, God is not doing anything as such, it is totally only our karmas which fashion our future and existence.

    Doesn't this mean that God is always trying to find ways to improve us?

    As long as we are not one with Him, nature always gives us oportunities after oportunities, to go back and merge in Him. It is we who create and put obstacles and barriers, with our manmukhta ...

    This means that IF I am still sitting here, I haven't reached liberation yet, so I have roughly, another 3 billion lives left?

    No, there is no guarantee, if in the human life you do not do the needful to do the real job, then who knows?

    By wasting such a golden oportunity, it may take a long time to get it again.

    This is like, one is in the boat, and one wants to reach the seashore which can easiily be done, but rather we say,

    what if I had fallen in the water, how would I reach the shore? We may laugh at this, but this is our pitiful sitaution. That what we have in our hands now, we do not value nor considere it, but rather we are complicating things and getting away from our goal....

    4). Quote taken from the GGS: 'Dying while your still alive' He explains the concept of 'jeevan mukti' which means liberation from the humanly life IOW, liberation from Maya, this world?

    Dying while living, means, we have to meditate on Him, do His bhajan bhandagee, His dhyan. And this means, shun ourselves from the world and stop running after its false shadows, and hold tight to His Lotus Feet and get out of this mayavee creation, through His Simran. This means, while being dead to the illusory world, we are awake and full conscious about the worlds and planes within us...

    The five thieves known as: ego, anger, greed, attachment and lust are a distraction from the path of God.

    Yes that is true. These 5 thieves are creation of our mind. And the mind gets nurtured through them, mind by itself has no power.

    Is the only practical solution of getting rid of these five thieves to meditate on God's name?

    Yes, it the only medicne to eradicate these diseases.

    In my opinion, that's really difficult because we have so many difficulties in life.

    Yes, life is a constant struggle and difficulties, mainly created by us, but remember, His Infinite Grace is also with us. And if He is with us, there is no power to stop us, neither the architect or designer of the city.

    For example, the poor people that dying in countries from starvation, the wars that have gone on, the amount of people that have died from the effects of wars, and the these thieves are what makes us a human being. We are only human beings and not created to become something magnificent in this life, otherwise God wouldn't create suffering and put us through trial after trial, What is the point of all that?

    Remember only one thing, nothing, can absolutely happen without the karmas created by us. The Bani says: aapay beejeh, aapeh khae.

    The point of all and everything in the end, is to see the Him as the only reality, and stop doing anything as such to remain here, thus making ourselves worthy, and pure as He Himself is, in order to merge and become one with Him. That´s it.

    5) 'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience' - Is this quote from the GGS?

    No. And it is true. Spiritual beings, means we are souls. And human experience means, we are reaping and sowing karmas on this plane. But that does not matter. What is important, is to understand that we are aliens here, this is not our land, our land is Sach Khand, our zaat, our paat, is Satnam.

    The speaker said it's his favourite quote that he 'heard' Doesn't this confuse the entire concept of what a human being is? By saying that, isn't he saying we were created as spiritual beings and then came on earth to experience human life? This very quote is taken by the French, Catholic Priest called, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a 'mystic philosopher.' I'm not understanding the correlation between Sikh idelogy and the speaker quoting from a 'Mystic Philosopher,

    Please do not name any philosophers in terms of ruhaniyat or spirituality, as they deal with the mind, that is their highest reach, but not beyond it.

    Rather, read, pay attention to what the Bani says, and then put that into practice and into action.

    It is this parctice alone which brings salvation to one´s soul. Not mere desiring to become one with Him. The thirst is only quenched by drinking water. If the bottle is near you, but you do not pour the water from it into the glass and drink it, no mattere how many times you keep repeating water water water....one´s thirst can never be quenched. So it is the action of drinking actually the water, which satisfies one´s thirst

    Sorry if this is all so long, but I have one more question,

    Please do not feel sorry, you are most welcome to satisfy your mind, because only then can one take the right steps to walk on the path leading to Him, with faith, love and devotion.

    What makes us Sikh? Is it that we are born into a Sikh family, or are we Sikh from birth?

    Sikh means to follow implicitly the reachings of our Guru Sahibans, not what we think to be Sikhee, which is manmat created by us.

    The real sikh is the soul not the body, just as also the True Guru or Master is not the body, but that Anhad Shabad manifested in the Gurmukhs, Sadh Janas or Guru Sahibans. Because, it is the imperishable soul who has to take the journey back to it´s Father´s Houes, not the body. Hence it is clear, that it is the soul, the real sikh, the real disciple, who catches hold of that Shabad Satguru, and merges in Him

    The Bani says: Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed na paee. Har Jee baseh Sadh he hirday... Har Jee baseh sadh kee rasna....

    The teachings of our Guru Sahibans say:

    Vin Naavai, Ko Mukath N Hoe

    But without the Name, no one is liberated

    Raag Gauri Guaarayree Guru Amar Das

    Also, if we have 8.4 billion lives, and let's say, for example, some of us have used roughly 5 billion lives and we have 3 billion lives left, how come Guru Nanak received his revelation from God only say, roughly 5 centuries ago?

    Guru Nanak, was Wahiguru´s embodiment in the human form. Nanak was His sargun swaroop, while He is always Nirankaar, means: Alakh, Agam, Anamee. Oouch Apaar Beant Soami.

    Where was God at the start of the universe? Because the Earth is much much older. How come we had many different religions before that, from the beginning of time?

    God or Wahiguru acording to the Bani, in the begining was in His Shabad swaroop.
    Jug Chaarae Naam Outham, Sabadh Beechaar
    Throughout the four ages, the Naam is the ultimate; reflect upon the Word of the Shabad
    Raag Gauri Guaarayree Guru Amar Das


  5. Nam, the boat to cross the Bhavasagar ....

    ਨਾਮੁ ਸਮ੍ਹ੍ਹਾਲੇ ਨਾਮੁ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹੈ ਨਾਮੇ ਹੀ ਪਤਿ ਹੋਇ

    Naam Samhaalae Naam Sangrehai Naamae Hee Path Hoe

    नामु सम्हाले नामु संग्रहै नामे ही पति होइ

    He remembers the Naam, he gathers in the Naam, and he obtains honor through the Naam.

    Raag Bihaagrhaa Guru Amar Das

    In this above line, from Raag Bihaaagrhaa of Satguru Amar Das Maharaj, He very very clearly tells us that, what is needed in order to reach Wahiguru´s abode of Sach Khand, with all the honors.

    He says :

    a): Naam samhaaalae, means rememeber Naam, by its Simran;

    b)then He says: Naam sangrehai, means to gather the Nam, or do it´s kamaee. Now to gather this wealth of Nam, can not be accomplished, if we do all other things and not this bhakti, or do it ocasionally by taking it as something secondary and rather prefer to do the traditional ways as we are taught Gurmat is to be.


    That is not the correct attitude.

    We should give supreme importance to Nam, because behind that word ,or words ,is the very Power of Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    The Bani very clearly says: Awar kaaj, tere kitte na kaam, mil Sadh sangat, aur bhaj kewal Nam, and kewal Nam, means only Nam.

    Then too we do our own "maanmat", and we call ourselves sikhs, how come?

    Not just by being born as khalsas, we become sikhs.

    To be a sikh, is something much more, is putting into practice Gurmat into our very lives, and living up to it fully, with the essence, not the outer aspects. Gurmat is valuable, for this very essence, because with the outer respectables factors, we are as good as any other religion. It is the essence which makes Gurmat unique.

    And so, what is the purpose of Gurmat?

    Gurmat´s main purpose, is to make us realize ourselves, that we are not mere human beings, but we are spiritual beings going through human experience. And we are caught up as prisoners here in this creation, where even gods, devis , devtas are also not free from the cycle of births and deaths ...so where are we standing then? What is our position?

    No amount of good karmas or merits, can take us out of this dark pitch. Sometimes we may have iron chains( all living creatures on this gross plane), sometimes silver(devis, devtas) chains on us, and at other times golden(gods) chains on us, but neverthless we remain prisoners.

    Our Guru sahibans, have said: Wahiguru is the only reality and eternal Truth, all else is fanah, is koor. And in order to become free and as eternal as Wahiguru is, we must take shelter at His Lotus Feet, there is no other way.

    And to take shelter at His Charan Kamal, is by doing that worship, that sewa, which can certainly take us to Him, without any failure, and that is only Nam Simran, that is why all Guru Sahibans, Bhagats, Sant/Sadh Janas, Gurmukhs, we may take any of their banis, they stress only on Nam Simran, for the cause of our union with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    So from the line of Guru Amar Das Jee above, He says, remember Him by His Simran, gather as much as possible the "Dhan, the wealth of Nam by its Simran, the result is :Naamae Hee Path Hoe, means, you shall merge in Wahiguru, that is the honor, the merits that one gets, by His simran.

    Sat Sree Akal.

  6. dear Harsharan jee,

    The question here is what shall individual like me do? do I follow the instruction and do "Har, Har " or "Sat Nam " replacing "wahiguru" or continue doing waheguru as part of the nam simraan/meditate and treat the shabad "Har Har ' as same as "Wahiguru"?

    [For clarification the question is whether do I place the Hukam of Guruji shabad ( that I received as Hukamnama ) as Guru ji personally instructing me and therefore taking precedence over others instruction say 5 pyare instruction during Amrit initiation or from sant/babaji etc?]


    We must bear in mind, Wahiguru Akal purukh has no name, He is nameless. Anyhow to start with, any of His Names which you have mentioned like Satnam, Wahiguru, Har ...any one can fulfill the purpose of doing Simran. Names by themself do a little, it is one´s purity, and our concentrartion on them, which draws and uplifts one´s soul consciousness, into those spiritual realms where the divinity is present in the form of Jot (Light) and Shabad(sound).

    Wahiguru is Shabad, Wahiguru is Nam, this is what the Bani says: in the begining It was only Shabad, the Supreme Truth, was in the state of deep absortion in that Shabad roop, only when He decided to manifest Himself, Satnam was His manifestation as such, later on creation took place by His Mauj, His bhaana. We too, by meditating on Him through nam Simran, shed all our 3 bodies: physical, astral, causal. Then we are pure souls, and as such as being same in nature with our Origin, namely Wahiguru, we merge in Him. And this process of union with Him, can be done only by Nam Simran alone in the initial stages, once this faculty is fully developed, then we just depend on the Amrit bani or Shabad Dhun within to grow spiritually, and become one with Him

    My next question, from your explanation above, when one is reciting a bani, where do " I " (self) stand and in what role ?


    One´s role here is just as baby child looking at her mother, that baby is so much absorbed with love for his/her mother, that nothing else exists then; if by chance the mother moves away from the scene even for a second, the baby feels totally lost and insecure ...

    (a). Do I read the bani to myself for the purpose to absorbed with shabad (and the virtue will be automatically recorded/appear in His Court). or

    ( B). Do I read the Bani to Waheguru and we recite this Bani to Waheguru to gain our merits/gunaa ( eg Benti Chaupai shabad). or am I totally wrong with the interpretation. Thanks. Darshan.


    your first interpretation is more likely to be correct, because the Bani we read, is to make us understand a bit of His infinite wadeeayee, His mahantaa, His glory...

    because it is we who need the sunlight...the Sun needs not to be told how he is, it does not make any difference to him, whether we tell him or not how great he is, His gloriy is the same, He is the same.

    It is for us to use that light(Gurmat) in the correct way, and make our lives the most usefull, by walking in that (sun) Light, which is Nam Simran, to reach our destiny, Sach Khand (the sun itself).

    Thus the ray(soul) once having emerged from the sun, merges back in that very Sun(Wahiguru).

    To reach the Sun(Wahiguru), we have to use the very sunlight( Nam), otherwise there is utter darkness(agyanta, maanmat, ignorance)

    Brother Darshan,

    may God bless you.

    Sat Sree Akal.

  7. Since listening to this video I've been playing around with focusing in the center of my head behind the eyes and trying to do my gurmantar jaap with my dhyan there. I noticed very quickly that the sweetness is beginning to return to my mouth, actually I feel as if it about to explode on the upper side of my palette and is slowly manifesting on my tongue. Its been a while now since I last had these sweet sensations. Back then I didn't have an appreciation of it and wrote many posts with my struggle to handle such an intense taste. I have now come to learn that this internal amrit helps cleanse the naadies and helps in the progress on this path. This time will try not to get too hung up on it and just savor the experience and let it happen.

    Please give me a slap on the wrist if I come back and say I can't cope with it again! :D

    The sounds I was previously hearing which were also occurring less frequently are now also returning. Happy days!!!


    Dear Bro Sat Jee,

    first of all congrats for regaining your " treasure", so enjoy it.

    Secondly, though you must be aware of it, is that, the Sounds(Dhun, Shabads) and Lights(Jot) are already there within, they do not go anywhere, it is our attention which is not there or looking in some other directions....due to several factors, but mainly to the dirt in our minds. But in spite of all that, He is so Gracious, that, even with our feeble efforts, He is satisfied and pleased, and makes our paths easier with His Grace .....

    But then, sometimes one gets discouraged and despaired, thinking, my God, my dirt is so huge....that I doubt, that even with all Your Grace, it can not be washed away....because it is our filth as a thick wall, which is the barrier between us and our beloved Wahiguru...

    Of course His Daya meher can wash anything, but one gets angry on oneself, by saying what the hell have you done, that still you do not get closer to Him, still full of impurities ....

    May Wahiguru bless us all, with His love, and Grace us with His darshan...so that we may hug Him so tightly, that He may not escape from our arms...

    Sat Sree Akal.

  8. Nam Simran versus other practices

    The main difference between, reading or reciting the Bani and Nam Simran, is as just as follows:

    By reciting the Bani, we sing His Glry, His beant wadeeayee....means we talk about Him.

    This has a purpose to fulfill also, which is to get us drenched with His infinite virtues, which makes us humble, and draws the picture of our reality, that we are nothing, and at the same time His picture, which is that, He is the only reality and Truth, there is none as Him, neither in Power, neither in Wisdom nor in Beauty.

    On the other side, Nam Simran, is just as, being in front of Him and telling Him:

    Dear Saachay Patshah I love You, I love You alone.

    This is the Mahanta of Nam Simran, it takes us in the presence of our Beloved, our Pyare Preetam Wahiguru, and while being in His proximity, He blesses us with His love, which emanates from Him, just as waves from the sea, which wash all our impurities, and makes us fit in purity to merge in Him, the purest.

    The relation between a soul and the Lord Akal Purukh, is a one based on selfess love, in which His Simran plays a very important role in the union of the both, because it is the vehicle sent by the bridegroom(Wahiguru), to bring back to Him, His bride (soul).

    Sat Sree Akal.

  9. Dear Darshan Jee,

    about your question,I can only give you my personal opinion.

    It is not a hard and a fast rule, but as I said it is my humble sincere opinion. Many a times, to understand the Bani in the correct view, we have to see the references made at other places also, about the topic we are interested in

    The term Bani has 2 meanings, one is the written one, which are the teachings of the bhagats, the Sadh Janas, the Sant Jans, or our very Guru Sahibans.

    This type of Bani is known as Varnatmik Bani, which can be read and written in any language..

    And usually, this Bani, is all about the Glory, the wadeeayee, of Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    The second type of Bani is known as Dhunatmik Bani. Which can not be spoken nor written in any language.

    This Bani or Shabad has created the countless creations(Khands, Brahmands, etc)... and has created everything...there is nothing seen or unseen, which has not been created by this Power.

    This Dhunatmik Bani, is also known as, Anhad Bani, Shabad, Shabad Dhun, Amrit Bani, or Nam, which is the Supreme Consciouss, all bliss, all powerful, omnipresent, and this power or Bani is within each one of us. We owe our very life to the presence of this power within each one of us. So in order to realize the presence of this Bani within us, we have to only use the key of Nam Simran. That is why the Bani in Anand Sahib says: Nam jinke man vaseeya, vajeh Shabad ganere. Means, by doing Nam Simran, one´s mind gets stilled, the muddy waters(thoughts, mind) get pacified and clearity is the result. So with this clearity, we can hear the Divine Melody, of Wahiguru, of Nam or Shabad within us...It is by listening to this bani, that our weaknesses, our sins are burnt, like tons of dry grass with a single spark...there is no other way.....

    Whatever spiritual activity we do, is to first get purified....and thus Nam Simran, is the only medicine, the only presciption for that purpose

    We can say, this power, this Bani, is like a inmense Sun, and the souls are rays, which have emanated, which have emerged from that Sun.

    Once Wahiguru withdraws, this Shabad Dhun from any thing or place, we say it has died, in case of living beings, or Parlay or Mahaparlay takes place, in case of the universes ....

    So, as far as I also know, the Bani also says: Prabh ka Simran, Har Gun Bani. This means, even doing His Simran, is as good as singing His Glory or reading the Varnatmik Bani.

    And about this Bani´s Simran, the Bani says: Saas saas simroh Gobind or aath pahar har simrahu paraanee, which means Simran at no specific times, but at all times ...

    Because, it is the Simran of Nam alone, which as a vessel, takes us from this shore of mayavee Bhavsagar to that side of the shore which is Sach Khand, the goal of any soul, the house of our true Father, Satnam.

    That is why the Bani says: Nanak , Nam, jahaz hae

    The missuse of the this term Bani in one way or the other, creates confussions in the understanding of the people.

    Dear brother Darshan Jee, please forgive me, if by the explanation of my point of view, I have hurted you in any manner, but if I am asked by anyone on these issues, this is always going to be my answer.

    I do not respond to hurt or please anyone, but to be truthful to the teachings as far as possible, without any manipulations.

    No two persons are on a same spiritual level, so one may differ with others....it is just time needed to grow.......but one should always speak the truth in a simple and a logic way.

    Sat Sree Akal.


    ਨਾਮੋ ਸੇਵਿ ਨਾਮੋ ਆਰਾਧੈ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮੈ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ਜੀਉ

    Naamo Saev Naamo Aaraadhhai Bin Naamai Avar N Koe Jeeo

    नामो सेवि नामो आराधै बिनु नामै अवरु न कोइ जीउ

    I serve the Naam, and I meditate on the Naam. Without the Naam, there is no other at all.

    Raag Asa Guru Ram Das

    Here, Satguru Ram Das Maharaj, is telling us something in a nutshell about the essence of Gurmat.

    He is telling us, that He serves the Nam, means He does not devote Himself to any other Power than Nam or Shabad, and meditates, or does abhyaas of Nam, as it is the only thing valid(nirmal karam) as per terms of love and devotion for the Lotus Feet of Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    No other practices, jap, tap, nor rituals, etc ..... only one thing, Nam Simran

    Sat Sree Akal.

  11. Importance of human life

    ਕਲਿਜੁਗਿ ਬੀਜੁ ਬੀਜੇ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਸਭੁ ਲਾਹਾ ਮੂਲੁ ਗਵਾਇਆ

    Kalijug Beej Beejae Bin Naavai Sabh Laahaa Mool Gavaaeiaa

    कलिजुगि बीजु बीजे बिनु नावै सभु लाहा मूलु गवाइआ

    In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, if one plants any other seed than the Name, all profit and capital is lost.

    In the above line of Dhan Guru Ram Das Maharaj, in Raag Aasa, He is is telling us, that, if we engage ourselves in anything apart from the holy practice of Nam Simran, do whatever we may, we shall not come out of the creaton, rather remain here in the endless cycle of births and deaths ...as we have lost the golden opportunity of human birth(profit), got as per the fruits of countless good karmas(capital)in countless births...

    Sat Sree Akal.

  12. In the endless adventure of existence, God and man are comrades.

    God is our one unfailing companion. He will never leave us.

    We may try to run away from him.

    But He will continue to follow us as our own shadow.

    In the words of Thompson, he is the “Heavenly Hound.” 2.

    There is a meaning of mercy in everything that happens to us.

    For God is All-love. He is All-wisdom.

    He is too loving to punish, too wise to make a mistake.

    Whatever happens in the Divine Providence, happens for our own good.

  13. Indian Spicy Tea (Masala chai) a tasty cup of health!

    There has always been a great controversy about whether green tea or masala chai is better for the body. While the debate rages on there has been news that Olympic athletes drink masala chai to help them better deal with pain, inflamma-tion and fatigue they experience after a grueling session. So what is it that this unique drink offers? Well, here is a breakdown of its health benefits.

    Anti inflammatory: Masala chai is made up of a whole array of spices: clove, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and tulsi (holy basil). All these spices have their own individual health benefits, but what makes masala chai perfect to beat inflammation is the fact that all the benefits of these spices work in synergy to help our body. One of the most important ingredients that helps with inflammation is ginger.

    A paper published by the National Institute of Health [1] highlighted gingers' ability to stop the synthesis of prostaglandins (a major player in the initiation of the inflammation process) and leukotriene biosynthesis, which in turn helps reduce the amount of inflammation one experiences.

    Another component that makes masala chai a great tool to reduce inflammation is clove. Known to be packed with compound eugenol, clove is great when it comes to reducing inflammation in the muscles of the body. To add to that, both these spices are very potent painkillers.

    Beats fatigue: For some the best thing after a long, hard day’s work is a hot cup of masala chai. Wondering why? Well, the tannins present in tea help calm the body and revitalize it. Moreover tea contains caffeine – a stimulant. Albeit in a much lesser quantity when compared to coffee, but it has the same uplifting effect as a cuppa. This combination of spices (that helps beat fatigue) combined with a stimulant like caffeine acts as the best way to drive away fatigue. The effects of masala chai are so well known that even Olympic athletes resort to the drink as a ‘banned-substance-safe’ pick-me-up.

    Fights cold and flu: Believed to strengthen the immune system and keep common infections at bay, masala chai is infused with the goodness of all the antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic properties of its constituent spices. Moreover the immune boosting effects of clove, cardamom, cinnamon and gingermakes masala chai a great way to keep coughs and colds at bay.

    Improves digestion: Wondering how that is possible? Well, according to Mickey Mehta, holistic guru, ‘Masala chai' contains spices like clove, tulsi (holy basil), ginger and cardamom. What makes it great for people is that chai, on its own, is highly acidic in nature, but when you add ginger to it making masala chai, it becomes a great digestive and in fact cuts out the acidic nature of the tea. So drink a cup of chai, it will rejuvenate you, beat fatigue and make you calmer.’ Apart from ginger, clove and cardamom also help improve digestion by increasing the amount of saliva produced and peristalsis (the movement of food down the digestive tract).

    Good for your heart: Black tea (one of the main constituents of masala chai) is known for the strong anti oxidant properties it contains. Apart from that, spices like clove and cardamom also help lower the amount of bad cholesterol and improves the amount of good cholesterol. Thereby, reducing the amount of plaque formation of arterial blocks. The tannins present in tea are also known to help regulate one’s heart rate and blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels.

    Boosts metabolism: Having a good and active metabolism is usually associated with weight loss, but did you know that a good metabolism is also responsible for other things like helping your body digest and use food more efficiently. Being an essential part of your health, drinking chai also ensures your entire digestive system is in top condition. Moreover, in Ayurveda, tea is known as a heat generating food and, therefore, helps speed up your metabolism.

    Prevents diabetes: Clove, cinnamon and cardamom are both known to help prevent diabetes by increasing the insulin sensitivity in the body and lowering one’s blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is known to keep the mind sharp and prevent the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s. Clove helps ones' body better utilize sugars.

    Relieves PMS: If it’s that time of the month and you need something natural to fight the symptoms of PMS, tea is your best friend. Masala chai not only has agents that can help calm your nerves and make you happier, but it also has muscle relaxing properties. cardamom, clove and cinnamon all act as potent painkillers and can help you deal with the pain of your periods.


    lf only our nephews knew this , they could have saved their grandmother who is paralysed on the right side and lost her speech for the past 2 weeks now . . . . . . ! ! !

    From a Chinese Professor .
    Keep a
    syringe or needle in your home to do this... It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.

    This is amazing.
    Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.
    Do take a minute to read this.
    You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.

    My father was
    paralysed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.
    When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)

    When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

    No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.

    Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin .

    If you have in your home an
    injection syringe that would be the best.

    Otherwise, a
    sewing needle or a straight pin will do.

    1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
    2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
    3. Prick till blood comes out.
    4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
    5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.

    If the victim's mouth is crooked , then pull on his ears until they are red.
    7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe.
    After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.

    Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.
    Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.

    If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
    'I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.

    Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective.
    In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.

    One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting,
    'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a
    stroke !'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.
    When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his
    speech was slurred , his mouth was crooked - all the symptoms of a stroke.

    I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen's 10 fingers tips.

    When all
    10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its colour and his eyes' spirit returned,

    But his mouth was still crooked . So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood .
    When his ears became red ,
    pricked his right earlobe twice to let out two drops of blood .
    both earlobes had two drops of blood each , a miracle happened .
    Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear.

    We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea , then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital . He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach.. Everything worked normally.
    There were no ill after effects.
    On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital.
    As a result, these victims never recover.' (Irene Liu)
    Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death.

    The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralysed for life.

    It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.

    If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.



    1. The best thing about this beverage is that it contains Zero Cholesterol. It contains minerals like Calcium, Manganese, İron, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium. It also contains vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamine and Vitamin C . All these nutrients make coconut a very potent health drink. It is more nutritious than milk, as it has less fats and no cholesterol.

    2. Research studies suggest that Cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant Anti-Carcinogen ic and Anti-Thrombotic and Anti-Ageing Effects.

    3. It is used as intravenous saline fluid in many developing countries and has saved many lives.

    The reason that it's possible to be used that way is its composition, which is quite identical to Human Blood Plasma.

    4. Coconut water, by its very nature is an İsotonic Beverage. That is, it has the perfect balance of electrolytes in it, which is good for our body due to its right PH Levels.

    5. It is an excellent Energy Drink for the old and the sick, who find it difficult to process solid food. It is a Natural Fluid designed to Sustain Life.

    6. It is better than many processed baby milk products, as it contains Lauric Acid which is an important ingredient of Mother's Milk. This natural beverage can effectively treat Disturbance of the İntestine in İnfants.

    7. Anti-Ulcer Properties: Both coconut milk and coconut water exhibit potent anti-ulcer activity against chemicals such as indomethacin, a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID).

    8. Blood-Pressuring Lowering Properties: When human subjects consumed coconut water for two weeks, it was found to lower blood pressure in 74% of the experimental group, reducing it by up to 24 points (mmHg) systolic and 15 points (mmHq) diastolic.

    9. Anti-Alzheimer’s Properties: in an animal model of ovariectomy-induced menopausal changes, coconut water appeared to prevent the decline of brain estrogen (estradiol) levels, as well as the associated accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease associated β-amyloid (Aβ) plaque in their brains.

    10. Anti-Bacterial Properties: Three novel antimicrobial peptides have been identified in coconut water which exhibited inhibitory activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

    11. Anti-Gastroente ritis Agent : When sodium is added (ideally sea salt) coconut water has been determined to be an ideal rehydrating agent in countries where medical supplies are not freely available, and where, say, cholera and other severe forms of gastroenteritis persist.

    12. Ultimately, coconut makes for an excellent alternative to Sports Drinks, which are increasingly comprised of synthetic ingredients.

    13. Its water is also a very good source of B-Complex Vitamins such asRiboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, Pyridoxine, and Folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish.

    14. A few friends and colleagues' wives who are cancer sufferers testify that they take coconut drink to COOL their bodies after their chemotherapy sessions.

    NOTE: IF you buy Coconut water, please look at the ingredients ... should be 100% pure coconut water... nothing else ... no sugar, not anything else.


    1. Rub your ears to boost energy:

    Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, give your ears a gentle self-massage. According to Chinese medicine, stimulating the pressure points in the ears increases blood circulation to all parts of the body, giving you an instant energy boost.

    2. Cure hiccups with peanut butter:

    Chewing and swallowing the sticky spread will interrupt your breathing pattern and force your diaphragm to relax.

    3. Use honey to soothe a sore throat:

    A natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, honey can help coat and soothe sore throats and alleviate minor coughs.

    4. Blow-dry waterlogged ears:

    Put a hair dryer on the gentlest setting and hold it a few inches away from your ear. The increased airflow will help to evaporate the water in your ear.

    5. Make warts disappear with garlic:

    Garlic — which has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties — is thought to be an effective home remedy for warts. Apply a freshly cut garlic clove to the wart, place a bandage over it, and leave the bandage on overnight. Repeat every night until the wart disappears.

    6. Blow on your thumb to calm jangled nerves:

    The thumb has its own pulse, and blowing on the thumb will cool down the thumb and thus calm the heart rate, as cold air can slow down your pulse. This trick might also help simply because the act of blowing forces you to deepen your breathing, which calms the heart.

    7. Sniff peppermint to quell a craving:

    Chew mint gum, sip peppermint tea or take a whiff of peppermint oil.

    Studies suggest that the scent of peppermint stimulates the brain to release appetite-suppressing hormones and promotes a feeling of fullness.

    8. Curl your toes to fall asleep faster:

    The next time you find yourself tossing and turning, try a progressive muscle relaxation technique.

    Begin by slowly curling and uncurling your toes.

    Then, work your way up the entire body, from your toes to your neck,

    tightening a certain muscle group before releasing it.

    9. Smile to make yourself happier:

    Scientists have found that the simple act of smiling can lower blood pressure and release stress, giving you an instant mood boost (yes, even forced smiles count!).

    10. Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to beat brain freeze:

    Also referred to as “ice cream headaches,” brain freezes are caused by a rapid increase in blood flow to the brain. After you down a frozen treat, try thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth —

    this will warm up the palate and ease the flow of blood to the brain.

    11. Rub Vicks Vaporub on feet for congestion:

    To temporarily relieve a cough, try applying the mentholated topical cream on the soles of your feet and immediately covering with a pair of socks.

    There is no scientific explanation for why this old wives’ trick works,

    but many stuffy nose-sufferers (and even nurses and doctors) swear by it.

    12. Use ginger to prevent motion sickness:

    Twenty minutes before travel, take two capsules of powdered ginger to ease an upset stomach caused by motion sickness.

    13. Shake your head to wake up sleepy feet:

    It happens to all of us — you are sitting in an awkward position when all of a sudden your foot, hand or other body part falls asleep.

    To quickly eliminate that uncomfortable tingling sensation, move your head side to side. The movement helps relieve nerve tension.

    14. Alleviate nausea by massaging wrist:

    Relieve nausea by lightly massaging the pressure point on the inside of your wrist, about three finger widths below the base of your palm.

    15. Squeeze lemon to erase pimples:

    Banish breakouts by dabbing a little lemon juice on problem areas —

    its antibacterial properties will help kill excess bacteria and reduce acne.

    16. Dab on clove oil to alleviate toothache pain:

    Apply a very small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and gently dab onto the affected tooth area. The essential oil has been shown in studies to have analgesic and antibacterial properties, making it a useful tool in treating bacteria-caused toothaches.

    17. Inhale onion vapors for sinus relief:

    Chop up an onion, put it in a bowl and inhale the onion fumes.

    The vapors help open sinus passageways, providing relief from sinus pressure.

    18. Stop mouth bleeds with tea bags:

    To stop mouth bleeds after oral surgery or injuries, apply a moistened tea bag to the affected area; the tannins in tea help the blood coagulate faster.

    19. Steam to relieve nasal congestion:

    Steam helps to loosen mucus and clear out the sinus cavities, providing relief from nasal congestion. A hot bath works, too.

    20. Sleep on your left side to prevent acid reflux:

    Researchers have determined that left side sleeping helps with digestion and eases heart burn pain.


    O Lord,

    make me an instrument of Thy peace;

    where there is hatred, let me sow love;

    where there is injury, relief;

    where there is doubt, faith;

    where there is despair, hope;

    where there is darkness, light;

    where there is sadness, joy;

    O Divine Master,

    grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

    to be understood, as to understand;

    to be loved, as to love;

    for it is in giving that we receive,

    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

    and it is in dying that we are born into Eternal Life

  18. So then leave the analyzing bro, at least to an extent.

    Everything starts and revolves aroud that Supreme Being Wahiguru, who is "aparam paar". The wonder of wonders.

    Does not the Bani say: Sochay soch na hovaee, jeh sochay lakha vaar. He is nothing as such to be compared to in this world, either in the astral or causal spheres, so to say, to have and idea about Him.

    As anything under analisis, is the job of the mind. And He is beyond that. So just leave everything, and jump in that Satnam Samundar.

    Wahiguru Akal Purukh is something much more to be felt, than to be thought about.

    Anyhow this is my humble personal thought.

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