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Posts posted by JungChamkaur

  1. well the pashtuns are the organic people of those regions, they have always been there, no one can force them to become budhist or hindu again. and the "rajput women" thing is funny because the kings had no regard for their illegitimate progeny... if you have mistresses who get pregnant what do you do? kill the child or try to find a groom... anyways to be a rajput both parents have to be rajput... this is why many hindu rajputs dont intermarry with sikh rajputs or consider them to be rajputs because their wives were jatt.

  2. the sikh fort is in ruins today and was occupied by rana mangal singh. the neighboring villages were all maroosi sikh jatts of the rajputs of nawanshahr area. and like all koms, the people who stop living like their ancestors, witness their downfall. and about the heinous acts, i dont support giving daughters and i have a hard time understanding why they would give away their illegitimate progeny with such disregard.. probably because those women were not full blooded rajpoots and giving a bastard child a life in a palace is probably the only house she can wedded into if any at all. im not sure.. i don understand this phenomenon.

  3. you dont have to believe it. you dont even want to believe historical events that changed historys course... anyways the tyrannical family had to leave jadla.. the other family was the same one who saved sikhs from beanta and the same one who killed the muslim rana of rahon (of the same clan) and the sikh "jagirdar" who tried to take over jadla and surrounding villages from the rajputs there with the help of sikh/hindu doad rajputs of garhi mansowal. the same family helped rana jaipal against khadkus and rana roop singh against dilbag singhs group.

  4. jagat singh pathania conquered kabul kandahar and upto uzbekistan and defeated persians... the kachwahas defeated the pathans many times as well and the events i have listed should make you realize that the dark age of india was due to rajput disunity but the sacrifices they made ensured indian survival. rajputs were sovereign in their kingdoms. thre were times where mughals tried to interfere and RULE over them and this led to rebellions like those of durga das rathore. amar singh rathore made aurangzeb run into the zenana and hide behind women.

  5. the daughters of rakayls are often given to others for their harem and the same are often... i dont understand this but its true. regardless.... the rajputs were disunited and this caused a mughal overhead.. but everytime this mughal overhead tried to impede the rule of a tribe within its boundaries, the rajputs gave them a fight history would remember...

  6. in jadla there were two prominent rajput families.. one who made jatts take their pagris off and then one who would fight for the honor of the jatt peasant.. these two families never got along with each other.. the babbar akalis had a meeting in jadla as wel and rana gandhaba singh helped the akalis plot robberies of lalas and participated himself and was a baagi rajpoot...

  7. jai singh actually rebelled against aurabzeb with mewar and he was the one who helped shivaji escape... stupid loser...and the rajputs of nawanshahr... have you heard about rana roop singh whos sons shot up dilbag singhs relatives whole village? or about rana jaipal who robbed banks with khadkus and shot them up because they got greedy and tried to swindle the ranas share of loot? i never said rajputs helped marathas, they fought each other several occasions. and the women that rajputs gave in marriage were the daugters of their mistresses... just like the daughters the katoch king gave to ranjit, they went sati at his pyre.

  8. i hate the rss and its funny how they saved sikhs in delhi... like come on.. 100 years from now, your grandkids will also say kejriwal did nothing and the millions of supporters around india did nothing and compare him to gandhi.. you brag about being garam dal.. btu the two koms who make us look pale are ignored by all your pseudo scholars who cant even read english like the fudu tattooo in the video you posted.. 800 years... buddy 800 years of rajputs fighting and each clan attaining more shaheedi and victories and ruling for hundreds of years outnumbering the ephemeral sikh history like a mountains shade on an ant.

  9. havent you heard about the jatt who got hacked into pieces by 4 rajput brothers for marrying their sister? have you heard about khadkus getting shot in jadla pind by rajputs and running away like little girls? have you heard about rajputs of jadla saving sikhs form beanta because jatt mothers came begging for mercy? pathanias defeated mughals more than sikhs and did more conquering than ranjit.... what world do you live in you choora?

  10. you got some lalu panju like sukha jinda and you think your cool? rajputs killed more generals than 10 udham singhs and 10 sukha jindas... bhattis ruled punjab and so did pathanias until very recently... and each one of them fought mughals... you seriously need to read about hegemony.. you stupid low caste rats trying to be rajput kshatriyas... your whole identity is a blatant and shameless theft of rajput ethos, sharam naal marjo panchodo. indira tay nehru nay tuwano jameenay walay banaya panchod maroosi salay.

  11. yea thanks to your patrons nehru and indira gandhi you stupid loser... your article on rajput history only highlights our divisions and the anarchy that prevailed.... doesnt change the fact that rajputs outnumber sikh feats of bravery by the tons.... rajputs have been fighting 700 years before sikhi started.... so.... what are you really talking about? you complaint about sikh political economy but you dont see how the congress wanted to finish rajputs? rajputs ruled most of india until 1947... their disunity allowed for an external force to become a ruler at the top but not at the bottom.. your a shameless loser. i have listed over 30+ stories already that put all baseless sikh claims in the dirt.for gods sake the marathas accomplished more than sikhs too and their policy was to fight to win.. you losers are ignorant. 12,000 vs 80,000..... like really.... sher shah suri barely won and almost lost his whole empire.. the events listed above kill the khalistani narrative. anyways your a phudu banda.. guru nanakji went thru nothing compared to bappa rawal and rana sanga and the rajput kings who have been fighting for 700 years bfore your existence and then thousands became sikhs and fought again... 700 years of fighting with over 50,000 shaheed women and more victories over afghans than all of sikh history combined... just the katoch clan (who also defeated ranjit - the siba branch) defeated mughals 52 times...thats more battles that sikhs have participated in throughout their whole history....why are u even alive, kuch kha dub kay marja sharam naal panchoda. numbers dont lie and sikhs numbers are petty in comparison..

    1. pagri

    2. beard

    3. khanda

    4. jhatka

    5. chandi di vaar

    6. bana

    7. shastar vidya

    8. kshatriya

    9. singh

    who are you until 500 years ago.... sikhs are a copy of rajput kshatriyas.... unless you think all the aforementioned articles of identity also came from the skies.. your battles are petty..your talking about what these battles achieved? like buddy are you blind? you cant see that rajputs held power and sway over india for over a millenium? internal feuds were abundant and they still outnumber sikh sacrifices and victories by the thousands and dozens, respectively.

    30+ stories and all of them make sikhs humble but you ignorant lot are so shameless its embarrassing. sikhs couldnt even hold punjab bro and your talking about people who hold controlled half the country? the marathas and rajputs history of war is immensely greater than all of sikh history combined... so when you combine rajput maratha history the sikh battles pale in comparison.. go count and come back... rajput women have died i the thousands alone..

  12. one bhagat singh kills like 2-3 people and does a robbery is all of a sudden a greater martyr than those who have killed generals... more than all sikh history combined... yet they didnt fight... your all dum pieces of shit. this is why you will never amount to anything in history ever again. jats are the downfall of sikhi and this black white bullshit nonsense narrative is bringing sikhis influence into the dirt... with the logic presented in this pathetic forum of fudu khalistani sheep cowards, every sacrifice means nothing unless it gets fruit... reminds me of the maratha policy of fighting to win... starkly in contrast to rajput ethos of living through death and fighting for a point of honor regardless of end result. because if you die fighting then you never lost in the first place and you die a free man. anyways with the likes of losers like yourselves, its not surprising that akal takht and all gurdwaras in INDIA put money into the pockets of a few individuals... and then you come here talking about bhindranwale.... like buddy there should not even be homeless people in india because of all the money religious places in india make.. wheres your victory? wheres bhindranwale ideals? you slander people who outnumber you in feats of bravery by the hundreds and you think that will somehow increase your respect? what a admin cut joke.

  13. what consequence were the victories? buddy if you want to look at the end goals only then stop glorifying ranjit singh and bhindranwale too because in the end they all lost.... its the means not the end.. and if you had a brain you would know that rajputs have ruled until 1947 albeit according to tribal lines. disunity is a blessing and a curse on rajputs but to say that their sacrifices which outnumber and out glorify all of sikh accomplishments put together, is nothing but jealousy and this jealousy is well noted by british documents as well. rajputs have sacrificed more lives than marathas sikhs combined as they have been fighting for 700 years before guru nanak...that simple fact alone should suht you up, and my 30+ points all show how rajputs have held their regions until indira gandhi and her father gave land to maroosis aka jatts nd sikhs and others. in punjab rajputs have ruled over sikhs as well at the pind and district levels. indira gandhi gave land to jatt maroosis of hundreds of villages in punjab..

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