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Posts posted by JungChamkaur

  1. read about your bravery here:

    European Adventures of Northern India by Charles Grey:

    "The besieging artillery opened fire and within a couple of hours the guns stood silent amd the sikh gunners piled dead in heaps. The Sikhs delaying their fate in a despicable ruse gathered 200 women from within the city and disposed them around the guns. Rajputs were so skillful of marksmen that only a few women were killed whilst the whole of the gunners met the fate they deserve"...

  2. ahahaha your comeback is weak at best! like your so stupid its ridiculous... you think bhagat singh did more than pathanias??? they killed GENERALS! THEY TOOK OVER KABUL BEFORE RANJIT SINGH! WAYYYY BEFORE HIM! anyways... i have already put all your stupid pathetic claims to superiority in the grave... and your talking about rajput women being given to mughals.. buddy you want to overlook the fact that kachwahas fought aurangzeb and did more damage then sikhs as a whole? you forget that the Guru had no problem going and getting seva done by those same kings at bangla sahib? their all suryavanshi but you low caste fudu maroos jatts are nothing..... why dont you ever look at the fact that all the fudus who died fighting pathanias werre sikh puppets fudu ass poor people trying to make money by killing natives...

    every story i have listed crushes your lies and bigotry... the whole god damned world has the logic to see that sikhs have not played a more formidable role than rajputs especially since many rajputs are sikhs themselves. and you obviously overlooked the fact that ranjits sons surrounded a 90yr old man and killed him because they couldnt defeat mian dido who defeated sikhs well over ten times and british officers, aka your masters and your REAL PITAAHs even say that sikhs would be so scared to fight the dogras that they would not even come out of the fort. Mian dido would himself kill 300 sikhs at a time...... guru dashmesh has no problem complementing the katoch raja but you cant accept the truth because your all little b++++es... 1857 killed more british generals colonels etc than the sikhs in all of the anglo sikh wars combined...

    you think ranjit was practicing good maryada when they pulled people by their mustache??? the oppressed often becomes the oppressor... those sikhs met a timely demise at the hands of dogras for their vile acts....

    anyways your a choora. i have listed so many historical events that have crushed your little dream of sikhs being the savior... its a shame your still trying to act up.. the funniest thing is that sajjan kumar and tytler are alive. if you think your such a badass why dont you go do something? why you sitting here ignoring the reality of history that maharaja ranjit singhs empire was only 50 yrs long and more rajput women have committed jauhar than sikhs fighting british in the wars......

    rajputs have defeated every invader to come across the khyber at least 3 times....... the turks the khiljis the mughals the pathans etc etc... like for fuking gods sake cant your dumass read english??? the stories above show the reality of your pathetic lies. you are NOTHING....

    you want to attack my degree... like really? why dont you do something yourself you stupid loser.. you cant even read that katoch alone defeated mughals 52 times more than the sikhs total history combined....

    52!!! 52!!! 52!!! get it in your head!!!




    YOU ARE A LOSER! i have over 30 events posted and you cannot come close to challending them... you already made a point

    1) we sikhs are th eonly warriors in india... we did everything... we liberated all of india.. we are the only people who know how to give balidan.. we are the most nd the only righteous people on the earth....

    rebuttal: i have given many rebuttals toyour black and white history.... there are so many posted above im surprised you even bothered to msg back and that too with completely irrelevent bullshit... because you and every other sikhin the world knows that marathas and rajputs have defeated invaders DOZENS of times MORE than sikhs and withMORE DAMAGE DONE EVERRR THAN ANY SIKH CAN EVER LAY CLAIM TO. and you keep acting like maharaja ranjit owned all of punjab when he didnt... he had his own territory.. he was one sikh king out of a few others.... any dumass who knows how to count and read english would put his head down in shame after reading only 5 of the events posted but i have given youover 30 so please keep your mouth shut. your a typical baysharm fudu khalistani singh who is worth nothing... im sure your family aint shit, you aint shit personally, at school as a kid, as an adult in society and as a sikh to the world... you aint shit... your only good at making a point then ignoring the rebttal that completely shits on your face and coming back with even worse ignorance than befor like the sulla you truly are. dont make me repost everything i posted... perhaps you should hire a neutral guy to compare the feats by sikhs and just the rathores who made sher shah humble with 80,000 people.... just the rathores have accomplished more than any sikh to ever have stepped foot on this earth.

  3. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji was a gursikh and a gurmukh. However, he like all Sikhs of old were Hindus who took amrit. I still want to know what these khalistani fools have to say abot Mata Krishan Kaurji's family from Uttar Pradesh... was he also a bhaiya hindu from UP for you? Also, Babur faced stiff resistance from thousands of rajputs as mentioned... I dont know where these foolish fake sikhs get their information from.. im astounded as to how low they can go. I am sure these fools are not more than 20 years old because if they are then we have a serious problem here.. but then again most punjabis are dumb as shit and i am not ashamed to say this because its true.

  4. Also destroys the lie "ohhh maharaja ranjit was so great and nice to his populace!" Because we caused dogras to revolt by humiliating them by dragging their king by his mustache and killing 90yr old buddhay... Then we lost to mian dido over ten times bcus god sides with the truth not tyranny. For gods sake the small siba clam defeated us too. Gulab singh wasnt an enemy originally as he killed mian dido for us and betrayed his tribe for us but no one here likes to read as to why he had to change sides later! Ranjit singhs kids were not the brightest lot an they abused their power thats why attar singh got killed by mian dido for gods sake why wud we surround him at vaishno devi it reminds me of 1984 but this time were gen vaidya.

  5. These fascists so called sikhs hve a hard time digesting the truth. They think they have to discredit other people to raise their own importance and it doesnt work. My posts have not only destroyed the narrative that sikhs saved india but also the lie about khyber pass only being dominated by sikhs. It has also destroyed the lie that somehow when 100,000 ppl fight the brits in one year and kill dozens of high ranking army oficials, more thanwe did in our wars with the brits, that 1857 was not a revolt. I am aware of more than 50,000 rajput women committin jauhar instead of facing humiliation but these fools like to ignore history. They like to push everything under the bed and lie about history. We played a signifcant role in history but any one with a brain who can read history can easily see that we did mot save india by ourselves and there were over 200,000 shaheed over 700 years before guru nanak jis avtar.

  6. heres some more pain for the khalistani myth machine:

    1. if you think that the Kachwahas of Ambaer and the Tomars of Gwalior were 'slaves' to the Mughals you are extremely ill informed; Did Man Singh Tomar bow to Babur? and as a matter of fact Sawai Jai Singh Kachwaha rebelled against the Mughals with the support of his Sisodia counterpart, Rana Amar Singh II.

    Many Kachwahas were trampeled by elephants by the Mughals because they refused to Convert to Islam, this is a fact. I would suggest that you read Khawaja Nizamuddin's Tabaqat-e-Akbari for a better understanding of this.

    2. Four thousand Rathore horsemen drew their swrods and charged the Maratha left with wild cries of "Han! Kill them!" Sindhia's batteries ploughed through their dense ranks, opening bloody lanes at each discharge. But heedless of their fallen comrades, the survivors swept up to the Maratha guns, sabred the gunners and still advancing fell upon the supporting infantry. Their terrific impact broke the first line of the Maratha left wing; hundreds of Afghans and Nagas were slain, and even De Boigne's sepoys after firing a few volleys were forced back in confusion along with their Maratha comrades.

    The Muhammadan, Rana Khan, sent up reinforcements of Dakhani horse under Shivaji Vittha, Raiji Patil and Khande Hari who ralled the fugitives and renewed the combat. The bloodiest and most obstinate struggle of the day raged here. The situation at one time became so critical that the sons of Murtaza Khan Barech dismounted and fought on foot, which is the last expedient of Indian warriors when driven at bay. The Rathores inflicted over 300 casualties, including Ghazi Khan, Shambhuji Patil, Malhar Rao Pawar, Chimanji Khande Rao.

    3. To die fighting is not a misfortune; it is the goal of all Rajput warriors. Nevertheless, to die of decapitation whether on the battlefield or at home is degrading: it violates the warrior’s physical integrity, which is inseperable from his moral integrity. Such humiliation can be erased only by revenge and in some instances retribution was taken by the decapitated body, referred to as the Jhunjhar.

    The Bhausahebanchi Bakhar illustrates that prior to fighting Bijai Singh Rathod, Jayapparao Shinde cringes at the fearsome repute of the Rajput soldiers, knowing that his men, used to guerilla tactics, would be no match for them:

    “These are Marwadi Rajputs, incredibly valorous; their bodies dance around even if they are beheaded. They also have a lot of firepower. Our people are faint of heart to begin with, with steel weapons; tied to a tree they will uproot it to try to flee.....”

    4. Rajput history abounds with heroic tales of the sacrifices which men of honour were prepared to make rather than give a woman of their esteemed house to an inferior of rank. From the shudra Marathas like Holkar and Sindhia to the Sikhs and Gujjars, all made attempts to gain wives from Rajput houses of repute, but all failed miserably. The Rajputs of Katgarh near Nurpur willingly set fire to their houses and immolated their female relatives to avoid the disgrace of a marital alliance with Ranjit Singh of Lahore. When Miyan Padma, a renegade Pathania, married his daughter to this dastard fellow, his brethren, undeterred by the menace of the Sikhs, deprived him and his immediate connections of the Jai Deva and to this day refuse to associate with his descendants. The Raja of Kangra deserted his hereditary kingdom rather than ally his sister to Dhiyan Singh, himself a Miyan of Jamwal stock, but not the equal of the Katoch prince.

    The seclusion of the Rajput women is also maintained with severe strictness as a European recalls how on one occasion a Miyan house caught on fire in broad daylight, and rather than come out into the open and be seen by strangers, the women allowed themselves to be burnt alive.

    5. Whatever deeds of oppression and of blood may have been enacted at the time, and however the Muhammadan rulers may have chosen to believe, or the Muhammadan historians to represent the Hindus to be a crushed, subdued people, the fact remains beyond dispute that their descendants, in spite of many a subsequent danger, still possess the soil of which it was sought to deprive them; while little but squalid poverty and tottering ruins, represent the once proud sway of the dynasty of Shah Ahmad." - A.K. Forbes


    7."It is impossible for me to describe the feats of bravery of the 'zerd kopperah walas' or the enemy forlorn hope. I saw, after their line was broken, fifteen or twenty only return to charge one thousand infantry, and advance to fifteen paces of our line before all were shot." - Benoît de Boigne's Officer

    8. Pirates near Dwarka plunder the ship of an Uzbek clergyman. The muhammadan pleads his case with Mahmud Shah Begada who attacks the Rathods of Dwarka led by Bhima Raja. The Rathods put up stubborn opposition against Begada but eventually succumb to his larger army and thus the muhammadans desecrate the temples of the city and plunder its wealth. Bhima Raja is captured but refuses to convert to Islam and is cruelly murdered, having had portions of his body hung over the gates of Ahemdabad.

    Seven years would pass until another Rajput would refuse to recite the qalma-e-tayibah. The Chauhans of Champaner under their Rawal, Jai Singh, brought fire and steel to Begada’s door and defeated his chief officer. Begada once again makes infidelity an excuse for attacking the Rajputs and lays siege to Champaner. Women mount the pyre and the Rawal with his clansmen makes a fierce charge on the besiegers. All six of the Rajas who had assembled for the defense of Champaner fell and a large number of the besiegers also met their maker

    were not the only kom who knows how to give balidan mr khalistani loser...

    8. The concept of brotherhood (bhayad) is extremely strong amongst the Jadeja Rajputs and they hold their Rao (clan leader) in very high regard. The Muslims had taken particular notice of them when in any desperate enterprise several of them, wearing saffron-colored turbans, used to vow to conquer or die and when the fate of a battle went against them and defeat was evident, the Jadejas dismounted, tied their waist-bands together, locked their shields in front of them and grasped their spears in preparation for their final charge at the Muhammadans.

    When fifty thousand Mughal troops under their Viceroy, Sarbuland Khan, advanced on the Rao Sahib near Bhuj, the outnumbered Jadeja bhayad stood loyally by his side in full support. They routed the Muhammadans and killed the Khan’s nephew and the Rao Sahib choosing three thousand of the best Jadeja horse and binding round their brows the saffron turban of self-sacrifice, rushed into the enemy’s camp and caused such loss and confusion that the invaders fled and great numbers of them following their Viceory in disorder were pursued and slain.

    9. i hope your rear end (your mouth) is torn apart LMAO my first posts on this matter torn you a few new gaping holes, now im just throwing mountains of salt on your wounds:

    sikhs are modelled upon the rajput kshatriyas and this is a fact. many of our punjabi tribes are actually descended from rajputs, ask any buddha about this and hell tell you and theyll probably even tell you about marriages with bedi rites and ashes put into the ganga... and speaking of Ganga i hope you remember our Mata, Mata Ganga Ji.

    kesar bana, saka, jauhar, sati, singh, shastar vidya, pagri, tilak, jhatka all come form rajput kshatriyas... there is no one else in all of indias history to have these things... these are rajput things adopted by us because we as sikhs believe ANYONE can be a kshatriya and our own pitaji is surajbansi like many rajputs. but since you like to change the definitions of words your afraid of, the surajbansi lineage pitaji talks about is probably different in your eyes right?


    Throughout the nineteenth century the Rajputs of Khalapur and their kinsmen were a problem to the British because of their cattle thieving, marauding and unremitting resistance to revenue collectors.

    10. Ibn Battuta of Morroco, visited Aligarh (Kol) and its vicinity in 1342. He participated in the defense of the city and was eyewitness to the raids by the Rajputs who would besiege it time and again. “The infidel attack was repulsed after a great loss on both sides, they used to descend from an inaccessible mountain in the region and raid the suburb of Jalali.”

    One day while he was still in Jalali and taking rest in a garden he heard the noise of tumult. Mounting on his horse, he galloped to help the local commandant against the “infidels who had attacked one of the villages.” After repulsing the attack he pursued them in which he and his companions were separated. He was left with only five men and the party was again ambushed by some horsemen. Battuta had now to flee for his life and he took refuge in a huge ditch to hide himself from his pursuers who were constantly after him. After losing his way, he came out of the valley but writes in his journal, “as I walked there fell upon me about forty stalwart infidels armed with bows”, and he was made captive. Battuta begged for his life and the Hindus gave the traveler bread of peas to eat. The next day one of them “a young man of beautiful countenance” having pity on him, let Battuta escape but the Muhammadan overcome with fear wandered aimlessly as if his God had abandoned him in the country of these "infidels".

    11. The Chauhans of Shivala are heroes of the1857 uprising, it was their ancestors, Mehtab Singh and Naubat Singh, who sacrificed their lives and were hanged by the British government at the Tehsil headquarters of Khair.

    12. In 1897, a mad mullah began to advocate in the villages of the Lower Swat Valley that the tribesmen were obligated by their religion to come together and wage a holy war against the infidels. The mad muhammadan gathered thousands of Pashtuns and attacked the military posts at Chakdara and Malaqand. The 38th Dogras cleared these fanatical Pashtuns from their key positions and the ferocity of the Dogra attack was such that the enemy was seen running to and fro in great confusion and was put to flight.

    A few years later the Dogras brought the Mehsood tribe of Pashtuns to their knees and were particularly responsible for dealing heavy losses to their ranks, forcing them to negotiate for peace.

    13. Actions of the enemy could be seen for miles from Pathania Jagat Singh’s fort at Taragarh and thus did the Mughals lay siege to it for over a decade without any progress. Mughalia Syed Khan, Bahadur Khan and Asalat Khan were sent at the head of twelve thousand men to defeat the Rajputs but on this particular occasion several of the Muhammadan commanders met their ruin including Khusroh Beg and Asauf Khan.

    The Mughals were awe struck by the impregnable forts of the Pathania monarch and therefore had the ones at Maukot and Noorpur completely demolished and had a few enclosure walls at Taragarh knocked down, the fort itself was never seized nor captured.

    14. “My tribe has been connected with your august family from olden times. My ancestors, through the patronage and mediation of the late Maharajah Maan Singh, became mansabdars of the Emperor. I wish to present myself before you, enter your service and thus manifest our old devotion.” – Bhai Khan Maral (pathan lord)

    15. Chamba is one of the very few hill kingdoms which was spared the destruction and raiding which followed the Muhammadan, and to a lesser extent, Sikh invasions. The temples here are preserved since many centuries with almost no signs of defacement. The Rajputs here are a small community numerically but they occupy a prominent position in the State, owing to the ruling house being from them, claiming lineage from the Chiefs of Udaipur in Rajputana.

    Narayan Shah, a Brahman representative of the Sikhs, was the relative of Pandit Jala, a senior minister who manipulated absolute power in the Lahore court. Narayan, also known as Lakar Shah, managed to acquire so much influence in Chamba that the whole State administration was practically in his hands. The Rajputs of Chamba disliked him for his arrogance, and took counsel with the queen to have him killed. Receiving the news of his nephew’s death, Pandit Jala sent a Sikh army to invade Chamba and the capital was looted; however the Rajputs held the invaders at bay from the Taragarh Fort and obstructed further encroachment into the Kingdom.

    16. Shahabuddin Ghori invaded the Chalukya (Solanki) kingdom of Gujrat and was dealt a complete defeat --- “The army of Islam was put to route, and the Sultan of Ghazni returned without accomplishing his designs.”

    17. The Mughals did not at all relish the independence of Madhukar Shah and Akbar sent his armies thrice to overcome the Bundela ruler. They conquered almost all the principalities between Orchah and Gwalior but later on the stubborn Madhukar Shah took back some of them. Madhukar Shah’s son Bir Singh remained undaunted just as his predecessor, and defeated the Mughals repeatedly. In 1602 Bir Singh murdered Akbar’s most favored minister, Sheikh Abu Fazl, who tried to launch an attack on the former’s brother, Indrajit Singh.

    18. Tilak Singh Bhati of Jaisalmer attacks Ajmer and carries off Feroz Shah Khilji’s stud from Ana Sagar. This indignity to the muhammadan provokes another attack on Jaisalmer and sixteen thousand women mount the pyre whilst seventeen hundred Bhatis under their Rawal, Dudu Singh and his brother Tilak Singh make a final charge at the enemy. Jaisalmer would next be recovered by the Rajputs under Rawal Ghar Singh who would slaughter the army of the Tatar, Aebak Khan. Rawal Chachak Deo of Marot would later lead the Bhatis against overwhelming odds in opposition to the muhammadans of the Panjab under their Khokar chief of Multan and his allies. The Bhatis would emerge victorious and set up garrisons across the Panjab.

    19. Of the many Rajput jagirdars and thikanedars who became rebellious and opposed the British was one Rana Ratan Singh Sodha of Amarkot. The Rana has been termed by them as being one of the most troublesome of the Rajput chiefs. Ratan Rana, as he was popularly known, answered the troubles of his people who were suffering many atrocities at the hands of the local British servant, Sayyid Muhammad Ali (Tax Collector at Amarkot). The Rana killed the Sayyid for his crimes against the populace (both Muslim and Hindu) and was later deemed an outlaw by the firangi government. Twrat, the then British political agent stationed at Ajmer, got the Rana entrapped through treachery and in 1866 after a summary trial, the Sodha sardar was hanged to death while his men under Bhaguji were sent into exile to Kala-Pani.

    20. The dejected Mughalia summons Rustam Khan appointing him as the Subedar of Ajmer with the task of pacifying the Hindua Suraj Hindupati. The Kachawah Rajputs revolt at Sherpura and to his detriment, Rustam Khan met his ruin at the hands of these turbulent Rajputs.

    21. Bappa, seventh in line from Guha, on hearing that the Arabs had crossed into Mewar, collected a following and inflicted a crushing defeat on them and raised himself to the throne and from him do the Ranas of Udaipur lineally descend. The Arabs in India never recovered from this reverse…The Rajputs in Sindh rose successfully against them in 750 A.D. and on their attempting to re-enter India through Kabul, under Harun al Rashid (relative of the Abassid Caliph), The Rajputs at once set out against them, and led by Prince Khoman of Chitod finally expelled them in 812 A.D.

    22. From the very beginning Maharana Fateh Singh was not reconciled to Pannalal and was particularly displeased with his overbearing attitude. It seems, the Maharana, at the very outset, drew a definite conclusion, learning from the past history, about the post of the Prime Ministership. He decided in his mind to do away with the services of Rai Pannalal and along with him the post of Prime Ministership as well. He decided to be the Prime Minister of his own. If Fateh Singh was slow in taking decision he was firm in their execution. Once he got rid of Panna Lal, he never, throughout the next thirty years of his reign, employed an official as the Prime Minister despite continuous threats of the British Political Officers.

    Source: Mewar and the British
    Author: D.L. Paliwal

    "In 1762 Anupgiri Gosain under the Muhammadan Shah Shuja invaded Bundelkhand where he was soundly defeated by the Rajput forces united under Hindupat Bundela, who chased Gosain out of the province. Anupgiri had earlier ordered his Naga sadhus to kidnap a young Khatri woman so that Shah Shuja could satisfy his lustful urges upon her..."

    Source: Warrior ascetics and Indian Empires
    Author: William R. Pinch

    23. Rajput chiefs present at the Siege of Chittorgarh Fort :

    • Rao Jaimal Singh Rathod
    • Pratap Singh Jugawat
    • Rawal Sahidas Chundawat
    • Rawat Dudaji Sangawat
    • Rana Ram Singh Tomar of Gwalior
    • The Chief of Baidla
    • Rawat Khanji Chauhan of Kotharia
    • The Panwar Chief of Bijolian
    • Jhala Sardar of Bari Sadri
    • The Sonigara Rao of Jhalore
    • Ishwardas Rathod
    • Karam Singh Kachawah
    • Duda Sadani Kachawah
    • Kala Singh Rathod

    this shows how the congress and rss and pakistani and khalistanis are making false narratives saying only one tribe fought at chittod...

    24. Kumbha is like the mountain Sumeru for the churning of the sea of Malwa. He humbled its sultan, Mahmud Khilji.

    • He also destroyed other lowly Muslim rulers (of the neighborhood). He uprooted Nagaur.

    • Nagaur was centre of the Muslims. Kumbha uprooted this tree of evil and its branches and leaves were automatically destroyed.

  7. heres more history for you pieces of shit khalistani losers who lie about history liek the congress rss pakis:

    1)Maharawal Jaitra Singh's sons, Mulraj and Ratan Singh intercept Allaudin Khilji's army on its way from Sindh and ransack the loot carried by the Muhammadans. The Khilji Turk dispatches his force against Jaisalmer and the Bhatis along with their Chauhan feudatories hold them off for several months until the Muhammadans reluctantly fall back. Many prominent Chauhans and their kin sacrifice their lives for honour and pride here. Meanwhile, the Ruler of Marwar, Rathore Asthan, is slain at Tir Singari, on the eastern borders of Jaisalmer, fighting these same Khilji Turks. Bhati chiefs Duda, Trilok Singh and a few others carry out depredations in the territory of the Punjab and harass the Muhammadans of that area, compelling Firoz Shah Tughlaq to send a strong force against Jaisalmer. BHATINDA ISNT CALLED BHATINDA FOR NO REASON!!!!! PANCHODA! sidhu brar dhaliwal jatts are all their sons! aya bada khalistani sala mayee yava.

    2) The Baloch, anxious to capture portions of the Jaisalmer territories, crossed the borders of Sindh under Ali Khan. Manohardas Bhati, the eldest son of Maharawal Kalyan, defeated the Baloch and killed him in battle. Bhati Rai Singh Bhimawat, Sawai Singh and Dhanraj from the Jaisalmer force also met their demise in this action. One more attack was launched by the Muhammadan Baloch under Mughal Khan, who crossed into Bikampur but the Baloch were once again defeated and the Maharawal in a counter offensive burned down many Baloch settlements on the other side of the border.

    3)In 1680 Aurangzeb invades Rajputana and Rana Bhim Singh of Mewad, seeking to avenge the Muhammadan's recent destruction of temples in Udaipur and elsewhere, raided Gujarat and plundered Vadnagar, Vishalnagar and Ahemdabad, in the latter place destroying thirty smaller mosques and one large one.

    4)According to the Prithvirajavijaya, the Turushkas (Turkics: Muslims) came across Marusthali and were defeated with great slaughter. An inscription gives a graphic description: “The land of Ajmer, soaked with the blood of the Turushkas, looked as if it had dressed itself in a dress of deep-red colour to celebrate the victory of her lord”. The Prithvirajayavijaya also refers to a contest between Ajayaraja and the Garjana Matangas (Ghaznavids: ‘Afghans’) and it continued through the reign of Arnoraja, Ajayaraja’s son.

    5) battle of rajasthan - 5000 rajputs made 30,000 arabs flee and bappa rawal went into arab held territories such as khyber and pakhtunkhwa regions and defeated them and made them vassals

    6) read about bhai khan marrals letter to jaipur rajputs..... rajputs have pashtun tribals of khyber and FATA under their lordship.... you stupid insolent loser.

    7)Meer Bijar Khan becomes involved in hostilities with the Rathods regarding the possession of Amarkot, the former had driven out the Sodha chief upon which the Bhatis and Rathods came to the aid of Amarkot. The Baloch offends the Rathods by asserting demands of tribute from Marwar and a dolah of a Rathod princess. The Rajputs under Bijai Singh wage an offensive against the Baloch chiefs and their Daudputra supporters at Doogara and soundly defeat them. Bijai Singh however was not content until the Baloch would pay with his life for the insult. Two assassins were chosen, both of Rajput stock, one a Bhati and the other a Chundawat who saw to it that Bijar Khan would meet his maker.

    8)All through 1858 Begum Hazrat Mahal kept collecting land revenue and the Rajput Chiefs of her army plunged headlong intro destroying British chowkies and thanas. The British lost control of areas around Lucknow and in Talooqa Mahona, Talooqdar Drigh’lai Singh set up his administration whereas in Ruiya (Hardoi, U.P.) Raja Narpat Singh defeated Brigadier-General Walpole and his Scottish Highlanders in a decisive engagement in which Brigadier Adrian Hope and many other British soldiers met their demise. Thakur Gulab Singh was the victor of anti-British skirmishes in Lakshmangarh and Rahimabad (Lucknow, U.P.). Bodies of slain British officers were paraded in towns and qasbas and the infamous Bais Rana Beni Madho Singh also won a few battles before getting down to harassing the enemy by hit and run tactics.

    9) Puran Mal, the legitimate son of Rai Silhadi , attacked and captured Chanderi, added to his territory the country around that town and employed many muslim women as dancing girls. News reached Sher Shah while he was in Bengal and the Afghan vowed to avenge the insults meted out to the women of his faith. Raisen was besieged but after much fighting, terms were offered and oaths were taken by the Afghans on their Holy Quran as to allowing safe passage to the Rajputs and their families. Puran Mal agreed to surrender the fort on the condition that his troops, their wives and children, be allowed to leave unmolested. Sher Shah agreed but after consulting with his ministers it was concluded that any pact made with Kafirs (non-believers) became null and void and according to the Mughal historian Abbas, Sher Shah's Afghan troops fell on the Rajputs while the latter were caught off-guard yet managed to fight valiantly as Abbas puts it, “like hogs at bay”; Puran Mal and his men put to sword their women and children and the Hindu Rajputs died fighting to the last man.

    Source: The Cambridge History of India
    Author: Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler

    10)In the eleventh century A.D. the Tomara Rajputs had to face the onslaughts of the invasions of the Ghaznavi Turks. The Tomara Chief, Anandapala, made an earnest appeal to the Indian rulers for saving North India from these invasions, but nobody responded to his call. After the death of Mahmood in 1030 A.D. his son Masood attacked Hansi and captured it after a tough fight; thereafter he attacked and captured Sirsa which was to be governed in turn by his son Maudood. The struggle for succession after Maudood’s death provided an opportunity for the Tomara Rajputs of Delhi and after a few years in 1043 A.D. as narrated in the TABAQAT-I-AKARI and HUBIB-us-SIYAR, the Tomara Raja of Delhi aroused the spirits of his soldiers and country men by narrating his dreams - that the Devi carried off by Mahmood from Nagarkot (Kangra) had appeared to him and had told him that if he took revenge on Ghazni, she would reappear at the fort of Nagarkot. Soon after the narration of this dream, the Tomara Raja found himself at the head of a large army and marched against Hansi, Thanesar and the other strong-holds held by Maudood who suffered heavy loses and retreated to Ghazni, thus allowing the Tomara Raja to lay siege on Nagarkot (aided by the Raja's of Kangra and Kashmir). After four months the Muhammadan Garrison within the fort laid down their arms and the Katoch Raja was replaced on his hereditary throne.
    As recorded in the DIWAN-i-SALMAN in A.D. 1070, the Muhammadans raised another large army under the leadership of Sad-bin-Salman (Mahmood's step brother), he was assisted by Abdool Rashid (a son of Mahmood). They advanced towards the plains of Jalandhar where they were met by the Katoch army on the banks of river Ravi. A battle which eclipses the battles of Rustam and Isfandyar took place. It rages for five days and nights (so much blood flowed into the river Ravi that for many days it rand red). The death toll was almost two thousand soldiers and the Muhammadans lost their Governor Mashtagin Hajab. Historically this the period in which the Katoch Dynasty lost their kingdom of Jalandhar and retired into the hills of the Kangra.

    11) "The Rajpoot Talooqdars of the Chehdwara, have been long engaged in plundering the Sayyid proprietors, and seizing upon their lands, two of them, Prithvi Singh and Mrityujaya Singh are always in rebellion. Lately these two men took a large band of their clansmen with guns and attacked two villages of Ailee and Parsoli, in Gonda and killed six persons, plundered all the houses of the inhabitants and destroyed all their crops merely because the Sayyids of these two villages would not settle a boundary dispute in the way proposed to them by the Rajput barons. The lands of the Hassanpur parganah were held in property by the members of a family of Sayyids and had been so for many generations; but neighbouring Rajpoot talooqdars have plundered them of all they had and seized upon their lands by violence. Some they have seized and imprisoned with torture of one kind or another till they signed deeds of sale; others they have murdered with all their families to get secure possession of their lands; others they have despoiled by offering the local authorities a higher rate of revenue for the lands than they could possibly pay." - Sleeman

    12) "The estate of Sheobaksh Singh (present day Khairabad, U.P.) is very extensive, the soil is all good, and the plain level, so that every part of it is capable of tillage. He remains as one of the only two refractory Rajput barons in this area. Ratan Singh, the father of Sheobaksh, is said to have been a greater rack-renter, rebel and robber than his son is, and together they rebel against the government of the Nazim by absorbing Khalsa lands into the Rajput fold. He has shut himself up sullenly in his fort, where the Nazim dares not attack him. He is levying contributions from the surrounding villages but has not yet plundered or burnt down any. Sheobaksh Singh was lately in prison for two years but was released on the security of Mitholi's Raja Loneh Singh, of the Ahbans clan of Rajputs, whose wife is his wife's sister. Each has a strong force and a band of steady men. The Nazim has not the means to attack Sheobuksh and dares not attack Loneh Singh." - P.D. Reeves (1849)

    13) Sher Shah Afghan invades Marwar at the head of 80,000 Muhammadan horse and is confronted by the Rathod Raja Maldeo in the confines of Ajmer where the Afghan hesitates to attack and stays entrenched for nearly a month. The Muhammadan is put to flight and nearly put to the sword by the Rathods when 12,000 of them almost put an end to his campaigning forcing the Muhammadan to declare that he had nearly lost the empire of Hindostan for a handful of millet. Baba Jaita and Baba Kumpa Singhji were the main shaheed generals of this war and are AMAR.

    Source: History of the British Empire
    Author: Edward Henry Nolan

    14) The Nawabiyats of Nahar, Fatehpur and Jhunjhunu were all established by the Naghar (Nagad) Pashtuns who were in the service of the Lodhis. The insolent leader of these brigands at Fatehpur had two darbaris of the Bhojrajka clan murdered which triggered an offensive led by Sheo Singh of Sikar at the head of the Sardars of Shekhawati. Jhunjhunu, another stronghold of these insubordinates, also fell in 1730 when Shardul Singh established Hindu rule here and destroyed all the religious and temporal edifices of the Muhammadans. Needless to say the Naghars along with the Sherwani, Sulemanzai, Alizai, Kakar and Maswani pashtuns fled to Chomu thikana and took up service under the Rajputs of this area. To this day there is a 'Pathan Mohalla' in Chomu where one can find the descendants of the above mentioned Muhammadans.

    The Pashtuns, Marathas, George Thomas and Najafkuli Khan, all were humbled by the sons of Shekha. (Shekhawat are KAchwaha Rajpoots also Suraj Bansi like Maharajji Guru Gobind Singhji)

    15)Kunwar Singh Parmar of Jagdishpur (Bihar) and his brothers, Amar Singh and Dayal Singh, obtained more success against the English in the battlefield and carried on a more vigorous and extended campaign than any other Indian chiefs of their time. For two years did he fight against them and at Danapur he defeated a European garrison and the Sikhs under Captain Dunbar who were sent to relieve the British force there. Several English officers including Dunbar were killed in this battle where McDonell describes the carnage as such:

    “Of the four hundred men who had gone out on the day before, full of health and hope, one half had been left behind to gorge the vultures and jackals, and of those who returned about fifty were wounded."

    Kunwar Singh died at the age of eighty due to battle fatigue and his brother Amar Singh carried on the struggle until the Gurkhas of Nepal Tarai captured him once he crossed into their region and handed him over to the English. Amar Singh died at Gorakhpur in 1860.

    16) Ahmed Yadgar's Tarikh-e-Salatini Afghana tells us that before the battle at Dholpur between the Lodhis and the Rajputs, Miyan Hussein Khan separated from the army of Ibrahim Lodhi and joined the Rajput camp. Although he himself did not take part in the battle, after the action he sent a message reproaching the Afghan Generalissimo, Miyan Maroof, saying "It is a hundred pities that 30,000 Muhammadan horsemen should have been defeated by so few Hindus". Miyan Hussein was shortly assassinated thereafter by men of Ibrahim Lodhi.

    17) The brother of Rana Sanga was one Prithviraj Sisodia. Prithviraj was the eldest son of Rana Rai Mal, a warrior of great renown and the heir apparent to the strongest Hindu empire of its day, Mewad. After killing off the Afghans under their leader Lala Khan, who had wrested Toda from its Solanki overlord, Prithviraj at the head of 5,000 Rajput horse turns his attention towards Malwa and sacks Depalpur capturing Mahmud Shah Khilji and holding him hostage at Chitod for a month until the Muhammadan paid his ransom in horses and was set free.

    18) also you seem to have ignored the other comments i made eh LMAO SALA DARPOK CHOORA PANCHOD. whats your pind name and your family name.. ill find out your familys so called bravery asap and then well see how you attack other peoples bravery you coward

    19) Rao Raja Ram Pratap Singh of Sikar Thikana marches his force against his relatives at Patodah and Bahtot; the towns being
    strongholds of the Thakurs, Doongar Singh and his brothers Jawahar Singh and Bhopal Singh. Doongar Singh, had been the Rissaldar in the Shekhawati Cavalry, and was at this time undergoing imprisonment at Agra, to which he had been sentenced, for an attack on a banker's house at Mathura, with the view of carrying off the banker's daughter. Jawahar Singh along with Bhopal Singh had been driven to outlawry by the destruction of Bahtot and they made a most daring attack on the Agra Jail, the guard of which, for precaution's sake, had been purposely strengthened, and succeeded in resucing Doongar Singh. The brothers surprized the Pay Office at Naseerabad, cut down the guards and carried off about Rs. 52,000 which had only arrived the previous day, for the payment of the troops at the station.

    "On 9th August, 1847 Lt. Monk Masson attempted, but in vain, a hot pursuit of Doongar Singh near Didwana. The haughty Rajput would be taken by Lieutenant Edmond J. Hardcastle, with part of the Marwadi force at his paternal estate in Shekhawati. He appears to have been tracked to the village, and was found in a room at the top of the fort. Doongar Singh fired through the loop-holes on the party approaching and killed two men. When Hardcastle and party entered the room where he was, he had a sword and a knife in his hands, declaring that he would kill himself and not be taken alive. After a long parley however he was induced to give himself up, but not before he had stabbed himself in the belly without fatal effect..." - The Indian News, London, 10th January, 1848

    20) A Rajput warrior, so long as he did not dishonour his race seemed almost indifferent as to the result of any contest in which he was engaged. The Mahratta thought of nothing but the result, and cared little for the means if he could attain his object. For this he would strain his wits but had not a conception of sacrificing his life, or even his interest, for a point of honour. This difference of sentiment affects the outward appearance of the two nations: there is something noble in the carriage of an ordinary Rajput, and something vulgar in that of the most distinguished Mahratta. - Edward Balfour

    21) In 1572, when Raja Jai Chand of Kangra was arrested and sent to Delhi, before leaving he entrusted his son Bidhi Chand to Jaswan’s Raja, Govind Chand. The latter successfully defended the fort against the Mughal army and his stubborn defiance against the Muhammadans eventually forced them to withdraw. - Mark Brentall

    22) Khizr Khan Baloch, with five thousand muhammadans crosses the Mehran and invades Khadal Pradesh, the realm of the celebrated Bhati Rajpoots of who, Kelhan, the elder brother of the famed hero, Salivahan, now sits on the gaddi. Under their Maharawal the Rajpoots march against the muhammadans and are victorious following a severe engagement where fifteen hundred Baloch along with their Khan are butchered.

    23) The Hindus of Chawal (Maharashtra) came to complain to Raja Jai Singh that the Portuguese were seizing forcibly the sons of the Hindus and making them Christians. This made the Kachawah monarch angry, for he was zealous and steadfast in the Hindu faith and now the Rajput made preparations to send a force against the Portuguese.

    24) The Rathod Rao, Karan Singh, was deprived of his estates by Aurangzeb and a plot was made on his life which was thwarted due to the timely intervention by the Hada prince of Bundi. Two eldest sons of Karan Singh sacrificed their lives at Bijapur and the third met an untimely demise at the hands of a most perfidious people possibly to have ever set foot on this earth. Firishtah records that one of the brothers slew an enormous lion in single combat and was thus titled "Kesari"; this same man also obtained great renown according to Firishtah for having killed an Abyssinian Chief who commanded for one of the Marhatta war lords.

    "The young desert chieftain, like all his tribe, would find matter for quarrel in the wind blowing in his face. Having received what he deemed an insult from the brother-in-law of the Shahzada Muazzam, in a dispute regarding a fawn, he appealed to his sword, and a duel ensued even in the presence-chamber, in which young Mohan fell. The fracas was reported to his elder brother, Padma, at no distance from the scene. With the few retainers at hand he rushed to the spot, and found his brother bathed in his blood. His antagonist, still hanging over his victim, when he saw the infuriated Rathod enter, with sword and shield, prepared for dreadful vengeance, retreated behind one of the columnsof the Aam Khaas (Deewan). But Padma’s sword reached him and avenged his brother’s death; as the record says, “he felled him to the earth, cleaving at the same place the pillar in twain.” Taking up the dead body of his brother, and surrounded by his vassals, he repaired to his quarters, where he assembled all the Rajputs serving with their contingents, as Jaipur, Jodhpur, Haraoti and harangued them on the insult to their race in the murder of his brother. They all agreed to abandon the king’s army, and retire to their own homes. A noble was sent to expostulate by Prince Muazzam; but in vain; the Rajputs refused to listen and in a body had retired more than twenty miles when Muazzam himself joined them, and concessions and expostulations overcoming them they returned to the camp." - Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah Astarabadi Firishtah

    when your ass is healed from this historical rape of your lies and khalistani propaganda come back for more. there are plenty more where these came from.. apparently your black and white history needs to be raped several times before it gets in your fugly head that you and your khalistani narrative is utter bulshit fuelled by congress versions and rss versions of history.

  8. what went thru your puny brain when you read about the atrocities done by our rajas to the jamwals such as pulling the rajput down by his mustahce? you think thats proper maryada? you dont think people abuse their power? for gods sake ranjitsingh was just like any other feudal lord just trying to expand his rule!! his main enemies were other sikhs and the dogras! (not gulab singh initially). your so stupid its embarrassing. i hope you live near toronto, if you do then we can meet up for some proper SHASTAR PRACTICE

  9. funny thing about brahmins is that they formed the upper echelons of sikh society throughout sikh history until you khalistani loser fools came around... another post here is about Akali Kaur Singhji... hes the kashmiri bahman you saved right..... yet hes shastardhari himself and the shaheeds in chandi chwok were all bahmans as wel and the mohyals are still bahmans in punjab today.... brahmins are not inherently bad... khalistanis are inherently bad. their like pakistanis who want to destroy the history language culture of the land. mind you punjabi is derived from sanskrit.... have you ever read dasm bani? you apparently think we came from the skies like bird shit.

    you khalistani fudu loser ass jatts are nothing..... your ignorant and stupid.. any fudu with a pag comes along and says something and you believe it...

    the very faact that you call the armies by their religion shows your a piece of shit dumass loser who needs to get slapped up by some real sikhs. why dont we call ourselves traitors for the actions of patiala then???? i think we should right? because thats what the authors critiqued by gandu singh did. They refer to the betrayal of patiala and other houses as sikh betrayal, so with your logic (you dont have any), their completely right!

    sikhs have never been one united army... even during gurus times there have been bad apples. the same applies for everyone... the more and more you try to paint a black and white picture the more your stupidity is displayed and we as sikhs look like islamic bigots who cant think critically.

    there have been more sikhs defending the brits after maharaja ranjit singh than ones fighting it... should we call ourselves gaddars? we died fighting wars against hitler and we have house niggers parading around bragging about that contribution...... whata admin cut JOKE! you are proud to DIE FOR YOUR MASTER! STAY IN THE HOUSEEEE NIGGER!

    on the one side you have kartar singh sarabha and them trying to get soldiers to mutiny to no avail and the azad hind fauj (you khalistani fudus might as well call the azad hind fauj the "azad sikh fauj" since you like to give new meanings to words whenever it suits your pathetic interests) fighting the brits and then you have 100,000 sikhs dying for their masters in opposition to the same people that are trying to free them... house nigger much?

    this same example applies to all other communities in india like rajputs... but they dont lie about and try to paint a black and white picture of history like khalistanis and rss and pakistanis do.

  10. Your stupid rant on Jhansi di Rani has nothingto do with the revolt throughout india......

    The Rajputs were the worst class of rebellions during 1857.. killed DOZENS of british officers and destroyed british outposts and police stations and the governing administrative bodies became indigenous albeit for a temporary time. Its called occupying SPACE! its called taking back the land of your forefathers! How do you denigrate hundreds of martyrs like the ones i mentioned above especially when you should know that sikh puppet soldiers were used like the Gurkhas in Jallianwala bahg.

  11. Listen loser boy amar jkp.....

    edward balfour called 1857 a rebellion....and so did all british officers.... has your bitchass been to school? do you knwo gayatri spivak and the subaltern studies group? read about peasant insurgency in colonial india you dum loser. Go serve the brits you chela. Rajputs and dalits and marathas and gujjars fought british throughout india in 1857...while you and your jatt lot were getting zaildariyaan from the maliks of your riyasat... and about khyber... did your dumass just ignore the feats of the pathanias and the rajputs who have been defeating afghans and arabs hundreds of years before Guru Nanakjis arrival?

    You do know that sikhs attacked Ram Singh Pathania under a Brit Lt Gen who got killed by Rajputs right? You coward... Katoch alone defeated Mughals 52 times... Siba Rajputs defeated Maharaja Ranjit Singh too and Mian Dido defeated his army over ten times...what world do you live in? You stupid khalistani fool! You probably think Guru Nanakji named his son Laxmi as an ustat to MONEY right? Because Laxmi means something else other than the devi right?

    Also, you probably think Mata Krishan Kaur ji's dad from UP was also a coward hindu like the sikhs who sided with their brit masters in 1857 right? And her naming her son Har Krishan probably has nothing to do with her family roots and identity either right? of course!!! because krishna and laxmi are something else!!! only we fought!! rajputs didnt fight? LMAOOOO ahahahahahah

    go read history and stop reading losers like ganda singh who are just trying to cover up treachery of 1857 on one side while promoting KArtar Singh Sarabha who went around telling indian soldiers to mutiny like Bhai Randhir Singh ji.. how do you reconcile the two??? Please do tell!!! please make something up FAST!!!!

  12. Also, I might as well throw this in here as well. The Garhi of Chamkaur was owned by Hindu Ghorewaha Rajputs... the younger brother Chaudhry Rai Roop Chand gave Guru MAharaj sharan and was shaheed with the Soormay at Chamkaur.... so its about time you cowards stop speaking ill of hindus as we were all hindus once and our hindu forefathers took amrit. We did not come from the skies as many of you would like to believe. We are native to this land and this land is our forefathers land. Any people who cannot respect their ancestorys cannot respect themselves. Hence, today Sikhs are just a weak kom without a leader and without any significant import. Thanks to tat khalsa neo sikhs of abrahamic tradition such as yourselves.

  13. This isnt about Rajoana.... are you little kids that stupid? This is about you losers machods trying to denigrate 1857 revolution and downplay your cowardice by claiming that the 1857 revolution was anti-national because of the "Mughal" aspect and the "Purbiya" factor.... these two points are heavily flawed. My points before have put your stupid bold faced shameless lies in the dirt. For, Gujjars, Dalits, Rajputs of Central India and of Punjab have nothing to do with the Purbiyas or the Mughals. You losers just try to save face. You sided with Patiala and the British because you apparently value them over native rule for that brief moment in history. Rajputs played the most formidable role against the Brits in 1857. Dozens of British officers were killed and so were the sellout pawns who fought Ram Singh Pathania who were all Sikhs.

    Heres a story that will rattle your stupid brain and hopefully wake you from your pathetic slumber:

    1) MAharaja Ranjit Singhs throne and Khalsa Flags bearing Devi Devtay are still in British Museums displayed as trophies.

    2) The Dogra Jamwals undr Mian Dido Singh Jamwal defeated Maharaja Ranjit Singhs army dozens of times.... his army would even step out of the fort to combat Dogra Assaults. The dogras were just trying to govern their own tribal homeland and fought Sikh invaders tooth and nail. Gulab Singh Jamwal betrayed his own clan for Khalsa and created a schism within the Dogra clan and killed Mian Dido for the Lahore Darbar.

    3) Gobind Rai of the Sikhs is said to have visited Mandi in the reign of Sidh Sen, towards the end of the 17th century. He was on his way back from Kulu, where he had gone to ask help against the Muhammadans and was badly treated and imprisoned in a cage. The Mandi Raja gave him an honourable reception and entertained him hospitably. On his departure Gobind Rai gave utterance to the following cryptic couplet: “When Mandi is plundered, Heavenly balls will be fired”. Mr. Vigne, the traveler, who visited Mandi soon after the accession of Raja Balbir Sen in 1839, states that, for some superstitious notion connected with the above couplet, no servant of Ranjit Sansi (Ranjit Sandhalwalia of Lahore) had ever been sent to Mandi. The receiver of revenue was quartered outside the town and the Sansi’s officer in attendance did not enter it while Mr. Vigne remained there.

    4) The Rajputs of Ramgarh were also great bhagats of Dasmay Patshah and still have his blessings today

    5) Towards the end of 1586, the Mohmand and Ghoria tribes in Peshawar rose in rebellion under one Jalaluddin 'Jalalah' Taraki. The Brahman, Birbal, could not suppress it nor could the Khatri Vaishya, Todarmal, and Taraki continued to create trouble; but the operations of Raja Maan Singh Kachawaha aided by Rawat Gopal Das of Nindar against the Taraki tribe induced even the Orakzais and Afridis into submission. Rawat Gopal Das severed the head of one Katloo Khan during a pitched battle which took place in the Kunar Valley.

    Raja Jagat Singh Pathania would later be sent to chastise Jalalah's younger son, Kareem Dadh Khan. When the Raja reached Naghaz, all the pashtun tribes, except Lakan and two others with whom Kareem Dadh was allied, submitted. When, however, they saw that their safety lay in surrendering to the Rajputs, they seized the culprit along with his family and handed them over to the troops. A formidable soldier, Jagat Singh Pathania was mainly responsible for driving out the Persians from Kabul as well as conquering Zameen-e-Dawar, a district located northwest of Qandahar and inhabited by the Alizai, Barakzai and Durrani tribes. (heres one of many stories of Rajputs defeating Pashtuns beyond the Khyber Pass..... this should break the stupid lie that only MAharaja Ranjit did this (he could not hold the area for long at all and is more of an embarrassment than a feat... also since our proper raj under him only lasted 50 years is also shameful but with loyal servants of the British Crown such as yourselves, this is not a surprise that we have not gained rule yet.)

    6) Raja Kripal Dev summons the Ramgharias to kill his enemy, Miyan Nath to which fourteen of the Sikhs rise to the occasion at the behest of their leader, Garha. The Sikhs would attempt to parlay with the Raja for his most prized war elephant (Kirpanaag) should they succeed in this already doomed enterprise. The hairy wretches advance towards the Rajput who kills three of them instantaneously as the rest retreat even as the Raja tries to bribe them with land grants should they hold their ground and subdue the Dogra. The Ramgharias collectively attack Miyan Nath and lose three more souls after which the survivors run away from the field of battle.

    Note: There was a great war between Kirpal Dev of Bahu and Dhruv Dev of Jasrota. The cause of the battle, as according to the ballads, was the precious sword in possession of Mian Nath, the commander of the forces of Bahu Raj. Raja Kirpal Dev wanted to have that sword for his heir apparent which was not only refused but Mian Nath left the kingdom to stay with the Raja of Jasrota.

    7) Dont forget the Siba Rajputs defeated us as well

    8) In 1757 Abdali arrived at Mathura and directed a contingent to loot Gokul, but four thousand martial Naga sadhus of that place were determined to defend their religious shrines. In a fierce action two thousand Nagas fell but not before killing an equal number of the Afghans. Yet, none of the two sides would yield, Jugal Kishore, the Bengali agent of Sarfaraz Khan, was present in Abdali’s camp; he pointed out the futility of fighting the Nagas as they possessed no money. Abdali recalled his troops and Gokul became an exception to the all round Afghan devastation. ( we are not the only ones to fight Abdali)

    9) 90 year old Ghoga Rana fought Abdali at Somnath Mandir with his tribe and attained shaheedi

    10) As soon as the Sikhs had got the Raja of Kuluta into their power, they showed an intention of taking possession of the whole country; and as the quickest means of reducing the hill forts of Saraj which still held out, a force was detached, which marched through the country, carrying the Raja with it, and compelling him before each fort to order the commandant to surrender. The Sikhs, completely confident, committed excesses, and treated the Raja with brutal want of courtesy;his guards are said to have amused themselves by pulling him on to his feet by his long moustaches. The Dogra Rajputs are remarkable for the loyalty and respect they have for their hereditary Rajas, and the report of this indignity angered them particularly.

    A plot to attack the Sikhs and rescue the Raja was devised by the Wazeer of Saraj. A sort of fiery cross was sent round and men were secretly mustered from al parts of Saraj. The Sikh force was probably about one thousand strong; it had done its work and had returned from outer Saraj by the Bashleo Pass. A little way below the fort of Tung, the Sarajis lay in ambush and awaited the Sikhs, who came marching along in single file and undisturbed by any feeling of insecurity. When that part of the line which held the Raja came opposite the ambush a sudden rush was made, a few men were cut down, and the Raja was caught up and carried swiftly up the mountain side. At the same time all along the line rocks were rolled down and shots fired from above at the Sikhs, who were seized with a panic and fell back into the fort of Tung. Here they remained two days, till they were forced to move out by the failure of their provisions. They were attacked again in the same way as they marched down the valley, and made slow progress; but they did not know the country, and only got on to a particularly barren steep, where they could barely keep their footing, and did not even find water to drink. The Rajputs kept above them wherever they went, knocking over some with rocks, and driving others to fall over the cliff. After a night spent in this way the miserable remnant were driven down again into the valley, and there induced to give up their arms, on the promise that their lives should be spared but no sooner did they submit were the entire lot of them mercilessly hacked to pieces.

    11)Noorpur is believed to have been founded by Rana Jhet Pal, who was a younger brother of the Tomar Rajput king of Delhi. The original capital of Noorpur was Pathankot, previously known as Paithan or Pratishthan. Raja Jagat Chand saw to it that the state reached the zenith of its prosperity and his name is, even now, remembered with pride and respect. The Raja, at the head of 14,000 Rajputs raised in his own country, conducted a most difficult but successful enterprise againstthe Uzbeks of the Balkh and Badakhshan provinces of Afghanistan. They stormed mountain passes, made forced marches over snow, constructed redoubts by their own labour, the Raja himself taking an axe like the rest, and bore up against the tempests of that frozen region as firmly as against the fierce and repeated attacks of the Uzbeks. Raja Jagat Singh’s grandson, Raja Mandata, held at bay the Afghans of the Bamiyan and Ghorband regions.

    जगता राजा भगता राजा बस देव का जाया
    सिन्धु मारे सागर मारे हिमाचल देवा पाया
    आकाश को अरबा किता तान जगाता कहाया

    "Jagat Raja, the devout Raja, son of Bas Dev. He conquered the country beyond the Indus, he pitched his camp on the Snow Mountains and pointed his guns towards the heavens, and therefore was he called Jagata!"

    12)Chamba is one of the very few hill kingdoms which was spared the destruction and raiding which followed the Muhammadan, and to a lesser extent, Sikh invasions. The temples here are preserved since many centuries with almost no signs of defacement. The Rajputs here are a small community numerically but they occupy a prominent position in the State, owing to the ruling house being from them, claiming lineage from the Chiefs of Udaipur in Rajputana.

    Narayan Shah, a Brahman representative of the Sikhs, was the relative of Pandit Jala, a senior minister who manipulated absolute power in the Lahore court. Narayan, also known as Lakar Shah, managed to acquire so much influence in Chamba that the whole State administration was practically in his hands. The Rajputs of Chamba disliked him for his arrogance, and took counsel with the queen to have him killed. Receiving the news of his nephew’s death, Pandit Jala sent a Sikh army to invade Chamba and the capital was looted; however the Rajputs held the invaders at bay from the Taragarh Fort and obstructed further encroachment into the Kingdom.

    13)The Chiefs of Sirmaur are direct descendants of the esteemed house of Jaisalmer through Subhansh Prakash, the son of Salivahana, better known as “Sakari”, the slayer of the Scythians.

    Raja Kirat Prakash of this dynasty waged offensives against the Sikhs and was able to take possessions of Naraingarh, Rampur, Ramgarh, Morni, Pinjaur and Jagatgarh. To commemorate his cumulative victories, the Raja had a temple constructed at Naraingarh which he dedicated to Lord Jagannath. Raja Jagat Prakash would sit on the gaddi for nineteen years and would continue in the course of his predecessors by humbling the invading Rohillas under their leader Ghulam Qadeer Khan. The Muhammadan was confronted at Katasan and was defeated by the Rajputs of Kahlur and Sirmaur who had joined forces against the Pathan. A temple dedicated to Katasan Devi was constructed after a woman appeared fighting for the Rajputs at the most critical point in the battle when defeat seemed inevitable. The Raja would later support the Garhwal monarch against the Gurkhas of Nepal and it was due to him that the latter accepted the Ganges as the border line of their territory. In 1880 the Rajputs of this state fought in the Second Afghan War and again in 1897 under Major Bir Bikram Prakash, they would render services during the Tirah Campaign.

    14) The Jamwal biradari prides itself as being of martial traditions and some of the most belligerent of the Rajputs belong to this clan. One such family was that of Miyan Hazara Singh, which fought tooth and nail against the advances made by the forces of Ranjit Sandhawalia of Lahore, the ruler of the Sikhs. Hazara Singh of Jagti was the direct descendant of Raja Hari Singh and his son was the famed warrior, Miyan Dido Singh Jamwal. Like his elder contemporary Arjun Singh Chanasia, Miyan Dido was of the opinion that Jammu should be ruled by the Rajputs alone. Their entire lives they endeavored in this cause and fought against the invaders tooth and nail with almost no military assistance.

    Miyan Dido had a white falcon which was not allowed to be domesticated except by the royal family. Ranjit Sandhawalia of Lahore was having a pair of such falcons and Miyan Dido was asked to send his bird to Lahore, but the haughty Rajput refused. From Khadak Sandhawalia to Attar Sandhawalia all the Sikh chiefs tried their hand at apprehending this Rajput and his famed bird but to their detriment, Miyan Dido got the better of their forces each and every time. What happened next was a dastardly act; Attar Sandhawalia's forces surrounded the Jageer of Miyan Hazara Singh (father of Miyan Dido) and tortured the 90 year old man to death and hung his body outside of his house. They caught up with Miyan Dido at Katra and surrounded him at Vaishno Devi. Miyan Dido put up his last stand at Vaishno Devi and killed Attar Sandhalwalia whereupon he was shot down by one of the soldiers.

    Note: Contrary to their tall claims of being of Bhati ancestry, the Sandhawalia are by self proclamation a Jat people with blood ties to the notorious Sansi robber tribes of North India.


  14. Another thing.... i know most of you people on this website are absolute nameless losers in your respective neighbourhoods, both in Punjab and in Canada or UK or wherever you cowards reside. Lets see any of you do anything important in your life of any value whatsoever, then come and speak ill of people who have actually left a mark on history instead of protesting for saving Rajoana like the cowards you are.

  15. Also dont forget that many Punjabi Rajput tribes (now many are "Himachal" tribes) fought the British as well. The only people in Punjab who didnt really fight back was us (as a majority). Our movement against the British did not start till later. Also, dont praise the house of Patiala and other Sikh states in 1857 for siding with the Brits... if you cowards dont already know, Patiala isnt really our friend (unless of course you shameless cowards love Patiala for finishing off MAharaja Ranjit Singh with the Brits in the first place).

  16. 1) All through 1858 Begum Hazrat Mahal kept collecting land revenue and the Rajput Chiefs of her army plunged headlong intro destroying British chowkies and thanas. The British lost control of areas around Lucknow and in Talooqa Mahona, Talooqdar Drigh’lai Singh set up his administration whereas in Ruiya (Hardoi, U.P.) Raja Narpat Singh defeated Brigadier-General Walpole and his Scottish Highlanders in a decisive engagement in which Brigadier Adrian Hope and many other British soldiers met their demise. Thakur Gulab Singh was the victor of anti-British skirmishes in Lakshmangarh and Rahimabad (Lucknow, U.P.). Bodies of slain British officers were paraded in towns and qasbas and the infamous Bais Rana Beni Madho Singh also won a few battles before getting down to harassing the enemy by hit and run tactics

    2)"In the Katha the Pundir Rajputs stood out as the dominant landholders, dwelling together as a formidable clan that had never been properly brought under close administration. A proud, hardy race who possessed a long history of turbulence. Significantly they had successfully warded off alien intrusion. Strong, moreover, as the power of combination is among the gujjars it is stronger amongst these particular Rajputs, so much so that they have been able to keep their possessions almost intact, while all around them the ancestral rights of other castes have succumbed to the wealth and acts of the userer. So formidable did they appear as adversaries before the recapture of Delhi at the end of September 1857 that the British left them severely alone, despite their attacks on Deoband town and in similar depredations. Pitambhar Singh, Rana of Jasmaur, the titular head of the Pundir clan of Rajputs, manages to subsist at the village of Jasmaur in the north of the Raotala. The history of his childhood is a tale of rascality and spoilation, for he was left an orphan in his infancy, and the remainder of what had been once a fine estate, comprising of villages in the Doon (Dehradun) as well as in this district, was nearly all frittered away by dishonest agents...." - Stokes & Atkinson

    3)When the uprising, popularly known as Gadar, took place in 1857 many Rajput Jagirdars became rebellious and defiant against the British Crown:

    Thakur Hari Singh Bidawat of Thathawata in Choru
    Thakur Bishan Singh Medtiya of Gular in Nagaur
    Thakur Shivnath Singh Kumpawat of Asop in Jodhpur
    Thakur Shyam Singh Admera of Chohtan in Badmer
    Thakur Nathu Singh Tejawat of Bhatana in Sirohi
    Thakur Balwant Singh of Gothda Jagirdari in Bundi
    Thakur Prithvi Singh Hada of Kotah
    Rawat Jodh Singh Chauhan of Kotharia (direct descendants of Rai Pithora III)
    Thakur Ghuman Singh of Batan
    Rao Kesari Singh of Salumbar
    Thakur Prithvi Singh of Lambia
    Thakur Khumman Singh Bidawat of Lodhsar
    Rao Sagat Singh Champawat of Sinli
    Thakur Khushal Singh Champawat of Auwa
    Thakur Bhan Singh of Guiar
    Thakur Ajit Singh of Alyaniyawas
    The Thakur of Bajawas
    The Solanki Thakur of Roopnagar Jagir in Udaipur
    The Thakur of Pokhran

    4)Rao Raja Ram Pratap Singh of Sikar Thikana marches his force against his relatives at Patodah and Bahtot; the towns being

    strongholds of the Thakurs, Doongar Singh and his brothers Jawahar Singh and Bhopal Singh. Doongar Singh, had been the Rissaldar in the Shekhawati Cavalry, and was at this time undergoing imprisonment at Agra, to which he had been sentenced, for an attack on a banker's house at Mathura, with the view of carrying off the banker's daughter. Jawahar Singh along with Bhopal Singh had been driven to outlawry by the destruction of Bahtot and they made a most daring attack on the Agra Jail, the guard of which, for precaution's sake, had been purposely strengthened, and succeeded in resucing Doongar Singh. The brothers surprized the Pay Office at Naseerabad, cut down the guards and carried off about Rs. 52,000 which had only arrived the previous day, for the payment of the troops at the station.

    "On 9th August, 1847 Lt. Monk Masson attempted, but in vain, a hot pursuit of Doongar Singh near Didwana. The haughty Rajput would be taken by Lieutenant Edmond J. Hardcastle, with part of the Marwadi force at his paternal estate in Shekhawati. He appears to have been tracked to the village, and was found in a room at the top of the fort. Doongar Singh fired through the loop-holes on the party approaching and killed two men. When Hardcastle and party entered the room where he was, he had a sword and a knife in his hands, declaring that he would kill himself and not be taken alive. After a long parley however he was induced to give himself up, but not before he had stabbed himself in the belly without fatal effect..." - The Indian News, London, 10th January, 1848

    5)Rana Karam Chand took action against the corrupt Wazeers of Jubbal who, under the influence of the British, had conspired to take over arguably one of the foremost of the eighteen Thakurayats between the Satluj and Jamuna rivers and so was one of its Wazeers, Nand Zinta, poisoned. During Karam Chan

    d's time, Jubbal witnessed an era of both cultural and political prosperity and the authority of the British was reduced to mere diplomacy.

    (photo of Rana Karam Chand)

    6) Excerpts from fieldwork done on the Pundir Rajputs during 1950 - 1970:

    The Pundirs of Khalapur trace their roots from the founding brothers who conquered it from the Jats who had held it about 300 years ago; they own even after zimmidari abolition about ninety percent of the land. The exploits of their martial ancestors are recounted amongst these Rajputs. It is often told how one Rajput, the man who built the fortress in the center of Khalapur, shot and killed a young bridegroom who rode by him at a gallop without reining in and offering him the proper deferential salute. Other stories tell how the biradari (brotherhood) stood off the raids of the Sikhs, Rohillas and Marhattas when horses and arms were provided by their leader which they also used to enforce exactions on other villages. The memory of this man still colors the villagers’ perception of his descendants and he is often mentioned as an epitome of the princely and martial.

    The Pundirs are strict adherents to the custom of purdah and consider inheritance of any type by a daughter; daughter’s husband; or a wife as a severe breach of customary law, regardless of its legality. The rule was a very important one and is still adhered to with deep emotion. Among them the men commonly eat meat but their women will not. The men must cook their own meat on separate hearths because the women will not touch it nor have their kitchens defiled by it.

    It is a traditional Rajput value to be touchy on points of honor and unafraid to pursue a quarrel to the point of violence when prestige is at stake. This behaviour still characterizes the Khalapur Pundirs. During the course of the study there was a killing as a result of a Rajput quarrel, and a number of fights with staffs occurred. The Rajput is not however, quick to take his revenge. He may plot for years to avenge an insult to himself or his family. Outward hostility should not be shown while retribution is being planned lest the enemy be forewarned. As one Rajput put it, “We like to wait until our enemy reaches the edge of the pond and then we push him in.”

    Throughout the nineteenth century the Rajputs of Khalapur and their kinsmen were a problem to the British because of their cattle thieving, marauding and unremitting resistance to revenue collectors

    8)Qila Bhadree, located in Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh, was once the stronghold of Bisen Rajputs. They, under Rai Jeet Singh, fought at Manikpur (1748) against the forces of the Nazeem of Awadh and killed his Faujdaar, Jeo Ram Nagar. In 1798 Rai Daljeet Singh of this clan fell into a quarrel with Nazeem Mirza Jaan; the Rai was killed and his son, Zalim Singh, was imprisoned at Luckhnow for non-payment of revenue. Zalim Singh’s wife, Thakuraen Sheoraj Kanwar, boldly collected the rents while her husband was held captive and was mercilessly besieged at Qila Bhadree. In 1815 Zalim Singh was released and in 1833 Nazeem Ehsaan Hussein once again besieged the fort which was now held by Zalim Singh’s progeny, Jagmohan Singh and Bishnath Singh. After defending themselves for a week, Bishnath Singh agreed to visit Hussein in his camp on a solemn assurance of personal security but the Rajput was treacherously captured and imprisoned at Rai Bareily where he was held in shackles under the charge of Mauzum Khan for a year until he made his escape and regrouped at the head of his clansmen at Qila Bhadree and prepared for war.

    A large force was collected, with an immense train of artillery, to aid the Nazeem, and the Muhammadans again laid siege to Bhadree. Having sent off their families before the siege began, and seeing in the course of a few days, that they could not long hold out against so large a force, the Bisen Taluqdars buried eight out of their ten guns, left the fort at midnight with the other two, cut their way through the besiegers, and passed over a plain six miles to Ramchora, on the left bank of the Ganga, and within the British territory, followed by the whole of Nazeem’s force. A brisk cannonade was kept up, on both sides, the whole way, and a great many lives were lost. The Nazeem’s forces surrounded them at Ramchora and kept up a fire upon it. The Bisens contrived, however, to send over the Ganga the greater part of their followers, under the protection of their two guns, and the few men retained to defend and serve them. The Nazeem and his troops were able to overpower the Rajputs and tried to disarm them but Jagmohan Singh and Bishnath Singh resisted and defended themselves. Others came to their rescue, and the firing recommenced and the Bisens were killed to the last man. The heads of the two Rajputs were cut off and presented to the Nawab of Awadh.

    Qila Bhadree was leveled by the orders of the British in 1858.

    9)Amani Jaat of Tehsil Iglas has been portrayed as a crusader, by his people, against the Chauhan Rajputs of Aligarh as well as a hero of the 1857 revolt. He had ravaged the areas of the Chauhan settlements, especially Shivala, a village dominated by the Rajput clan. In one of the folk songs it is stated that Amani, who looted Gonda, Biraula and Kol (once powerful centers of the Chauhans), will not spare Shivala.

    The Chauhans of Shivala assert that Amani was not at all a hero of the1857 uprising, rather it was their ancestors, Mehtab Singh and Naubat Singh, who sacrificed their lives and were hanged by the British government at the Tehsil headquarters of Khair. According to them, Amani was simply a robber, who had ransacked the Chauhan villages and was killed by the people of Shivala.

    10)Of the many Rajput jagirdars and thikanedars who became rebellious and opposed the British was one Rana Ratan Singh Sodha of Amarkot. The Rana has been termed by them as being one of the most troublesome of the Rajput chiefs. Ratan Rana, as he was popularly known, answered the troubles of his people who were suffering many atrocities at the hands of the local British servant, Sayyid Muhammad Ali (Tax Collector at Amarkot). The Rana killed the Sayyid for his crimes against the populace (both Muslim and Hindu) and was later deemed an outlaw by the firangi government. Twrat, the then British political agent stationed at Ajmer, got the Rana entrapped through treachery and in 1866 after a summary trial, the Sodha sardar was hanged to death while his men under Bhaguji were sent into exile to Kala-Pani.

    Compare these shaheedis with our pathetic acts of 1857... thanks to those who fought the brits in 1857, we can save face. Cowards like you are only making us look bad. "mutiny" is a term used to denigrate the shaheedi of thousands of freedom fighters who wanted the British out of India. Period. But since most of you are tat khalsa and anti-Sanatan sikhi (hence anti-Baba Hanuman Singhji and Baba Parlad Singhji and Maharaja Ranjit Singh) it makes sense that you support the British over anyone else. Especially since most of you are loyal servants of the crown in England and somehow see it as a source of pride when a Sikh is serving the Queen of England/Tat Khalsa.

    By denigrating other shaheeds you cannot put dirt over the betrayal of many Sikhs such as yourselves. The basic fact that Sikhs were used as pawns against Ram Singh PAthania shows how pathetic your anti-1857 narrative really is. Bahadur Shah and Mughals and this mutiny nonsense cannot hide your deeds. History will never forgive you people. But one thing is certain, it will always praise those who fought the British rather than die for them fighting people that had nothing to do with Punjab's suppression.

  17. 1857 was not only a mutiny... Local leaders rebelled all over the country and in Punjab Ram Singh PATHANIA fought the brits and he killed the sikh regiment that came to suppress his rebellion. Rajputs all over india fought the british and killed dozens of british officer both civil and military. Stop trying to undermine others contributions just because your trying to save your own shameful betrayal. Even gujjars and low caste dalits fought the british and you should read about peasant insurgency in india and how the peasants targeted sahukar zimidars. You fools are so stupid and pathetic. Calling 1857 a mutiny or a mughal uprising is pathetic. You are so stupid its ridiculous. Was ram singh also a purbiya? Wers rajpoots in up and madhya pradesh also purbiya? Were the marathas purbiya? You loser cowards are so stupid its pathetic. You think its ok to side with the british that just raped punjab over local leaders by saying its because of the mughals or the purbiya rajputs that defeated us? You are so shameless. Edward balfour clearly states that rajputs were the most active force during the "rebellion". CAlling a multifaceted phenomenon a mutiny only serves neo sikhs purpose of saving face for siding with their new colonial masters. May i remind you that they still have sher e punjabs throne and khalsa flags as trophies in their museums.

  18. 99% of the people here actually think that the Shiv Sena and the BJP are the organic voices of Hindus of India... fool. We might as well let everyone blame us for Badal as his party is a "Sikh" party. Everyone here is anti-Hindu, yet they call themselves Sikh... your all losers who are our own version of the RSS and BJP that you try to oppose. You have become the opposing parallel of the force you hate so much. Most Sikhs here are ashamed of their past and history like Muslims in Pakistan. Your all pawns of the govt and are quick to accept any narrative pushed forth by the media yet you denigrate other communities and you do so in the name of the Panth... You disgust me. Its no wonder I only see losers like you in Truck yards and taxi lots. The funniest thing I ever heard was that the Sikhs (apparently homogenous as well) did not side with the Mutineers in 1857 because of their past encounters... then why do you think its wrong for Maharaja of Kashmir to side with the British? For, Ranjit Singh was an enemy of the traditional ruling Dogra Dynasty... so isnt he justified according to your pathetic logic? Your all clowns. I am leaving this website and I am sure none of you will ever do anything for the Panth. Most of you are probably the same loser kids who sneer at the popular amli kids in schools and use your 5 Ks to make yourself feel like your something when your not.

    Bye fake Sikhs.

  19. You stupid losers actually think all of India's Hindus were OK with the Har Har Modi Slogan? LMAO! And since I could not reply to the other losers on this forum about Patiala and many Sikhs allying with the British in 1857, Ill do it here: I never said Fudu Ala Singh was against Maharaja Ranjit Singh.... but then again it doesnt matter because he was Abdali's daughter. Your all losers if you think that Hindus are a homogenous group who are all anti-Sikh. You have bought the rhetoric of the govt and you are hence pawns of the lowest grade that will never do more than bicker online. You are our own version of the RSS... go back to your truckyards and talk there.

  20. India's subjugation by foreign powers was never direct. There was always a comprador class/civil society (gramsci) that fostered foreign rule. No one has ever ruled India without the help of a comprador class. People that have been ruled without a comprador class are Native Canadians/Americans, South American Indigenous peoples etc. Normal Indians never had problems with each other. The problems were between Rulers. Likewise, no foreign government ruled without the support of a comprador class. For a country like India, this is impossible. Perhaps, in some places there was direct rule, but in most places the administrative civil society was Indian. It is similar to how Badal rules today; Sikhs have formed their own civil society that works in accordance with the ruling class' objectives. For example: the Kathgarh Sardars are now completely engrossed in the exploitative system of capitalism in Punjab. Many old Sikh families of prestige have actually been incorporated into the system. However, this civil society was threatened by the organic voice of Sant Bhindranwale. The civil society of Sikhs (police, judges, lawyers, teachers etc) did not understand or want to understand the grievances of the farmers and proletariat class and because many of these civil society members came from traditional ruling families, many Sikhs were led to believe that SantJi was in the wrong. Our old ruling families served as examples of legitimacy of the exploitative state. Any honest scholar of colonialism can attest to these facts.

    Also, this idea that the Sikhs did not join the mutiny because of their differences with the mutineers is a bunch of bullocks. The Sikhs that sided with the British were traitors like Maharaja Patiala (the same house who allied with Abdali and destroyed Maharaja Ranjit Singh). Many Sikhs did join the mutiny and many did not. The reasons given by people trying to cover up their shame do not add up because of the Patiala example. This one example is enough to make losers like AMARJEET shutup and sneer. However, ill give more. Saying "Sikhs" the so-callled HOMOGENOUS UNITED GROUP OF PUNJAB, did not ally with the mutineers because of their ethnic differences is stupid because the British were white.... you cant get any different than that, so it makes no sense. The other thing is that many tribes in Punjab have fought each other like the Bhattis and Sidhus (who are Kin), yet they united at many occasions and fought outsiders (esp when they both became Khalsay). So trying to justify the treachery of many Sikhs is like Rajputs trying to justify their allegiances with the Mughals as their tribes also had many conflicts with each other. Just because you dont get along with your cousin doesnt mean you ally yourself with the white guy down the street to teach your cousin a lesson.

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