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Amandeep Hindustani

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Posts posted by Amandeep Hindustani

  1. China hasn't done anything about Arunachal Pradesh because there are no strategic assets there. But that might change if the coward Modi tries to do some sabre rattling or shoots his mouth off. Russia's Black Sea fleet is based in Crimea and that is the main reason why they have taken such a tough stance against Ukraine. If you think that fear of India is stopping the Chinese from walking into Arunachal Pradesh and Northern India like the Germans walked into France in 1940 then you are as deluded as Modi is. Short of a nuclear response, India cannot take on the Chinese army and if it does come to pass that the Chinese invade, most of the Punjabi Hindus will be switching their kids from English Medium schools to ones teaching Mandarin so they can take advantage of the new set up!

    What a joke! India defends the human rights of Tibetans and yet has one of the worst human rights records in Asia!

    Joke of the day. I bet you probably have not even read the news lately. Or perhaps its not in punjabi.

    But here is whats going on in the far east. The chinese are threatening Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines over disputed islands. The Japanese, Vietnam still took the islands. Going back 4 weeks the Filipino navy for gods sake broke the Chinese cordon and planted the Filipino flag on the islands and the chinese didn't do anything except protest. Not to mention Taiwan.

    In the case of war with India - the aim is simple. We cannot beat the Chinese but make every mountain, road, hole in the ground a death trap for the incoming chinese. Defensive posture. And I believe India has that much capability.

    There will be no war in the forseeable future but Modi came at the right time. All military deals on hold are going to be pushed through.

    As for Arunachal Pradesh it contains vast natural resources. But too bad for the chinese because the Indians largely control it.

    But we cannot take the eye of the real devil - pakistan.

  2. Tony veer i have heard many time from Punjabi Hindus that things will be different if Punjabi Hindus were there . As per them Kashmiri Hindus are cowards that why then ran away .

    Sher - What do you think , if government gives Punjabi hindus land and money to settle down in Kashmir things will change ?

    The Punjabi hindus have already settled in Jammu in huge numbers particularly dogras, jatts, gujjars, rajputs. Former army men who are armed.

    Check out the Jammu riots when these islamist pigs tried to attack them and got their asses handed to them. The separatists then had the gall to demand the hindus be disarmed. Well, it ain't happening and will be accelerated. Same thing happened during the Amarnath Yatra blockade when these punjabi hindus beat the shit outta the moslems.

    As you saw today the GOI is now seriously considering scrapping article 370 and that is happening for a reason. It will pave the way for all hindus to move into kashmir with official patronage, armed.

  3. Kashmir state having acceded to India then the whole of the state belonged to India. It does not matter if the tribals got the territory before the accession. India should have taken the whole state and by not doing so it became known as a soft state and hence the reason that the Chinese kicked the Hindustanis arse in 1962.

    What does the existence of Hindu temples in Indonesia prove? The Hindus there were converted by means of Arab traders so those millions did not think much of their previous Hindu religion and culture and went over to Islam without even a second though. If Hindu religion and culture was really that superior as you seem to imply then Indonesia is a very poor example to try and prove your point.

    What makes you think moslems cant be converted back to hinduism with some time and effort. Check out Indonesia below.

    n an unpublished report in 1999, the National Indonesian Bureau of Statistics tacitly admits that nearly 100.000 Javanese have officially converted or 'reconverted' from Islam to Hinduism over the last two decades. At the same time, the East Javanese branch of the government Hindu organization PHDI (below) in an annual report claims the 'Hindu congregation' (umat hindu) of this province to have grown by 76000 souls in this year alone. The figures are not entirely reliable or objective, nor can they adequately reflect the proportions of Java's new Hindu revival movement, based as they are on the religion stated on people's identity cards (kartu tanda penduduk or 'KTP') or on other measures of formal religious affiliation. According to my own observations, many conversions are informal only, at least for now. In addition, formal figures often do not adequately distinguish between religious conversions and general population growth, given that most government agencies only record people's religion at birth.

    Problems with estimating rates of conversion aside, it is remarkable that despite their local minority status the total number of Hindus in Java now exceeds that of Hindus in Bali. Data collected independently during my preliminary research in Eastern Java further suggest that the rate of conversion accelerated dramatically during and after the collapse of former President Suharto's authoritarian regime in 1998.


  4. Stop your wet dreams. If anything it is the Muslims that are on their way to dominating you! Look at the discussion on this thread-;


    The Hindus even though they are over 80% are scared that the census will show them below 80%! If these cowards are so scared when they are 80% then you can imagine how these 'shers' will be when they start to dwindle down in the next few decades.

    They dont want to live with India , why you people dont understand it . Hindu fanatics will destroy India by their hate . Original Faith ? what faith ? Is Hinduism is really a faith ? Can you people match Muslims in religious debate ?

    What a joke you are. Match with what? Moslems? hahaahaah..don't make me laugh. Bring them onto this site if you like. haahahaahahahaahahahahahahhh...."Allah does not like computers" !!! hahahahaahahahaha...

  5. You should ask the chinese about their self respect in Arunachal Pradesh (controlled by India) and Taiwan both territories that China claims.

    How about the Pakis in Indian kashmir and their self respect? How about the GOI and the Khalistanis?

    Congrats to Modi, if he reportedly chooses Ajit Doval as the next head of RAW. Ruthless, experienced, well respected. This man punished the pakis for their support of khalistanis by lighthing up lahore and karachi. And the pakis eventually just handed over lists. Hope to see more. Action can be covert and overt, you see.

  6. Who has killed thousand of woman in the name of sati ? Who has killed thousand of Dalits in the name of relegion ? Who is Burning Gurdwaras , Mosque and Churches ? I can go on and on .

    You are talking about a couple of mosques? Ever take a look at what happened to the churches, temples in moslem pakistan, afghanistan, bangladesh, kashmir? Where are the minority populations?

    Just 4 days ago your moslem best friends burned the nishan sahib in hyderabad. Again. And who dies? A 16 year old young hindu boy who was trying to fight them off.

  7. This is the True face of Hindu i know . All on this forum should read these comments again and again this is what i am telling you, what these people are . These Snake worshipers are just Human by face other wise they have mentality of a beast . Let another devil called Islam deal with this India Pagan cult .

    Worst of all is Punjabi Hindu !

    Apne pao de ve sake ne hunde aa log.

    Eye for an Eye. Whether its christian, moslem or anybody else. Non-violence is not part of Hinduism.

    Dalits, Sati etc..are internal matters. Not that the largely dalit naxalites and maoists do not chop off arms and legs, extort, abduct, rape, bomb blast, they are quite famous for it.

    And the moslem hindu fight has nothing to do with the sikhs. So, please sit at the side and continue making youtube videos about your greatness.

    You can thank the hindus because if it wasnt for us the islamists would be knocking at the door of amritsar. Check out the panic in pakistan and moslems because of the recent elections.

  8. Did numbers save you from invasion ? you people flew Kashmir in thousands ? What are you doing to send Kashmiri Pandits back ? Many areas of Assam and Bengal have become muslim dominated , there will war in every where are you ready for it ? I think you epecting Modi Bhagwan with his Modiastra will save you .

    Did the khalsa save you during bluestar?

    Before Modi there were others namely the jatts, dogras, marattas who followed a scorched earth policy bringing the moslems to penury. Still have not recovered. Unfortunately, that was interrupted by the British. The fear of being dominated by the Hindu led to Pakistan.

    Retailation should be swift and massive each and every time. The kashmiri pandits cleansed? The Babri Masjid down!!! Burn a train get busted in Gujarat! Harass our daughter in Muzzafarnager get busted. Launch terrorist attacks in kashmir, get caught and thrown over a cliff. Modi was right in Gujarat when he used to dump all the cities waste in moslem areas.

    The moslems need to be our new shudras. They have to hinduize (many of them will) and be given opportunities. If they dont hinduize then boycott them and turn them into shudras.

    I loved this last election though. It brought out something new. The christians, moslems, jews always had billionaire sponsors and it seems now that they have also arrived for hindutva which it was sorely missing.

  9. sitting 1000s of kms from Punjab, these khalibans have some divine powers to check what is happening in each and every house. through the same divine power they conduct instant exit polls.

    AAP triumph is being hijacked now by frusto khalis. they don't realise that at best, that is when each jat and some other agrarian Sikh castes start sectarian violence of unprecedented levels or some ultra liberal becomes India's PM with like-minded majority in the parliament, Khalistan would remain a wet dream. At best once again, 4-5 punjab districts would fall to these loonies. till that Mission Impossible is achieved, khalis overseas would keep milking n exploiting vulnerable NRIs sentiments and keep this cash cow alive.

    I have said this earlier in this thread or the other one. Khalistanis and their acolytes are using kejriwals shoulder to fire at Badal hoping he will fall and they will install a more katar group.

    Khalistan is big business in the West. It rakes in millions for the gurudwaras in donations from where it originates.

  10. The funny thing is that on social media you have all these Hindu fanatics criticising the Sikhs and accusing them of betraying the Modi wave! It seems that Hindus can votes of mass murderers like Rajeev Gandhi and Modi and call it a national wave but the Sikhs aren't allowed to vote against their enemies like Jaitley. The biggest loudmouth protests are from the Hindu lalas of Amritstar who can't handle the fact that the Sikhs did not want to vote for a Lala from Dehli as their representative. It seems that the Sikh voters have shown that they are more intelligent than the Hindus who voted for Vinod Khanna and made his victorious in Gurdaspur. This will the last time they will see him until the next Lok Sabha elections!

    The vote was for Narendra Modi - this is an election for the PM position. You could put Britney Spears from Gurdaspur and she would have won.

    Either way it doesn't matter. The objective was an outstanding success. Amit Shah is going to put his full attention on AAP, Congress in the next few months. AK-49 better learn quickly.

  11. Nothing more amusing than two Lalas boasting about how they are going to destroy Pakistan. Seems like just another form of mutual masturbation. You guys seem to be mistaking your country for an Israel. Your slum infested country is not an Israel, only Israel can hit terrorist training camps. Modi will follow the same policy as Vajpayee talking tough but doing very little. Let's see him try and copy the Israeli tactics.

    I didn't see him to much when the pakis attacked the Hindu temple in Gujarat in 2002 killing 30 Hindu pilgrims, he was CM then and the BJP were governing the country. Can you imagine the reaction in Pakistan if some Indians had attacked a mosque in Pakistan and killed 30 Muslims.

    Modi is a coward possibly with a suspect sexuality having suddenly come up recently come up with a wife he married in his younger days.

    I smell a paki - the stink of halal donkey rectum can be smelled from here. Who said we are going to destroy Pakistan? We don't want pakis flocking to India. Like I said our objective is to keep it boiling but not let it overflow.

    And there are multiple ways to punish pakistan outside of direct attack or fight.

    As for marriage, I suppose its better to marry a non-relative and leave unlike in Pakistan where admin cut.

  12. I do not think that pakistan needs to be destroyed or financially ruined because they will head to India. We need to keep the pot boiling but do not let it overflow. Uncertainty kills a human being and his energy.

    Most pakistanis claim middle eastern, turkish, saudi arabian descent and have no affiliation with this land or its culture so technically they should be asking the middle east for water.

    So many levers just opened up. Pakis have not been this scared since Indira Gandhi.

  13. Pakistan will lose the war, India has a bigger army and every war Porkistan started the three, they lost. This time Modi won't just hand back their region back to them. Porkistan spread propoganda that India started the war and lost but their is absolute proof that Porkistan lost the three wars. Porkistan talk a bigger game but India has a stronger nuclear capacity.

    Lets be clear. Any terrorists coming in from the pakistani side have to have pakistani support. I say expand the war across the entire western front if this happens. Light up lahore and balochistan and see how they like it.

    Then again why do you think India is on a dam construction spree. Lahore will look nice under 10 feet of water. haha..release the water lol..

    Modi with his brains, skills, experience, cutthroat style is what pakis fear most. I expect a major increase in the defence budget, more money for R/D and partnerships with russia, isreal, america and france and complete revamp of RAW.

    The worst nightmare for the paki has come true. A guy who makes it a personal mission to destroy pakis.

  14. Check out the paki stations - they are crying. LOL!!! Zaid Hamid is saying "whats going to happen to us" LOL!


    SLAMABAD: The Pakistan Army lost 2,700 military personnel in the Kargil conflict, far higher than its casualties during the 1965 and 1971 wars with India, former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has said in his memoirs.

    Giving his account of the 1999 conflict in the book "Ghadaar Kaun? Nawaz Sharif Ki Kahani, Unki Zubani", Sharif said the casualties suffered by the Army were so extensive that an entire brigade of the Northern Light Infantry based in the Pakistan-controlled Northern Areas was wiped out. Sharif reiterated his contention that Gen Pervez Musharraf, the then Army chief, had not taken him into confidence on the situation in Kargil and that he learnt the details from his Indian counterpart, Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

    "As a prime minister, I was not taken into confidence on Kargil. I came to know what the Army was doing from Prime Minister A B Vajpayee. Even the Air and Naval Chiefs as well as many Corps Commanders of the Army did not know about the Kargil operation," Sharif said in a series of interviews to journalist Sohail Waraich that were compiled and published in the book in Urdu.

  15. Keep dreaming. Remember those BSF soldiers tortured by the Bangladeshis. Vajpayee did nothing but register a strong protest. The Bangladeshis mutilated the BSF troops. If Vajpayee couldn't stand up to some puny Bangladeshis how could he stand up to the Pakistanis.

    Is this the same Vaypayee that blasted the pakis in Kargil? According to Nawaz Shariff , current PM - thousands of paki soldiers were annihilated, "entire regiments" according to his own words.

  16. Polls show a huge victory for Modi. In some cases an absolute majority. He did the unthinkable by busting the Congress and crappy regional parties in their own den. Travelled 300,000 km, attended 5000 rallies. By his sheer effort he brought the BJP to the edge of absolute power.

    The AAP is most likely been decimated except in punjab. Brilliant move by the BJP to goad the AAP into an alliance with the hated Congress in Delhi. The sarkar lasted 49 days and Kejriwal resigned losing all credibility.

    Amit Shah is a mastermind and genius if he can pull this off. He is the PM in waiting. The hindu wiz kids in business, IT, finance, government have played a phenomenal role.

    Editorials are calling for the Gandhi family to go to jail. In Gujarat, Modi systematically dismantled the Congress and kicked all their sycophants out of every major position. He has to go after them.

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