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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. I didn't say anything about Sikh Khoj... I said that DG is NOT at the SAME level or EQUAL to SGGSJ was proven by the facts:

    1. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Guruship to SGGSJ ONLY and explicitly instructed to bow to ONLY SGGSJ as Guru. 

    2. Places that keep both SGGSJ and DG, DG is always sitting at a lower level than SGGSJ, in respect of the higher place SGGSJ has OVER DG.  

    Neither of these facts, have anything to do with the historical issues brought up by Sikh Khoj, which are a separate issue all together.  



    Namaskar Sri Kharag KO. 

    I bow down just the same way I do to Maharaj to shastar at home.




    I think in general, Singhs and Singhnis were glocious in past. You can't say only Singhs had glorious history... somewhere along the line Singhnis were discouraged and became mere simple housewifes.  At least in the west, where they are not discouraged, Sikh women are stepping up as examples to others.  There are Singhs too... but if you are speaking purely about physial prowess, well then, as a general rule, I think there are huge issues!!! LOL Laziness... I blame the internet, gaming, TV


    I am sure there is an episode on Sri gur panth parkash -Rattan Singh Bhangoo, about a group of singhnis who have been capturedcaptured, one went for the sulas sword cut him down, another grapled and killedkilled, the rest took weapons and cut many sulleh, also then I think they were all shot. Been a while since I have read that episode. 



  3. That's why we have to train in yudh, knife, gun, grappling etc. Without thr knoweldge if weilding weapons/defending yourself snd ones dharam we cannot call ourselves khalsa. 

    I guess in the west we are scared of consequences ie the law, losing job for fighting or perhaps being seen at a hardcore khalistani protest wearing a provoactive T-shirt(babbar khalsa etc).




    I have an eyewitness source that gurgadi was given to GGS. You don't know any? Shame on you. First admit you are a fool for not knowing such obvious things, create another topic and then I'll give you details. Screenshot it if you think I'll run away like you do after making tall claims to help in getting granths translated etc.

    historians and researchers state their sources..

    CouldCould we make a topic about all rehitnameh regarding weapons, warfare, fighting/Jung etc?

  5. You should put your bias towards men aside...read the chritars and understand the message of the stories. You cannot understand the messages because you are hung up onon the sexualness & feminism. You say real life...the stories are really life, its not made up fables, real life lessons!.


    I don't think what you post is true, in fact your posts remind me of harjas kaur'skaur's...BS

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