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Posts posted by chzS1ngh

  1. Regarding Death.

    For me death is scary, because first of all I am scared of getting beaten by Jamdoots. Even though I am amritdhari, I have made great mistakes.

    Secondly, I dont know where will I end up after death. Either an insect or a human body again ? Even if I get a human body, will I be born in a Gursikh Family ? And then going through the same struggles once again. It has taken me 27 years to realize what is purpose of human body, dont know If I will have the same awareness in next birth.

    So all these uncertain questions regarding the quest for soul scares me. Plus the jamdoot kutapa too.

    Nothing goes to waste, all the efforst you make wil ensure in your next life that you have everything you need, the corretc life experiences, the family, environment to succeed further..

    But, you are alive now, in human birth...dodn't even think about your next life...do your ardaas that you want to reach your destaination in this life..

    your Simran/Mediation will make your aura-life force shine bright White as your past karmas are slowly cleaned up in your subtle body...even though you may not see all this, it is happening...and maybe with Guru Ji's grace you will actually see this once day through your spiritual senses...

    God Bless Ji

  2. bhairag in me seems to develop when i miss my amrit vela due to listening to my mind say "go back to sleep, you have a busy day tomorow...you need the extra sleep, do amrit vela tomorow" and i miss my Simran...

    it may seem trivial, but during the day i do feel sad that i missed the unique opportunity, because i never feel the deep intenseness if i do my simran doing the day...

    i also feel Bhairag when even though Guru Ji has blessed me with so much, the blessings of actually doing the Amrit Vela (all his grace), the mesmerizing experiences(all his doing) the bliss (his wonderful grace) etc....i still often feel so far away from him...and it instills a sadness..

    and then if i keep falling back into old bad habbits, it makes the sadness worse because then i sit at amrit vela feeling ashamed, but my ardaas then is also so much more deep and intense with feeling...and Guru Ji just doesnt stop forgiving :)

  3. with Guru Ji's grace i have experienced this Loud Bell sound, and it literally took me away...

    I'm not sure there is any additional exercise here....i was only doing Waheguru Simran during Amrit Vela...and the first time i heard the Bell was when i went back to bed after my Simran to get a couple of extra hours sleep...so i wasn't doing anything in particular or even listening out for sounds :)

    So then what could it be other than Grace...all is Waheguru. Other people may be able to induce the same experience through effort or method, but me personally i havent...i also found that it literally whisked me away...i didnt have much choice in the matter :)

    i am finding more and more, that at some point on this journey, you just have to surrender more and more, and the more your surrender, the more unravels..

  4. they could very easily be straining..

    i used to get eye strain...i really had to try and relax and just focus between the eyebrows and not any higher...just use your finger and push in between your eyebrows at the start so you know roughly where to focus...and just gently roll your eyes up...if you're focussing in the correct place they don't actually roll up that much and you'll feel more relaxed...

    i started my regular simran about 2.5 years ago, sat at the gurdwara focussing my eyes at that point, and just doing Waheguru Simran silently in my mind...and with Guru Ji' grace had good progress...

    when you start to relax, if any thoughts appear to take your attention away (and they will) learn to recognise them and let them gently pass and return to your Simran...and just 'Be' in the darkness...relax, and enjoy...don't desire anything...or expect anything...

    This is just from my experience...Bhagat ji has given good advice also..

    Let us also know how you get on..

  5. Whats the furthest anyone has gone away from their body during an OBE?

    Ive known people who have reported floating around their room, another person said they saw themselves sleeping while they were floating outside their bedroom window. Ive heard of one guy who said he can even go to the moon.

    i think occasionally i have drifted out within close quaters a few times...having a little bit of fear again, brings you back...i think i've had lucid dreams (i think) of being on other planets...flying etc...not sure if that was OBE though.

    personally i try to not get too involved in OBE's....i've never gone into Simran/Meditation wanting one...i just stick with Gurmanter and let Guru Ji decide where i should be, what i should see or not see :) a long the way i'm sure you'll see/hear many things via OBE's / Shifts of consciousness etc...keep an open mind and stay focussed on Waheguru is all i try to do...

    All very fascinating :)

  6. Wow thanks for sharing that shalok and explanation Lucky! You are right Bhagat Kabir experiences death everyday, and I think he was at that point where he was on edge and he could see what it would be like to lose that last bit of self and attain parmanand.

    Chaz I don't think any of that is true. I mean sure at the moment there is fear you don't know the future but that's true of any given moment. You never know the future (or do you?). Do you have fear all the time?

    There is always something about a given situation that causes fear. What is it about death that causes fear? From your post it sounded like at one point you were afraid of death. What kind of thoughts came up at that point?

    well, for me...i never ever thought about death until a member of family past away...that moment bought me back down to earth...the reality of life (i'm sure this is similar to everyones experiences)..

    you start to question your life...what you're doing...what exists after death..if anything? i recognised life as being short and can be over any second...it bought fear in me....fear of the unknown...

    I have never been doagnosed with a life threatening disease...will that bring fear in me...knowing i will soon die? the same questions of not knowing may again arise, causing even more suffering...what will happen to me when i die....what will it feel like...will i feel a lot of pain...

    now i know through my Simran/Meditation that i can exist withouth my physical body...what greater feeling can there be? to know one can not perish? life instantly changes...feel lighter...feel free...

    of course fear still arrises...but i can recognise it and step back from it and re-ignite the knowledge i gained through Simran...But thats why daily Simran/Mediatation is even better because you refresh your trust/faith/ and dip into that 'First Hand Experience' again and again helping you deal with any fear that pops up during the day...if i stop the Simran/Meditation...the first hand experience starts to just feel like a dream instead...just a memory...an image...and fear can set in again..

    you play a computer game...you approace a door, you wonder whats on the other side...is the enemy there?, will you be destroyed?...creates a sense of Fear...

    if you already know whats on the other side...because you've already played the game before or have seen the game design, then whats to fear?

    i'm not saying in any way i experienced fully the 'other side' so to speak, but 'bit by bit' the fear starts to reduce due to the deep experience during Simran/Meditation...it helps a huge amount with life situations and getting through life..

    hope that explains ji...or i'm mis-understanding your question :)

  7. What is the fear of death? How is it like?

    fear of death is like most fears...due to not knowing the future

    not knowing what will happen if you take a new job...or are deciding to change paths in career...

    not knowing what will happen to you when you take your last breath

    if you start to know, then whats to fear? if during your Simran, you start to get the gist that your a forever and are not your body, then whats to fear...

    but i've realised Simran has to be done everyday...or as often as you Can, because if you start to get distracted too much by lifes events again (which has often happened to me, even recently), you can even start doubting all the wonderful things that have been already revealed to you...they start feeling like just another dream...fading away, and BANg, i'm being sucked back into Maya...

    regular simran, and the soul can continue to fly onwards and upwards :)

  8. Ya..the initial sounds are just helpful for concentration...anhad sounds are loud and uplifiting ..they uplift your surt very fast in sukhmana nadi which gives us a flying like sensation

    Thanks you ji for your post...

    i have read many other posts from people wondering if they are hearing anhad sounds, they are not sure so they concentrate on some of them and it gives a blissful experience and seems to take you deeper into meditation (concentration), others wonder in meditation to various parts of the head...

    many sounds can be heard..giving signs that i am progressing...but then out of the blue appear other sounds like you describe...for me they were loud also and they grab hold of your attention and pull you up very fast....upon hearing no one will need to ask the question any further of it's significance...these sounds are just different...like a speeding train shooting past you, and you stick your arm out (attention) and grab hold of handle on the train, and it just takes you away :)

    Ego says "I have achieved this, Ego says i found the sound myself" so we try to replicate, try all sorts....meditation starts to become a mental exertion again...bringing frustration at times...when in fact i have found a heartfelt ardaas, and just surrendering yourself to the power that be has bought me closer to Guru Ji...

    No power to speak, no power to keep silent. No power to beg, no power to give. No power to live, no power to die. No power to rule, with wealth and occult ...no power to gain intuitive understanding, spiritual wisdom and understanding....

  9. Welcome ChazS1ngh !

    You are right, it really pushes your inner ego to the limits at times.

    I have to constantly remind myself that it is ALL him and his kirpa.

    All I ever pray and ask for is that LOVE keep getting enshrined and stronger. I beg that I don't accidentally let a veil come over that connection.

    We all know just how easy that is in the world we live in.

    I hope you inspire and get inspired on this forum.

    Many members have influenced and motivated each other in many aspects. I think there is material and information on here that you will not find anywhere else or that no person, institution or gurudwara would ever have told you.

    Most of it is confirmed and acknowledged in some sort of practical approach or experience, and I don't know anywhere else where these kind of contributions exist.

    indeed, am enjoying the input of 'open minded' individuals that are more interested in inspiring and learning than combating beliefs...

  10. Hearty congartulations Paa jee,

    at least there is someone blessed by Him, who does the right devotion and confirms that the teachings of our Guru Sahibans, if done faithfully, is the only means to enter the inner spiritual realms, where the Truth permeates.

    And this very Truth is perceived purer and purer as one ascends higher and higher in the vehicle of Naam and the fuel of Love for His Lotus Feet.

    Dear brother keep up with your spiritual practices, may God bless you.

    Sat Sree Akal.

    Thank you ji for the kind words...

    The one thing that i have learned is that I (ego) am not capable of anything...the most profound and immensely powerful experiences i've had have occured spontaneously and through no control of myself...i have literally had to surrender to it...

    but then a few days later the Ego mind starts ticking again trying to put logic and method to what occured..."oh it happened because you were sat in a certain way, or were putting your attention in a particular place, or foccused on a particular sound"...and then my next amrit vela simran is thwarted with these thoughts "try this, try that, can i hear this, can i see that"...and then i feel so far away again :(

    All is Him, I am nothing and am not capable of doing anything...

    the only thing that i bring to the table is Gurmanter, an often aching heart and a thirsty soul...

  11. This very Shabad is also the guide for thr sikh disciple in the inner spiritual planes ( Shabad Guru(guide), Dhun(soul) chela(disciple)..... do not worry, one will not get distracted by these sounds, as they will pull one´s attention, will catch automaticaly one´s attention...and each sound is a milestone, means depending on what one hears, shows one´s level of consciousness reached... of course, these things are not to be talked of so lightly, or debated ... they to be experienced by each one of us.

    i agree... i have heard various sounds...

    i have a constant ringing in my ears...

    but, there have been some sounds which beyond any doubt have been something completely else...they have swept me off my feet (attentionconsiousness) :)

    You just know if something is genuine, it leaves no doubt or question..

  12. LOL just sit however you feel comfortable, do ardaas, concentrate on how to do naam japna 24/7 not how to sit a certain way! To use the colloquialism "nuffin long" wink.gif

    I have read sakhia of Gurmukhs getting darshan while lying with their legs open, so it makes no difference how you sit, in fact I concentrate on Naam much better when I'm actually comfortable.

    Then again whatever works for you best smile.gif

    No offence to any pyara Gursikh

    I agree,

    i sit on the Sofa, i put an extra pillow behind me to help keep my back straight...other than that i am completely relaxed.

    I have had more progress by just sitting comfortably rather than in any single asan...

    occasionally my back has started to hurt, and i have just laid down and carried on with Simran and enjoyed just as much :)

  13. You are right, I think this is maybe why most of us have had OBEs happen completely on their own, not by us trying to make them happen. OBEs are not the final destination, just a stop along the journey :) One that lets us know we are at least going in the right direction!

    yup, it is through OBE's that i started to lose the fear of death...

    fear of death consumes a lot of energy...once it is removed we feel free...lighter...more focussed on the journey ahead...

    on my short journey so far, i have realised i am a passenger at best...like when we get on a plane, we put all our faith in the pilot to take us to our destination..if we are at peace, the journey is joyous...if we are filled with fear then the same journey is a struggle..

  14. ^

    Took the question out of my mouth.


    So does the subtle body leave the physical body or not? Does anything leave the physical body? This part is confusing Satkirin.

    What is your preferred method for inducing Obe?

    firstly i don;t think we should give too much details of individual experiences..i have found that this can cause problems because we start to want , expect those experiences...this causes frustration, desire, etc etc... i really honestly feel it is about surrendering and letting things happen naturally....just my opinion..

    from my experience...when you are going deep into mediation, in a very relaxed state, you will become aware of your subtle body in many ways...it kinda energises :)

    Quantum theory sometimes talks about the 4th dimension..

    we live in a 3 dimensional world....our physical body is aware of 3 dimensions...it can move back and forth, left and right (2 dimensions), and also up and down (3rd dimension)...

    imagine though if your subtle body can be part of those same 3 dimensions, and also a fourth dimension...

    so now, when you become aware of your subtle body during meditation..BOOOOM, you are now also aware of the fourth dimension..so now your consciousness is moving about in the usual 3 dimensional space, but now also in 4th dimensional space...a whole new world!

    i am only using the 4th dimensional analogy as an example of how it has FELT for me during my Simran...if my attention goes deep and becomes aware of the subtle body then the 4th dimension is accessable...as i come out of deep meditation, and my awareness shifts back to my physical body, the 3 dimensions are only accessable.

    thats how i've tried to understand what happens...i could be completely wrong..but the thing is who cares...just enjoy the ride :)

  15. i agree ji,

    from my experience of Simran and meditation, wonderful things occur when i am not looking for something, when i am not desiring for anything...as soon as i 'want' something...or 'expect' something, the meditation is lost...

    one needs to surrender to His will...all is in His hands only...i/we cannot acheive anything...complete surrender...then unlimited possibilities open up on their own accord.

    God Bless Ji

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