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    willow reacted to harsharan000 in question from non sikh   
    Very well said  Crystal.
    SGGS is the source of spirituality.
    What can  people say or do, when we have Guru Jee with us?
    Who can match its perfect wisdom and Truth?
    We humans are imperfect and weak.
    Sat Sree Akal
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    willow reacted to Crystal in question from non sikh   
    Please don't find sikhi from a person...find it from the light of the world, Sri guru granth sahib ji. 
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    willow reacted to amardeep in question from non sikh   
    i would recommend you to use www.srigranth.org instead for searching and reading the Guru Granth Sahib. It's a wonderful site that provides you two different english translations and has a simple yet beautiful layout.
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    willow reacted to harsharan000 in question from non sikh   
    I would suggest you to better go to the very roots  or source of Sikhee, which is any web with the transliteration of  Sree Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj, the teachings of the Guru Sahibans, who are the embodiment of Truth and wisdom.
    One such web recommended is : www. searchgurbani.com
    You will be amazed, about how the Truth is conveyed in a simple and clear language, about how they try to describe the Unfathomable and Undescribable Supreme Being.
    And then, if there is anything which you like to get some more light on something in particular that which you are going through, you may place your queries here, and most gladly, any of the members here, will assist you.
    Best of luck and God bless you.
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