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the english man

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Posts posted by the english man

  1. Nobody here is denying any man of there love and yearning.Unless your mashooq's (lover's) parents post on this forum, saying words to the effect of denying your love.

    You seem to me to be taking out your frustrations on people who have got nothing to do with your frustrations.

    Follow your heart, but don't neglect your head (Buddhi).

    Hmmm... According to her Iam now imbalanced. all that I wanted was her...

    I have lost faith in love.

  2. Dear english man,

    the intolerance, bigotry and racism of some individuals in our community should not make you think that Sikhism is like that. In fact I know a few Catholic-Sikh couples who got happily married. There will always be an initial tension but in most cases things do cool down afterwards. If you wish to contact me on this issue you can pm me!

    Also remember that SIkhism has been through its own "Protestant" period and that a lot of the present intolerance is actually due to this "protestantisation" of SIkhism during the British Raj. As a Catholic (ie Universal) you surely know what I mean :wink:

    Thank you lalleshvari

    That makes me feel much better. We are like one soul, torn apart by religion. I am not practising my religion, nor is she. She is divorced and has a little boy, whom I also love, though I cannot see him due to her parents finding out the truth of where she has been.

    I am 35, no children, she is 31, one boy. All that I want is that we might be together, yet I fear the fact that her parents will not bless this, and threaten to disown her, will keep us apart forever.

    We have sheltered our love for 2 years. Now I want a family.

    I know what you mean about Catholic/protestant movements... Another sad waste of lives in the name of God. No God could condone such things.

    I have nothing to hide, I just wanted a general feeling amongst your community on the issues.

    When we are together I want her to teach me Punjabi, and all about the gurus. The readings I have browsed thus far make perfect sense. Much more so than the Bible.

  3. Hello, I am white, English. I am totally and completely in love with a sikh girl. Her parents refuse to accept me and it hurts to know this.

    Being of catholic upbringing I value traditional things, home, wife, child. All that I want us for her and I to be happy, together... Her parents however will not acknowledge my existence.

    I would die for the touch of her hand, I worship her.

    Please tell me

    How can you preach of love and exeptence yet deny a man and womans love and yearning to be together?

    I want the wife I choose, I want the family we deserve. As it seems she has to turn her back on her natural family.

    Why do you do this?

  4. Love and lust are two very seperate emotions. If you truly love someone you would and should do everything in your power to be with them. Its hard enough in this world to find true love and happiness without adding barriers of your own making.

    Religion and and the belief in God are not the same thing. I can believe in God and still marry outside my faith. God isn't going to love me any less. All religions are the tool and the intepretation of man and as such they have human characteristics - good and bad. And being judgemental seems to be one of its biggest flaws.

    Surely everybody loving God should be the ultimate goal? If I recall Guru Nanak advocated abolishment of the caste system..people CHOSE not to accede to his wishes. Does that make all Sikhs bad people? No. If choose to marry a man who's white does that make me a bad person? No.

    I love you too sweet pea.

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