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Posts posted by Aman_90

  1. RupZ - Nice post. Gotta say, good thinking about that. - Have you thought, how many Gorai do you see coming into a Gurudwara? My local, there's 1 and in the others around, never seen any. It's hard to approach them considering they come do their mattah go have langar and are out. (Yup, the thought of coming counts!) However, sometimes situations could change. I mean, if you think about it; they could still get the wrong impression. Some Singhs/Singhnis in a Gurudwara are different from what they are outside a Gurudwara, the Gora could see a peaceful Sikh and then outside see the same person doing something else?

    I'm willing to approach but I have to consider consequences too, even though not many may occur.

  2. Hello, Thanks for the sources and information that you have willingly provided.

    About Sikhs not having a unique indentity, I didn't actually mention that they had one, but people, such as yourself are aware that not only Muslims wear turbans and stuff then why call us Oslama Bin Laden? - We dont say things such as that then why should they? - We're aware of Muslims wearing turbans but we dont go round saying stuff to them. Thats the only confusing thing I have to say.


  3. Ok, hold on - I haven't read any of the replies posted and have only read the title of this topic. Just wanted to state that - as far as I am aware, there is nothing in SGGS saying "You cannot have more than one wife" - Also, people today have more than 3 wives if you see them around. The Gurujis lived a life of Sikhi and followed teachings that had been passed down to them. They may of married once or twice, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of stupid reasons on what occurs today. Why do we worry on such little things? The point of the Gurujis and the SGGS is for teaching others - Sikhs (Pupils). I don't know whether this is relavant and sorry if it isn't but I just wanted to state this.

    Pul Chuk Maaf


  4. The reason for me asking this question is due to this article. Read it, and please pass on your views.


    My view to it is that its pathetic how we can be so easily judged! It seems as though no one is any longer aware that Sikhism is one of the 7 major religions around. I think we're just being taken away from the 7 major religions. Incidents such as these occur a lot now and they never use to. People judge others before even getting to see them, or knowing them. I don't understand - What would we have to do to make it appeal to them that there is a religion called Sikhism and that they shouldn't judge us so easily?

    Sorry if this is a little harsh, but after reading that, this is what I felt!


  5. In my opinion

    Considering Sikhi does not support Racism and in Sikhi all man is equal no matter what caste or creed. Falling in love with another person who is a different religion to yourself, is completely fine. The thing that makes it un-acceptable is normally Parents/Family who encourage you to marry people of the same religion etc.

    Pul Chuk Maaf


  6. Ok, The confusion of this actually happened due to the fact the Founder Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, made Sikhi. As you all may be aware of, he was a Hindu. Due to this, and the fact of The Gurujis helping Hindus in some way, Hindus began to say we are Sikhs because Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Hindu and he was the founder. That is the reason we are or were considered Hindus in the first place.

    I can relate to that easily because, I was born a Sikh, therefore I consider myself to be a Sikh, if I was born Christian or Muslim, I'd consider myself to be that religion. - So if you think about it, us being mistaken for Hindus is logical because of what I just said. This is my opinion.


  7. Whether what I'm about to state is true or not, I don't know..

    Apparently, this woman ages ago back in the old times got married off to a guy who couldn't walk and had really bad illnesses. No one would except her into their family and stuff and she use to do a lot of Seva at Harmandir Sahib. Therefore, she placed the basket down in which she carried her husband on her head and went to ask for Roti from Harmandir Sahib. As she went, her husband had heard great things about the water and he grabbed hold of a branch of a tree that was nearby and pushed himself inside the water. He went in and as he came out, all was cured. He had no bad skin problems and he could walk and stuff. His wife came back and didn't believe that he was her husband. However, the hand that he held the branch with was still badly bruised. He placed the hand inside the water and took it out, it was better.

    This is a hard to believe story, I know. It's one of those things you have to see to believe. I just want to say, even though people go inside of the water believeing it may cure them. It may not actually do that. I've just been taught and brought up with, to see what stuff such as Amrit can do, you must believe it, if you don't believe it, how can you expect it to actually work?

    Pul Chuk Maaf


  8. I don't believe there are many Sikhs that are against love marriage, I just believe that they don't tend to show it?

    I mean, they don't comfront it. However, it's true that most want to follow there tradition or they just hold back due to the expectations of their parents/family. It's just individual Sikhs really...


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