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Posts posted by GurpreetKaur

  1. 7 minutes ago, das said:

    Alsi alone is hot taseer, so keep in mind that it might ruin your overall health if you don't know how to use it. Secondly, Mirena is controversial and is potentially very risky (releasing hormones in uterus).....risky in the sense that you're willing to take the risk because you just want to remove the pain....I'm not saying pain is okay.

    Moreover, sometimes it makes sense to visit the doctor, but in this particular case, it is a known fact what doctors are going to suggest (birth pills, Mierna, and some other things along the same lines). In general, it's better to educate oneself and avoid visiting doctors at every sneeze but sometime it is worth.

    • yea I won't go for those stuff, side effects scare me lol

    There are other ways around. Here are couple of things that might help you are as follows:

    Formula for Women (any issue)

    250 grams - Jira (Cumin Seed) [V-P+K-]
    200 grams - Saunf (Fennel Seeds) [V-P-K-]
     50 grams - Ajwain (Carom seeds/Bishop's weed) [V-P+K-]
     30 grams - Kala Noon [Sanchal Lavana] (Black Salt) [V-P+K*]
     10 grams - Hing (Asfoetida) [V-P+K-]

    1. Purchase all of the above mentioned ingredients in whole form (no pre-packed powders)
    2. Grind all the above mentioned things but SEPERATELY. This is very important.
    3. Then after grinding all of them seperately, mix them in the said ratio and store the formula in some container/jar. The total weight would be 540 grams.
    4. Now, prepare 60 packs from the mixed powder so that each packet is 9 grams. Or simply take 9 grams everytime as defined below.
    5. One dose is 9 grams and one needs to take 4 doses everyday.
    6. In one glass of water, pour 9 grams of powder and mix it througly and let it STAND for one hour.
    7. After one hour, drink this glass of water.
    8. Repeat points 6 and 7, 4 times a day.

    - In the starting the taste would seem to bother but within a week, you will start enjoying as it tastes like Gol-Gappe drink.
    - In order to permanently cure your issue, you need to take this powder for at-least 6 months.

    To speed up the process and to stop the pain in one month, also follow the treatment mentioned under "Treatment for Irregular menses (early, late, painful, excessive/less bleeding or backache)"....SKIP this step [This step is optional: Take the following 2 medicines: "Dr. Christopher's Female Reproductive Formula", and "Dr. Christopher's Hormonal Changease".]


    I do have all that in house but in powder lol so gotta go to online shopping now. I thought alsi is good, I started taking it for skin since its keeps it tight and soft lol cuz of omega 3 I think . Helps with skin elasticity and tightens it. 

    Thank you will try, I need to find a heavy source of iron but in food form. I am 200% sure I am lacking iron.

  2. 3 minutes ago, kdsingh80 said:

    Our home at that time was quite backward with very little use of allopathic medicines, the only thing I heard that she was deficent of iron so she took Iron capsules.

    See, she had it easy or she would have been in pain. My bro was easy on mom but I made mom pull out her hair as she told me once lol

  3. 4 minutes ago, kdsingh80 said:

    In sports humans are getting taller stronger and faster , new records are being breached everyday

    People were fighting in wars and the strength they had was unbelievable, how strong these basketball players are now.  Lol. Well there are strong people but they nothing compare to those ancient people. 

    Edit: I am not a good candidate for this discussion, that's satkirin ji's area. Lol

  4. Agree with second point, did not think that way. But our diet has changed big time and we spend most of our time working our fingers out whether it's playing games or typing lol. Nobody walk over here, people take steroids to get big, women are super weak in labor or monthly pain lol. Women used to die in puratan times too so we can't say they were all strong or what not lol 

  5. I blame diet and lifestyle, the same way we don't have strong men anymore( it's a truth lol). So, expecting women to suck it up and not complain about all that stuff is a bad thing. I once read a book the good earth in high school actually lol. Chinese pind story and woman gave birth and in the pain she went to field to do rice farming. 

    Labor pain or period pain they all suck period. Lol

  6. 15 minutes ago, Satkirin_Kaur said:

    Gurpreet Kaur Bhenji... if you don't like pills and you aren't planning on getting married or trying for children soon, why not talk to your doc about Mirena? It's an IUD. Once they put it, the hormones are released continuously in a very small amount. It doesn't *have* to be seen as birth control if that puts you off. Think of it as regulating you. Many women stop having period altogether, and with it, the pain. A lot of pain monthly is not normal to have to endure. Right away I am thinking of endometriosis. And Mirena also stops that because no cycle = no pain.  You can easily have it removed and be able to conceive shortly after as soon as you decide it's time for marriage / children. 

    Thank you, I did do reasearch on endometriosis long time ago and not all symptoms were adding up, but I do have horrible dysmenorrhea for sure. Okay I am getting an appointment before my next cycle, am pretty tired of this stupid pain too lol.  Not sure about Mirena, if I have problem taking pills I will have a bigger problem with IUD. So you never get your periods anymore? Lucky you lol

  7. But one thing is obvious that if a woman is young and pretty, she has more control over an old man. She can very easily control him. I once watched a video about a lady hiring a hitman and when she got caught and arrested, all she was doing kept saying to her husband come here see me once, we can talk through it. If he would have gone to meet her, chances are he might would forgiven her cuz she was pretty and knew how to trap him lol.

    I do agree, no woman can never be with someone she does not wish too lol. But if I am in her place, I would play no games and be like you disguise me get away from me. He's old and if he's crazy for me, I have more control over him. Men hav control over women too, women are emotional and any man can win her trust by showing hey I am here for you. I am going to Tibet I think, I always wanted to be a monk growing up lol

    you are not wrong, in your terms you are right too. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, BhagatSingh said:

    Woman, you don't need a pill. You need to go to the doctor. Get an x-ray done. They need to see how well your back bones are aligned and figure out if your back bones are pinching any of your spinal chord nerves. Or it could be something else, they will figure it out so go to a doctor.

    I'm like you, I stay away from pills and such. But you have to make a better judgement. If I was in your position and I fell down and broke my back. I would not have turned away what pills have to offer.

    Actually I probably would've lol. I would have meditated on the pain. ;)

    But you gotta remember even Batman needed help after Bane broke his back. So go see a doctor.

    No no, I broke or damaged my back in 2013. I was just giving an example how much I hesitated from pills that time too. I need to double check my posts before posting lol. Batman was not spiritual, only spiritual people refrain from medicines and think about mind over matter. Lol

  9. By adjust I mean, two people get married and they eventually start loving each other. Maybe I don't think that far about old men marrying young women. Where I live, it does not work that way. So, I don't go for Muslim women and think about them since they read Quran which is already have their plenty of flaws. I am in my mid 20s and I have never seen a forced type of wedding so I don't know.

  10. Naw, I thought I was an advanced yogi. So I put a yoga mat on a wood floor rather than carpet and wanted to reach nirvana lol . The only nirvana I reached was learning more about sikhi in those three days. Not complaining that much, it was a blessing in disguise :).

    I think I will start aerobic execise again, it's not like I am ever gonna gain weight :( lol

    Thank you :)

  11. No monthly pain began since I stopped doing aerobic and started doing yoga since I thought I will gain more out of yoga since I already a skeleton lol. So it's been like a 3 years. I should go to a doctor, maybe he can tell me what minerals and vitamins I am lacking so I can find food sources. 

    It was an inverted pos where we try to stand on our head lol

    I do take flaxseed regularly but still does not help. Maybe eating bunch of flaxseed pinniyan might help. I very well know I gotta go to a doc. :(

  12. 1 minute ago, paapiman said:


    Silence does not always indicate weakness; it can be an attribute of a wise human too.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Veerji, there was a sarcasm hidden in the post, if you read my other post you will get it. 

    About winning debate, nobody has ever won a debate. People have their mind already made up, and all they do is try to convince others to change their mind( I do that too lol). 

    I am neutral about DG and more than willing to listen to everybody but when people get all angry and defensive then that makes me not wanna listen  to them.

    bhul chuk maaf

  13. Vaheguroo ji,

    My mind always and always fight against drugs or anything which is not natural. It all started 6 years ago where I went crazy with removing toxins and chemicals out of everywhere, not eating from someone's hand, rushing to restroom if someone touched my face, to wash off their germs ( yup, I was that crazy ). Making my own products and household products, coughing to give smokers a signal yo, you givin me secondhand smoke. These are few examples I was and kinda still is more crazy. Was Taking a huge pride telling people guess what I eat healthy and never get sick. In like 5 years, I never got no fever no cold no flu so in my mind I was winning, since people were getting sick like crazy. I would sit right next to a sick person just to check my body's resistance levels. Needless to say My Ego was getting bigger than Cali. 

    It shattered when once doing yoga, I damaged my back so bad that I fainted and when I regained consciousness I could not move. A Slight movement made me feel like someone was stabbing me. Somehow I reached my phone and instead of calling 911, just called mom. Three days I stayed on bed with the type of pain, I don't want anyone to go through. I could have taken a pain killer or could have gone to a doc but my mind resisted. I kept feeling no that would be an easy way out. Not that I was enjoying that horrible pain but my mind said that taking a pain killer or consulting doc would be wrong. Well I got over it and my EGo got another huge pump, that without medication. I cured myself. For three days, staying on bed I listened to many of the basic of sikhi channel videos and that actually got me interested in sikhi so not so sad about it anymore.

    However, no matter how healthy I eat, no matter how much resistance I built against diseases or flu. I can't get rid of the pain I go through every month. I die and resurrect every month. Nausea, motion sickness, throwing up, sever body ache and back cramps just kills me and I can't function for like min 6 hours and then next two days are back cramps which sucks big time too. I am 5'7 and 110 kg jus kiddin 110lb so I'm deftly underweight and weak , that pain kills me. I actually demanded a poison pill once from mom rather than a pain killer ( I know dramatic but that pain is not easy so don't judge me lol) . I took a medication once in all these 6 years, but as soon as I consumed it I threw up and it could not enter my system lol. So my mind went see even vaheguroo does not want you to take drugs. 

    Long story short, I am not saying I wanna start taking medication over things like headache, cold, or flu. Since I can find natural solution to them. But sometime I need something  real quick to relieve a pain. Once it started an hour before my final exam and good thing prof was able to see me in pain so he let me make up for it . Other time I walk out of classroom and was in severe pain that one guy called 911. I did not go with the ambulance but that made my bro ask me stupid questions, why your back hurt? Did you fall?. Why do you get sick every month? I wish I can yell cuz I am a damn woman but no we gotta hide it from our bro and men in house. 

    Okay enough rant, my question is how do I convince myself that taking a pill in pain is not a bad thing or an easy way out. I can't even say that I am addicted to that pain, it sucks big time. I am just addicted to pill fasting. I might have a slight fear that a drug can react badly but more than that it feels unnatural. Even if I go to a doc about my monthly pain, I will be put on birth control pills to balance my hormones. People get acne and gain weight from them pills. I don't know what to do. I know that milk plus haldi is good for so many things but they don't work instantly. 
    If I break a bone or have to go through a surgery I might be okay but as soon as I will be given a pill to consume I know I will have million thoughts. This is very bad for me and will hurt me in a long run. Especially when in future I will be a mother, I have seen women going through such a hard pregnancy. Sure every month I go through a labor too but I can't deal with it all te time. Everytime I have to take a decision about taking a drug or sucking up the pain, I suck it up. Not to show that I am strong it's just my mind find an excuses to not take medication. I have lied so many times to mom that I took a pill but in reality I never did. Anybody else go through messed up mind too or should I go to another planet now? Lol

    I won't say sorry for long post since I am a woman. :)


  14. 7 minutes ago, BhagatSingh said:

    Bapu Ragmaala hears heavy breathing coming from his kid's room, and thinks, "ajj kal de bache pata ni ki dekhi jande ne. ajj main enu sabak dena".

    He rushes in and plants a few thapad on the kid and takes away his ipad. "Ki dekhi jaana salea? Kujh akal kar. Ah kam vaste jameya si tainu?" Then he looks at the Ipad and it's baba ji teaching meditation. :P

    Hahaha. Oh man lol. 

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