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Posts posted by Sajjan_Thug

  1. On 11/24/2020 at 1:00 PM, Kaur1313 said:

    WKKWKF everyone, I have been doing mantar jaap for a while now. It starts on my tongue (at the back of my throat ) sporadically during the day. Though I also sit down and meditate with the same mantar.  I feel like my mind is now more settled and I don't keep looking at the time, and sometimes when my mind wanders I pull it back.

    How can I progress?

    Waheguru Ji

    This video might help answer your question. Waheguru




  2. On 1/20/2009 at 12:26 PM, amardeep said:


    After the annexation of Punjab to British Empire in 1849, very large number of weak minded Sikhs were converted to Christianity under the influence of Christian missionaries. The population of Sikhs declined to mere 8 lakhs and the situation was so grim that according to British Government intelligence reports, there will be no Sikh in this world by the year 1900, A.D. if this pace of conversion continued. At this critical time in the history of the Sikhs, Sant Attar Singh Ji was sent to this world by Almighty Wahe Guru to stem this tide of conversion of the Sikhs to Christianity. With the Grace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Sant Attar Singh Ji baptised about 14 lakh persons to Sikh faith in his life time. Population of Sikhs grew to 40 lakhs by the time Sant Ji left this mortal world.


    Waheguru Ji

    Are you sure it had declined that low because udasi and nirmala sampradey were doing parchar so how could the sikh population get that low.

  3. In the Jalandhar district of Punjab, there is a small village called Khambra. A non-government organisation named Spiritual Welfare Society is headquartered in Khambra. The NGO is headed by one Varsha Rani and other important functionaries include Balvir Kaur and Piara.

    About Spiritual Welfare society

    The NGO is registered with Foreign Contribution Regulation Act and received Rs. 17076206.07 as contribution from outside Bharat in 2017-18. In 2018-19, the total foreign contribution it received was Rs. 28427339.00. So in a period of two years, it received approximately Rs. 4.5 crores from outside Bharat. The figures for 2019-20 are not yet available, but are again likely to be in crores.

    If you peruse the FCRA returns, you will find that a majority of the donors are Punjabis, some with Christian names and others with typical Punjabi names. In 2017-18, there were 253 such donors who donated above Rs. 20000. In 2018-19, the number increased to 506 i.e. exactly the double. There is nothing strange in overseas Punjabis funding an NGO in Jalandhar. In fact, most Punjabis consider sewa as the essence of religion. Surely, it must be doing some great work!

    Search the name of the NGO on Google and you will not find much about the society. For an NGO receiving crores in foreign donation and probably much more in local donations, it has negligible footprint on the internet. There is a single Youtube video showing that it distributed 50 sewing machines and some rations to poor women. The video tells that it did the same in association with Khambra Church and Rashtriya Masihi Sangh. Nothing else is known about the activities of the NGO.

    Ankur Narula’s church : where the money of this NGO is used

    The end purpose of money received through donation, as mentioned in the FCRA form is educational, social and religious. The return form for 2017-18 shows that the NGO created assets worth approximately  Rs. 1.4 crores. The return form for 2018-19 shows that Rs. 1.67 crores of foreign money was utilized for educational purposes, about Rs. 53 lakhs for religious purposes and rest Rs. 62 lakhs for social purposes. This much amount of money spent should show results somewhere.

    We might be able to solve this mystery if we dig a bit about its key functionaries, i.e. Varsha Rani, Balvir Kaur and Piara. A simple google search of this name with Ankur Narula will show that all three are Pastors in his church and actively promote conversion to Christianity. Varsha Rani is the vice president of Ankur Narula Ministry society. Balvir Kaur, who calls herself a “Prophetess”, runs Roshni Ki Kiran Ministry, another front for Ankur Narula, and is routinely featured in Masih Parivar Channel on YouTube. In the description of this video, shown below, you can see how both are connected.

    Basically, Ankur Narula runs a web of organisations, all of which have the same goal of converting Hindus and Sikhs of Punjab to Christianity. The money being used in these activities can be openly seen in their programmes.

    On the other hand, Ankur Narula claimed on his social media that he had bought many properties in the year 2018. He bought a college building and also opened The Christ Bible College. Clearly, a lot of money was spent here. If the account of Spiritual Welfare Society are audited, probably we shall know the whole truth.

    Illegal foreign donations to Ankur Narula

    At this stage, a simple question arises. How does an organisation, which has practically no footprint on the internet, manage to attract crores of rupees from foreign countries? Now this donation is not by a single organisation, but by hundreds of people, who must have known about the activities of the organisation before donating.

    Please remember that the NGO named Spiritual Welfare Society does not even have a simple blog or website to solicit donations. Clearly, the donations are being solicited elsewhere. If not, hundreds of people do not magically know the correct account details of the organisation.

    Here comes the role of media arms of the Ankur Narula organisation. Ankur Narula and his lackeys, publicize their activities through various social media channels. To take an example, the YouTube Channel by the name of Ankur Narula Ministries has more than 4 lakh subscribers. It is also known by the name of Anugrah TV. He actively seeks donations on the channel and the website of the channel. It must be noted that despite Ankur Narula not formally having any FCRA, he seeks foreign donations or “offerings”, as he calls it! It is clearly against the law.

    It is for the investigating agencies to check where is he directing the money received from foreign countries. Infact, Spiritual Welfare Society might not be the sole route through which he is receiving money. He might be getting money through various other NGOs and through hawala route too. The information might be communicated to his followers through the given WhatsApp number. Please note that formally, on papers, Ankur Narula has nothing to do with Spiritual Welfare Society, so getting money from even there is illegal for him, specially as his organisation is not registered under FCRA! He cannot solicit any donations from outside Bharat at all.

    The impact

    The impact of this pumping of money in conversion activities can clearly be seen in Punjab. As we wrote in an earlier piece, Punjab is now 10% Christian.  Ankur Narula started with 3 followers in 2008. By 2018, he had 1.2 lakh followers and his followers were growing double every year by his own admission. If we extrapolate the number, by 2020, he would have about 3-4 lakh members. Please note that the entire Christian population of Punjab in 2011 census was reported to be 3,48,230!

    In 2016, Christian leader Imanul Rehmat Masih said, “In reality, our population is 7 to 10% in the state, but the latest census shows us less than 1%.” He demanded representation of Christian community in Legislative Assembly and easier methods to get conversion certificate. It is a matter of time before the political parties start another kind of appeasement in Punjab. In many cases, it has already started.


    The government has recently amended the FCRA and it might curb to some extent the activities of these NGO, which are fronts for conversion factories. It is likely that the hawala transactions will now increase and unscrupulous elements will find and exploit some loopholes that still remain. It is important that the relevant investigating agencies mount a full investigation into the accounts of such persons so that fear of law can be put in the hearts of these people.


  4. In October, 1947, Pakistani tribesmen and Pakistani army attacked Kashmir. Sikhs lived in many villages all over the state. In this page, we are remembering a massacre which took place in Domel (Punjabi: ਦੋਮੇਲ, Hindi: दोमेल).

    Sikhs were settled down in many villages around Muzzafrabad (present Capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir). When Pakistanis attacked Kashmir, many Sikhs living near border villages were martyred without getting any chance to leave the area.

    As the news of massacres of Sikhs and Hindus spread in Muzzafrabad and nearby villages, they tried to go to safe places.

    A group of about 1200 Sikh men and women of 8-9 villages (Kotli, Avihar, Basnara, Haru, Rarha, Tera and Bakka etc) were trying to escape under their leaders Sant Baldev Singh, Giani Rangeel Singh and S. Gurbaksh Singh.

    When they reached ‘Domel’ (near Muzzafrabad, they were confronted by Pakistani Army. The Pakistani army commander promised Sikhs that if they surrender their weapons to Pakistani army, they would be sent to Jammu safely.
    These Sikhs have not enough weapons and ammunition to battle an army of a country. Also, they thought Pakistani army will not harm innocent civilians. Sikhs gave their arms to Pakistanis. Immediately after getting all weapons of Sikhs, the army commander asked them either to embrace Islam or get killed.

    When the leaders of this group of Sikhs found that they were betrayed, they asked to give them time to consider Pakistanis’ offer. Pakistanis agreed.

    There was a hotel in Domel, whose Hindu owner was killed during this invasion. These Sikhs took a ‘Karhahi’ (ਕੜਾਹੀ, an iron utensil used to cook ‘Karhah Prashad’) and other utensils from this hotel.

    They prepared ‘Karhah Prashad’ (ਕੜਾਹ ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਾਦ) and gathered in form of congregation. As not a single Sikh was ready to be a Muslim, they decided to embrace martyrdom.

    They performed an ‘Ardas’ (ਅਰਦਾਸ) asking the Waheguru for ‘Trust of Dharma and Gurmat’. The ‘Karhah Prashad’ was distributed among them. All of them took ‘Karhah Prashad’ with devotion.

    The Sikh women and children were advised to run towards river Neelum. Bibi Makhan Kaur (wife of Sant Baldev Singh) and his young daughter led the women and children towards the river.

    Sikh men went to Pakistani army commander. Amidst the holy slogans of ‘Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal’ (ਬੋਲੇ ਸੋ ਨਿਹਾਲ ॥ ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ॥) they announced that they were ready to drink the cup of martyrdom.

    Pakistanis opened fire by machineguns. Hundreds of faithful Sikhs cheerfully embraced the martyrdom.

    Sikh women carried their children in their arms and jumped into the river.

    Source: http://www.amritworld.com/main/?p=1428

  5. Video can be seen in the link at the bottom of this page

    Twitter user Sanjeev Newar has shared a video where Kalim Siddiqui, a Zakat Foundation Shariah Council member, is heard openly inciting hostility against Hindus. This video is of an interview, which Siddiqui gave to a channel in Saudi Arabia. In the video, the Maulana not only mocks Hindu traditions to brandish Islam as a far more superior religion but also claims that Hindus need to be converted to Islam, bcause if they dont become Muslims, they will burn in hell. He projects the act of coversions as a kindness being offered to the Hindus.

    Siddiqui says that every day, over 1 lakh and 54 thousand people die. Among those, over 1 lakh 24 thousand people have to burn in hell because they die as non-Muslims. He insists that it should be the duty of every Muslims to help those non-Muslims escape the fires of hell, by bringing them into the fold of Islam.

    Flaunting to be the ‘master of conversion’, Siddiqui explains how it is easy to fool and mass-convert Hindus to Islam because Hindus are intrinsically good and loving people, who treat even enemies with love. He brags how he exploits this vulnerability to convert them.

    He says that despite living in a remote area, people approach him and come to him for all corners of the country to embrace Islam.


    When the anchor asks him how true is it that making Hindus accept Islam is the biggest challenge, the Maulana replies that maybe it is in Saudi Arabia and the reason is that the preachers in Saudi do not put in the required efforts.

    Moving on, the fanatical preacher clearly debunks secularism, asserting that Ram and Allah are not the same. He says that only the Quran can save one from the ‘fire of hell’ as only Islam is the true religion. Saying so, the extremist alludes that he was converting Hindus to help them. Mocking Hindus for using the ‘Swargiya’ before the names of dead people, he says that ignorant and foolish Hindus keep believing that they go to heaven, where they only burn in hell, because they are not Muslims.

    What is dangerous is that this fanatical Maulana is a Council member of the Zakat Foundation, which helps Muslims to get recruited in government services. Recently it announced that 27 candidates it had supported had been selected for the civil services.

    The Maulana goes on to explains how logic does not work in converting people to Islam. They have to be either lured by the narrative of attaining Jannat or terrorising them by speaking about the hardships faced in Hell. The Maulana brags how he has used this method to create so many Da’is, who in turn convert other Hindus. For the uninitiated, Da’i is someone who engages in da’wah, the act of inviting people to Islam.

    The radical preacher goes on to give the examples of a taxi driver who loved him a lot. He says that he exploited the taxi driver’s love and admiration towards him to brainwash him to convert to Islam and make him convert 80 more. The Shariah Council member of Zakat Foundation explains how the goodness of Hindus can be exploited to easily convert them all.

    Kalim Siddiqui is the council member of Zakat Foundation. We have reported the dubious credentials of the Islamist organisation. Apart from being extremely anti-Hindu and anti-national, Zakat Foundation has links with fugitive Islamist criminal Zakir Naik and other foreign Islamist organisations. 



  6. 18 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

    I think it is because most international orgs know that there is little they can do. Even the general public of Afghanistan have turned against the Sikhs and HIndus over the last 25 years. If US could not destroy the Taliban with all their firepower, international orgs know there is nothing more they can do.

    Waheguru Ji 

    Why have they turned against Sikhs.  Sikh help everyone and are very small group in Afghanistan hardly a thousand people and they still can't live in peace.  It's a shame the Afghanistan people can't accommodate such a small group.

    Have the Nihang Singhs been made aware of this they are Guru ki Fauj.  They have been around for hundreds of years.  They can solve this problem.

    Have Sikh organizations brought this to international attention and made western media aware of this situation.  

    Sikhs are being ethnic cleansed from Pakistan and now its happening in Afghanistan.



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