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Posts posted by KAuR P

  1. 1 hour ago, paapiman said:

    Sister, you can listen to the Gurbanis too. There is no requirement that a person must know the 5 banis, by heart, before taking Amrit.


    Can you please elaborate on this point?


    Don't worry too much about your mother's statements. As long as you are determined to change yourself and will apologize to Maharaaj, you should be fine. Most likely, you have already apologized to your parents.

    Think positive and keep a strong will. This will ensure that you will never break Rehat.

    Did you talk to your cousin about this?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Hnji I talked to my cousin. He was really happy with my decision. 

    Moreover he added that I'll now go to college and there are so many restrictions afterwards ( for instance restrictions of hair cut etc. ).  

    He meant that I'll start going to college now. The environment of the college can effect me in any way. He said that I may wish to do makeup and may want to cut my hair. Because I usually trim my hair. But I'll not do it. I secretly heard my mother's and grandmother conversation. My mother said that my dad said it will be difficult to find a suitable match for me. This is the main reason they are not allowing me but dad said that I can marry a amritdhari boy and later I can take amrit. Why should I depend on someone? I am strong enough to be me. If everyone starts to think like this no one will take amrit. Even boys. They can also think that they may not be able to find an amritdhari girl. That's not the right way. We should at least start. The rest of world will start by seeing us. This makes me really sad that my parents think like that. I used to think that they are always right. But no they are wrong here. I am fed off of this. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, DSG said:

    Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Gur Ji Ke Fateh


    I dont know if you are aware of Basics of Sikhi , if not please take a look at their site they have loads of videos , easy to understand and very realisitc

    please take a look http://www.basicsofsikhi.com/

    The rest penji , the journey the connection is between you and the almighty no one else and that will be unique to every individual. You can talk to waheguru in your own unique way wherever you are . I would say learn about the history, learn kirtan , learn gurmuki , learn learn learn , make it your way of life , its a life long beautiful committment,with its fair share of ups and downs but stick at it  waheguru will 100% guide you regardless of what stage you are at but the most important thing is you want to make that change .

    Thank you for the reply. Well I do keertan and play harmonium. I don't know the history as well. I'll definatly work on that as well. I can read gurmukhi too. The thing is I had not done nitnem as a routine. But I have also started that. I'll make sure that my parents will trust me and feel that I am able to do this. I trust myself. I don't want to disobey them. Thank you again 

  3. 1 hour ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    becausOne reason I have heard parents not allow their daughters to is that some sampardas disallow any jewellery, or makeup at all after Amrit. Your Dad might be scared you will have harder time to find a husband.  (trust me you can! I am turban wearing, no makeup though I do wear a necklace once in awhile or my gold bangles and I found an Amritdhari man who is sweetest in the world!)  Also if you still live in their house, there are other implications like not sharing food with your family if they are not Amritdhari as well, or if your parents have alcohol in the house.  Just have conversation with him when he is at home and tell him the reasons why you want this.  Maybe through soft words you can win your parents to the idea and maybe they will take it too someday because of your example!


     I talked to my dad as well as mom. My dad said that it will a sin if u take amrit and later you won't be able to keep all the rehits. He said if you want to do path then do it and also at least you must do nitnem and should know the 5 banis by heart. Moreover he added that I'll now go to college and there are so many restrictions afterwards ( for instance restrictions of hair cut etc. ). My mom again said that first make yourself good enough. And prove that you will not break our trust again. Walk on the path of truth. Why she always keep talking about what I did wrong? I am trying to be good then why they are not supporting me? They said that do nitnem daily and should not think that its a burden on you to do it daily. And if we feel that you are ready to take amrit then we'll all take amrit together. But my mom always keep on remembering me that I did something wrong. And I feel that she thinks that I am not able to take amrit as I'll definatly break the maryada and will not be able to take rehits.

    @paapiman @Gunahgar @CdnSikhGirl

  4. 6 minutes ago, CdnSikhGirl said:


    One reason I have heard parents not allow their daughters to is that some sampardas disallow any jewellery, or makeup at all after Amrit. Your Dad might be scared you will have harder time to find a husband.  (trust me you can! I am turban wearing, no makeup though I do wear a necklace once in awhile or my gold bangles and I found an Amritdhari man who is sweetest in the world!)  Also if you still live in their house, there are other implications like not sharing food with your family if they are not Amritdhari as well, or if your parents have alcohol in the house.  Just have conversation with him when he is at home and tell him the reasons why you want this.  Maybe through soft words you can win your parents to the idea and maybe they will take it too someday because of your example!


    My dad don't drink. Actually he must think that I am still not ready. Because I never talked about this and now I am suddenly saying this. And yes! We live in a same home. Thank u for the support :)

  5. 13 hours ago, paapiman said:

    They might ask sister, but don't worry about it. I think they did not ask my family any questions, when we took Amrit.

    Please give me sometime. Daas knows Singhs, who do Panj Pyareyan de seva. Gurparsaad, will talk to one of them, and then report back (most likely, on weekend).


    Bhul chuk maaf

    @paapiman waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh. Brother I found this today. Go to the link Victory & Virtue: Instructions to the New Amritdhari Sikhs - SikhNet

  6. 1 minute ago, paapiman said:

    They might ask sister, but don't worry about it. I think they did not ask my family any questions, when we took Amrit.

    Please give me sometime. Daas knows Singhs, who do Panj Pyareyan de seva. Gurparsaad, will talk to one of them, and then report back (most likely, on weekend).


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Okay ji. Thank you so much. U all are doing a gr8 job. Keep this going. And I'll also try to encourage and help others. Want to be like you all. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Gunahgar said:

    Panj Pyare will explain you everything sister. You might be nervous, but dont worry we were all in the same place once.

    If its your first time taking Amrit, they wont ask you about your past or anything. You will have chance to start with a clean slate.

    True repentance is when you dont repeat the same mistake again.

    Thank you again. I was also worried about that as what will panj pyara's ask. But this question is also cleared. :)

  8. 1 minute ago, Gunahgar said:

    Brother, lets just keep it easy on Sister. She does not have to surprise anyone.  She can even do it silently.


    Today I told this decision to my grandmother and she was kinda happy. She's an amritdhari too. Now I've just told my decision to my mum. I'll go with my cousin and will surely take amrit. But its not possible before a month. Because I am giving my 12th board exams so I'll not be able to go to my cousin's place. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Gunahgar said:

    Dear Sister,

    One does not have to be good to take Amrit. We have all done many bad things. None of us is pure. Amrit is just the first step. I knew your family would discourage you. They will say you are too young or you should wait until marriage. 

    I follow Baba Ishar Singh Ji Kaleran Nanaksar wale. Acc. to his bachan, if someone has a half-mind of taking Amrit, you should push them to taking Amrit. Guru will take care of the rest.  Since your family is non-amritdhari, it will be difficult for you . But I encourage you to do it secretly if your family tries to stop you. They will be angry for a while and then they will forget.

    Where do you live ? US or Canada ?

    And if you have questions about Nitnem & Rehit ask us here. Also , Paapiman had given great advice.

    Thank you ji. I'll surely take amrit. I have a close cousin who is amritdhari. He always encourages me and my grandmother too. And yes please tell me about nitnem and rehits so that I'll not do anything wrong. Thank you again

  10. 2 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Sister, IMHO, tell that family member first, whom you are most attached to. That member can further tell other members about it. Tell that member that you have decided to become a daughter (by taking Amrit) of Sodhi Sache Paatshah, Dhan Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh jee Maharaaj.

    God willing, you will have a great spiritual journey ahead of you.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Hnji I just did that and explained what just happened to me ..... :'( How to tell her and all other family members that I am not joking. I really want to take amrit. Now tell me what to do ?

  11. @paapiman  My mother judt came and asked me what are you doing. I said was searching on amrit shak. She said first make yourself good enough to take amrit. I know I did really bad things in my life. But now I am trying to solve it. And she just laughed at me. I said I am not joking. I am serious. If I said I'll do it. Why she reacted like this?? I know she shows that she hates me for what I did but still she loves me I can see it. I am trying na to be good. Then why she laughed. Felt really bad. :'(

  12. 23 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    wjkk wjkf

    My dear Sister, go and take Amrit asap. Please listen to Gurbani and Saints.


    Gurbani clearly instructs us, not to cause any delay, when thinking of performing a good deed.


    ਕਬੀਰ ਕਾਲਿ ਕਰੰਤਾ ਅਬਹਿ ਕਰੁ ਅਬ ਕਰਤਾ ਸੁਇ ਤਾਲ ॥

    ਪਾਛੈ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਹੋਇਗਾ ਜਉ ਸਿਰ ਪਰਿ ਆਵੈ ਕਾਲੁ ॥੧੩੮॥

    Kabeer, that which you have to do tomorrow do it today instead; and that which you have to do now do it immediately!

    Later on, you will not be able to do anything, when death hangs over your head. ||138||



    Srimaan Sant Baba Ishar Singh jee Kaleranwale (one of the greatest saints of the 20th century), used to say that even kids should take Amrit. You are old enough to take Amrit asap.

    Quote (Gunahgar jee)

    baba Ishar singh ji kaleran wale use to say whole family should shak Amrit even if they are little kids...they can keep kakars when they grow up...sab parvar chadaya bede....whole family has gotten on the ship to sachkhand...



    Some people might make Amrit look like a huge task, but the fact is that it is a basic/elementary step in Sikhism.

    All your sins will be forgiven, when you will take Amrit, as long as you don't repeat them.

    The most important aspect, when you take Amirt, is to avoid the 4 cardinal sins. This can be done easily.

    • Consumption of tobacco
    • Eating Halal meat
    • Premarital/Extra martial sexual relations
    • Cutting Kesh

    Once again Sister, Daas will humbly request you at your feet, to take Amrit asap. Mind is very dangerous and it can play tricks. Are you sure, you will have same interest in taking Amrit after a month? 

    For Nitnem - You can listen to Nitnem. Have you heard of Bhai Jarnail Singh jee (of Damdami Taksaal)? Please have a look below. He neither goes too fast, nor too slow and his ucharan is really good.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Thank you so much ji....... I was really looking for a answer like that. It really helped me. Brother! I request you to answer another question. Actually I didn't talk to my parents about that. So how how to tell this to them. I am quiet sure that they will be happy buy still want to know as none of my family members have taken amrit. Again a big thank to you. 

  13. 1 hour ago, CdnSikhGirl said:

    @KAuR P  A good way to start with nitnem is listen by MP3.  Then even if you are distracted you are still listening to it being recited.  There is no excuse because even someone who is busy can listen to it.  When I took amrit, the words used were, "recite or listen to recitation of..."  MP3 just makes it much easier. You can of course follow along in your nitnem gutka and recite along with it.  I specifically asked before if it was bad to listen WHILE doing something else, for example if you already have to get up extremely early for work etc.  And Panj Pyaras said that as long as you are listening or reciting it, it doesn't matter where you are of what position you are in, or what you are doing. The key is just doing it.  So if you happen to be a security guard or something (just as an example... no thats not what I do for career haha) you can listen to the MP3 nitnem at your desk or something and it's ok.  Waheguru Ji knows your intent and knows its sometimes difficult in modern world with careers like shiftwork etc.  As for rehets, make sure you know where you are taking Amrit, and what the implications are for you as a female, as there are more than one Rehet Maryada and some sampardas place extra restrictions and limitations on Bibis that the males don't have.  (for example, seeing husband as God, exclusion from certain seva etc) while the Panthic Rehet Maryada (Sikh Rehet Maryada) treats male and female the same as far as rights in Sikhi.  






    @CdnSikhGirl thank you for the advice :)  I'll do nitnem for a month and later go for it. 

  14. 59 minutes ago, amardeep said:

    Gurfateh bhenji

    If you're in doubt, then don't take Amrit. Amrit chak is something one should only do with full conviction and yakeen.

    Regarding making changes in your life towards your Family, friends, sangat etc - that is always a good thing to strive for. However, you dont need Amrit to do that. Work on yourself internally and externally and let the Guru do the rest.

    Well thank you for replying quickly. Actually my doubts has been cleared. Now I want to ask that should I go for it now or should I practice nitnem for a month. Moreover, how should I tell this to my parents?

  15. Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!

    I just joined sikhawareness and glad to know that you all are doing such a great work. And I am here to ask something. I am an 18 years old girl. I did some sins, hurts my parents, in fact the whole family. I want forgiveness from my family as well as from God. And was thinking that this is possible only if I will take amrit and go on the right path. The path of our gurus. So that I'll never hurt my parents and family as well. But I have few questions in my mind. First of all let me tell you all that I don't even do regular nitnem. But I am trying now after the thought of taking amrit . I am really guilty of what I did. Don't want to do this anymore. Want my family back. Secondly, I am scared how my parents will react when I'll tell them about this decision. And will you tell me if I am going on a right way or not ?? I want a good sangat that's the other reason of taking amrit. And should I take it now or should I wait ?? How to tell my parents about my decision ?? Will I be able to keep all the internal and external rehits?? Because I've already did so many wrong things and now I don't want that I'll take amrit and later not be able to keep it. Please help me. 

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