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tva prasad

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Posts posted by tva prasad

  1. On 9/10/2018 at 7:09 PM, akalpurkh said:


    Only if they could use their brains and constitutionally fight for the rights, the story would have been be altogether different. 

    Yes, indeed. Even after our gurdwaras had been attacked and countless innocent Sikhs were killed we should have just sat there hoping the government would give us justice. 

    Stop having an opinion on something without having decent knowledge on the subject, beforehand. We did many protests, etc. before 1984 but then Operation Blue Star happened. Operation Woodrose later took place. All options were exhausted, weapons were needed. 

    You saying that shows that you completely lack a brain. 

  2. On 7/4/2016 at 2:19 AM, paapiman said:

    Below is an extract from "History of Sikhs" by Major Henry Court:



    Bhul chuk maaf

    Does this book say that all dahiyas were originally Kshatriyas but later took up other occupations? Later they became to be associated with that caste due to their occupation? Just like jaats (I know this isn't a family lineage) were actually Kshatri but took on farming and became associated with vaishya?

  3. 11 minutes ago, akalpurkh said:

    This is poojari wala rabb, which Dhadriawala rejects in his talks.

    He tells you this and then he also tells you that there is only one god. You buy everything he says, he's going to go to hell and drag you down with him. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, akalpurkh said:

    Wow! you guys have justification for each and everything. So big talks, only because nobody for your family was raped and brutally killed. 

    That is because everything in the universe happens for a reason. How could you be so sure? One of my uncles was taken away by the police as he was a kharku and his body was never given back to the family. They always annoyed his mum, dad and other family members, giving them so much pain (both psychological and physical). 

  5. 22 hours ago, akalpurkh said:

    Wow! What an achievement. Kudos to Mahapurkh that he knew that the women would get raped on the streets of Delhi. Still, he didn't feel the need to warn poeple by acting dump, just to please God.

    What if this Mahapurkh come to know in advance that his mother and sisters would get raped and brutally killed, would he still be Mute?

    Why do we go out on the streets every year for 84 justice? Wouldn't they say is all your Maharaj's hukam?

    You got to be serious. 

    Blood was spilled in 1984 to nourish the khalsa spirit.  Every few decades this happens to keep the "plant" of sikhism alive, so have I heard. Just like when Guru Tegh Bahadur ji spilled his blood to protect dharam, shaheeds spill blood to revive the khalsa spirit. 

    You do realise that everything waheguru does has a much deeper reason for it than a brainwashed person like you can fathom, right?

  6. 44 minutes ago, akalpurkh said:

    What kind of spiritual vibes are you looking for? Do you really think good people carry some Auras around their head or vibes around them?

    If this is the case, why Lehna Ji didn't immediately recognize Guru Nanak in their first meeting? Didn't he receive strong vibes?

    Oh, so this is the type of logic dhadri teaches you. 

    Dhadri should give you a certificate, you have successfully replicated his logic! 🙌

    Dhadri knows his logic sucks (the truth always comes out):

    ...He is a true gem of the sikh panth. A true sant-sipahi, he sticks to his words just like wood sticks to a magnet. 


    Maybe according to you Dhadri also made the universe that's why you always follow whatever BS he has to say. Not saying you will believe this but, the truth is that since everything in the universe is energy, people do have auras and EVERYTHING is vibration. 

  7. 2 hours ago, paganvegan said:

    May be you were too young to sense any vibes at such an early stage of his development. He is a Sant let no one doubt it. He has that special halo that surrounds his head which glows from miles and people congregate everywhere he goes. They just want to touch him for blessings. I think he is a great mystic with enormous wisdom and class. In my view, he is still quite young which causes a lot of jealousy among the old and the wicked.

    Don’t forget Mr. Giyanni is a portly figure which can be taken for being very fatherly for a young child. 

    Maybe dhadri has some charisma but he is far from a sant. It might even be a placebo effect due to his clothes, title, the gentle way he talks to lure people and seeing his chelas worship him, etc. He is also a good talker, he can easily derail a Sikh who has just started towards the spiritual path, however if you meditate enough you will see past his lies even as one who has experience with jewellery can easily differentiate between fake gold jewellery and real gold jewellery.

    Even though that can be said his aura was unmistakably spiritual.

  8. 1 minute ago, paapiman said:

    So, these people are immortal? Are they hiding in Kaljug or have they taken on new bodies?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Yes, they are hiding. I think Parshuram ji, Ved Vyas ji and Kripacharya ji is somewhere in the Himalayas.

    Also parshuram ji are going to teach shashtar vidya to Kalki avatar in the future, so they are most likely meditating at the moment.

    Ashwatthama ji is wandering in forests around the Himalayas, some claim they have met him. He also live with the Bheel or Bila tribe according to a pundit who wrote Mahabharat through listening to it from Ashwatthama ji, I have forgotten the pundit's name.

    Bali ji lives in pataal lok.

    Hanuman is also around, probably Himalayas and satsangs/temples in invisible form, a family, in kaliyug, has claimed to have met him a few centuries ago.

    Vibhishan is said to have come to pay some visits to some people in south India or Sri Lanka (can't remember).

  9. 15 hours ago, paganvegan said:

    Sant Baba Ranjit Singh is a great guy and I would love to meet him!

    He came to my dad's friend's house, when I was a little child. Even though, I knew nothing about him since I didn't watch or listen to his DvD's, I sensed some falseness about him when he came. He lacked a spiritual vibe, which I expected him to have as he was called "Sant". I was quite disappointed and was thinking he could be a fake Sant. 

    However, on the other hand, when Giani Thakur Singh Ji came to our house, I was still a child and never listened to him, I sensed spiritual vibes around him. He seemed like an honest preacher. 

  10. 14 hours ago, angy15 said:

    What is your opinion on it

    A single SRM would be great but with all these missionaries and followers in the panth, I doubt we can reach an agreement anytime soon. 

    14 hours ago, angy15 said:

    Yes I Agree with you .But who agree with him you can't call them cultist ,anti Gurmat or abuse them .

    This was the point  from  which my discussion started .This was the Very first point I made that "some  of you may disagree with his preaching " but   he attracts large gathering.

    Let me again Say the Title is Misleading  it should be  Dhadrianwala Vs Taksali and not Great Sikhs .




    Bro, we are not abusing you we are just trying to make you open your eyes and see that dhadri is, in fact, a missionary. 

    In my opinion, Dhadri is a lot like Hitler, he is a good talker, he knows how to persuade people to follow his BS. 

  11. 7 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Who are the 7 Chiranjeeivs? Can you please list them?

    Thanks a lot


    Bhul chuk maaf


    1. Parshuram- Avtar of Vishnu, killed kshatriyas 21 times, appears in Ramayan and Mahabharat

    2. Bali- King in Vaman avtar

    3. Kripacharya- uncle (mama) of Ashwatthama, kul-guru of the Kuru clan

    4. Ashwatthama- warrior in mahabharat, son of dronacharya 

    5. Vibishan- Brother of Ravan

    6. Hanuman ji- Son of wind god (Vayu dev) and devotee of Ram 

    7. Ved VYas- writer of Mahabharat

  12. You are right, however some sangat doesn't agree with dhadri. 

    Giani thakur singh ji has spoken about having a single rehit maryada too. 

    1 hour ago, angy15 said:


    This is your perception. You are no one to give certificates who is Sikh or Non Sikh .Sangat will decide who is who?

    Multiple marayada has created  chaos in Gurudwaras .Every Dera, Taksal ,Baba has his own RM.

    Ranjit Singh Dadherwala has spoken abt Ek SRM which is a indeed a great step   to help keep unity and harmony which everyone should acknowledge .

    However I want an answer for my question: where did dhadri get title of sant from when he give you this precious gyan: 

    23 hours ago, angy15 said:

    There are two points worth mentioning

    1. Who has honored  this titles in front of his name.


    2. .In Guru Times we had Sikhs with one titles like

        a. (Bhai) MAni Singh , (Baba) Deep Singh , (Bhai) Dhya Singh


    Now if we open Sampradiya books the first page shows how number of tiltes  increases with passage of time

     Titles(Past to Present )

    a.    Bhai xxxxxxx Singh

    b,   Bhai   xxxxxxxx Singh

    c. Bhai xxxxxxxxx Singh

    d .Sant Baba xxxxxxx Singh  Ji

    e.Sant Baba  XXXXXX Singh Ji Maharaj

    d.Sri Sri Sri Sriman 108 XXXXXXXXX Ji 108 Maharaj

    e. Vidya martand  Sikh Panth, Srimaan 108 Sant Gyani xxxxxxxxxx Singh jee Khalsa Bhindranwale

    Now see the difference between (a) to (e).

    These people are trying to present that all great GuruSikhs of Guru time were small as compared to  there present daysSants ,Babas  .Shame!!!!

    This is what is called  Hijacking of Sikh Religion by SANT,BABAS.

     Ranjit Singh Dhandriwala is fighting this Hijacking  which is destroying Sikh religion.

    No one has the Guts to acknowledge the idea of single SRM which he has proposed instead you are making him a villian .





  13. 19 hours ago, angy15 said:

    Did you forget his education and upbringing was from same school of thought as yours.Which he was wise enough to get rid off.

    What is my school of thought, may I ask? 

    You sound like one of his brain washed followers. 

    Where did he get the title of a sant from?

    I do not intentionally want to sound rude,  however, it does bother me when people refuse to acknowledge the real gems of the panth but instead follow a missionary like dhadri as though they were sheep. 


  14. 19 hours ago, angy15 said:

    There are two points worth mentioning

    1. Who has honored  this titles in front of his name.


    2. .In Guru Times we had Sikhs with one titles like

        a. (Bhai) MAni Singh , (Baba) Deep Singh , (Bhai) Dhya Singh


    Now if we open Sampradiya books the first page shows how number of tiltes  increases with passage of time

     Titles(Past to Present )

    a.    Bhai xxxxxxx Singh

    b,   Bhai   xxxxxxxx Singh

    c. Bhai xxxxxxxxx Singh

    d .Sant Baba xxxxxxx Singh  Ji

    e.Sant Baba  XXXXXX Singh Ji Maharaj

    d.Sri Sri Sri Sriman 108 XXXXXXXXX Ji 108 Maharaj

    e. Vidya martand  Sikh Panth, Srimaan 108 Sant Gyani xxxxxxxxxx Singh jee Khalsa Bhindranwale

    Now see the difference between (a) to (e).

    These people are trying to present that all great GuruSikhs of Guru time were small as compared to  there present daysSants ,Babas  .Shame!!!!

    This is what is called  Hijacking of Sikh Religion by SANT,BABAS.

     Ranjit Singh Dhandriwala is fighting this Hijacking  which is destroying Sikh religion.

    No one has the Guts to acknowledge the idea of single SRM which he has proposed instead you are making him a villian .




    Did you completely miss that he is called "Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale"? Oh the irony, like guru like chela lol. Get yourself a brain, man, it'll serve you well in the long run.

  15. On 8/1/2018 at 8:27 AM, Daya Singh said:

    By the way Gaitri mantar is gobinde mukande udare apare haarian karian nirnamay akamay which every amritdhari reads daily it's in Jaap sahib it's not from another religion or dharam just wanted to clarify that 

    Bhull chuk Muaaf jee 

    I read a Sakhi once that a sant said that waheguru mantar should be done compared to Gaitri mantar. Gurbani (Gaitri mantar) can be read to attain something, whereas waheguru mantar should be recited during meditation to attain the divine. 

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