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tva prasad

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Posts posted by tva prasad

  1. Just now, BhagatSingh said:

    @tva prasad
    Learn to relax while the faces and eye are appearing.

    This is something you can do inside your mind and body. Is to become silent and relax all muscles and memory when the eyes and faces are there.

    You said you become uncomfortable and you start wondering why they are there.
    Becoming uncomfortable - is an example of tension in teh mind and in the body.
    Wondering why they are there - is an example of mental noise.

    You must become quiet and relax into the meditation. When you have an experience of seeing eyes and faces, then you must be quiet.

    If it helps, think of the eyes and face as a gift from God, and watch the show with full engagement, full atttention but also full silence and full relaxation.

    Here's an example, I just thought of -
    If God invited you to watch TV with him, would you become uncomfortable and wonder why you are watching TV with God? Or would you be silent and enjoy the process of watching TV with God?

    once I read on reddit that if u see an eye that is fully black with whit outline it means a demon is staring at u and is a sign of possession but I never got possessed since then I feel uncomfortable about seeing all that stuff.

  2. Just now, BhagatSingh said:

    @tva prasad

    Does it bother you that they are watching?
    physically no. But psychologically sort of. I don't like it staring at me.
    What do you feel when you see the eyes and the faces?

    sort of uncomfortable because I don't know why I m seeing them. It normally happens after meditation at night. Not to say it doesn't happen during the day.

    Can you close your eyes and see them right now as we speak?


    Do not think "why it is happening". Think "This is happening by God's grace". Now try to fully immerse yourself in the experience without distracting yourself with extra thoughts. Does the experience change in any way?


    It does change I start by seeing eyes ? then big purple eyes then ears and faces and swirling purple light.


  3. Just now, BhagatSingh said:

    Relax and simply watch the play of eyes.

    What happens?
    I see alot of eyes at once some are silver, blue, orange, black,etc. Sometimes I see a pair of them with a third one in the middle.
    What do the eyes do?
    they stare at me. Sometimes they blink. Sometimes they r closed then they open vice versa.

    What else do you see?

    I also see faces are ears rarely. And lights especially purple light.

    are you able to become fully relaxed as you watch the show?
    sometimes. Sometimes I sort of start to think why is this happening? And all that.

    Can you go deeper into silence and relaxation? Can u explain what u mean with an example plz.

    thanx guys for helping.

  4. On ‎26‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 8:27 PM, paapiman said:

    Daas would like to add - People who are ignorant of the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee will say nonsense like the above (Guest wake up's statement).


    Bhul chuk maaf

    u r right. Almost all Sikhs say that sggsjm is the living guru but only rare one actually believe sggs to be the guru/ god. The people that r against dasm granth don't even read it with concentration and say it is not bani after listening to people.

    I recommend u guys watch: Our alien connect by bapuji. It is great it made me believe that guru granth sahib it truly god. It's on youtube. Try it.

    one of the questions asked to bapuji that made me look at sggs in new light:

    Q: Why do aliens come to visit earth?

    A: Because at this very moment nirankar ji is on earth. They come to have darshan of him.

    it is obvious from the answer that aliens come to visit sggsjm.

  5. On ‎25‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 3:24 PM, Guest -o- said:

    what does it mean if u see eyes when u close ur eyes during mediation? I am so puzzled. Should I ignore them? I also saw a big purple one about 3 times.

    this is a post I sent when I wasn't a member. Can any1 explain this to me now I c all sorts of eyes ? when I close my eyes. Some blink some stare some are closed then open then stare. Pleeeeaaaaaaaaase. Thanx.

  6. Just now, Lucky said:

    Agnostic. Didn't agree with personal God as faiths make it seem they have their own. Believed there was ONE super force or order and not a person on a throne... Didn't Guru Nanak ji do the same?  Didn't they all think that Guru Nanak ji was atheist when he refused dogmas like jaenu?   ....what do you think?


    God is nirankar he has no shape no colour no caste, as jaap sahib describes it. But he is someone (imo). he is everything but it is the toughest thing to describe god.

    p.s. I know this doesn't have anything to do with this topic can u help on the thread mediation- my experience. I need to sort of clear my doubts. Thanx alot, bro.

  7. On ‎28‎/‎07‎/‎2014 at 5:42 PM, Lucky said:

    I don't know about any of you, but when I first came across ''Pythagoras'' whilst being taught a2+b2=c2................I thought that my teacher said ''pai'' Thagoras as in 'Bhai Thagoras',.......so I assumed that he was a Bhai saab called 'Thagoras' !!!! :D

    hehehe.... LOLZ

  8. On ‎25‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 8:44 PM, paapiman said:

    The above sakhi is true too. It was the Vanar Jaati that assisted Sri Ram Chandar jee in his battle.

    The question is - What happened to the Vanar Jaati? Did they evolve into full humans?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    there might b a link. Some people believe that in the coming millions of years humans r gonna evolve more what is ur understanding of that?

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