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tva prasad

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Posts posted by tva prasad

  1. On 9/14/2018 at 4:58 PM, akalpurkh said:

    Wow! you guys have justification for each and everything. So big talks, only because nobody for your family was raped and brutally killed. 

    Awesome! women are raped to nourish and revive Sikhi. God forbid, next time if any woman from your family is raped, hope you don't file a case for justice because it all happened for good cause.

    This is poojari wala rabb, which Dhadriawala rejects in his talks.

    I found some evidence for what I had said earlier.

    "The tenth Guru formed the Khalsa by shedding his blood. When this plant gets dried up, it needs more blood. Then the Guru`s beloved ones spill their blood to keep the Khalsa`s flag flying. This cycle comes approximately every 50 years"


  2. 14 hours ago, samurai2 said:

    1. Would love to see that. Have you been in unpredictable violent situations? if not how do you know you will be ready for battle. This may not be the romantic battle on the field it may be a civil riot.

    2. Aint got issue with those meditate if i did  i wouldn't claim to be a sikh. You have sant and yodeh meditating, i have an issue with pappus who do the flowery meditation then act like they yodeh when they aint gonna do sh1te.

    3. If your blood is boiling from my posts and your not doing f'all about real sikh issues out there then  you are defo a phudu.

    4. my display name should give you an indication as to which weapon i am training with. 

    do you even train? or are you a pot belly meditating how brave you will be in battle when in reality you will avoid confrontation. 

    1. Yes, I have been in violent situations since child hood, in my village i India I was known as ""Khan Bahadur". 

    2. I agree with this point, sorry for misunderstanding. 

    3. Yes I would be a "phudu" if that was the case. 

    4. Wakizashi? Noice, mate!

    Bro, believe me, I'm a man of my word if I couldn't do shit I wouldn't have said all that to you. Got'em six-pack, I do kung-fu, wrestling and yoga, to condition my body.

  3. On 6/13/2018 at 3:04 AM, paapiman said:

    Can anyone please explain what ਸੂਖਮ ਮੂਰਤਿ is, according to the Yogic philosophy.

    Daas heard in a katha about a flame (size of a human thumb) which is present in the body. The Yogis focus their attention on it.

    Thanks a lot


    Bhul chuk maaf

    That flame is said to be the atma. There is a mention of it in Garud Puran. 

    30-31. Then, two terrifying messengers of Yama are come, of fierce aspect, bearing nooses and rods, naked, with grinding teeth,

    As black as crows, with hair erect, with ugly faces, with nails like weapons; seeing whom his heart palpitates and he releases excrements.

    32. The man of the size of a thumb, crying out 'oh, oh,' is dragged from the body by the servants of Yama, looking the while at his own body.

    33. Having put round him a body of torment, and bound the noose about his neck, they forcibly lead him a long way, like the king's officers a convict.

    34-35. While thus leading him the messengers menace him, and recount over and over again the awful terrors of the hells,--

    'Hurry up, you wicked man. You shall go to the abode of Yama. We will lead you now, without delay, to Kumbhīpāka and the other hells.'

    36. Then hearing these words, and the weeping of his relatives; crying loudly 'Oh, oh,' he is beaten by the servants of Yama.

    p. 6

    37-38. With failing heart and shuddering at their threats, bitten by clogs upon the way, afflicted, remembering his misdeeds,

    Hungry and thirsty, roasting in the sun, forest-fires and hot winds, struck upon the back with whips, painfully he walks, almost powerless, along a road of burning sand, shelterless and waterless.

    30-40. Here and there falling exhausted and insensible, and rising again,--in this way, very miserably led through the darkness to the abode of Yama,

    The man is brought there in a short time and the messengers show him the terrible torments of hell.

    41. Having seen the fearful Yama, the man, after a time, by command of Yama, swiftly comes back through the air, with the messengers.

    42. Having returned, bound by his past tendencies, desiring the body but held back with a noose by the followers of Yama, tortured by hunger and thirst, he weeps.

    43. He obtains the rice-balls given by his offspring, and the gifts made during the time of his illness. Nevertheless, O Tārkṣya, the sinful Denier does not obtain gratification.

    44. The Śrāddha, 1 the gifts, and the handsful of water, for the sinful, do not uplift. Although they eat the rice-ball offering, still they are tortured with hunger.


    p. 7

    45. Those who are in the departed condition, deprived of the rice-ball offering, wander about in great misery, in an uninhabited forest, until the end of the age.

    46. Karma not experienced does not die away even in thousands of millions of ages; the being who has not experienced the torment certainly does not obtain the human form.

    47. Hence, O Twice-born, 1 for ten days the son should offer rice-balls. Every day these are divided into four portions, O Best of Birds.

    48. Two portions give nourishment to the five elements of the body; the third goes to the messengers of Yama; he lives upon the fourth.

    40. For nine days and nights the departed obtains rice-balls, and on the tenth day the being, with fully formed body, acquires strength.

    50. The old body being cremated, a new one is formed by these offerings, O Bird; the man, the size of a hand (cubit), by this experiences good and evil on the way.

    51-53. By the rice-ball of the first day the head is-formed; the neck and shoulders by the second; by the third the heart forms:

    By the fourth the back forms; and by the fifth the navel; by the sixth the hips and secret parts; by the seventh the thigh forms;


    p. 8

    Likewise next the knees and feet by two; on the tenth day hunger and thirst.

    54. Dwelling in the body formed by the rice-balls, very hungry and pained with thirst, on both the eleventh and twelfth days the departed eats.

    55. On the thirteenth day the departed, bound by the servants of Yama, walks alone along the road like a captured monkey.

    56. The extent of the way of Yama measures eighty-six thousand Yojanas, 1 without Vaitaraṇī, O Bird.

    57. Two hundred and forty-seven Yojanas each day the departed travels, going by day and night.

    58-59. Having passed successively. through these sixteen cities on the way, the sinful man goes to the place of the King of Righteousness 2:--

    Saumya, 3 Sauripura, 4 Nāgendrabhavana, 5 Gāndharva, 6 Shailāgama, 7 Krauncha, 8 Krūrapura, 9 Vichitrabhavana, 10Bahwāpada, 11 Duḥkhada, 12 Nānākrandapura, 13 Sutaptabhawana, 14 Raudra, 15 Payovarshana, 16 Shītādhya, 17 Bahubhīti 18:--before the city of Yama, the abode of righteousness

    p. 9

    60. Held by the nooses of Yama, the sinful, crying out "Oh, oh," having left his own house, goes on the way to the city of Yama.

    SOURCE: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/gpu/gpu03.htm 

  4. On 7/2/2018 at 9:38 PM, paapiman said:

    Warning: Sexually explicit material below. Daas will kindly request sangat, below the age of 25 or people who are greatly affected by Lust, to stay away from this discussion.

    Please read the Charitar:






    Bhul chuk maaf

    Baal Mati called Chanbha Jatt "master" but was unfaithful to him. This shows that one must not believe someone based on their word alone, they should investigate into a matter themselves. Just like how the Raja Chitar-rath believed the Rani, without investigation, based on words alone.

  5. On 5/27/2018 at 1:17 AM, BhagatSingh said:

    So if you want to pronounce Siharis as short -eh, then go ahead.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but don't taksalis pronounce siharis like this?

    See this video:

    In his pronounciation bhai saab pronouces the sihari with a -eh sound. 

    I think Bhagat Veerji is right in saying one must pronounce the siharis. 

  6. On 8/20/2018 at 7:16 AM, samurai2 said:

    To reiterate the point, pay attention..

    I'm a bad pursh, so all good, but atleast  pay attention to the so called good pursh on sikhawareness....

    Be ready people.. 

    No dump analogies here.

    meditate while we dump..lol

    all  those impressed .. fukin pussies .. 

    come to the battlefield... 





    Yeah we will come to the battlefield with the shakti of Gurbani while you soil your pants.

    Bro, stop making assumptions! Just because someone meditates does not mean they cannot go to the battle field and destroy you into bits.

    You calling those who meditate "pussies" does make a man's blood boil. 

    Which Shastar have u mastered til date? 

  7. 2 hours ago, akalpurkh said:

    Wow! Then what makes you think that the innocent Hindus killed by the kharkoos were not innocent?

    If you didn't know there was a government organisation comprising of Hindus called the "Black Cats", they would go around killing Hindus and rampaging about villages disguised as Sikhs. 


    "When the freedom movement of Khalistan was at the peak, the Indian government adopted many immoral and insincere policies to suppress the movement. One of such policies was to malign the reputation of the Sikh fighters by forming groups of goons and criminals and sending them to the homes of the Sikhs to carry out immoral activities in disguise of Sikh freedom fighters. Such groups were called “Black Cats”. The intent behind this was to turn the public against the Sikh movement, giving the police more freedom to hunt down Sikhs and kill them in large numbers. These policies were kept at highly secret level. The groups of criminals, dressed as Sikhs, would go to different villages, loot the public and dishonor women. Because of the increasing activities of the Cats the public became aware of these groups. Some reporters managed to get interviews of some of the Cats which greatly exposed the tyrant Indian government. At first the police denied the existence of such groups but as more and more evidence came forward the police had no choice but to tell the truth in which they felt no shame and openly made statements favoring these groups and their activities. "

  8. 1 hour ago, chatanga1 said:

    Where and when we’re innocent Hindus killed by kharkhus?


    do you want examples of innocent Sikhs killed by legitimate weapons of democratic India? I have plenty. I’m sure you have none.

    Veer ji, who knows what sort of government propaganda he's been reading. He's just ignoring the fact that operation Blue-star and operation Wood-rose even took place. 

  9. 1 hour ago, akalpurkh said:

    Wow! Then what makes you think that the innocent Hindus killed by the kharkoos were not innocent?


    ""The main purpose of this Operation was to mop up all 20000 Amritdhari Sikhs, especially the young boys, from all villages of Punjab. During this mopping up operation the Army indiscrimi­nately picked up all Sikh boys and other Sikhs who had supported flowing beards and adorned Gatra, a small dag­ger, one of the five symbols prescribed by Guru Gobind Singh; It is preposterous that the Army branded in their official publication "Bat Cheet" all Amritdhari (Baptised)Sikhs as extremists and the Indian government led by Indira Gan-dhi had endorsed this grave disinformation spread by the blinded Army. Instead of asking the Army to keep their hands off the innocent Amritdhari Sikhs, the Indian gov­ernment framed draconian laws to facilitate the Army to carry out indiscriminate arrests of the Sikhs, young and old, alike."




    "The way Bhai Sahib was killed was the most brutal in present times. His fingers were cut tip by tip. His body was cut open, eyes gouged out but Bhai Sahib had just one word on his tongue, Waheguru. But this one word also irked the butcher Punjab police, so they cut off Bhai Sahib Ji's tongue. They thought they had stopped his simran, ended his love for his Guru, but fools didn't know that Brahmgiani Gursikhs don't need Body to do Simran. Their Surat is attached to Shabad all the time, and Bhai Sahib Ji's rom rom started saying Waheguru. At last after so much brutality, when Bhai Shaib Ji didn't give up and didn't tell police any secrets of Mission, Babbar Khalsa or whereabouts of fellow brothers, police shot him dead. Bhai Sahib's badly mutilated body was thrown in River Beas. They killed a person, but his Love, his memories, his sacrifice, his faith, his dedication still inspires and will inspire generations of Sikhs for centuries, who'll always remember Bhai Sahib was an Anokha (unique) Martyr of Sikh Panth. Bhai sahib was loved by all and he's still loved by all, irrespective of Jathebandis and Dals. His personality and jeevan was so great that all felt oneness with him."




  10. 10 hours ago, akalpurkh said:

    So subjective, how do you know Kharkoos are not terrorists? 



    "In the center of a busy Calcutta roundabout stands a 12-foot bronze statue of a celebrated freedom fighter, hanged by the British in 1909. The British called this man, and others in a violent nationalist movement trying to force the British from India, “gentleman terrorists” because of their education and high caste status."


    Does struggling for freedom make these men terrorists? As you can clearly see the people of India viewed these men as freedom fighters, while the oppressive British government called them "gentleman terrorists". The kharkus were fighting for freedom under the regime of the Congress government, who called the kharkus "terrorists". Therefore, you are siding with the oppressive congress government of the time by calling kharkus "terrorists". 

  11. On 9/15/2018 at 5:28 PM, paapiman said:

    This is one of the tweets which she posted:


    Bible Distribution in Middle of road ....we need to help ... take all the bibles from him....each and every copy ..... so that he is not able to harass any more people .... Paid Christian Missionaries



    What is wrong with Bible distribution? How does Bible distribution equate to harassment? As long as he is not forcing people to take them, it should be fine. Doesn't this country, Hindustan, claim to be secular?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Bro, sometimes they actually do force you. Let's say you said no, they start giving you a lecture on Christ and stuff, to avoid this people generally take it. They use such tactics to get people to "accept Christ", then they frown at the Muslims. Believe me there's a fair few Christians who do this in Australia, they come from Britain just to spread Christianity. 

  12. On 9/14/2018 at 5:03 PM, angy15 said:

    One thing abt this Taksali Group is that there  version of Sikh Philosophy is standing on 1000-2000 odd sakhis heavily infected  with Vedantic Virus.Thats the reason they are Jittery over Single Rehat Marayda, it will break there foundation.

    Taksalis will even talk about vedic incidents and pauranic sakhis, what's dhadri got planned for that? 

    Not only that, they also tell Islamic stories in their Katha,  go run to dhadri and tell him that real quick. 

    You do know that dhadri spoke of krishan and sudhama's story,  right?  Angy, you should pay more attention.

    That man (dhadri) is always contradicting himself. SMH!

  13. 24 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Serious? How many Dahiya Sikhs are there? Do all Dahiyas consider themselves as Jatts?

    Do you believe that Jatts are a low caste (so-called) or not?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    At this time we are considered jatts but idk. 

    Here's more information, this is why I'm so confused, lol:

    "Dahiya are one of the most ancient warrior gotra of Jats. "


    I think Jatts might be vaishyas.

  14. 31 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    Thanks, but how can one harness this energy to improve performance in certain areas like education, sports, etc.


    Bhul chuk maaf

    I'm not sure but I guess yoga may be helpful, as you have said earlier, since you can condition your body to become better at things. Also you can use bir ras from dasam bani to become better at martial arts and condition you body with more enthusiasm= better results. 

    A good example is how shaolin monks condition their body both physically (martial arts and yoga)  and mentally (yoga and meditation)  to achieve great feats. 

  15. On 9/10/2018 at 7:09 PM, akalpurkh said:

    I am sorry, but in DEMOCRACY, anyone possessing illegal arms, guns etc. and killing innocent people (It's well known that innocent Hindus were killed in 80s by pulling out from the buses in Punjab by khadkoos) are known as militants and terrorists. Period.

    When circumstances demand sikhs by all means should use weapons, you sound like you haven't read dasam granth. 

    How do you know those hindus were innocent. You are blindly believing the government propaganda of the time which painted those hindus as innocent even though they may not be. 

    Kharkus are not terrorists. Period. 

    You have no idea of the circumstances of the time so you can shut up. Thank you. 

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