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sikh princess

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Posts posted by sikh princess

  1. lol, "ladies camp". By way of logic there must exist a "men's camp".

    I'm thinking of organizing a "Bunda's International Theological Calling for Humans" camp myself (work out the acronym yourselves peeps).

    We will cater for anything that doesn't require any effort.

    Seriously though, I don't agree with "Women's Camps" coz they are sexist. Anyone who disagrees must ask themselves: "Were our Guru's sexist?".

    that's disgusting. you calling sistas bitchs?

  2. Lol@ dingbat neo. what the hell's a dingbat?

    Thanks all you guys, what a great welcome!

    Lol@muggerz and his uninspirational posts, agree with you sis, not everything can be turned into a joke. A lot of our youth come on here to read about sikhi and not about how many farts you can count. Yeah I read that thread :roll:

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