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Posts posted by palm_w1

  1. bruce to be fair you do chat a lot of sh*t and dress it up to get your points across. in your above post which is a blatant attack on khalistanis but veiled in a very unsophisticated manner u state:

    "1) ally with ANY separatist cause that hates brahmins (allies in hate)"

    if i was a dalit i would have issues with brahmins, in the same way you hate whites en masse, brahmins have subjugated dalits for centuries

    "2) appeal to the UN, US, UK, anyone to bring economic or political pressure on your own motherland; "

    i still don't know if this is a joke. anyway ket me share in your humour

    ha ha ha ha ha ha. which motherland is this, the motherland that is occupying my motherland! The motherland that has consistently tried to undermine the sikh peoples, their culture, histroy, language and traditions?

    "3) accept drug dealers and gunrunners into your terrorist effort; "

    i suppose mother india has no drug dealers at all, it is all khalistanis. perhaps you should visit goa. or even visit punjab and see where the afeem is available from. mostly police, the agents of mother india. plus i don't see the issue with gun running when previously you have said it is a war.

    "4) attack any honest and genuine sikh who comes to you looking for knowledge; "

    i assume you humbly refer to yourself here.

    "5) ignore and wish away any criticism; "

    I will agree with you where you are right, and you have made some valid points, however I have yet to ignore any real criticism that you have bought against any ideology i believe in.

    "6) foster lies and hatred and warmongering, and then start crying when you receive the same back.."

    hmmm, perhaps you should back your case more fully and state what exactly, otherwise hollow statements will only carry weight with those idealists yet to sit their GCSE's.

    in your post you make massive generalisations. in other posts you make more generalisations such as saying all white people should be held accountable for the actions of a few british, yet you condemn some childish sikhs when (reading between their lines) they show hatred towards indians en masse. hypocrisy? i let u decide. go away, analyse yourself and your views then come back. reading claudwitzian state theory may educate you to the concepts of nation statehood etc (through an angliscised thought process) but the real world doesn't fit into the black and white theories suggested by the likes of chomsky et al.

    jai hind

  2. the merit of going over the atrocities carried out by some hindus against the sikhs is so that we do not forget. we do not forget our people were murdered just for being amritdhari e.t.c. however i agree with bruce that their is a danger that some people may start to display hatred towards all hindus and this is also wrong. people need to judge individuals and not races. however when the perpetrators of the genocide are still sheltered by the indian state i can also understand peoples hatred of that system.

  3. Malwe Da Sher, why be so cynical. Whike I do no agree with some of Liono's posts he is only stating the truth. It has nothing to do with spirituality e.t.c. Is it a crime to point out that justice is still being denied.

    Also can someone summarize the report, or post a link to it, i think it would be interesting to read.

  4. well one reason for expanding on such a grandiose statement is that we can understand your point of view better. As a person who works in the city i can see that most industry is controlled by a few institutional stake holders, it can't really be classed as communal control, unless you mean by legislation. but i still fail to see how britian is a communist country.

  5. They have to make good for what they did before I start to believe their sikh protestations.

    i'm not anti-white either. i just believe that they have their place, and we have ours. they shouldn't have invaded ours, because they've left us with immense difficulties. is it too much to ask for them to help out with those difficulties now they have "become sikh"?

    i am not doubhting some white people have carried out evil, what i object to is you labelling all whites like that, and attempting to create a subserviant sect within sikhi based upon skin colour.

    other than that may the brown power movement prosper!

  6. OK palm_w1 but what about the widespread attitudes of sikhs towards Hindus who started following sikhism, whether under the rss banner or not?? Isn't that a mark of deep-rooted insecurities??

    yes. although for RSS members i think it is justified to look at them with suspicion as they are from an organisation which is CURRENTLY still trying to undermine sikhs in their own homeland and is an overtly fascist organisation.

    Bottom line is that when my country has been invaded and nicked and occupied by a very clever and powerful organised group of bandits/pirates who at the same time were also taking slaves from Africa and doing war on the Chinese for the "right" to sell them opium I'm left feeling a little insecure regarding their future intentions.

    you are correct, the british did carry out much evil in Punjab. As did the indian regime (and to an extent still do). Does this make you suspicious of all hindus. Furthermore most white converts are actually american, not british, yet you seem to label all whites which is why i class you as a racist. It also sounds like you are following Mugabe's logic by saying that you mistrust current white people because of the actions of a tiny minority of their ancestors.

    Why trust them devils?? Just because now some of them call themselves sikhs??

    perhaps because races don't all think along the same wavelength, perhaps some white people actually do think their ancestors were wrong. in the same way that some NF type whites would look at you and call you a paki motherf**ker. They would class you regardless of you as an individual, in the same you seem to be blanketly labelling all white people.

    The respect they attract from sikhs in every walk of life is ridiculous. I mean come on, if someone rapes your sister and then invites you over for a drink like a jolly old chum from the old school tie why feel so proud about it. Plus they have no problem adopting and rejecting sikhism. Maybe I will be a bit more tolerant when they actually make good on all their broken promises and start making reparations (in monetary compensation) to the people of Punjab for how they screwed us over totally. Let's see them put their money where their honeyed tongue is.

    i think you should try and avoid the baseless rhetoric you use, your analogy is bollox. however i can see merit in the british monetarily compensating punjab, which i think they should do to an extent. i also believe punjab has gained (as well as lost) from colonisation. personally i don't think tolerant views are something that people can buy like you suggest. neway i would like to respond longer but i must dash.

  7. Why did those people become sikhs?

    And what sort of sikhs welcome them, apart from NRI khalistanis anyway?

    not the white ones in their own land with everything going for them. sorry.

    i don't trust them at all.

    i don't know if its just me, or am i misreading your post but it seems to smack of deep rooted insecurities towards white converts to sikhism. also other contributors to this thread seem to tow the same line. How can you not trust a sikh just becasue they are white! it seems like a dumb reason to me, or maybe i am stuck in some prehistoric mindset where racial equality is to be frowned upon. Where the spread of sikhi to non-brown people is evil. Should we ban converts and deny the message of bani spreading!

    I agree the banner is not representative but big deal, its just highlighting that there are some non-brown white sikhs in this world, as there are also black sikhs (i met one on Tottenham Court Road about a month back). The banners change on this site regularly and i can't remember one where there has been white people before. Reading between the lines of many posts here i think they are quite racist.


  8. 1984, Govt conspiracies, Orwellian FICTION.

    Someone sounds overly paranoid. to be fair i think britain is one of the freest (is that even a word?) societies in the world. I can pretty much do anything within reason and not be persecuted. Even state apparatus like the police have treated my fairly well on the occasions i have been on the wrong side of the law.

  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4396535.stm

    A Canadian radio station has been censured for broadcasting "abusive" remarks about the Sikh community.

    Psychiatrist Pierre Mailloux, host of the Doc Mailloux phone-in show on Montreal's CKAC-AM station, had referred to Sikhs as a "gang of bozos".

    The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) was responding to a listener who complained it was "racism of the first order".

    The station has been ordered to make a full apology.

    'More compassion'

    In the show, which was broadcast in December 2003, Mailloux said immigrants to Canada should abandon their traditions.

    "You cultural communities come from a wacko country. You live a wacko culture. Don't bring it with you. That's the message to convey," he said.

    "The panel considers that the host is entitled to espouse his chauvinistic intolerance until such time as his disrespect leaks into individual races, as it did when he referred to the Sikhs as 'a gang of bozos'

    CBSC panel ruling

    Mailloux, referring to immigrants' attitudes, said: "I flee northern India because the Sikhs are a gang, a gang of bozos, and then I bring all that with me. No, no, you really don't get it. If you flee your country because it makes no sense, then don't bring those senseless things with you."

    The CBSC said it was responding to a listener who complained of "nasty comments, tainted with insulting racism of the first order".

    Its ruling said that most of Mailloux's views were "very conservative and uninviting [but] they were not in breach of any broadcaster code".

    He was entitled to those views "by virtue of the principle of freedom of expression".

    However, the investigating panel said that in targeting an identifiable group "he crosses the line of entitlement and loses the benefit of the shield of free expression".

    "The panel considers that the host is entitled to espouse his chauvinistic intolerance until such time as his disrespect leaks into individual races and nationalities, as it did when he referred to the Sikhs as "a gang of bozos".

    The CSBC said Mailloux should show "more compassion and reserve concerning immigrants".

    The CSBC is a self-regulatory body set up by broadcasters to monitor standards in Canada. More than 550 radio and television stations and affiliates are members.


    without wishing to make generalisations is it true that the frenchies in canada tend to be more intolerant towards sikhs (or perhaps every1)? i think in europe the frenchies and the greeks are the most racist nations.

  10. Same is with 'Kar Seva' by Baba Santa Singh Ji 96 Karorhi. It was wrong. Hindus were doing Bhangra in streets of Sri Amritsar Sahib and SOME Nihang Singhs were doing 'Kar Seva' as per instructions given by Buta Singh, then the Home Minister. People were laughing at us.

    I have watched a video which claims Santa Singh had agreed not to rebuild the akal takht after the govt invasion, then the video claims he goes on to accept indian govt money to rebuild the akal takht in Govt sponsored 'sewa'. What is the truth in this?

  11. i ain't taking no sides. sikhs have doen bombiong and shooting in the past 30 yeasr.

    y is it these sikhs always blame it on the india governemnt for everything. ok i understand that the government may be doing abit of dirty work but so do the sikhs. so yet again i ask y do sikhs blame the indian government on everything.

    the excuses r just getting to old now. i don't think non sikhs believe them no more. well for the last 5 years ahyways.

    NO NO NO i ain't taking sides so don't even try to drive by on me. lol

    of course ur not taking sides. come on doaba wake up and smell the coffee. reading your post you ask why do 'these sikhs' blame the indian govt. well perhaps it is because the indian govt were responsible. read some research which was compiled in the book 'soft target'. it seems more than a coincidence that the indian mission to canada just happened to cancel all there seats on that flight. also strange how the inidan embassy had more information on the flight than the crash investigators. of course it could be pure coincidence but i tend to think not.

    also when u say 'these sikhs' what do you mean? do u mean khalistanis, a section of them or some other group. please clarify.

  12. persoanlly i think they are not guilty and justice was seen to. Perhaps now the RCMP will investigate the real perpetrators of this crime, the indian intelligence services.

    Would also like to raise a quick point about how the trial has been portrayed in the british media. rather than concentrating on the fact that 2 sikhs have been found not guilty most articles carp on about how justice has been denied to the victims. what does this mean? to me it implies that guilty people have been allowed to walk free. i think the media rather than saying how the lives of 2 innocent people have been destroyed are still just trying to spread the myth of mass sikh terror (well the guardian newspaper neway).

    thanks n30 for the eBook

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