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Posts posted by sexy_singh

  1. i see how callign myself sexy would imply kaam and ego to some. That wasnt my intention! ive explained my intentions earlier.. it was simply to express my delight at my singh appearance! and i used the term sexy in this manner.

    can i ask you if you feel that sex is taboo in sikhi? isnt what the issue is here? iam getting that vibe for some reason.. and i wonder why. We should be discussing kaam as you say, so we can undertsand it better

  2. how is me having this name against gurmat..

    i think if a gursikh calls themselves sexy then that is their choice and i'd be curious to know why they'd be doing so!

    about looking good. well, if iam meant to be advertising sikhi then i suppose it would matter how i was presenting myself.. but i dont think iam in the business of PR. is it necessary to be a good salemans when calling oneself a sikh?

  3. jassa veere, im trying to see your point here. And i think i understand it too.

    Its just, from what teachings my guru has blessed me with, i place character over external labels. And if iam not to be a hypocrite, i'll hold the sikh label to same standard. I feel this is in line with the teachings of my guru.

    so again, what (if at all) are we disagreeing over?

  4. ok.... let me ask the ppls ..... who is the better one ..... the one who has adopted his guru's maryada (dicipline) OR the one who spaled on his guru's face by becomeing PATIT

    Neither is better or worse a priori. To answer the question you need to look at their actions, their thoughts and how they treat others around them. this is the only way to determine who is the better sikh.

  5. thanks orchids.. i feel welcomed :) Not to go off topic wrt to my name .. i chose it because well i think iam sexy .. and a singh! a sexy singh! yes, it can happen! hahah. My intention wasnt to ruffle feathers but to express my own confidence in my singh appearance that is nowadays seen as backward and unattractive by many.

    no it doesnt mean iam a player or anything like that. nor does it mean iam obsessed with my appearance. iam happily living my life looking like a sikh man and holding that iam sexy!

    that is all..

  6. You are a sikh. You believe God is the perfect architect. So when he made the universe, he made all the stuff - matter forces etc, big bang what have you. He also made all the souls al at once. Now souls need homes, and so its like this. every soul has a home and every home has a soul. the home is a body, say a human body or an animal or whatever.

    with me so far?

    now here on earth the population of the species changes. sure it does? people die, some are born, animals get wiped, others go crazy and breed like rabbits. so say the net size of population is changing with time. it could be increasing or decraesuign. that doesnt matter.

    alright. so now, lets see where these assumptions lead us!

    -- bang! There is life elsewhere - away from the earth!!! -- bang!

    how? well each time someone is born, that body needs a soul. so a soul goes in it! similarly each time someone dies, thats a soul without a home.

    now what this all means is at any given point there must be another place where there are bodies and souls!

    ie. all sikhs believing in the above assumptions MUST believe there is life elsewhere!!

  7. thats stupid. iam my own terrorist and freedom fighter. i know the difference. see? it depends solely on your intentions.

    what are the intentions?

    - make a country for the poor dying sikhs so that they can be powerful and mighty?

    - bad intention.

    - make a country where everyone has basic human rights?

    - good intention.

  8. orchids so what if yuo are supposed to have two marriages? if thats what god wants then you shuold become comortable with it..

    i personally dont believe in these soothesayers. i think they are full of sh*t myself. no one can predict with complete certainness basic results of experiments using the incomperable weapon of science, the idea of someone just reading of your hand and doing a better job is laughable.

    read hawking on this matter.. he disposes with fortune tellers with reckless abandon

  9. if you are feeling horny then a cold shower will help.

    otherwise i dont see the point of doing it.. warm showes are nicer. altho on that thought, i ten dto have really long showers. sometimes 10 minutes! so maybe there is design to the madness of having cold shjowers

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