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Posts posted by sexy_singh

  1. please give some honest thoughtful advice to a young person on How to be a Singh in Todays World. I dont want to hear too much about wishy washy spiritual stuff unless its meaningful and useful.

    examples on things to address:

    1- looks - a beard, a turban, a kara - should you aim to be a pretty boy? or is the natural look for a singh to be tough roughed warrior type whos not too fussed. depending on the person, singhs can do either, and some are better at one than the other.

    2- girls. treat them like princesses? should a singh should do his own thing, and not chase a girl, be too sensitive and kiss up to her. i think so.

    3-career/sport - a singh should be good at what he does, set himself apart by having lots of heart and doing well.

    4- healthy - a singh shouldnt be too skinny or too fat. he should watch his diet and keep fit.

    5- be knowledgeable about his history, religion, and have a good command of general knowledge and common sense. in short, be educated and sensible.

    6- shouldnt steal, screw over other ppl, steal cheat, etc. should be honest and dependable. should want to do right, where he can, and shouldnt miss up a chance to help out someone who needs it.

    .. those are just thigns that came to mind. please add your own personal lessons learnt, etc. yes, the above doesnt necessarily apply only to singhs, it can apply to anyone. but it does apply to a singh, and it iis important.

  2. waheguru ji ka khalsa .. waheguru ji ka khalsa

    due to gurus blesssing, my family have found a great gift ... she is a small puppy doggy who is now our pet. there is a small problem, she does not know how to bark... and there is also another problem .. she has long sort of hair and it falls over her eyes. is it ok to cut that hair short.. so it doesnt cover her eyes? is this against sikhi..

    phul chook maaf

  3. the answer is simple and remarkable - seek out the company of believers in a social setting (eg a football club, gurdwara, church or other - deleting the others as desired), do as they do and make an effort to interact fully in their customs, observing their rituals and establishing a social bond with the community. By now you are half way there - the next part is more difficult and in some ways easier.

    Actively seek out things that delight you - for example you might discover the writings of a great author, or the music of a superb artist, it can be anything really. Now all of this is good fun, but you really need to address any outstanding problems that stand in your way. Think carefully and widely about it, then with courage, push yourself to follow through in your resolution. If you are a sikh, then this will solve your problem about faith because if you believe sikh teachings - then all that happiness is due to the Creator - and so you should have faith because he has made you happy - rewarded you for your faith and so on.

    It will also demonstrate that faith is found and sometimes lost, too easily, and regardless of what people might say, it isnt something mysterious or shall we say, spiritual - instead it is directly related to our immediate experiences, and its explanation or lack of, lies within our social interactions. The sikh gurus knew this fact fully well, and it is for that reason that they stressed the importance of social involvement.

    neo, pheena if your arguments cannot even convince a child than santa clause exists - then what good will it do to explain to a thinking adult that an invisible being is watching her, and so she should have faith that he does - isnt this very circular anyway. I suspect there is nothing in sikh scriptures that can convince a skeptical person about god. Which is pretty amusing to me, because if you cant even do that - then what value can you ascribe to religious faith, which is just blind faith. Its strange that the sikh gurus placed so much emphasis on God - when it seems quite clear to me that theirs was a philosophy of extremely practical interest. For example by stressing the benefits of an egalitarian society they gave us a refreshing social model to follow. Perhaps they adopted the idea of god only to put all good and decent men of whatever background on the same level by postulating that theirs was a common god. Or maybe they genuinely believed in god - but they do not stop to explain this to their sikhs, it is automatically taken for granted that by deciding to be a sikh you believe - which is reasonable from their perspective of making a religon, but for someone neutral, it doesnt stand to reason.

  4. im in the same boat actually.. and to be honest, no amount of quoting "he watches over you" will help one bit! thats not gonna do it ppl. use your heads, come up with something original, rise to the occasion. are you men of god so much devoid of creativity? does not your great faith in the supreme creator inspire you above the ordinary?

    anyway, kaur ji, while the last thing i wanna do is dwell on 'faith problems', if you need to talk, feel free to drop me a message.

  5. Also, engaging in sexual acts just for pleasure is wrong, why would you want to be doing this when you could be listening to kirtan, doing naam jap, or seva instead.

    why are you sitting infront of a computer reading websites when you could be listening to kirtan doing naam jap or seva? why do you spend two hours a day eating when you could be doing naam jaap? why do you sleep 10 hours a day when you could be doing seva?

    Only for making children. Sex is a physical feeling, materialistic in a sense, and you soon realise its nothing, and Sikhi goes beyond this and gives you the highest buzz when your clockin' it.

    like i said, if you need to assume that, go ahead. u wanna have a baby and sometimes it takes more than one go....

  6. When married, do you imagine spending quality time doing household work with your beloved? Would this be a spiritual thing? If so, would that involve listening to kirtan, reciting gurbani, discussing stuff, doing kirtan, etc? Maybe washing dishes to a shabad or going to sleep to kirtan?

    Could you make love to your partner while listening to gurbani in the background? Also give a clear and concise explanation. Thanks.

    (if you need to, assume your trying for a baby and the fate of the human race depends on it)

  7. veer if your cards fill up, just go to one of the larger towns and find a photo place. they usually have some card readers and will happily tranfer your photos onto blank cds.

    this way you can have backups and keep snapping photos without having to carry your laptop around. my suggestion is not to bother taking it with you, it might not be worth the hassle. and you might appreciate not having a computer around for a change!

  8. by seeking from your question you are heading down a road full of misery, anger and frustration. why do that to yourself? cultivate love and thrive in it. those around you will notice and what happens next is up to them.

    educate yourself, so you can one day be in a position to answer the questions of a youngster.

    be the change you wish to see

    listen and learn,

    practise good hygiene

  9. they got a better solution in panjab

    everyone goes off to the wedding 'palace' to drink, eat and be merry while the bride, groom and a few other close family members turn up at nearby gurdwara to get the religious stuff out of the way.

    i think its a joke, but anyway, at least there is nothing too wrong being done. ppl who go the parties and stuff can always choose to attend the anand karaj. if they just wanna get pissed well then its easier and better for them. although i'd hate to see that become too common.

  10. unrelated back-in-skewl story, mum used to pack these paronthe in silver foil for me to eat for lunch ..

    one day i hadnt closed my bag so u could smell em from outside, and i had come back from break to find two white boys and a girl talking about the smell

    so i pull out my coke filled drink container and take a swig. and then they clocked on that it ws my bag, so one of them asked, "whats that?" they asked, its coke i replied. "oh, does it have cocaine in it?"

    true story.

  11. i wish for

    an end to reality television. is it really necessary to make big brother, survivor for the 10th hundred time?

    better access to a variety of good healthy food anywhere you go at a reasonable price

    as they say around my parts, "rabh ji .... kori kadon charna?"

    less doom and gloom

    em, to see a return of 'sukhi' .. where is she gone anyway?

    *edit* i initially just had "i wish" but it looked odd because of all the blank space. just saying, i have lots of things to wish :P *

  12. Militant






    These words are nowadays considered dirty. In fact almost all violence is dirty, unless presented through the sanitizing filter of a television screen. Even then, it is only just tolerated because its generally thought that some particularly bad people, unfortunately, need to killed so those who live around them can be free and good like us.

    It is socially unacceptable for someone to advocate any sort of vigilante action. Others look down on this because to them such a thing is for backward, fundamentalist types who driven by hate, commit all sorts of horrible acts in the name of God or some other unquestionable authority.

    Gone are the days when a revolution was considered healthy and just. When people suffering under the rule of a foreign unruly dictator could rise up and determine their own rulers and goverments. These days, anyone advocating self determination is most probably one of those dirty separatists. Trouble makers, hate mongers, bringers of division to harmonic order and purveyors of chaos.

    There is probably a good reason for all of this anti violence inertia. The 20th century saw millions of lives wasted in war and fascism. The world watched as powerful nations unleashed their deadly arsenals on the poor Vietnamese. When men like Pol Pot and Stalin cold blood murdered their own people in the millions. There is no shortage, in recent history or otherwise, of examples where violence has been employed in despicably inhumane ways.

    Somewhere, spread out around the globe are these strange people, the Sikhs whos religious doctrines encourage them to adopt force as a last means in the pursuit of ending injustice and other necessary niceties as air-like freedom. In frustration, one of them writes this post wondering why is society incapable of making honest judgements about such important matters. Must it be true that anyone supporting an independence movement is a blood thirsty bigot? He then tries to reconcile the historical heros who brought independence to the various countries under the British Empire. They're still celebrated. No one calls them terrorists?

    Those intellectuals amongst us have perfect arguments that allow them to condemn whole nations, fundamentalist regimes, independence movements in a single stroke. They are free of contradiction, emotion and empathy. They also dont matter. They make no difference to the world outside their clean cut, logical and precise argument. Since they dont take a stance, they cant be faulted. When Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Kenyatta called for freedom, one wonders if there were such intellectuals who with immaculate reasoning condemned their efforts. Even if there were, it doesnt matter because they dont matter.

    For a given leader with unique revolutionary vision, there will be detractors. It just happens that today the detractors will be in majority. They resist change religiously. Does this matter? Would the 10th Master have resisted the Mughal Emperor if he'd known that people would consider him unfavourably for doing so? Ofcourse to a Sikh the answer is, he would have done so regardless.

    So is that what it has come down to? That doing the 'right thing' in fighting for social justice is not only difficult, fraught with danger but its also a thankless task with no cheering, no heros and without recognition? Would Bhagat Singh have opposed the British if he'd known that he'd be shunned into the darker corners of history instead of the bright throne of hero.

    (If there is discussion, please avoid it deteriorating into a polarized one about Someone or Something. I mean Bhindrawala and Khalistan. This issue applies to all sikhs and surely there is plenty to talk about without arguing the same stuff about the same thing for the 100th time!)

  13. i dont wanna die tomorrow. i cant die tomorrow. theres too much left to do.

    anyway, i once fell for this kaur who told me "i dont care if i die tomorrow. im happy" .. and knowning her, she really meant it to. she had a great supportive family, all those things in life we wish for like wealth and comfort, and to top it off she was as spiritual as your average teenager can be and more. in fact i think it was because of her that i became interested in sikhi. ppl like her dont come along very often.

    anyway. good topic.

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