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Posts posted by Soulfinder

  1. 4 minutes ago, paapiman said:

    What's the other option? Doing Ardas for oneself?

    If you do Ardas for yourself, for something which is not written in your destiny (and is accepted by Waheguru), then you will loose your own "kamai".


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Veer ji you won't lose kamai. You will lose everthing doing this sort of stuff. Listen to this track from Baba Harnam Singh Ji Jeevani. It is shocking



  2. 2 hours ago, Kaur Inder said:

    Yes I’m going to start with one mala first and thn after some time I might do 16-16.. it took me exact 20 mins to do one mala so it’s going to take a lot of time for me to do 32 but hopefully waheguru ji will make it happen soon.. and I do full mool mantar upto Nanak hosee bhi sach.. thanks for ur help.

    Bhen Ji thats good cos it takes time to do big number mala jaaps but i am glad i could help

  3. 4 hours ago, lostsikh said:

    Bro thanks a lot out of all the movies i have seen they have made me more lustful with songs and on screen kaam.

    However as you judging by your posts seem a highly religious person gave a recommendation of this movie i thought lets watch it. 


    As i have just watched it without spoiling the great movie. It showed me never to fall in love with anyone as kaam is a hell and worse the movie as a anti love story rather than promoting love stories. 


    Although it is quite ahead and unsuitable for a family film it hits hard the message.


    The way it is made has showed me never to ever look at a girl ever again in a lustful way. 


    Bro you have opened my eyes with this movie. From now if i love the main character from the movie i will never desire love from lust kaam but from Waheguru.


    Thanks from the bottom pits of my heart. I will aslo try to read the chirtars you have posted when i get a chance.  

    Veer ji i am glad you have watched this movie as it has many deep messages although it is not a suitable family movie it was very controversal when released as the censor board wanted to ban it. 


    Anyway i am glad you have watched it and have learned a lesson never to fall in lust,anger,greed,ego and worldy attachments. 


    You say compared to other posts i mentioned this movie why ?

    Cos a friend of mine said its a very good movie of course i have never heard of it back then as i heard of other good hindi movies mentioned by him like Khiladi,Dacait,Krodhi,Ghayal,Mohra,Sadak,Shakti, Hukmat etc to watch. He mentioned this movie Red Rose saying it was a very good, so when i watched it was a completely different type of movie to be made in bollywood as compared to the other movies mentioned. 


    Although Das has cut down a lot on movies,tv serials it was a few years ago as i wanted to a watch a movie.


    So anyway as Das had read quite a few of the Chirtars from Chirtarpikayan the stories from it made more sense as this movie showed and displayed it in many of the key moments. 


    So i am glad you have watched it and it should lead to a new direction.

  4. 41 minutes ago, sarabatam said:

    Whats new in this ongoing saga? I've asked sant jagjit singh ji harkhowale, what exactly happened to  dhandrianwale? why sudden U turn? Sant ji said in ramaz, vahiguroo ji de khel. With that being said, harkhowale sant did immense parchar against missionaries before and this time when he came to canada and uk when they especially start targetting amrit vela.

    IMHO, i think dhandrianwale gotten haywire totally when harnam singh made attempt to take him out. I think that was turning point. He should have said #@ck it , i am out - no more parchar , should have gotten into private life, have nice estate up up in mountains rather than going missionary.

    Waheguru you are so lucky to have had a chance to have bachan with Sant Jagjit Singh Ji. I really wanted to meet Sant Ji but i never had a chance.

  5. 9 minutes ago, sarabatam said:

    Gurfateh all,

    Just passing by, wanted to post Adyatam questions and answers by Sant Jagjit Singh Harkhowale 2017 trip to toronto, they are deep answers as usual clears lot of doubts, give deep insight of gurbani and also into state of bhramgyan:




    Thanks very much i like Baba Ji's katha a lot

  6. 12 hours ago, Singh123456777 said:

    Sadh Sangat Ji, does anybody have any experience with Sharda Pooran Granth? Like with the mantars etc?

    Veer ji i did a search for you on the mentioned granth and here are a few links from past disscussions about it.


    I have also added a download link of the pdf as well. 


    But one thing is to be careful with these sidh jaaps is that they can backfire go wrong if there is a naga like 40 days not completed or a day is missed inbetween.


    I had disscussed this with a Gursikh who told me that even after these things backfire people have had to go through electric shock therpy and still they are not normal cos of the side effects of these sidh mantar jaaps.


    If there are done it is best to them under someone who has experince or a Sant. Like learning a gatka you need a master otherwise it can cause damage.







  7. On 18/12/2007 at 5:31 PM, mit said:

    About 1 month ago, i starting reading the Chandi Charitra from sri dasam granth sahib ji, and last night as i was reading it, i began to get a sweet taste in my mouth and the sides of my head were feeling as if something was pressing them together.


    I have been getting dreams of a cobra snake with a diamond/crown on its head. I dont feel scared, but i dont want to be doing any mis-pronounciation. also, when i do my paath with my eyes closed, the centre of my head starts to flicker and sends a shiver down my spine. I dont want to sound weird, but was looking for some guidence.


    Many thanks and god bless



    This bani Chandi Chirtar is having a negative effect on you as for what you have mentioned. I can say this as the time is wrong first of all the one you choose to read it at.

    Second i have a Gursikh friend who told me these banis should only be read before sunset like Chandi Di Vaar.


    So thats why it looks like a serious blacklash what you have written

  8. 2 hours ago, Kaur Inder said:

    And meat too (Jhatka)

    Bhen Ji i don't eat meat of any kind and if i do join Budha Dal i still wouldn't touch it. But its a very controversal subject which i don't touch or start. As it can or offend many people here


    So here is a video in short by Basics of Sikhi listen at 2:30 onwards and here is another video by a nihang singh. 



  9. 9 hours ago, Singh123456777 said:

    Sant baba surjeet singh is my vidya guru. He is really knowledgeable about dasam granth. Hr has written books about mata sahib devan ji and of guru sahib as well as full steek of dasam granth and aldo prints dasam saroops that are shudh.

    Veer Ji Sant Ji's knowledge is amazing i really liked Baba Ji's katha so far what i have listened to. 


    Budha Dal is my favourite Dal and when i take Amrit i want to take it from Budha Dal as they are the best !!


    Here is Baba Ji's facebook link



    Here is link for Sant Ji's books


  10. On 16/08/2014 at 4:19 AM, Ragmaala said:

    What are the recommended timings to read Uggardanti Bani?

    Veer ji i have read Ugardanti a few times and i asked a Gursikh friend of mine and the time for it is before sunset like Chandi Di Vaar. 


    My friend said that Ugardanti is more tej the bir ras from it than Chandi Di Vaar. Its best to do Sukhmani Sahib straight after these banis.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Guest Anonymous said:

    I've recently gone through a transformational experience that changed my life and I felt like sharing it to you.

    As a general background I'm a 19 years old male and i've grown up in a very religious household my whole life. I would say i've been fairly conscience about sikhism my, trying my best to follow the religion but obviously making mistakes and learning from them along the way. Through waheguru i've experienced many different blessings and transitional milestones but none that could compare to this.

    Over the last 3 months i felt like i was losing myself, whenever i meditated my prayers wouldn't connect, i wasn't able to focus and my mind was full of sin. I was going through a mental drought, i wasn't doing well in school and something i felt off everyday i woke up. I was spinning out of control of sanity. I started giving into to the five vices more than ever before, Kaam (lust), Krodth (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment) and Ahankaar (ego). I didn't know at the time, but Kaam and Ahankaar had me under control in its hands . While in its hands i started committing the horrible sin of my life, sleeping with women before marriage. The worst part about it was i not satisfied regardless of who i was with and i kept wanting more, there was something empty in me. My soul needed god but my ego wanted sin and i was controlled by my ego. I would never think much of the negligent sins i was committing and the possible consequences that could have resulted from them. That was until god sent me a reality check.

    After committing the sin for the fourth time i left home at night disappointed. Disappointed that i wasn't happy in life and thinking "why can't i be happy. what's going on with me, i don't even recognize myself when i look in the mirror."  The next morning the reality check hit me when i woke up and saw my phone with the message from the girl saying that she might be pregnant.My heart dropped like it'd never had before. I was panicking, breathing heavy, becoming aware of what i've done and waking up to reality. I started getting anxiety messaging her. After speaking with her she told me that if she happened to be pregnant she would keep it and i had no say in that. She regretted every part of it and so did I. 

    That was the moment that changed my life. For the next 4 days i prayed like i've never prayed before. Confessing my sins to god, asking for forgiveness, crying all day and night talking to him. My mind was in a constant state of demolition, i felt myself losing my mind multiple times begging to God to not let this happen. I cant even count the amount of times i broke down hoping my family didn't find out. I was literally going insane. But something good was happening throughout this process, I was begging god to show me that everything would be alright because i wasn't ready to be a father this young, and when i did he'd show me a sign. It  would feel so good and reassuring but i still had doubt after a couple minutes and would ask for another sign. He would occasionally give them while i was going through my multiple states of distress. 

    I started bargaining to God pleading to give up my sinful ways if he could fix the mistakes i made. I was in a mind state where i saw everything as a sign as a from of god communicating to me. That was until i started listening to prayers on youtube where i was crying and listening and the saint said something along the lines of "you have nothing to offer to god which he does not have, he gave you everything, you aren't even equivalent to an ant in this universe compared to him. All we can do is get in Gods Charna (feet, i believe) and ask for forgiveness." Thats when i broke down, it felt like he was speaking right to me. I quickly got on the floor with tears rushing down my face pressing my head against the floor and did ardas. Speaking from my heart of how sorry i was and begging him to fix my life because I'm just a hopeless pathetic sinner. This was an ongoing process for four days.

    On the fifth day for the first time in my life I went to the gurdurwara and did Seva. I did this because i have heard in the past that seva helps to erase your sins and clear your karma. on the first day I went and prayed while i was doing it. After i completed an hour of it, i went to go listen to the kirtan. I prayed non-stop begging god to answer my prayers and asking for forgiveness, i had nothing to offer him to win over his heart. Before i was about to leave, i picked up my phone and i saw a message by the girl saying it was her time of the month and i could stop worrying because she wasn't pregnant. At this very moment tears filled my eyes, my heart filled with gratitude and my soul felt the presence of god overcome me. I was so happy i couldn't explain it. The fact that God actually answered my prayers. I couldn't help myself but to put my head down hiding my face in my jacket as i cried with Joy. I just wanted to  yell waheguru to the heavens. At that moment i prayed to God to always keep his hand on my head on control me to be a vessel of his expression.

    God single handedly saved my life, I don't know what i would do without him and waheguru is the only word that comes to my mind when i think of him. Now that it's been a couple of weeks, i still find myself crying sometimes with tears of joy with no words to express my gratitude. i repeatedly keep saying waheguru and thank you but it still doesn't feel enough. I want to appreciate him so much but i can't  because he's done so much. I pray everyday that he continues to hold my arm and never let me slip again like that again. I've come to terms that i am nothing in this universe. Thinking of my past sinful ways disgusts me. I feel like God gave me a second chance at life. 

    All i can say that if God can save a papi (sinner) like me, why wouldn't he save you. If we give up our ego and surrender to God, just watch the blessings that he'll send our way. The darkest times, called for the deepest cries and the most passionate prayers. In the darkness is where i found God, he revealed himself to me. He kept me together when i was falling apart. He showed my the light. This is the moment i'll never forget for the rest of my life. This my new life, a life worth living because overall, I was drowning, drowning in my sins but somehow dying of thirst, a thirst for God. 



    Waheguru amazing how Guru Sahib Ji saved and how you changed your life best thing i have read today. Seva and simran if done without ego has it fruits which you have proven

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