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Posts posted by Jageera

  1. Yes of course.Financial power without Political influence is useless.But to accumulate Political influence , Financial Power is necessary.Through political donations and sponsorships,fellowships,gala dinners etc, a small minority would be able to wield significance influence over a majority.

    The issue is this has to be a concerted effort by influential and motivated people from the community who have the backing of the rest of the community.

    the goal here would be for the betterment of the panth and not for personal or family gain like it is happening now.In the real world not everyone gets to be king,which is a problem we face where everyone wants to be dictating their own terms which is not in sync with the main agenda.

    We need a clear operation hierarchy where everyone knows their role and fulfills it without stepping on the toes of others.

    5 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

     Sikhs in the UK are considered quite educated and financially strong, but we don't seem to get much else done here.

    The question to ask is what is being done with all that money?It mostly remains in private hands used to fund a few little private charities.Nothing major.Nothing overly political.Just usual charity or religious sponsorships etc.

    There should be 1 entity or Mega fund that should be dedicated to realize certain missions and goals.A portion of Money from all other high income individuals or organizations can flow into this mega fund which in turn could finance lobbying groups etc.

    As you say,they are quite educated and financially strong but at the moment they are scattered like sun rays.It's warm and you might get sun burnt but it can hardly do more damage than that.The best is to get concentrated and become like a laser ,that when pointed at a target it has the capability to bring the desired results.

  2. 9 hours ago, Soulfinder said:

    Its just that i was told by a gursikh friend that doing sidhi of a bani shabad can really serious side effects on the person if a mistake is made or a naaga is made in a 40 day jaap. As he told me a few stories which i can share if you like.


    Please do share Veerji.

    And what phal does sidhi of this bani give ?How to know if you sidh some bani?Will you see or hear something etc?

  3. 9 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:


     Could it be that those strong emotions you felt was a revolt of your munh, now that it has twigged on to the fact that you are regularly doing simran to try and limit it's power over you? The mind plays tricks like that on you to try and stay in complete power. 

    Also, when you read Anand Sahib, pay close attention to the instances and of the word munh and how the word is used. You are engaging with your munh now, and you are trying to be munh-jeet (a conqueror of your munh) - but the munh will try and resist this . That might be what you experienced? A desperate attempt by your munh to keep in control. 

    Not sure Veerji,haven't started reading Anand Sahib. What you said does make a lot of sense,didn't think of it that way.I'm taking it very slow now.Just 5-10 mins daily.

  4. Another update.Doing minimal simran these days.Just focusing on Japji Sahib and Benti Chaupai.

    Had about 3 days where I did breathing simran,verbal simran and mental simran alternatively within 1 hour.On the 4th day when I sat down and started simran,within 5 mins I stopped and had this terrible revolting feeling inside.Suddenly felt like as if I was in extreme agony and the Simran was the cause of it and I had to stop it.A lot of anger too like I was angry at myself for doing this simran.Once I stopped and left the room,all was well and good again.From then it is just minimal breathing simran 5-10 mins before reading Japji Sahib.

    Now sometimes I do 1 slow mala of Mool Mantar.That always works well for me. I did it mentally 1 mala,took me about 50mins to complete.I can always feel the top of my head pulsating or vibrating when I go slow.I seem to like it and will do more of this.I get a feeling of steam released out of my head once I'm done.

    Will update more if anything new.So far everything seems stagnant and no significant change in mindset and emotions.Maybe I can say I have better control now.

  5. 56 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    What if what has happened is an actual surreptitious manipulation of the dharam itself, that leads to people thinking that their conception of it, is actually the genuine thing, but in reality, what they are following is a new construct that is a by product of the colonial period. 

    Now when you try and tell them this, or question things, they perceive it as an actual attack on the dharam itself and get very defensive. Like that ole fart in that debate with Bhai Jagraj Singh for example. Or like when you question anything about the Singh Sabha lehar. 

    Veerji I had to google what 'surreptitious' meant but I understand the message you are trying to convey.Do you think it could be possible that in some deep dusty archive somewhere there could be detailed documents of all measures taken against Sikhs and the Sikh faith during the colonial period?I'm very sure that the highly bureaucratic British Government kept meticulous records of all policies made and decisions taken.

    But even if such documents are found,knowing the ego problem of our "community leaders" worldwide,it will still be sidelined and they would still do whatever they wished or 'felt' is right.

  6. 10 hours ago, Soulfinder said:



    Thanks for the  vid veerji. I've watched another one of Bhai Jagraj Singh on youtube,it was like some debate going on regarding colonialism and on the other side you could clearly see a "Kala Engrej" in it's full glory supporting his colonial masters. I'm all for free speech but at the same time we should free our minds too and remove this mental shackles of servitude.

  7. Yes very useful as it motivates us to follow the teachings of the Gurus more closely and  get closer to our own culture and traditions as many these days speak english and have deluded themselves that they are 'White'.They walk,talk and behave like Engrejs and are suffering from Internalized Racism that makes them hate people of their own race and they undermine and mock their own people while being extremely loyal to their masters of other races whichever race that might be.

    Browsing through Sikh history and some old sources have opened my eyes that there is an active agenda to undermine the teachings and Hukams of the Guru especially of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.In his 52 hukams Guruji mentions "Raajniti parhni - Study politics." On Wikipedia this is the translation given "Raajnitee parhnee — Study and learn about governmental policies." Notice the difference?😀 

    Another one."Sutantar Vicharna. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahi daenaa - Rule Independently. In the affairs of government, do not give people of other religions authority or power."On Wikipedia the translation is "Sutantar vicharna. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahee daenaa — Maintain independent rule. In the affairs of governing, do not give the power of religious authority to those of other faiths".

    Again notice the difference in translation?One talks about political power while the Wikipedia version only mentions religious authority.

    This is yet another reason to read up on old sources to prevent hostile forces who pretend to be benevolent and friendly from pulling wool over our eyes.

  8. On 3/9/2019 at 2:05 AM, dalsingh101 said:

    Hey! Don't make another problem for yourself in this way! Once you make a bunch of fat cells they never go away. Nip that in the bud quicktime because I guarantee the next thing will be that you will get depressed about your weight. Seen it happen a few times. 

    It's sublime, you have to develop your own perceptual sensitivity to grasp it. To me, going from a previous state to one of calmness and equilibrium is a powerful shift. 

    I like this thread. It made me do 25 minutes of simran today! : )

    Yes I have to start asap.Thanks for the advice.

  9. On 3/7/2019 at 6:14 PM, Lucky said:

    Well done!

    Keep it up.    Having lights off(artificial), is quite beneficial imo.   

    I'd recommend  keeping yourself physically busy on topof all this, and applying "dhyian"(focus) where it concerns your body and physique.    Things like venting out anger on a punch bag, pushing yourself at the gym etc.    Focus on diverting attention from the strain of last few reps and going beyond.  Make your own mental goals as you go along as this will give more strength  in preventing a 'dreaded' relapse back to liquor.  


    Thank you.I am putting on weight and have to start serious physical activity soon as since I stopped smoking I've been eating a lot for comfort but still under control.

    On 3/7/2019 at 7:08 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    I'm going to try and up the lengths of my sessions now too. It really is a psychological/physiological reset. You notice its powerful effects the most when you go from one state to another. 

    I hope I get to notice it's powerful effects.That would help me a lot.

  10. On 3/5/2019 at 5:25 AM, dalsingh101 said:


    It might be that the length of time you do it for plays a big part in efficacy? 




    Funny you mention it since I had the longest simran session few days back for about 30minutes and it was awesome.

    I just sat on a chair and started breathing in and out.Lights all off.Kept on doing it as long as I could and then on the lights and realized its been 30mins.

  11. You have my E-support for what it's worth. Please take care since you mentioned murder etc. Why not telling anyone? Maybe they could assist you. You are worried they might prevent you from doing this? So what is the plan exactly? 

  12. 2 hours ago, Mooorakh said:

    I don't know if thismay be helpful to somebody during simran but I used to have this 'thought thread issue' alot initially,  though distractions still exist but.. 

    I mentally imagined a guard with a big "danda " standing outside my simran place and whenever some thought occured - (say watever my MIL taunted last  night and how nice I was not to answer back or the movie I saw or such thoughts that used to keep coming back..  ) So this guard used to kick them away or shove-off the wall or buried them etc and my mind used to accept them as 'gone' 

    It's all about the MIND after all.  This concept of the mind control is called Sadhana and the one who achieves it is the Sadhoo. 

    Still if its difficult to sit for Simran , one can write Waheguru.  Start by writing a page or two initially and keep on increasing..  Writing gurumantra or Gurbani is approved by SGGS ji as Simran


    Thanks for the suggestion.Will try it out.

  13. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    When you do simran and try and tame the mind after a short while, I believe that the munh sort of realises what you are doing, and feeling threatened revolts against this to try and stop you. This is an important stage to reach. 

    It actually means you're making significant progress. 

    Keep at at, and take it to that next level brother. 

    Will do.Thanks for the support veerji🙏

  14. 2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    When you persist even though you don't feel like doing the simran, you've won a major battle in itself. A part of this is taming the mind. And when you persist despite the munhs resistance to this - you've won another battle with your camel mind. 

    Ok thanks for the explanation.Will push on and do as much as I can.

  15. 13 hours ago, Soulfinder said:

    Veer ji its really good that you are doing the jaap and are updating on here. I am glad that you have written this as it shows that how your changes are being felt via simran and you are developing awareness of yourself finally seeing yourself in a new light.

    Thank you for the support.I am reading old threads here and that helps a lot in understanding my situation.I am also trying to stop worrying and controlling events and accepting them as Hukam.

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