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Balbir Singh

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Posts posted by Balbir Singh

  1. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Singh2 Jee!

    I appreciate your efforts, dedication and sincerity.

    In my view, one cannot win a person through discussions. But your views may influence the readers or listeners.

    The true change takes place with direct experiences by God's Grace.

    The anti Dasam Granth lobby seems to have contracted it to few lines of Charira-up-aakhyaan.

    They seem to be rare people who are never influenced by the lust character (charitra) of Tri-Gunee Srishtee.

    Truly blessed are those who have received true Naam and are living with it.


    Quote from Singh2 Jee "In sikhism one has to be given Gurmantra."

    Please listen. Guru Arjan Dev Jee is singing.

    ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਗੁ ਸਾਧੂ ਦਸਿਆ ਜਪੀਐ ਗੁਰਮੰਤੁ ॥

    हरि मारगु साधू दसिआ जपीऐ गुरमंतु ॥

    Hari maarag saadhoo dasiaa japeeai gurmantu. sggs ang 321-11

    Reverend Gurdev is revealing the fact. He was told the path of Hari by a Saadhoo. This is how everybody japs Gurmantra.

    Please let me know why sick preachers are pleading not to visit a Saadhoo.

    I feel the frustration is growing among people. They are searching aimlessly new ways or that they have lost.

    It is interesting to observe. Their minds have convinced them that they are on the right path as they are moving.

    All lost ones are moving. All in silence have reached solace.

    I have not come across one explanation from a Baabaa of either lobby whose words emit truth.


    Question from gsingh00 Jee "If one does jaap of the mantar "mangowala" what will the phal of such a jaap be?"

    Eat mangoes when you want to eat mangoes. Never try to eat Mangowala.

    Hari kaa Naam and Hari kaa Aam is the same Padaarath.


    Balbir Singh: "Who wants to meet Mahaakaal?"

    Shaheediyaan: "Is that a threat?"

    Balbir Singh: "No, this is an invitation from Mahaakaal attached to all who took birth."

    Here is a couplet for people without Naam.

    Zindagee maot teree manzil hai.

    Aur koee raastaa hee naheeN.

    Balbir Singh

  2. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Ragmaala Jee!

    Quote "Sikhs attach with Guru Naanak ( Nirankar and Guru Nanak are the same)"

    Nirankaar took birth as Guru Naanak. Is it right?

    Quote " . . . and naturally show devotion even for his sandals out of immense love."

    Why only sandals, where are other things from Him?

    Quote "I fail to understand your question of promotion ...?"

    I try it again. Should more Sikhs get training to worship sandals followed by devotion and love?

    Quote "Game of love cannot be explained with human logic, . . ."

    You may be right. First mind should stop working.

    Quote "If I loved someone I would not only worship my loved one but also hold the object that reminds me of my loved on in high regard."

    I am not sure if it is always true. The other day a friend was complaining. He loves his wife. But he does not love her when she comes on bed wearing sandals. Loving two at the same time is not possible.


    Also, I couldn't find the meaning of the word kausi in Mahaankosh. Is this word available in the dictionary of love?

    Balbir Singh

  3. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Ragmaala Jee!

    Quote "He is just telling how muslims at Mecca became such great devotees of Guru Nanak that they asked for his khadava , for worshipping them."

    I thought Muslims do not worship sculptures or symbols.

    In one line you wrote "we attach with Him not with his possessions." In the next line you wrote "Nevertheless, I must also say that such objects or points of devotions like Sandals, Shasters of Gurus , their clothings and other belongings serve as a means of channeling one's love and devotion, and eventually meeting the Owner of these possessions."

    What should Sikhs do now? Should they attach with Guru Naanak, his possessions or Nirankaar?


    Quote from Kam1825 Jee "The Gurus left many items with many sevaks during their life to remember them."

    I am looking forward to meeting someone whom Gurus left with Naam.

    Have I understood it correctly? Sikhs should promote worship of wooden slippers even if Muslims do not return those.

    Balbir Singh

  4. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Das Jee!

    Thanks for your efforts.

    You started with these words "Naad means harmony, a process of harmony through which the "Aad", the Infinity, can be experienced."

    Then you wrote "Naad means 'the essence of all sounds'."

    Is harmony the essence of all sounds?

    Quote "When we chant, we are also using prana, the life force of the universe (atomic energy) to create asound current."

    Are we not using prana when we don't chant?

    Quote "Gurbani is the combination of the tongue with the meridian points."

    May I ask why some worship the combination of paper and ink as Gurbaanee?

    Quote "The whole language of Gurbani has the power to make a person divine, just in its recitation, if done correctly."

    Is that the reason why Baabaas feel they are more divine?

    I do not know anybody who is ready to check if my recitation is correct. I must spare some time from Simran and the Sikh awareness forum.


    Quote from Kaljug Jee "A Mango is only to be obtained from The Mangowala. And there is but One Mangowala."

    Mangowala is one and the same but His trees are at different places.

    I wish and pray you also receive mangoes and eat those in Kaljug.


    Quote from The Khalsa Fauj Jee "Who gives us naam then? Guru Granth Sahib Ji."

    Many Baabaas sit beside Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee on thrones higher than the sitting place of an audience.

    They go on speaking for hours giving others the feel. Baabaa Jee bolde ne.

    Did Baabaa Jee speak with you also?

    Quote "I have never agreed with Balbir."

    Please never agree with him. Never get lost. Come to experience true Naam yourself.

    You may also visit him in 1008 mango tree farms.

    He may also bring mangoes to Malton in August 2009 if you invite him sincerely.

    Quote "The points he makes have holes but I don't have time to answer them right now."

    Are you sure if you are living across the right side of the wall that has holes?

    The Khalsa Fauj Jee, please mention one Vaak from the Dasam Granth that you have understood correctly, you feel.

    You may mention a Vaak from Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee either.

    Balbir Singh

  5. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Kam1825 Jee!

    Quote "Balbir Singh i have heard your arguements before, surprisingly from the Radhasoamis. I take it you are a Radhasoami then!"

    I do not know Radhasoamis. Yes I know a Radha and her Swami.


    Shaheediyan Jee, please take your time. You do not have to stutter.

    This post from you is not clear.

    The best sentence from your post is "Read what I said – I am saying Gurbani is the source of naam – Gurbani is Gur-Shabd – Gur-shabd is Guru – Guru is educator of naam, listening to the Guru, one attains Gur-prasad, one attains naam."

    I hope your mind remembers and does not replace the word Gurbaanee with the Granth.

    Gurbaanee comes direct from the Guru. The Granth comes from different printing presses.


    Quote from das Jee " . . . Waheguru, Satnaam have Nad sound . . ."

    I did not know this. Please elaborate if possible.

    What is Naad?

    Quote " . . . so, basically whole Guru Granth Sahib has Nad shabads/words with Nad sound."

    Quote "He further explained that there are total of only 20 sounds in this world . . ."

    Sri Guru Granth Saahib has a lot more than twenty sounds.

    Balbir Singh

  6. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Laalsingh Jee!

    You asked "who is your dehdari guru?"

    My Guru is the Sabad Guru.

    Some dehdhaarees with pseudo names are trying hard to become my Guru these days.

    By the way the icon attached with your name is the real picture or it is an imagination.

    Quote "What is there to hide?"

    I am not wearing any mask. Have you eyes?

    Let us come back to the main topic.


    Quote from Khalsa Fauj Jee "Naam is attained from Guru.

    Simran is implementation / practice of naam."

    Your statement is wise. Please elaborate it further.

    Is Naam attained while reading Guru and Simran is implemented automatically?

    Is reading Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee and practicing Naam, the same activity?


    Quote from laalsingh Jee "New twist. Fauji is backing dehdari guru Balbir Singh. Fauji doesn't mind swearing at Dasam Granth. But he will support Balbir Singh who says Guru Granth is a book and reading it won't get you anywhere."

    Please consider backing dehdhaaree Sant Baabaa Hari Singh Randhawewaale.

    Laalsingh Jee, please confirm it if you are convinced that Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is not a book.

    Please confirm it also if you are convinced that Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is your God. Sant Baabaa Hari Singh Jee Randhawewaale seems to be convinced with it.


    Quote from singh2 Jee "When fauji has no answer for Dasam granth questions, balbir steps in to divert the thread and

    thus protect fauji. It happened in thread of Charitropakhayan and mahakal. So they are two

    sides of same coin."

    The Dasam Granth is a wonderful collection of Hymns from Guru Gobind Singh Jee. It reveals wisdom of Naam and its working on consciousness. I hoped that you are a smart Giyaanee who can convince seekers by his experience. But you were only copying and pasting wrong translations of the Guru's Statements.

    I feel you also need to taste mangoes first.


    Without receiving the wisdom of true Naam Simran who can understand and express anything about the reverend Guru's Words?

    God is not experienced in the laboratory of languages.

    Balbir Singh

  7. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and laalsingh Jee!

    Quote "My baba is Baba Nanak."

    It is great to hear it.

    Is this the reason you call your preachers Baba?

    Quote "I am sure you are not promoting Him."

    Baba Nanak may not be happy. Don't look for others.


    Quote from Shaheediyan Jee "You carry on munching on your mangoes, those who want to taste amrit, read gurbani, they memorise Gurbani, they do vichaar on Gurbani, they live and experience Gurbani - they SING gurbani."

    Better stop first preaching that reading Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee is Naam Simran, like your Baabaas.

    Without Naam the world is a business, just as your Baabaas are doing it.

    Please listen. Guru Naanak Dev Jee is singing.

    ਹਰਿ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਬਿਨਾ ਜਗੁ ਧੰਧਾ ॥

    हरि के नाम बिना जगु धंधा ॥

    Hari ke naam binaa jagu dhandhaa. sggs ang 358


    Thanks for the wonderful reference from Gurdev.

    ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਪੜੀਐ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗੁਣੀਐ ॥

    हरि गुण पड़ीऐ हरि गुण गुणीऐ ॥

    Hari guN paRIai Hari guN guRIai. sggs ang 95

    May I ask why have you and your Baabaas replaced the reverend Guru's word 'Hari guN' with the fourteen hundred and thirty pages of Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee?

    Please answer this without deviating.

    Balbir Singh

  8. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all!

    Quote from Laalsingh Jee "Some people remained thirsty even after having company of Gurus, Jesus, Mohamad, Krishna. What are you trying to imply here?"

    Some come near the source of water. Still, they remain thirsty. Why?

    Please do not trust Baabaas who cannot quench your thirst.

    Quote "Only chosen ones have this thirst."

    All are thirsty. Most of them are knocking at the wrong doors for water.

    Quote "Quenching will happen only when Waheguru wishes."

    In my experience, quenching happens in the company of true Saints. God's wish is recognized.

    Quote "You are promoting yourself or some other baba/swami? Please specify."

    Do you promote yourself when you write on this forum?

    For sure I am not promoting your Baabaa.


    Quote from Singh2 Jee "Balbir does not believe in word waheguru."

    You are again off the track and have understood your mind.


    Quote from Ekta Jee "Please provide proof. It is easy to criticize. Back up your implied assertion using Gurbani."

    Not even one Vaak is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee that explains that by reading it Naam slides in 'apne aap'.

    Please provide proof of that what your Baabaa is saying using Gurbaanee.


    Quote from gsingh00 Jee "obviously a sikh is to do jaap of gurmantar, Baba Hari Singh is not trying to say that gurmantar jaap isn't important;"

    But this Baabaa Jee is saying 'jeRe log kehnde ne ji naam japnaa chahidaa baanee te naam japne da updes dendee hai galt baat hai onaa lokaaN dee.' Why?

    Is Gurmantar not Naam?

    Thanks for referring the wonderful Vaaks from Gurdev.

    Do these Vaaks suggest to read their written work and Naam slides in by itself?

    I feel you are smart enough. Please try to find out what the reverend Gurus say about reading.


    Shaheediyan Jee, when one wants to eat mangoes he does not start reading a book about it.

    Balbir Singh

  9. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all!

    Gurdev is singinging, please listen.

    ਏਹਾ ਸੇਵਾ ਚਾਕਰੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਸੈ ਮਨਿ ਆਇ ॥

    एहा सेवा चाकरी नामु वसै मनि आइ ॥

    ehaa sevaa chaakree naamu vasai mani aai.

    ਨਾਮੈ ਹੀ ਤੇ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਈਐ ਸਚੈ ਸਬਦਿ ਸੁਹਾਇ ॥੧॥

    नामै ही ते सुखु पाईऐ सचै सबदि सुहाइ ॥१॥

    naamai hee te sukhu paaeeai sache sabadi suhaai. sggs ang 34

    Once Naam is entered and settled Sevaa begins.

    Balbir Singh

  10. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all!

    Without the wisdom of Naam all kinds of Sevaa are ego oriented.

    After receiving the wisdom of Naam all that one does becomes Sevaa.

    Please Listen, Guru Amar Daas Jee is singing.

    ਸਬਦਿ ਮਿਲਹਿ ਤਾ ਹਰਿ ਮਿਲੈ ਸੇਵਾ ਪਵੈ ਸਭ ਥਾਇ ॥

    सबदि मिलहि ता हरि मिलै सेवा पवै सभ थाइ ॥

    sabadi milahi ta hari milai sevaa pavai sabh thaai. sggs ang 27

    Balbir Singh

  11. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Gsingh00 Jee!

    You wrote " . . . and i personally agree that those pracharaks that say bani is just updesh to jap naam are misguiding sangataan."

    Surely Reverend Gurus sing about many matters but those are all about the result of Jap Naam or not doing it.

    Quote " . . . sampardai gyanis and steeks/commentaries . . . have never reduced bani to the level of just being updesh to jap naam,"

    The true Sikh (learning) from Gurdev is Jap Naam, not following any Samparda or reading steeks/commentaries. Rest all that reverend Gurus sing is the result of it.

    Quote "Baba Hari Singh said in that recording that as one reads bani, naam will automatically be absorbed inside of you."

    Please do this favor to the whole mankind. Provide one reference from the reverend Gurus where they say that 'as one reads bani, naam will automatically be absorbed inside of you'. I will also be grateful.

    Quote "The power of bani is limitless and trying to tie it up to suit ones own motives can only be the work of the shiromani moorakh."

    Whom will you put on the top of the shiromani moorakh list if the technique suggested by Baabaa Hari Singh Jee is completely against that what the true Gurus say?


    Request from N30 S!NGH Jee "I must request main author of this topic to post the whole katha where this portion is mentioned."

    Moderator Ekta Jee and Kam1825 Jee have this kathaa and are playing a constructive role for this forum already. Please ask them first.

    Quote "Also veer singh2, nothing wrong what he said. He is talking about higher stages of simran where one does not need to actually make an effort or have forna that lets do simran, its happening automatically.. he just happen to put in very blunt terms."

    You may be right. Perhaps he was talking with the audience that has reached that state of consciousness.

    Quote "Obviously, it will irked maryada purushutam singhs on a panthic level who themselves haven't heard of higher stages of simran."

    Perhaps Balbir Singh is one of those who got irked when he heard Baabaa Jee saying 'eh galat parchaar hai es te viswaas na kar baithio, nuksaan hoegaa. jeRe log kehnde ne ji naam japnaa chahidaa baanee te naam japne da updes dendee hai galt baat hai onaa lokaaN dee. Gurmat to ult parchaar hai ona lokaa da. ja te ona noo bhalekhaa pai gaiaa hai ja jaan bujh ke sikhi da nuksaan karan lage ai. dona cho ik gal zaroor hai."


    Quote from navjot2 Jee "balbir i like your posts but we should be careful about doing ninda of people. even if we feel they are misguided."

    My love, service and dedication toward true Sikhi are bigger than the conflicts with such preachers.

    Balbir Singh

  12. Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

    Dear all and Kam1825 Jee!

    Thanks for your post.

    You wrote "That is Sant hari Singh Ji, you can find the full katha on gurmatveechar."

    I hope Singh2 Jee may get convinced also when he hears the full katha (story). Please provide the link as I could not find it on gurmatveechaar website.

    Quote " . . . i suggest you listen to the whole mp3 rather then the snippet as it does not sound right on its own."

    Does the meaning of these words from Sant Baabaa Hari Singh Randhawawale will change when someone hears the whole katha?

    Quote "The Nuksaan is for the moderna day parcharaks twisting gurbani with their own ideals as we can see on this forum today!"

    Are you sure he had in his mind a plan to damage other parcharaks while doing this katha?

    Have you heard this katha? I may take some time and exchange some more views on this katha if you are ready.

    I have never heard anybody earlier mixing the true Guru's words with statements from others in such a manner.

    I am not amused.

    Balbir Singh

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