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Posts posted by Arsh1469

  1. Saw some people talking about Banda so here we go. He was not a true Sikh and we should not hold him in a holy light. He was a Good General but not a good Skkh or even person. He was genocideal and like Hitler who blamed WW1 on the Jews he blamed it on the Muslims. He killed them brutally. Sant Jarnail Singh says he was a fake guru and compared him to thr Nirankari Gurus. There is an overwhelming evidence proving he did killings of innocents. 

  2. On 9/23/2018 at 12:00 PM, Xylitol said:

    He mentioned, for example, that a singh came to him who had done chalisa of Chandi di Vaar without the appropriate viddhi. After about 20 days he came to see Baba ji b/c blood had started coming out of his stool, his nose, his mouth... There is a right way to go about doing these things so you should speak to a mahapurkh before beginning. 

    Bhul Chak Maaf

  3. 13 hours ago, sevak said:

    This new thing by the Liberals -wont allow boarding of flights, trains. 

    How is NDP? 

    Conservatives are anti-immigration.

    The NDP are good I feel the only "bad" policy is increasing the Minimum Wage the Liberals are just hypocritical. Promise to tax ultra rich vote against it. Promise to help the environment buy and make oil pipelines. Promise free pharmacare vote against it.

  4. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Look, he's been fantacising about being the next Winston Churchill since young. He's made a few gaffes in articles he wrote for the Spectator.  But more than this, is the feeling you get in england these days. 

    Tories always seem to play around with the race card. Dog whistling. Whenever they are in power, street level racists get emboldened. 

    That's not to say I think Labour are worth shyte these day either. 

    Where are you btw? 


  5. 1 hour ago, paapiman said:

    Can you please provide a source for the above?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    Niccolao Manucci wrote first hand accountes of the Mughal empire and he says almost a 100,000 people were diying every year to the Marathas. The war lasted 27 years getting us 2.7 million deaths. (He says this in Storia do Mughal India volume 6 Page 96)https://archive.org/details/storiadomogororm04manu/page/96/mode/2up



  6. I am viting for NDP. In 2019 I was all conservative but their leader is jot for me. NDP has a strong platform with Jagmert Singh as there leader who is a strong leader. He will make everything good. In my riding people usally vote for Liberal not because the MP has done good or the leader but because the MP is a Sikh. I wish Jagmeet will win but he likely won't win the election but I hope (In a realistic situation) that he gets as many seats as he can and Conservative win beating the Liberals. I despise the Liberals and the polls have been showing them going down everyday so that is good. Who will you be voting for?

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