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Posts posted by LettingGo

  1. @Jageera Veer ji, would love to hear how your recovery/life/spiritual journey is going?

    My experience has been that relapse (fortunately and unfortunately) has been part of the journey and has humbled me again and again just enough so that I may be ready again to ‘give myself completely’ to play that game of love our dear Guru ji speaks off (“Jio tho prem kiln ka chao.... “ ) . I’m just Sharing my experience here, not saying I that it is will be the same for others.

    My experience is that of the last 10 years after being introduced to recovery (through drug and alcohol treatment centres which focused on many tools including 12 step recovery), Guru ji certainly was the ‘power greater than myself’ that I incorporated and it was easier to reconnect as I had grown up with it all around me.  I have spent most of these years clean as a result, however despite wonderful gifts flooding back into my life (more talking non-material gifts here), for me it remains on the level of a daily commitment, reallly moment to moment to choose the path being ‘liv’ or ‘taat’. Have to remind myself that it is Gurprasad that a pathway of recovery was even shown to me, that I am able to take a breath and that really I cannot take credit for all the grace that Guru bestows on me.

    Above, I am referring to relapses after having being introduced to whatever method of recovery and finding great excitement in being clean, feeling Guru Ji’s blessing and love and knowing that ‘void’ was indeed a spiritual one and was being filled and that intoxication was not even a thought — through to the addiction, 5 doots, ego, the ‘disease’, ‘kaal’ whatever you wish to call it taking over and eventually a relapse.

    It has been painful and I do have a growing fear that I may have squandered the gift sometimes but I hope you are enjoying a new life and Guruji continues to guide your way home.

    Would love to connect and hear from you :) 

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