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Everything posted by Iamgupt

  1. There is no link anywhere, can you please post it or say where it can be found
  2. I haven't actually said that I'm a Bibi it is not natural, it's that simple. I think most panth today has not understood the real essence of kes rehat hence have these ridiculous ideas that a Bibi keeping a beard is chardikala.
  3. Sorry but that is an insane mindset. You don't know that that is what guru Gobind Singh Jee wants. Back to my original question are there any other groups or sants etc that have a common sense approach to this?
  4. Are there any sampradas or jathe or sants that have a understanding approach to amritdhari bibia who don't feel they should have to keep a beard if they have medical conditions? Sometimes treating the problem medically does not stop a huge amount of kes on face (I mean similar to a teenage boy). Are there any groups that have an allowance for amritdhari bibia to remove this if they have serious medical issues and it is a hugely excessive amount of hair (mini beard)?
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