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Everything posted by Agartha_Zen

  1. **Many Sants like Sant Tulsi Das, Goswami Lakshminath Paramhans, Sant Kabir, Sahib Surdas Ji, Sant Tukaram Ji, and Shri Maharshi Mehi unanimously pronounce that all human beings — irrespective of gender, age, occupation, and race — have an equal right to follow the inner path to the Divine. This view is verifiable by the fact that many Sants and sages, including Sant Kabir, Sant Ravidas, Sant Garibdas were born in ‘lower castes’ and in the lower strata of their society. Many ancient sages like Vyasa and Narada also have unusual births. Sant Tulsidas emphasizes that physical conditions, including birth in lower caste, poverty, and a lack of bodily beauty do not inhibit the progress of the soul. Sants declare that we are all children of one Supreme Being, God. This Divine Being is all compassionate and generous and does not have preference for any persons on the basis of their birth, class, or gender. However, there are certain disciplines all seekers must follow in order to tread this inner path to realize the Divine. According to Maharshi Mehi, “There are a number of necessary observances required to tread the spiritual path.” Observances: Complete faith in one Divine Being, determination to realize the Divine within, service to the guru, satsang (association of the Sants and the study of scriptures), and steadfast meditation. Prohibitions: Use of intoxicants, practice of adultery, lying, violence (causing suffering to other beings, eating the flesh of animals), and stealing. The Traveler of the Inner Subtle Path, by Swami Vyasanand** God/Brahman is the Ocean of Love and Consciousness (Divinity_IS): SANT MAT (godbrahmanistheoceanofloveandconsciousnessdivinityis.com) SANT MA
  2. The Divine Light is within everyone; You are that Light. From its brilliancy everything is illuminated. By the Guru’s Teachings, this Divine Light is revealed. https://www.godbrahmanistheoceanofloveandconsciousnessdivinityis.com/2021/06/guru-nanak-dev-ji.html
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